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HOUND’S DUTY – Episode 21

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?Hound’s Duty?
⚡️Volume 2: The Badlands⚡️
?Written by Crownway Amef?
⚡️Episode 21⚡️

Haliah faked a cry and the principal immediately handed over a kerchief to her.
“This is about you handing over your phone and forgetting you ever gave it to me until I return it, “ she said staring straight into the man’s eyes.
A smile followed and he gave Haliah his phone.

“Thanks, principal, “ she said wiping her tears.

She returned to the rest and they started dialing the numbers that Kira stored in her brain. Finally, someone speaks.
“Uh hum… Hello? Is Susan Linn there?” Haliah inquired.

“She’s not here… She didn’t come to work today and don’t worry we’ve got the best delivery….” Haliah hung up before they could finish.

“Well no one was helping if she isn’t there” she threw her hands up in the air.

“Something is wrong. There’s no reason for Susan not to show up at work at all unless something bad has happened at home” Erik said.

“What do we do about Anthony?” Kira asked.

“He needs our help along with other gifted, we can’t ignore his will…” Saying this, Haliah realized something.

“Guys? I think the reason for Freya’s presence is because of Anthony!” she declared.

“How?” they chorused in terror.

“The Ghost rider has no weakness and this is why Ferya was summoned. We need to warn Anthony and help him fast” Haliah said.

“Hold on, I still don’t get this. Why would anyone in their sane mind summon a demon so dangerous just to hunt down a ghost rider?” Erik uttered in confusion.

“Someone so crazy… Crazy enough to turn on a close friend. I’m sure someone is suspecting Anthony’s moves with us and wants to get rid of him completely “ Haliah said.

“Mother doesn’t play hide and seek. It must be Ciara!” Haliah added.

“That evil girl? No doubt about her” Kira said.

“There is a popular phrase that says he who drinks from the cup of oath out of loyalty will be free from Predation,” Jeff said.

“You’re right Jeff. Anthony once sent information about what happened after we left. Ciara knew he didn’t have mother’s blood in his system. This is where everything centers to and if we don’t find means to help him, he will be in danger.” Haliah explained.

“That Ciara is a psycho who murdered her entire family, that’s why she was least concerned about staying behind in space” Jeff groaned in anger.

Heather, Jesi, Anthony, and some of the gifted are seen sitting together and they formed a circle. Ciara soon arrived with a phone placed on her ear.
“Noted Lady Violet,” Ciara said then disconnected the call.

“Lady Violet wants us to check the mental state of our enemy. I have summoned a very dangerous demon. This is why you should know your place for I am much more powerful than you all” she said with a smirk.

She cat walked to the vacant seat and dropped the phone with a girl around her age.
“Hold that for me. So this demon’s name is Ferya!” she stated.
The gifted all gasped in fear and some shot eyes daggers at Ciara. They cursed her with undisguised contempt.

“I’m not the evil one here. Don’t you dare judge me for being stronger than you all” She said with a clenched fist then continued, “Some of you that missed Lady Violet’s history class wouldn’t know a d@mn about the demon but… Your loss!” she sneered.

“That woman is f-__-king dangerous!” Jesi cuts in.
They all start murmuring for fear of the demon preying on them.

She glanced at the side where Anthony is seated and she smiled before facing the rest.
“Be rest assured, those who drank from the cup of Oath will be free from predation,” she explained and the murmuring stopped.

Anthony’s ears picked this and the realization of the whole plan dawned on him.

“Isn’t that so good? Thank the stars you chose to stay with the higher lady back then” Ciara giggled.

“ So how exactly are we going to know their mental state” a question came.

“ Ferya’s victims act on impulse, the more she feeds on their will, it increases and makes them want to be better and in the process turn them into something else. Someone least presentable to society. Ferya gets a double portion of her food every time she preys on someone. Isn’t it impressive how she could be in many places at once? I want to be like her one day” she said with a smile.

“You are crazy Ciara,” Jesi said to her with a demeaning look.

“Lady Violet wants us to get on their nerves today during Sport period,” Ciara said.

“But none of them has joined a club yet” Heather spoke.

“Those are the bunch of weirdest kids I’ve ever come across,” Gabe said.

“Anyway, that’s it. Do that and wait for the backup plan which is tomorrow night at the party, where everything will come to an end” She said twirling her fingers like a maniac.

She then dismissed everyone but Anthony didn’t move.
“Any question Ghost boy?” Ciara asked.

Anthony stepped forward with a calm but imposing aura “How old are you? 18? 19?” He asked and they all burst into laughter.

This annoyed Ciara to feel little in front of the rest “And what problem do you have with my smartness?” She queried.

“It’s not being smart Ciara…” he said then paused to scan the surrounding.
Seeing eyes on them and not wanting to embarrass her further, he leaned closer to whisper into her ears “It’s called being dumb. Good luck playing hide and seek MONSTER” he said with a raised brow.

The whole house has been turned upside down with Susan trying to find a clue about what Professor Linn was saying before he disappeared.
What made him and his robot disappear? And why?

His computers shut down automatically when he disappeared; it was like some sort of wave that interfered with lights and the network. Hence she could not see what Professor had seen on his computer.
She searched everywhere and even after she had managed to get the computers back on, she didn’t have the password.

She was going crazy with no one to explain anything to her.

Confused and scared, she decided to go check on the kids at school. She arrived at the parking lot and was surprised to see the cars still intact. She recalled how the robots starts disappearing one after the other like they never existed.
“Then anything that was made by him would disappear because he did too,” she said arriving at a theory and then entering the car to drive.
“$h|t! I don’t know how to operate this thing” she cussed.

She took a deep inhale and an easy exhale trying to calm herself down as she fumbles with the car keys.
“It’s just like you in the air. I’m sure it’s no different from when I fly in the sky in my dragon form” she said and ignited the engine.

At least she had seen how this was done countless times in the past.

It was sports period and as usual, Erik and the rest were on their way to their safe spot to pass the period when the principal crossed their way.
“Four of you, I want you in my office now!” he said walking away.

Their heart raced when they saw the principal appear out of nowhere and that was when Haliah realized she was yet to return the phone to his office.

When they got to the office, they waited frighteningly for words of doom to roll off the principal’s mouth. Perhaps Haliah’s power didn’t work on him.

“I have noticed you all haven’t joined a single club ever since you resumed. It’s not allowed, so join one or two before this period ends” He said to them.

They heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what the Principal said. They were thinking about another thing entirely but luckily they are safe.

Haliah left the phone under the table pretending to be fixing her shoelace.

“We will do just that sir” Haliah said.
“On our way” Jeff said with a grin.

They left the office and walked together to contemplate which club to join or the sport to engage in during this period but they can’t seem to find one that fascinates all of them. A club that they can fit in together but another man’s food seems to be another man’s poison in their case.

When they talked about swimming, Kira objected saying she’s more of the cheerleading type. Erik talked about defense classes but Jeff prefers basketball. Haliah said nothing. She was ready to sign up anywhere they so wanted but they are not arriving at a conclusion soon and so she screamed to gain their attention.

“We are the only one left bickering in this building! Everyone has gone to where they belonged “ she said.

“No, we are not the only ones. The principal and a few teachers are still around somewhere, I can hear them “ Kira said.

“So what are we going to do?” Erik asked.

They were in the middle of this when Haliah felt an ominous aura around them. She put her finger on her lips to tell them to keep quiet.
Her eyes changed color and her oculus eyes switched over. The entire building is reshaped like a small maze to her and she can see everyone moving on and about. Even the rat loitering about the trash can outside and the files buzzing, she could see them all.
She then saw the deadly approaching figure she wouldn’t love to see at the moment.
Ferya is walking around the school looking for another victim.
“Ferya is still here in the school… Anthony!” she said.

“Still here? Have you met with her by chance?” Kira asked but she ignored her question.

“We need to leave” Haliah yelled at them.

“She is right, you’ve got no time for these chattering” A voice came from nowhere but then Lady in Black appeared to him.

She didn’t stop on her track, she only spoke to them on her way to the office.

Haliah and the rest stared at her surprised.
“Why is she not doing anything? She seems harmless these days” Kira said.

“If a grim reaper is quiet, that means something bigger than death is looming,” Erik said still staring at the receding figure of lady in black.

“Let’s stick together no matter what!” Haliah said.

They soon left the building and went to join the rest of the students. They joined random sports but made sure they are in sight of each other.

A ball was kicked at Erik out of nowhere but his ears are fast to pick up the approaching force of the projected ball he turned swiftly to catch it. He ended up wrecking the ball in the process and everyone gasped.

Daniel, the captain of the basketball team was surprised and he approached Erik.
“Hey pal, are you working out?” he asked.

“No. I’m sorry I wrecked your ball” Erik apologized.

Tammy, one of the gifted that happened to be on the team came forward seeing this as an opportunity to provoke him.

“Sorry won’t solve anything boy! You must pay for it” Tammy said.

“Woah come on. It wasn’t intentional and you guys owe me an apology, you almost ruin my face” he said.

Tammy chuckled at this and pushed Daniel out of the way when he tried to stop him.
“Get us back the ball or we can report you to the school “ he insisted.

“The school judgment is better Tam. You don’t live on earth enough to know how things work “ Erik said and everyone starts murmuring.

Erik recognized Tammy to be one of the gifted at Grey Orbit and he knew at once that he was here to create trouble.

Tammy groaned and charged at him to punched him in which he succeeded in doing.

“Woahhhh” everyone gasped and some girls starts screaming.

Haliah saw this from afar and she stopped dancing with Kira at the cheerleading ground. She dropped her flowers and her face morphed into a dark one, the same as Kira’s.
The girls there have been messing with them too but they didn’t react because the rest hadn’t complained about anything yet.
But now that the gifted ain’t hiding their plan, they are ready for them.

Susan drove to the school safe and sound but her packing was wack! She hurriedly closed the car and seek an audience with security to let her in but they didn’t allow her because there was no ID on her.

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