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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 10

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel



“When Abbie talks you listen like an obedient
dog…got that?” Whitney spatted the words at
her face

She dragged Blaire’s hair even more.

“Argh!!” Blaire cried out.

“Got that!!” Whitney gritted her teeth.

“Yes!! Yes!!” Blaire said loudly.

Whitney snorted and released Blaire’s hair
roughly. Della helped Blaire up and they left the
cafeteria quickly.

“Wow! Girl, you were so badass!!” Alma smiled.

“I just don’t like her” Whitney pouted.

“That serves her right” Abbie chuckled.

Whitney sat down and they resumed their meal..

“Uhh,, hottie?” Beauty called Alex’s attention
back to her.

“Oh,, I’ll see you around hottie” Alex whispered to
her ear and kissed her neck then stood and
walked to Abbie’s table.

Beauty frowned as she watched him go to her.

“Don’t tell me he likes her?!” She thought..

“Hey shapeless brat!” Alex called as he walked
to their table.

? Now Alex is talking to her??

? It’s not up to a month that she’s here and
she’s stealing all the attention.

? I like her!

“What do you want fóol?” Abbie rolled her eyes,
stirring her juice with it’s straw.

“For our project,, wait for me after lectures. Let’s
round up with it..” Alex said.


Alex touched her hair and she slapped his hand
off, glaring at him. He instead winked and left.

“This idíot!! I feel that stabbing him!!” She gritted
her teeth, applying too much force on her juice
that it splashed on her face.

Zoey and Alma began laughing at her.

“That’s how love starts…” Zoey sang.

“But why don’t you like him.. He’s handsome,
not more handsome than Lian though” Whitney

“I just hàte his guts of thinking he can get any
girl he wants” Abbie said, cleaning her face.

“Alright, if you all are through let’s go to our hall.
.. Last lectures will start in 5 minutes” Alma
said, checking the time.

They all stood and Whitney squeezed her face..

“I think I drank too much juice..” Whitney pouted.

“The restroom is upstairs. Second door to your
left” Zoey said.

“Alright, save a seat for me beside you girls!!”
Whitney said and ran off.

“Don’t you think we should follow her?” Abbie

“Relax, she’ll be fine let’s go” Alma grabbed her

“Um, Ha-rin?” Beauty called, coming towards

Alma rolled her eyes.

“I need to ask you something” Beauty said.

“Alright” Abbie smiled and turned to the girls.


“We know already.. See you in class” Alma cut
her off and left.

Zoey went after her.

Abbie turned to Beauty..

“Bestie, I wanted to ask you. That guy who
talked to you minutes ago.. Is he your
boyfriend?” Beauty asked carefully.

“Who? Alex? That stúpid annoying thing? No!!
Hell no!!” Abbie exclaimed

Beauty sighed in relief.

“Thank goodness. That means I still have a
chance.” Beauty bit her lips when she thought
about him.

“Wait don’t tell me you like him?” Abbie crossed
her arms.

“I couldn’t help it!! He was so Șëx¥!! And you
know I have this soft spot for Șëx¥ guys” Beauty
gushed, picturing his face in her head.

“I think he’s the one for me..” Beauty smiled

“Hope you don’t loose your sanity before two
months of being with him” Abbie shrugged.

“So,, I see you two are quite acquainted to each
other. Please can you help me in making him
fall for me? Huh?” Beauty pleaded.

“What? I don’t know, I don’t-”

“Please baby!! Please!!” Beauty pouted her lips.

“Fine!? I’ll try though” Abbie mumbled

“Thanks so much!!” Beauty hugged her tightly.

They broke the hug and Beauty began checking
Abbie out.

“Is it me or you’ve gained weight” Beauty said.

“Really? You think so?” Abbie immediately felt
uncomfortable with herself.

“Yeah,, you should go on a diet to remain fit and
pretty just like me” Beauty said.

“Come, let’s go to our hall” Beauty pulled Abbie

Abbie bit her lips and followed her, still thinking
of what Beauty said.

Actually, back in Korea all of Abbie’s friends
were pretty and so perfect just like Beauty that
sometimes she thought she didn’t fit in..

At one point she went on a extreme diet so that
she’ll look super slim like her friends because
they always taunt her of being “chubby and
ugly” (which she wasn’t). That’s the reason why
she h@ťěs her natural hair color (black) and
prefers to dye it.

That feeling kind of escaped her mind when she
came to America but Beauty just reminded it to


Whitney finished washing her hands and she
got out. She was surprised to see a guy
standing in front of her.

She made to pass him but he blocked her path.

“I was waiting for you..” He smiled.

“W.. What do you want?” Whitney immediately
began trembling for reasons which she doesn’t
know why.

“Actually I saw you at the cafeteria, how you
kicked Blaire and I found it really cool.. So here’s
it,, I really have feelings for you pretty” He said,
scratching his head shyly.

“Feelings? What does he mean by that?”
Whitney wondered.

Thinking that the word “feelings” was an
offensive word, she ignored him and made to

“Hey wait!” The guy grabbed her hand.

“Don’t touch me!!” She slapped his hand off and
fearfully began taking some steps back.

The guy even became confused due to her

“Hey relax, I just wanted to know if we could
date and-” He stretched his hand to touch her
shoulder but she turned and began running
away in fear..

Tears escaped her eyes as she ran. She
suddenly crashed on a hard chest and
immediately hugged him tightly..

“Please.. Save me.. Save me…” She cried,
hugging him tightly.

Tyler’s eyes widened and he blinked in
confusion. What is happening??

“Hey..” He made to break the hug but she
hugged him even more..

“Um, girl-”

“What are you doing to her!!” Julian asked

Whitney upon hearing Julian’s voice turned and
when she saw Julian she ran and jumped on
him like a kid, clamping her legs tightly round
his waist.

“What did you to her!!” Julian barked

Tyler rolled his eyes.

“I was just walking to the restroom when that
girl suddenly hugged me and began crying. Who
do you take me for” Tyler scoffed.

Julian glared at him.

“Stay away from her” He muttered and turned
then began leaving with her in his hand.

Whitney looked up to see Tyler’s face before he
(Tyler) entered the male’s restroom which was
just beside the female’s.

“Thank you” She thought inwardly before she
buried back her face on Julian’s chest.

“Do you want to go home?” Julian asked and
she nodded immediately like a kid.

“Alright, let’s go” He said and left with her in his


The moment the electronic bell was heard,
people began exiting the hall..

“Gosh! I told you it was a bad idea to leave
Whitney alone, what if something bad
happened to her” Abbie panicked.

“And no one has her number” Zoey sighed.

“Let’s just call Julian, she lives with him right?”
Alma suggested.

“Oh yeah!” Abbie immediately brought out her
phone. Thank goodness she exchanged number
with Julian this morning.

“Hello?” She said.

“Really? Alright, I just wanted to know if she’s

“Thanks bye” She hung up and exhaled in relief.

“She’s fine. She wasn’t feeling good so Julian
took her home” Abbie said and the girls nodded.

Beauty stood from her seat and went to Alex’s
seat. Alex smiled upon seeing her and
immediately pulled her to his thigh

A gasp escaped her lips but she smiled

Violet left early because she wasn’t feeling too
well and ever since the public humiliation at the
cafeteria, no one has seen Blaire nor Della.

“Why act surprised? It’s what you want
anyways” Alex said, his face so close to hers.

? I’m now confused.. Is Alex engaged to Blaire
or not?

? Playboy will forever remain a playboy

Beauty held his shoulder and made to kiss him
but he placed a finger on her lips.

“Let’s take it slowly” He muttered.

That’s one thing with Alex, he always make sure
he has the girl wrapped up round his finger
before proceeding to the main deal.

“I have a project to do now Șëx¥… Let’s meet up
tomorrow at 9pm” He said and took her phone
then typed his number in it.

Beauty stood up from him and he stood.

“Text me” He pecked her lips and left

Beauty touched her lips and bit it.

“I want him inside me so bad…”

“Let’s go brat!!” Alex slapped Abbie’s head when
he got to her desk.

“Who gave you the permission to touch me!!”
Abbie slapped his face with her bag.

? …

Alex touched his cheek and gave out that
annoying smile before heading to the exit.

Abbie breathed out heavily.

“Lord give me the patience and self control
throughout this day for I fear I might be sending
someone to hell before this day ends” Abbie
prayed inwardly.

“Bye girls” She waved at her friends.

Her eyes locked with that of Lucas. She drew a
heart with her fingers and Lucas mouthed “I
love you.”

Abbie smiled before leaving..

Meanwhile Tyler was sitting beside Lucas,
observing everything..


Zoey kept smiling ear to ear as she walked side
by side with Rudy, both of them observing the
environment of the market.

She could see some poor women operating in
stand, selling their vegetables and what they
brought to the market..

Some kids too who were wearing tattered
clothes could be seen playing football amongst

“It’s so sad that not everyone gets to live
comfortably like us” Zoey muttered.

“Yeah you’re right.. That’s life for you” Rudy

“Watch out!” Rudy pulled her out of the way
when a bike rode by and almost splashed dirty
water on her.

She crashed on his chest.

“Watch how you drive!!” Rudy began shouting at
the man..

Zoey smiled widely, inhaling his scent as her
heart kept beating insanely fast. She didn’t
know when her hand tugged on his shirt.

“Uh,, Zoey?”

Her eyes widened and she quickly released him.
She bit her lips hard, trying to hide the
embarrassment she was feeling.

“Sorry” She muttered, looking down.

Rudy smiled.

“I was just thinking.. Maybe we can come out
with something that can link people to the
various orphanage in the world, maybe some
can donate some can yunno adopt and all the
like” Rudy shrugged.

“OMG! That’s a great idea!” Zoey exclaimed.

Rudy smiled.

“Our project is a one week project so we can
start tomorrow.. You can come at my place or
should I come to-”

“No!! Yours is perfectly fine!!” Zoey said

“Alright, I parked my car there.. Let’s go” Rudy

Zoey nodded and they began walking. All
through, she was staring at his perfect face..

This was just like in her dream. Her and Rudy
walking together then he suddenly knelt down
and asked for her hand in marriage

She began smiling like a foól

Rudy stopped when he noticed the lace of his
sneakers got loose so he bent down on one
knee to tie it.

Zoey’s eyes widened.

“OMG yes!! Yes I’ll marry you!! Pass me the ring!!
Let’s have three children,, no four!! Ahh!!!” She
screamed, fanning herself.

Some people even stopped to watch, thinking
it’s an actual proposal…

Rudy looked up at Zoey, still down on one knee
with a funny look on his face



Abbie kept tapping her feet on the floor with her
hands crossed across her chest. She checked
the time again with an annoyed look on her

It’s been two hours! Two fréaking hours that
they left the school and “Mr Alex” suddenly had
the urge to go shopping.

If not for the fact that the project consist 50% of
their test then she could have refused to work
with him and get scored a zero but sadly she
can’t and Alex perfectly knows about it that’s
why he’s doing everything possible to annoy her

“This jacket will really go well with you” The
female attender said, stylishly touching him
which he clearly noticed.

“You think so?” He asked and she nodded.

Abbie looked at him and rolled her eyes. She
noticed an elderly man wearing a very old robe
walk in their sector (male’s sector).

He looks so old that he was walking with a
walking stick..

The walking stick fell from his hand and he
began struggling to pick it.

“Are you okay?” Abbie and Alex bent down at
the same time to pick it.

They both looked at each other and they both
shot each other a glare which the old shaman
noticed and he smiled.

“What do I see here? Interesting young adults..”
He thought as he smiled.

Abbie pushed Alex aside and picked the stick,
handing it to the man.

“Thank my child” He said.

Abbie smiled and bowed respectfully. The man
nodded and began heading to were they sell
antique clothes for men.

“If you’re through let’s go..” Abbie said.

“Still need to pay” Alex said and went to the
counter with the clothes.

“How much is it in totality?” He asked.

“30,000$ sir” She replied.

He nodded and brought out his wallet then
began counting the money

“10$, 20$, 30$, 40$…” He began counting
slowly, eyeing Abbie who was giving him a
murderous glare.

The shaman who stopped to watch the scene
felt amused.

“They h@ťě each other? Why don’t I help
accelerating the future” He thought.

“200$, 210$…. Oh wait where was I again.. I lost
count.. Let me start back” He said

“10$, 20$…”

Abbie lost it and marched to them, she snatched
his wallet from him and threw all the money in it
at the lady.

“That should be enough” She said and turned to

“Let’s go” She began marching out but Alex
grabbed her wrist and turned her to him..

“What do you want again!!”

“That was 100,000$ you gave to her. You’ll
balance me back my money right now” Alex


Abbie’s eyes widened in shock when Alex
covered her lips with his own. He grabbed her
waist and pulled her closer.

Just at that moment, the shaman waved his
stick at them and Abbie could swear she felt
some sparks through her body. Alex too.

The shaman smiled and left them, walking
properly unlike how he entered the area

Abbie got back to herself and she pushed him
off then kneed him more harder on the groin
before landing a deafening slap on his cheek.

“Ouch..” Alex held that part as he went down to
his knees.

“How dare you!! How dare you!! Bàstard!! I hàte
you!! f_ck you and this project,, I’m off!!” She
shouted and left in anger.

“f_ck.. This Ɓîtçh” Alex winced in pain and
anger but later smiled.


Abbie walked out of her bathroom in her
bathrobe. When she got home, she brushed her
mouth thrice just to get the taste of Alex off her

She stood in front of the mirror and removed her
bathrobe, checking out her naked body.

“I’m I really becoming fat?” She thought
worriedly as she checked herself out.

She looked at her face keenly to see if there’s
pimples on it. She then cupped her br**sts in her
hand and sighed..

“It’s so small compared to that of Areum” She
thought and turned to look at her @zz then
another disappointment followed again.

The kiss flashed through her mind and she
folded her fists tightly in anger.

“Tomorrow is your déath day… Alexander
Leighton” She gritted her teeth.

Abbie then walked to her bed and grabbed her
night wear then wore it before climbing the bed.
It was raining heavily that night.

She switched off the lights and fell in a slumber.


Abbie opened her eyes and yawned. She sat up
and was shocked to see herself in another

“Has my room always been like this?” She
thought and rubbed her eyes as she got down
the bed, thinking that maybe she’s hallucinating
due to sleep.

Her eyes furrowed when she looked at her body.
Why’s she wearing a boy’s pajama? And her
feets, it’s so large.

She touched her chest and her eyes widened..

“Where’s my br**sts?”

She quickly rushed to the mirror and her eyes
almost popped out if it’s socket due to the


Alex sat up the bed and frowned when he felt
hairs covering his face. Since when was his hair
this long?

He was shocked to see it became so long over
night and it now has a strawberry blonde color.

“Huh? Maybe it’s the after effect of the
shampoo” He thought and got down the bed.

“Why’s my room painted purple?” He thought as
he stood from the bed.

Something jiggled on his chest and he looked
down. He almost tripped when he saw,,, B-__-bs!

He touched it and it is was real..

“Wait,, what is happening!?” He began panicking
as he pulled his pajama pants down (which he
didn’t notice was girly).

His eyes widened more when he saw… A clean
shaved p**sy.

“Wait… No!! No!!” He ran to the mirror and
immediately froze at what he saw.

His reflection on the mirror was,,, ABBIE?!!

He touched his cheek and it was really real…

Alex and Abbie: Aaarrrrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!


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