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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 13

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel






✮(??? ?????? ????????)✮

Their score for the project came out and all
those who did their project like Alex and Abbie,
Rudy and Zoey, and others.. They had perfect
scores while some who didn’t, failed it.

Today was a grand day because it’s going to be
the annual sports festival and that year, it was
going to be hosted in their school.

The college was filled with people coming from
different universities. It was a perfect day to
socialize with people and also a perfect day for

Violet and the backup dancers were in a hall,
getting ready for opening dance. Well as she
said earlier, she won she’ll be the one to open
the dance.

One of the backup dancers were Alex..

The makeup artists finished her makeup and
she smiled, seeing her reflection on the mirror.

Violet stood up proudly and turned to Alex who
was warming up. Just like the other backup
dancers, he was wearing black.

“How do I look?” Violet asked Alex with the aim
of mocking her.

Alex looked up and glanced at her.

She was wearing black crop top with a crop
leather jacket on top and leather pants too,
looking really Șëx¥ as usual.

“Good” Alex replied to her question and looked

Violet smiled and came closer..

“These days I’ve been seeing you with Alex a lot
of time and I just wanna tell you to stop wasting
your time.. He’s just gonna f_ck you and move
on.. Lot of girls has actually thought they will
change him but they couldn’t succeed and don’t
think that a flat and ugly thing like you will
change him” Violet smirked.

“Besides,, the only girl Alex cares about.. Is me”
Violet chuckled.

Alex just stared at her, he just couldn’t recognize
her. What happened to the sweet Violet he
thought he knew?

“We’re up in 4 minutes” A man announced.

“Hope you do well.. Too bad you can’t do better
than me” Violet chuckled and left with the other
backup dancers.

Alex frowned and followed them.

The hall was filled to the brink with people
coming from all sorts of universities, whispering
at their neighbors.

The light dimmed and the spotlight came on,
shining on the stage. That’s when they saw
Violet there, looking Șëx¥ and ravishing.

Abbie who was sitting in the crowd next to
Julian rolled her eyes..

“Just wait till I get my body back” Abbie

“Cry for me” by Camilla Cabello began and she
began dancing s*xily, following the rhythm of
the music.

The hall was so quite as they watched her

? Who’s she?

? She’s a student of L&C University I think

? So beautiful and… f_ck!

?When I said I hope you’re happy, didn’t mean
Never thought you’d be so good at moving on
When I’m lying wide awake, you’re probably
And maybe what I’m thinking is wrong

I want you to cry for me, cry for me
Say you’d d-d-die for me, die for me
And if you can’t, then maybe, lie for me, lie for
‘Cause you haunt me when I’m dreamin’
And it’s time you know the feeling
So cry for me

See that pretty life in pictures
See your lips erasing me
You’re so good to her, it’s vicious
Yeah, she should be thanking me
Ohh, who’s gonna touch you like me?
Yeah, tell me: Who?
Who can make you forget about me??

The people in there began vibing to the music
and soon the backup dancers came in and they
began dancing in unison till at the end were
they struck a pose

Wild screams erupted in the hall. Violet smiled
and blew kisses at everyone before the curtain

“And now! I officially announce our yearly sport
festival… Open!!” The emcee said and people
began screaming here and there.

“I’ll be going, need to prepare for the basketball
game” Abbie stood up from her seat.

“Sure man” Julian said and Abbie left..

Abbie went to the backstage to see Alex gulping
down on a bottled water, sweating..

He smirked when he saw her…

“Brat!” Alex muttered.

“Too bad I wasn’t able to beat Violet” Alex said.

“It’s okay,, once I get back my body I’ll set her
back to her place” Abbie shrugged.

Violet who was watching them from afar began
glaring at them.

“I was the spotlight of the day and Alex came to
congratulate her!!” Violet thought, glaring at

“The basketball game will soon start, hope I do
as well as you though” Abbie shrugged.

“Bye..” Abbie waved.

“Break a leg!” Alex said.

Abbie turned and for the first time, she smiled at
him before leaving..

Alex slowly smiled..

“Maybe this body swapping thing isn’t bad” Alex
muttered and turned to leave then met Violet
glaring at him

He sighed and went his way..


Luckily the school’s basketball court was big so
it was filled to the brink with people awaiting for
the match to begin.

The soccer and handball game was also going
on at this time so the audience can choose
which one they would want to watch.

Of course majority of people choose to watch
the basketball game. Who would want to miss
seeing Alex (Abbie) playing??

Even those schooling in other universities have
heard of him and they want to see him in
person to know how handsome he is…

Abbie already changed to the school’s official
jersey. She was sitting in the dressing room,
biting her nail.

She always have a panic attack when about to
do something big.

“Can’t believe the almighty Alexander Leighton
is having a panic attack,, so funny.” Tyler
laughed as he wore his jersey.

“C’mon bro! You can’t start having a panic
attack now,, everything will be fine okay?”
Everett muttered

Abbie took deep breaths and nodded, trying to
revive her self confidence..

“Alright,, let’s do it.. Let’s win the cup!?” Abbie
said loudly.

“Yes captain!!” His other members replied

Tyler rolled his eyes and left the room. Alex and
the other members left the room too

“And here comes,,, Sunnyside College!!” The
emcee presented and people began cheering as
the opponent team made their entry..

“Now we have the…. L&C University!!!” He said
and people began screaming madly as Abbie
and the team made their entry..

? L&C University will win again. With Alex in
our team, nothing can stop us!!

? OMFG!! That’s the Alex guy!! He’s so

? Those biceps and those pink lips!!

Abbie forced a smile as she waved at the girls
screaming Alex’s name.

“Must he always have this much admirers??”
She thought..

Her eyes caught Alex who was standing with
the cheerleaders, already changed in their outfit.
He gave her a thumbs up and she nodded
before looking front.

“Go Alex!! Go baby!!” Beauty kept screaming to
the top of her voice. She was sitting in the
audience seat.

Lately, Beauty noticed Alex has been distant
with girls in general. She thought that maybe
he’s playing hard to get.

Violet who was sitting not far from her hissed
and rolled eyes..

Abbie and four other members stood on the
stage, facing five opponent members.

The referee blew the whistle and threw the ball
in the air then the match began..

“Go L&C University, you’re the best.. We’ll win
the cup, we’ll win the day.. Yay! Yay! Yay!” The
cheerleaders did their job.

“Dammit!!” Everett cursed when the opponent
team scored 2 points..

“The match isn’t over” Abbie patted his back
and he nodded then smiled.

They continued the game till the first half was
over and they gave them 10 minutes break

The score was at 40-36 in favor of Sunnyside

“They’re quite good” Everett said, breathing
heavily after gulping down water.

“Yes but it’s not the time nor the place to give
up. 4 points difference is nothing, we’ll catch up
and then we’ll win this match who’s with me!”
Abbie said

? Yes!!!!

“Since when did you began giving life
inspirational quotes huh?” Everett teased.

“10 minute’s over, let’s go and win this cup!!”
Abbie said and they began screaming while
going back to play

Abbie paused beside Tyler..

“If you play again solo, I’ll replace you” Abbie
said and without waiting for his reply, she went

“Who the f-__-k does he think he is!!” Tyler gritted
his teeth.

The second half began and this time around
L&C University aren’t joking at all..

The game became so intense when Everett
scored a two points and it was now at 50-50

People like Violet and Beauty were almost
standing due to how intense it was.

Even Zoey and Whitney wasn’t left out..

(Alma didn’t come to watch because she was
warming up for the foot race)

It went on like that till there was just 5 minutes

4 minutes..

3 minutes…

Even the cheerleaders stopped to watch.. Alex
was almost biting his fingers.

40 seconds remaining, Abbie succeeded in
taking the ball from the opponent. She dribbled
the person who came at her and then jumped
before $h00ting at the net.

The ball hit the ring of the net and began rolling
round the ring

Alex’s eyes widened, praying for it to enter.

It rolled and rolled till it finally entered the net.

? Yayyyyy!!!!!!

The hall went in an uproar and the final whistle
was blown.

It ended with a score of 43-40, in favor of L&C

“We did it!!” The members jumped on Abbie,
except Tyler.

Abbie laughed in happiness as they all went
down. She looked at Alex who was smiling, he
nodded at her.

She smiled back.


Alex walked out of the changing room, back into
his normal outfit.

“Actually, it’s not bad wearing a crop top” He

Suddenly, someone pulled him to an alley and
the pinned him against the wall.

His eyes widened but a frown settled on his
face when he saw it was Lucas and he almost
rolled his eyes.

“Babe,, I really missed you. Why weren’t you
replying my texts?” Lucas said

“I’m sorry,, was so hooked up in training for this
day” Alex said with a forced smile on his face.

“Really? But I always see you around my
brother” Lucas said.

“Tell me, is he bothering you??” Lucas asked

“Oh no! Not at all,, we were project partners

“Alright, I was wondering if you could come
sleep over tomorrow at our house” Lucas asked,
scratching his head.

“Uhh, I don’t know but I’ll think about it” Alex
smiled and made to leave but he held his hand

“What again?” He mentally rolled his eyes.

“I love you babe” Lucas said

Alex turned to him with a force smile on his

“Me too Lucas” He said and left.

“Lucas? It’s not longer Lu-Lu anymore?” He
thought as he watched her leave.


The festival were over and everyone were
gathered outside waiting for the winner to be

The president of L&C University, a tall guy in
third year climbed the stage and took the mic

Alma won the foot race but unfortunately she
lost in the swimming competition.

“Greetings dear ladies and gentlemen, I trust you
had a fun filled day… Sadly, good things must
have an end and it’s an honor for me to
announce the winner of this year’s festival” He
said and opened the envelope.

“And this year’s winner is… L&C University!!” He
announced and screamed filled the place.

Alex’s and Blaire’s father climbed the stage to
shake the hand of the school’s president as the
cup was handed to him since he represents the
whole school.

Alex clapped happily from his seat.

They began giving trophies to people who were
outstanding. Abbie got a trophy as the captain
of the day, even Violet got a trophy too, and
many more..


“It hurts…ahh!!” Alex rolled on the bed, holding
his tummy.

Abbie who was sitting in front of Alex’s laptop
kept laughing at him..

“Now you see what we ladies go through every
month” Abbie kept laughing.

It just so happened that he’s in his period.. It
started an hour ago..

Well Alex called Veronica and told her she’ll be
staying at a friend’s house and Abbie told Lilian
same too, they’re planning on using the night on
finding ways to go back to their original selves.

“Now that I look at you,, maybe it’s not bad
staying in your body for a while or two” Abbie
smirked and Alex shot her a pillow

She resumed mocking him.

“I’m dying… God save me!! Argh!!” Alex began

“Hey hush down! The neighbor will start
thinking someone is getting ràped” Abbie said
but he began crying louder.

Abbie sighed and walked to the kitchen. She
boiled water and poured it in a cup then handed
it to him.

“Drink,, it’ll sooth the pain” She said and he
immediately took it and made to gulp it but
paused when it burned his lips.

Abbie walked back to the laptop and resumed
her search..

“What are you searching?” Alex asked, slowly
sipping on the cup.

“Since there’s no scientific explanation of what
happened to us, I’m searching for the non
scientific one” Abbie said.

“You mean superstitious things? It doesn’t exist”
Alex said.

“I also thought swapping bodies was fake but
look at us now..” Abbie turned the swivel chair
to face him.

“So if I’m following your line of thinking then
you’re insinuating that there’s something
unusual that happened that day and that
resulted to our bodies being swapped?” Alex
asked standing up from the bed, walking
towards her.

“Yeah” Abbie said

“But there’s nothing unusual that happened that
day,, I mean we were bickering each other as
usual till I forcefully kissed you and…” Alex
paused and his eyes widened.

“The kiss!” Abbie’s eyes widened too.

“Yeah, I kind of felt some sparks when I did that”
Alex said.

“Yeah.. Me too” Abbie rubbed her chin.

“So if the kiss was why our bodies got swapped,
, maybe if we kiss back then we’ll go back to
normal” Alex said.

Abbie bit her lips at the sound of “kissing back”

“I.. I don’t know. Lucas, I’ll be-”

“You’re still thinking about that dimwit at this
moment? If we don’t find a solution to what’s
happening to us then you’ll never be with your
precious Lucas” Alex said, slightly irritated at
the mention of Lucas. Was it irritation or

No one knows..

Abbie thought for a while and heaved deep
breaths before closing her eyes and puckering
her lips.

Alex twitched his face at the idea of kissing his
own lips but nevertheless, he closed his eyes
and leaned down to were she was sitting.

And like that, their lips slowly met…


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