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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOUND’S DUTY – Episode 33

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?Hound’s Duty?
⚡️Volume 2: The Badlands⚡️
?Written by Crownway Amef?
⚡️Episode 33⚡️
They were stunned to hear Cerberus speak, especially because it served as hade’s eyes.
“This looks dangerous”
Kira said.

“No, it looks fun,” Ciara said with a proud grin.

“I’ve always wanted to try out something from my magic book, it’s an honor sensing you here Cerberus” Ciara replied in a loud voice.

It growled at them again and charged toward them in a swift motion with the three heads ready to tear their skin off the bones.
They dodged his attack by running to another side.
Cerberus prepared its second run as he parted its hind leg more widely with black smoke emitting out of its body.

Suddenly, it puffs out fire at them making them run in different positions.
“The f-__-k! Can they do that too?” Susan cussed out.

Before they could process what was going on, the Cerberus turned to face Kira, sensing her to be the weakest among them. It ran past her side and used its tail to wrap her leg, hence sending her off her feet and to the rocky ground.

She winced in pain and examined her bruises forehead. Susan was about to fly to her rescue when Cerberus howled so loud with the three heads on its neck.
The land on which they are on started throbbing and shaking, they could hear heavy thuds on the ground as if troops of armies are running towards the area.

They prepared by maintaining their fighting stance but were unable to go and help Kira out.

Other hell creatures arrived at the scene forming a line to block the way out of where they are.

The Cerberus let out a deadly growl as it advanced toward Kira slowly, prancing sideways like the scheming predator it is. It snickered dryly at her and leaped from its position to pounce on her.

Kira’s face switched from that of fear to a known grin which caught Cerberus in a confused state but it was too late to back down from his attack.

Kira controlled her white long hair and wrapped it around the three heads snarling and growling at her.

It caught Cerberus’s head as it fell to the floor writhing and struggling to break free.
Kira tightened her hair’s hold on its neck and soon sticky saliva started to drip down from its mouth and sharp set of teeth.

Kira screamed with all her strength and choked Cerberus to death. She wanted to withdraw her hair but they seem to be fighting on her behalf.
The hair squeezed tighter around the dead creatures’ heads until they are detached from the neck.

Kira was surprised too and she gasped.

It was only Jeff and Susan that saw this and they stared at her dumbfounded.

Anthony and Eric were busy taking on the hell monsters as well.

Kira went to help the rest and she signaled to Anthony pointing to his hell chain.

Anthony removed his hell chain and it sprawled heavily on the ground. He swings it out to catch the other Cerberus’ legs and it collapsed to the ground, Kira used that opportunity to cut off its three heads.

Jeff was successful in morphing into a giant Cerberus much bigger than hell’s own and he punched the monsters away from the blocked path.

Susan burned the face of another Cerberus and Ciara climbed its body with great speed. She climbed to its head and when she placed her two palms on two of the heads, her eyes glowed red light.
She muttered some words to it which weakened the Cerberus.
The Cerberus spoke in the language that Ciara used to question it.

“What are you doing?” Kira yelled at Ciara.

“I asked him where my magic book is” she yelled in return.

“Down” Kira warned her to get down when she noticed the Cerberus has broken out of her spell.

She did and Kira cut the three heads off at once with her hair.

When her hair retracted back to her, she would pant heavily and weakly.

She leaned against the wall as sticky green liquid drips down from her hair. It’s the first time she’s fighting with her ancient powers, and at full mode at that.

“Are you okay? Hang in there” Jeff said to her.

A Cerberus was pressing down on Erik snarling with its teeth closer to his neck and ready to th-ru_st when Falcon acted from within.

Falcon’s strength came over and Eric felt the new surge of energy. Since Falcon is a different breed of hellhound, he’s got great powers than regular hellhounds.

Eric pushed back at its paws and his fire hands burned through its fur down to the bone.

It growled in pain but Eric didn’t let go. He rise to his feet and now the Cerberus was writhing in pain under him. Eric’s blue flame consumed the creature and it burned down to ashes.

There was silence at first, they could hear each other’s tired breathing when suddenly an army of black angels invaded the area.

Ciara caught one even though it was bigger than her. She caught it and ripped it into shreds emptying the ugly guts into the rift created by the earthquake.

They could not move any closer to Kira because the moment they charged toward her, her hair springs home to fight for her.

Jeff now a giant creature punches them into the wall of hades and they splatter on the wall with the heads and other parts breaking off from their joints.

Anthony brings out his hell-made gun and $h00ts them down before they could get closer.

When they came for Eric, he would burn them into ashes.

The black angels never stopped coming and they need to leave that area as soon as possible to find the deepest part of hell where Falcon’s will might be hidden.

“I think they are trying to buy time… we can’t stay together,” Ciara said.

“I suspect as much, what can we do?” Susan asked as she th-ru_st her dragon claws into the gut of a flying angel that came for her.

Unfortunately, when she was busy discussing with Ciara, she missed an attack and a black angel cut her arm slightly.

She cried out in pain as she retreated. When her blood drops down to the ground of hades, it got licked by something she could not see.
“Guys? I think we got something else here with us” she warned.

Ciara knew it won’t help to stay together but Jeff was against it since none of them knew anywhere in hell or where to run to in case of emergency.

Ciara took off when they were busy fighting, she was going to pick up her book.

They were still fighting the hell angels when a loud voice rippled through the air. More like a calling.

And the black angels all disappeared at once.

“What just happened?” Eric asked.

“Were they called back?” Jeff asked.

“The question should be where they are going!” Anthony said as the realization hits him.

“Oh no! They are heading back to earth’s surface… to Mexico where our bodies are” Susan said.

Fear gripped them but they used one mind to trust grandma Sarah to protect their subconscious body. Sarah stares down at the box which contains the egg, she wishes she wouldn’t have to break the egg.

“We should leave right now,” Erik said.

“I remember the way according to the writings in the book,” Jeff said and moved forward on the clear path into the darkness.

Eric stretched his hand and the lights lit up on his fingers which made their vision better.
Anthony did the same with his flame and they could see clearly.

TARTARUS ( *The deepest part of hell* )

Haliah was deeply asleep in the small hole trying to repudiate the pain she was feeling when the orb in her hands starts to glow.

The monster sensed her and came running back for her. She knows it would be another bad story if she’s trapped in the hole by the time the dangerous demon arrives so she crawled out and started running towards the entrance.

She saw a faint light at the far entrance and continued to run towards it with the orb in her hand when a strong branch caught her legs and she fell face flat on the ground. With bruises on her face and elbows, she was dragged back into the cave of Tartarus.

The demon with snakes all over its body pinned her to the wall and when he saw the orb glowing in her hands, he looked amused and excited.
“Finally! You’ve been here all these while” he said and starts to approach Haliah to unwrap the orb from her grasp but she was unwilling.

She tightened the orb in her hand when the demon tried to take it.
“If it amuses you then it mustn’t land in the wrong hand of demons like you” Haliah cries out in pain as the demon th-ru_st into her stomach with his sharp claws.

She cried out in pain and her voice echoed through each corner of hell.

Suddenly scary voices filled the cave of Tartarus and the snake demon staggered back.
“How dare you low demons enter Tartarus?!” He growled.

“The orb has been found! Anyone that presents the orb to the master will be made more powerful than all other demons” one of the voices said.

The voices soon came visible in their physical forms and they started fighting amidst each other on who to get the orb from Haliah.

Ciara got to where her book was and she smiled heartily on seeing it in a corner. She picked it up and was about to leave when she almost bumped into Violet.

“Hello Ciara,” she said to her with a smile.

“Lady Violet?” She called.

“Tell me you’re here because you missed me,” she said.

“How can I miss you when it was your daughter that marked you as evil,” she said.

“Oh wow, where is the greedy Ciara that was always ready to lick my boot in return for immense power? You are making the wrong decision Ciara” she said to her.

“No ma’am, I made wrong decisions by being with you and doing evil things! I should have chosen to die that day on the pyre lighted for me but I followed you because I was scared, that was my mistake” she said to Violet.

“It’s not too late to die now. Are you not curious as to how your parents died?” She asked trying to f-__-k with her brain.

“You can’t trick me to believe anything I don’t want to ma’am. They were possessed and chose to die than to do evil” she answered back.

Lady Violet nods her head with a throaty laugh then disappeared and reappeared behind her. She’s no more the Violet she was on earth.

“They were possessed because you were a careless 8-year-old child! You were a curious one because people called you weak even though you are birthed by powerful parents. You were playing with that same book in your hands… you unleashed those demons that possessed them and even ki||ed them with your own hands.” She heard.

Hearing that from Violet, her hands dropped in guilt and tears welled up in her eyes.

“Don’t you want to meet your parents? If you meet them now, do you think they would be happy to see you?” She said with a smile then paused.

“Will they smile and embrace you or… smack you down!” She said then stabbed her with a dagger when she was so lost in her guilt.

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