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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOUND’S DUTY – Episode 10

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?Hound’s Duty?
❄️By Crownway Amef❄️
??Episode 10??
?Not every hellhound belongs to hell ?

Location: Black Orbit?????

The gifted have turned to another image entirely, they’ve been hypnotized and believe they must obey Violet no matter what.

“The first plan is to get my girl up here, seems that giant useless monster is not capable,” Violet said and they all nodded in approval.

“My lady, since Erik kidnapped Haliah I don’t think it’s going to be easy to turn her against you, you’re her mother,” Ciara said.

“I know my daughter pretty well, it won’t take her seconds to believe that hell damned boy, I must get her back here no matter what”

“Do you think forcing her here might work?” Ciara asked.

“You are indeed a smart one, so what do you suggest?” Violet questioned.

“I think we should hunt her conscience, we can try to awaken her demonic side to the extent of losing control completely then she will come back here on her own accord” Ciara proposed.

“Hmmm that’s good, if that’s the case I’ll have to send one of the gifted down earth to win her trust, someone that will serve as my eyes because I’m the only one that knows her weakness,” Violet said.

“Can’t we attack them and get Haliah back up here”

“Only if we know their hideout” Violet replied.

“We can just lure them out, they wanna be heroes, right? And heroes can’t bear to see their city in turmoil”

“Black Hades!” She smiled.

“How I wish you were my daughter and not her?”

“It’s an honor my lady” Ciara’s eyes sparkle with delight.

“Deploy the black angels down earth immediately,” Violet ordered.

Ciara received a report from the boys’ dormitory and she rushed there.

A few minutes later, she came back grinning.

“What is making you so happy ” Violet asked puzzled.

“My lady, we’ve got a ghost rider amidst us” Ciara reported.

“What? Who is it?” she asked in desperation.

“Anthony… That mother f-__-ker got a rider essence growing inside of him all these while”

“Wow seems Hades is helping me” she laughed out so loud.

Location: Underground
Linnaeus and the kids can be seen having dinner though he’s not eating but operating on his computer.

“Do you think Violet will give up easily?” Kira said.

“She’s doing all these to get me back… I’m putting you all in danger by staying here” Haliah said.

Linnaeus scoffed and faced Haliah.
“And how are you related to her?”

That question got Erik and Jeff and their heartbeat increased by a thousand beats.

“Uh uh, Mr.Linnaeus do you need more salad?”

“Erik he’s holding his computer, not a plate,” Kira said nervously.

“Right… How long do I think I could hide the fact” Erik said disappointedly.

“What’s going on?”Haliah questioned.

” I’m just someone she cherished so she didn’t wanna lose me,” she said.

“Phew” Jeff heaved a sigh

“That was close” Kira whispered.

“She will never get to find our hideout, my robots made sure to clear any essence of people living around the vicinity,” Linnaeus said.

“Then we shouldn’t go out too”

“Nah, you will be forced to go out unless you won’t interfere in the city’s problem”

“Even if I don’t want to, Falcon won’t agree,” Erik said.

Boom was the sound of the grenade on the ground followed by a piercing voice that came out of an electric rod th-ru_st into the wall of a building.
The black angels invaded the city with dangerous weapons.
Those that heard the sound became hypnotized by a whisper from it and they lost their mind completely roaming around like possessed.

When the police arrived at the scene, people turn on them and attacked them.

Not wanting to harm the citizens, they retreated while some became hypnotic as well.

Haliah was standing in front of the TV listening to news reports of what the city has become.

“Oh no!” She muttered.

Erik saw her so focused on the TV and he approached her.

“This is bad, she’s going to take over the city…

” I don’t think this is what you can handle, the whole city is down,” Linnaeus said.

“And you expect me to hide down here without doing anything? Those poor people got their private lives and they don’t deserve to be controlled by an evil woman’s tricks” Haliah voiced out.

“Well no one is getting out of here, it’s all her plan,” Linnaeus said.

“Then you should watch me leave” Haliah replied.

Floral set her gun and points it towards Haliah.

“I’m sorry sir she’s not always rude, she’s just pained”

Linnaeus removed his glass and pinched his eyes before wearing it back.
“Listen up kid you are still young and innocent I understand but remember I warned you about this”

One of the robots opened the door and Haliah went out… Erik got no choice but to follow then Susan, Jeff, and Kira too.

Flashback ? ? ??
Haliah saw herself in a deserted valley then she saw the ground crumbling underneath her feet. She ran and ran till a huge earthquake occurred and the ground splitted into two.
She cried out and then saw her mother stabbed her from behind.
Her demonic side took over and she saw herself ki||ing everyone in the City.
She woke up sweating profusely and then she felt the same heat she noticed at Erik’s house.

She looked up and saw a witch on top of her with sharp claws of blades and laughing so loud.

Haliah screamed and tried to get out of bed but she remained stuck.
After inflicting scars on her face, she disappeared and Haliah jumped out of bed.

Her wound healed right away and her memories came back that she is a demon, how she ki||ed some gifted back at Grey Orbit.

They arrived at the City and Haliah warned them to back off.

“What’s wrong with you? You can’t fight them alone”

“I don’t want to put you into trouble guys… I know I am a…

She couldn’t finish her statement when one of the possessed police fired a shot at her.

Haliah caught the bullet amidst her fingers and she threw it away.

” What the…” Susan exclaimed.

“I know what I am Erik… But seeing how things are I must deal with mother myself. Evil with evil”

“No Haliah it doesn’t work that way sometimes. Even if the world calls you demon you know I’ll never give up on you” Erik said.

Tears trickle down her cheeks and she sniffed in.
“You don’t understand”

Haliah turned around and she climbed up a building with her body light as the air. She activates her oculus eyes to trace where the hypnotic sound is coming from. The entire city zoomed so close to her sight and everywhere is in projection, amidst all she finally sight the electric rod with impulse flowing through it.

She jumped like a ninja and glide from roof to roof before getting to the electric rod.
She saw three black angels watching over it.

They sighted her and start flying towards her but Haliah shifted to her dark side and she ran towards them.
She stepped on the waste bin and flipped amidst air, she brings out her dagger and went under one of the black angels slashing it deep open in a vertical position that its content splatter on the floor.

More black angels preyed on her and Erik arrived at the scene.
He caught one of the monsters and punched it with his fists of fire then clawed another one by tearing its wings into pieces.

“That was cruel,” Haliah said.

“I didn’t cut any of them open like you”Erik replied.

” You need to let me go… I’m going back to Grey Orbit I need to know what she’s up to” she said and removed the electric rod from the wall.

“How do I deactivate this?” She said.

Erik snatched it from her and melt it down, though he felt the electric impulse passed through him but it worked.

The citizens regained back their senses.

“I’m sorry,” Haliah said and jumped down from the tall building.

Floral and Linnaeus could be seen staring at the computer screen and Erik’s conversation with Haliah is heard clearly from the speaker.
“I knew it Floral, a demon will always be a demon”

“Sir she is doing that because she felt bad and guilty”

“That’s not an excuse, she’s got team and friends at the same time, I was almost convinced when she insisted on going out to help strangers but now I should start my mission.”

“You knew she is your daughter right from Grey Orbit and that’s why you saved that boy right? Because he helped saved your daughter”

“She is a demon, not a daughter and I promise if she ends up going to Grey Orbit I’ll ki|| her like I was sent to,” Linnaeus said.

“What about the bug you fixed on her? Should I deactivate it…since you don’t need to monitor her anymore” Floral asked.

“No” he said as he nudge his glass slightly from the bridge of his nose.

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