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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOUND’S DUTY – Episode 36

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?Hound’s Duty?
⚡️Volume 2: The Badlands⚡️
?Written by Crownway Amef?
⚡️Episode 36⚡️
Susan has been flying around for a while with her blood all over the place and she has grown weak.
Her wings ran out of strength and she crashed badly on the floor wincing in pain.
The crash sent her back to her human form and she pants heavily on the floor covered in blood.

Her body throbs shakily, followed by wheezing, and then she coughed out blood.

Her scent grew so strong that the blood-sucking demons were forced out of the ground. Roaming the hell walls with Susan for hours made them assemble each other and now they can take on a physical form.

The black auras swirled so fast in a circular motion and then turned to a tall figure advancing towards her with dangerous thuds of its steps.

Susan saw death looming on her face but she was too weak to stand up or fight for herself. Tilting her body up, she heaved a painful sigh.

She searched around, trying to look for where to hide but there was none. She saw nothing but a black river behind her. At the black river is a creepy canoe with a grim reaper on it with its sickle.

Susan hoisted herself up weakly and staggered towards the river.
The river is called the river Styx. It’s the river on which the dead are transported to the afterlife and the black Styx in hell is a passageway to those that belong to hell.

Susan got to the river ready to end everything as she prefers dying and having her blood drained by some hell demons.
She knew the grim reaper there wouldn’t allow her to just jump into the river so she was ready to fight for it.

She sprang out her claws and held that same arm with her other hand when the grim reaper removed the cloak covering its face, it turned out to be lady in black.

Susan gasped in surprise “Are you done on earth?” She asked.

“I told you all that I won’t hesitate to strike you down if it’s concerning my master,” She said with a grin.

Susan wheezed from the stress and then coughed out blood again.

“I see they are in your system already” Lady in black said.

“You can ki|| me and get this over with, I had a dream about this anyway,” she said remembering the nightmare she had a night before embarking on the trip to Mexico.

She dreamt of her dying in hell and that explains why she decided to sacrifice herself to lure away the blood demons.

She glances back to see the blood-sucking demon coming toward her.

“Here in hell, one’s fate can be tampered with and I’m doing this because of the wailing girl. She kept my secret from you all” Lady in black said.

Susan’s eyes twitched at the level of pain she was feeling.
“What the hell are you talking about? I thought hades can see everything through the eyes of his subjects! Are you about to get into trouble?” Susan asked.

“A big trouble girl! He would never know of my secret if I leave with it. Demons get tired too… they dream of being good but it isn’t in their place to ask for a change” Lady in Black said as she stretched forth her sickle to the river.

“Enter that river… I can transport you back if you want or you can lure that demon inside and trap it, but if you’re not careful, you might be trapped down there together.” She said to her.

“No! I can’t risk getting my friends into more trouble. If I leave now, this demon would go after them and my sacrifice would be for nothing!” She said.

“Your choice girl, you saved me the trouble of betraying my master,” Lady in Black said.

When the demon was closer to them, Lady in Black stopped talking and stepped to a side.

The blood-sucking demon bowed for Lady in black then snarl at Susan.

At the last minute when the demon was about to pounce on her, she shifted into her dragon form again with all her strength and pulled the demon into river Styx. It struggles to come back to the surface but Susan drowned it more and they both drowned deeper into the river.
With Lady in black’s shadow slumbering on the surface, she nods her head and disappeared.

The demons got Ciara pinned on the wall already just like they did with Haliah.

They started torturing her and Haliah could hear her scream from where she was. She shuddered in fear just thinking about how Ciara would be able to handle the pain when she could not.
“Grahh!” She groaned and used her power to zoom Tartarus again.

She was successful this time and she stood stunned for a while because she was sure to have lost her powers earlier. But thinking about the possibilities of Ciara’s protection seal? It was far from her thoughts.

“If I belong to both dimensions, I should be gifted with the other type of power! Come out this once please” Haliah cried trying to summon her power back but the good one.

Her dark side belonged to her demon side and the good side was from her father but she has never tried to use it.

She breathes in and then out trying to picture the faces of her loved ones, the love they’ve shown her, and the fact that they came down here for her.

She cried out loud until the walls around her started to shake and fall to her sides. A blue halo appeared on her head and her eyes came back blue.

She sped off with great speed and even though she was far from the demons and Ciara, she raced against time and landed right behind them. The strongest level of teleportation.

One of the demons spot her standing behind and snarled at her with its wide mouth and uneven monstrous dentition.

Haliah punched the mouth and the teeth fell out immediately. The demon dropped dead with its eyes barely opened and its tongue stuck out on the torn flesh of its mouth.

There was chittering sounds all around now as the demons all turned to face her— They snarled and growled ready to attack when Haliah levitated in the air but upside down.
“Oops! Still adjusting” she said with a smirk.

She climbed the rocky walls of hades like a spider and went to cut Ciara loose. She used her claws to rip the snaky arms of wh@ťěver demon it was off and a shriek came out loud. It must be a female demon.

“Female beings are always dramatic d@mn!” Ciara said and Haliah laughed.

“Are you okay?” Haliah said helping Ciara gently to the ground.

She glanced at the halo on her head and smiled warmly “Never been better, the pure side suits you more angel baby” she said.

“Angel baby? What’s that?” She asked in surprise.

“You don’t happen to know of the angel’s halo on your head do you?” Ciara asked.

“Wait what?” She asked stunned. She waved her hands over her head but her hands keeps going through it and she could not feel it.

“Being called a demon or demon baby was unfair to you Haliah” Ciara said as she stands to her feet.

Haliah helps her up and dust her dress for her.

“Thanks for coming back,” she said.

“You saved me even when we weren’t close,” Haliah said.

Ciara noticed she isn’t hearing any snarls and growls anymore and she asked Haliah to wait.

When they stopped discussing, they saw the demons staring at them as if waiting for them to catch up.
“The f-__-k is this? Snitching demons?” Haliah said and they resumed growling.

Haliah returned Ciara’s protection seal and fights off the demons while Ciara tries to stay alive.

The demons in Tartarus are always strong and they can’t defeat them alone so they took a run for it.

On their way, they tripped over a moving rock and their feet got stuck into the ground making it impossible to move.
The demons are approaching them with great speed.
An ugly demon with three eyes raised its spear to strike down Haliah when a fire ball came out of nowhere to hit the demon and it turned into a mass of molten liquid.

Ciara and Haliah gasped in shock.
They looked ahead to see Anthony holding his hellfire gun and Erik’s blue light drawn into his grandma’s sword.
He leaped to a nearby rock and then lunge his sword forward to cut the next demon into two halves.

Haliah and Ciara laughed so happily and cried out to see them just in time.

Kira activated her long sharpened hair and cut through the demons one after the other while Falcon bites hard on them flinging them away out of sight.

Jeff’s fist grew so big and hard as Iron, he crushed the demons with one punch.

He went to where Ciara and Haliah are stuck, he punched the ground and it cracked into debris.
Jeff helped them out safely.
They hug him so tight and he squeezes them with his big arm.
“Ah “ they winced playfully.

“Sorry girls, I’m just so happy to see you,” Jeff said before releasing them.

Erik shifted back to his human form when he saw Haliah running towards him at full speed. Afraid that his essence might hurt her, he switched over and caught her in his arms. He lifted her off the ground and turned around showing how happy he was to see her.
“Are you the one?” He asked with so much concern.

“Thank you so much, Erik,” she said teared -eyed.

Ciara went to hug Anthony and he received her with open arms.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” he said.

“Thanks to Haliah… and you guys. Thanks for coming to get us” she said.

Anthony raised his gun again and Ciara flinched in fear but actually, he was going to $h00t an approaching demon. He released several shots and took it down.

Haliah and Kira embraced each other as well but she kept Haliah at a distance to warn her of her ki||er hair.

“Where is Susan? She didn’t come with you?” She asked.

They explained what happened and she was so angry about the whole thing.

They were surprised at the halo on Haliah’s head but she chose to explain later.

“Now how do we get out of here? We need to go look for Susan” Erik asked Falcon.

“Do you know why lower demons are scared of Tartarus?” Falcon asked.

“Apparently nobody knows” Erik replied.

“There’s a fire here more brutal than hell fire on its own, the inhabitants of Tartarus don’t even go there because it can ruin them” he explained.

“So why are you telling us this?” Kira asked.

“Wait, Kira can hear him too? Why can’t I?” Jeff complained.

“I can’t too,” Anthony said.

“I think it’s because she has heard his thoughts before,” Haliah said.

Ciara raised her hand slowly “I can hear him too” she said.

“We can’t ki|| all the demons of hell, I’m sure you all have limited time here. The only way out of this blocked cave is to join the damned souls and sneak to the river Styx” Falcon said.

“River Styx? That place is more dangerous to roam around… also if we are not careful, the damned souls are so dangerous, they will pull back anyone that falls out of line” Erik countered.

“Then we fight,” Ciara said.

“How do we get Susan? Where might she be?” Haliah questioned.

“She’s a smart one, I can sense her right out of this cave but I don’t know where,” Falcon said.

“What if she’s walking with the damned?!” Erik questioned.

“Bloodsucking demons despise the damned souls so they don’t dare move closer to their abode. If I can sense your friend there, that means she got rid of the bloodsuckers” Falcon explained.

“We should go,” Kira said.

They all shifted to their supernatural mode and Falcon lead the way to the fire of the damned.

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