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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 11

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel


✮(?????????? ℌ??’? ???? ????????!!)✮

Abbie quickly got out of her car and
immediately girls swoon around her. She
swallowed hard, starring at them all.

The rainbow hair color already faded since two
days has passed.

? Alex!! We love you!!

? I love your outfit of today

? A night please.. Just one!

“Uhh excuse me” Abbie said and immediately
left the crowd.

Her eyes kept darting around the school as she
walked. If she’s in the body of Alex then Alex
must be in hers

“What the f-__-k is the meaning of all these” She
said inwardly.

Just at that moment, she spotted her body
(Alex). Alex’s eyes widened when she saw her.

Abbie walked to him and grabbed him by the

“We need to talk!” Abbie said and made to take
him away but Rudy stopped her.

“Where are you taking my sister to?” Rudy

“Uhh,, it’s okay Rudy.. I’ll follow him” Alex
chuckled nervously.

Rudy looked at the both of them then touched
Alex’s head before leaving. Alex frowned at that.

“Come here!” Abbie took him to an empty

They both began starring at each other..

“Abbie/Alex” They said at the same time and
immediately exclaimed.

“What the f-__-k is this!? Why did I wake up in
your body!! What happened!!” Abbie
immediately began panicking..

“We swapped bodies? How’s that possible!!”
Alex exclaimed.

“Oh gosh!! Upon all the pretty girls I hard to
swap bodies with,, it had to be you. Why did you
even come into my life!!” Alex flared up.

Abbie immediately frowned.

“You think it’s funny to me? You think I like
being in the body of an arrogant jerk like you!!”
Abbie shouted.

“Can’t believe someone will see my body for
free.. My precious body!!” Abbie cried

“As if there’s something on this body that I’ve
never touched nor f-__-ked before” Alex scoffed

They both began glaring at each other.. Abbie

“Picking at each other won’t solve matters.. Let’s
just look for a way to fix things. I’m sure there
must be a scientific explanation to all these”
Abbie said.

“You’re right, let’s work on how to return to our
original body then after that,, you leave my life
for. Deal?” Alex stretched his hands.

“Deal..” Abbie accepted his handshake.

Alex looked at Abbie with a funny look on his
face. It’s so creepy and weird looking at one’s
own body in front of him and not on the mirror.

“What’s up with the pink T-shirt, are you trying to
disgrace me? Wait first of all, how did this find
it’s way to my wardrobe” Alex said.

“I should ask you the same question, what’s up
with the oversized shirt and long baggy jean..”
Abbie said.

“This was the only decent clothe in your
wardrobe so I decided to wear it. All your clothes
are either crop top, mini gowns, or mini skirts”
Alex said.

“But that’s my dressing code! If you’re in my
body then you’ll start dressing like me!” Abbie

“Same goes to you,, brat!” Alex said and hissed
at how girlish his voice was.

“Are you two still gonna stand there, arguing of
what I don’t understand or should we go to our
hall” Julian said with Whitney standing beside

They both turned to him. Whitney smiled widely
and ran then hugged Alex who swallowed hard
as his hand began going to her @zz.

Abbie immediately gave him the “don’t you dare
do something funny” look and he paused.

“Sorry for going back early, I was feeling down
so I decided to go home” Whitney explained.

“It’s alright… Uhh,,,” He began searching for her

“Whitney” Abbie mouthed.

“Whitney! Yeah, Whitney…” Alex laughed

“Let’s go..” Julian hung his arm round Abbie’s

“How was your night dude?” Julian asked.

Abbie looked at his hand on her shoulder then
at his face.

“It was nice” Abbie replied with a forced smile as
they walked to their LH.


The lectures were currently going on but Blaire
and Della were in a classroom, preparing their
next plan on how to get back at Abbie.

The door opened and Estella walked in. She was
actually attending her lectures when Blaire
texted her to come.

“You asked me to come?” Estella said.

“Yeah, I want you to do something for me… I
want you to keep an eyes on that Korean
wench!! Keep a close eye on her and then report
to me something crucial, something personal
that I can use to get back at her” Blaire said.

If not for the fact that Abbie still has the video
with her, she could have reported her to her
father and then allowed him to deal with her..

“Blaire, I don’t think I can do it.. My GPA in first
year was really low and I have to study harder
so I can balance with my GPA in this year”
Estella explained.

Blaire chuckled, same as Della..

“Look at my face Stella,, do I look like someone
who cares of your dàmn GPA?? You can fail for
all I care but remember to report to me every
single detail about that girl!!” Blaire shouted.

“Yeah besides it’s because of Blaire’s father that
you’re in this school.. You also don’t want the
whole school to know of your “job” right,,, Star?”
Della air quoted the word “job” while Blaire

Estella bit her lips and looked down.

“I’ll do wh@ťěver you want Blaire” Estella said.

“Good,, now shoo!” Blaire waved her hand as if
she was chasing off an animal.

Estella turned and quietly left the hall while
Blaire and Della laughed.

Estella brought out her small phone which had
several cracks on the screen and she turned it
on.. She smiled as she saw a picture of a girl of
12 years old.

“Patience baby sis,, your sister is gonna save
you” She muttered as a drop of tear fell on the

She quickly cleaned her tear before anyone will
notice and immediately masked up with the
usual arrogant look on her face.


Abbie walked to the basketball court as she
checked Alex’s phone. Luckily, he saved all his
daily program of his phone so it was easy to
know where she’ll be going next.

“Can’t believe I’ll be playing basketball! I’ve
never touched a ball in my life before so how
I’m I supposed to do that..” Abbie kept thinking
as she walked.

Her thoughts were interrupted with the usual
screaming of the girls

? Alex!!!!

“Shut the f-__-k up!! Alex here, Alex there… Give
him!- I mean me some breathing space!! Let me
thinking in peace!!” Abbie snapped at the girls.

She hissed and walked in the basketball court.

? …..

“Captain, you’re late..” Tyler scoffed and rolled
his eyes. He didn’t mean the “captain” he said.

“I’m sorry” Abbie replied, shocking Tyler..

Since when is Alex sorry??

“Alex! Cool! You’re here,, I came here to
announce to y’all that the annual sports festival
is next week so you should prepare your team
well. We’re counting on you” The gym coach

Abbie’s eyes widened.

“Next week?! How I’m I gonna prepare them
when I too I know nothing in basketball!!” She
screamed Inwardly.

“Uhh,, okay” She slowly said.

“Cool, I’ll leave you to train” The coach patted
Abbie’s shoulder and left

“Captain, what should we do now” Everett
walked to him and handed him the ball.

“Uhh…” She looked at the ball and gulped down.


“So from today we’ll start an intensive training
because next week our school has the honor of
opening the sports festival and only one among
you will be chosen to do the dance so that
means people will be eliminated” Violet spoke
as she gave them all a stern look

“Of course! You all already know I’ll be the one
chosen since I’m the best around here but it’s
permitted to dream anyways” Violet said
proudly and Alex frowned.

“How sure are you?” Alex asked with a raised
brow and the others gasped.

? OMG… She talked back at Violet!

Violet came and stood in front of him then gave
him a nasty look before she scoffed

“I’m a 100% sure Ɓîtçh! That you nor anyone
here won’t beat me… Ɓîtçh!!” She pushed her
head backwards.

Alex couldn’t do anything than to stare at her.
Was this the sweet Violet he knew,, or he
thought he knew.

He was really…disappointed.

“Alright, in position everyone. Let’s begin the
rehearsals” Violet said and turned to Alex.

“Oh and Abbie,, you’re not needed. Just stand in
the corner and watch us” She smirked and
looked away.

Alex frowned.


Zoey groaned in annoyance as she kept
pressing the the button to take a picture but it
wasn’t going. She began hitting on the table for
it to work

She tried to take a pic but still nothing..

“Argh!” She groaned in frustration.

“Need some help?”

She looked up and her heart palpitate when she
saw it was Rudy.

“Oh,, yeah!!” She smiled awkwardly and Rudy
came to her.

Her face turned red in embarrassment when she
remembered her silly action of yesterday.
Actually, she lied to him that she was just
saying what she saw in a romantic movie and
thankfully, Rudy believed her..

She shook her head back to present.

“So this how you take a good picture.. You
position the camera like this in your hand and
then..” Rudy explained and Zoey did as he
explained but couldn’t still succeed for the
picture she took was blurry.

“How can you join a photography club when
you don’t know how to use a camera” Rudy

“It’s never too late to learn right?” Zoey pouted..

Rudy chuckled and came to stand behind her.
Zoey immediately stiffed up when his hand held

“Zoey?” He called, his breath hitting her neck
and Zoey bit her lips.

“What is he doing to me??” She screamed

“Listen keenly, first don’t shake too much..
Relax” Rudy said.

“How I’m I supposed to do that when you’re
standing right behind me!!!” She screamed

Some girls in the club hall felt jealous watching

? Can’t believe handsome Rudy is helping this
ugly girl with a funny accent.

? I even joined this club coz of him!!

Well not only Alex has a lot of girls crushing on
him, Rudy does too just that he isn’t interested
in any

“Nice! That’s it, you did it” Rudy congratulated
her and took a step away from her.

Zoey finally released the breath she was

“Rudy, can you please help me?” A girl called.

“No Rudy, help me instead.” Another one said



Rudy sighed and pinched his brows. Zoey
chuckled behind him.


Whitney kept humming a melody as she walked
happily along the corridor, admiring everything
she came across

“Wow! This place is so huge..” She giggled as
she walked.

She paused when she began hearing sounds
behind a door.

“Hmm?” She wondered and opened the door.

Her mouth formed a small “O” as she watched
Tyler ramming a girl’s hole from behind.

The basketball training finished minutes earlier

He immediately noticed a presence in the locker
room so he pulled out of the girl..

“Leave” He said and the girl pecked his lips
before leaving

“You again? Can’t you knock!!” Tyler snapped as
he buckled up his belt.

“What was that,, you two were doing?” She
pointed at the desk they were both f_cking.

“You mean to tell me you don’t know what’s s*x,
, nice..” Tyler said sarcastically, not believing a
word what she said.

“Hmm? S*x? What’s that? She seem to be
enjoying it a lot, can we do that too huh!!” Her
eyes beamed.

Tyler’s eyes formed an “O” when he realized she
actually doesn’t know what’s s*x.

“Wait,, You really don’t know” He
asked slowly and she nodded vigorously.

“Lian said that I have amnestia and I forgot
everything” She explained

“Amnestia? Wait,, you mean amnesia?” He
asked and she nodded again.

Tyler pinched his brows..

“Great! Now I have to to explain what’s s*x to
her” He said inwardly.

“Can we do it? Please!!” Whitney pouted.

“Uhh,, when you get home.. You ask Julian to do
to it to you okay?” Tyler said.

“Really? Okay” She smiled widely.

“I wanted to thank you for yesterday. You saved
me from that bad man” Whitney pouted.

“Uhh, welcome?” He thought..

The electronic bell rang.

“It’s time for our next lecture, let’s go!!” Whitney
grabbed his hand and began taking him out.

Tyler looked at her hand holding his and then at

“You look just like a prince! I can call you prince
right??” Whitney stopped to ask him.

“S.. Sure?” Tyler said with a funny look on his

Whitney smiled widely and they resumed


Alex fell on the bench tiredly..

“How can dancing be more tiring than
basketball” He said, massaging his feet which
were aching badly.

He grimace when he saw how small his feet

Abbie entered the room and came in since she
already knows Alex will be here. She already
changed out of the clothes she came with.

“Brat” Alex looked at Abbie who crumpled on the

“I can’t believe it!! My eyes have been
disvirgined from seeing all those Ďïčks.. Me that
I’ve never seen a Ďïčk in my whole life, I’m
carrying one… Why!!” She began crying on the

Well she’s just coming from the male dressing
room with many guys changing out of their
sportswear and her eyes saw what she has
never seen before,, in multitude

“Stop crying!! You’re making me look ridiculous!”
Alex stood up from the bench while limping due
to her throbbing feet.

Abbie cleaned her tears and stood up.

“Did you have your bath after dance practice?”
Abbie asked

“No..” Alex shrugged.

“What!! You need to take one now, my body
always begin to itch badly if I don’t wash off the
sweat off it”

“Now it’s technically my body now so I decide
what I do” Alex said stubbornly

“Remove your clothes and enter the bathroom
now” Abbie said.


“Remove your clothes now!!” Abbie said angrily.

“No, you won’t order me around.. Brat!!” Alex

“I said remove your clothes now!!”

Alma who was coming back from the
swimming pool while gulping water walked in to
change. She paused when she them.

“Remove your clothes now idíot!!!” Abbie barked.

“I said-” Alex paused when he noticed Alma
standing there, looking at them while blinking.

“Okay..” Alma slowly took steps back and
closed the door.

“Wait!! It’s not what you think!!”


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