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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOLY SHIT – Episode 45

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(Head Over Heels…)

THEME 1: Bad Guy’s Obsession ?


By: Diamond Zayne ✍?




“What have come over you Jackson?! Why are you doing this??” Mrs Flores yelled at Mr Flores who sat on the couch, nonchalantly.

“What have these children done to you? Is it their fault that they’re females?? Why making life complicated for them?” She yelled but Mr Flores didn’t act like he was the one being talked to.

“Why do you want Daphne to leave Las Vegas?? She has life here which you can’t just cut short all of a sudden. This is not right Jackson! Say something!!” She shouted and just then they heard clacking of shoes.

They turned to see Daphne descending the stairs with the maids carrying her luggages.

Her face was void of expression as she climbed down.

“My baby!” Mrs Flores squealed rushing to her as tears slowly welled up her eyes.

She got to Daphne and held her hands. “Please baby, don’t do this. Don’t leave please.” She begged in tears and Daphne swallowed the heavy lump in her throat.

Tears slowly dropping from her eyes.

“You can’t leave me all alone in this house. Elsie already left, Sienna also left and you?? Are you gonna leave as well?” She asked and Daphne sniffed before looking at her.

“Take care of yourself mom. I’ll be back soon, okay?” She asked and Mrs Flores shook her head before hugging her tightly.

“No you can’t leave me here. You won’t!” She cried and the maids watched sadly.

Why was Mr Flores making her leave the house all of a sudden??

Viper rolled his eyes. “Will you stop acting like she’s dying? Mtcheeew.” He hissed.

“Daphne??” He called and Daphne immediately disengaged from the hug.

“Your flight is by 12am. Let’s go!” He instructed and Daphne nodded and made to walk to him but Mrs Flores held her wrist.

“Why are you doing this Daphne??” She asked tearily.

Actually, Mr Flores got to find out that Daphne was the sole behind getting Mrs Lina’s justice so in order to get rid of her, he is sending her out of Las Vegas and America as a whole.

She was going to Australia. A land which she knew no one in. Of course, Daphne won’t just go like that unless it was something serious or she was under a thr_@t and that was the case.

After coming to realize her father was a very deadly man as he had exposed himself to her, she couldn’t afford to risk life so she was leaving.

He has cut all the connection she had now. Her cell phones and all connection in it has been broken.

He was gonna keep a close watch her, on all calls she makes, where she goes and who she mingles with. All these were gonna be watched by him.

“I’ll be back mom. I just feel like leaving Las Vegas, that’s all.” She lied, removing her mom’s hand from her hold.

“No! Daphne!” She fell to the ground, crying as she watched them leave. Immediately they opened the door, they met Elsie and Sienna.

It happened the two got there the same time.

“So it’s true after all.” Sienna chuckled.

“Jackson what is this?? I already agreed to get married against my wish so why taking Daphne??” Elsie question.

She was a beautiful lady, probably in her late twenties.

“I have no answer for you, out of my way!” He said sternly and Sienna slapped him hard, shocking them all.


“You old fool! I’ve been keeping it cool for long! What makes you think you have the right over us all, you evil man!” She shouted and Viper groaned.

“How dare you slap me?!” He questioned, grabbing her neck tightly, strangling her.


“Jackson!!” Elsie and Daphne yelled trying to release his hold from her but he was darn too strong for them. He pushed them away, still strangling her. His eyes red in anger and Sienna was slowly losing breaths.

Her hands wrapped on his trying to release his hold.

“Jackson!” Mrs Flores called rushing to them.

“Dad please you’ll kîll her!” Daphne shouted.

“Jackson stop this madness!” Elsie yelled.

“Jackson!” Mrs Flores yelled trying to push him off, instead he pushed her and she fell off the short stairs of the entrance.

“Mom!” Elsie and Daphne screamed rushing to her. She was laying on the ground, with blood oozing from her head.

“Mom!” They shrieked in fear and Jackson let go of Sienna, pushing her roughly.

She fell on her butt gasping for air.

Viper walked to Daphne who was on the floor, holding her unconscious mom and dragged her arms roughly pulling her out of there.

“Her luggages!” He shouted and the maids rushed with it.

“No! Mom!” She cried.


“Da-daphne…” Mrs Flores stuttered weakly before loosing consciousness completely.




“I wonder why Daphne didn’t come to school today. She’s not type that misses school with any telling anyone before hand.” Rissa said as they walked into their LH.

“And the worst of it is that I can’t even get through to her.” Everly said sadly.

“Me too. Since that Friday I got back from her party, I wanted to call her and speak with her but I couldn’t.” Rissa said.

“Same here. Something is not right.”

“Hi Rissa! Hi Everly!” Lex waved as soon as they entered the hall and they smiled, walking to the available seat there and they simply sat on it.

“Hey.” They simply said.

“I don’t see Daphne with you guys, that’s weird.” He added and they sighed.

“She’s not in school.” Rissa said.

“Why??” He asked.

“We’re clueless.” She replied and he mouthed an ‘O’.

“Even Sienna isn’t in school.” He said.

“Why??” They asked.

“She mentioned something about going to see her mom.” He shrugged and they sighed.

Everly turned to face her front only for her gaze to meet with Marcus.

“Hi Marcus.” She said with a sweet smile and Marcus replied with a charming one.

“What’s up Eve?” He asked and Everly smiled widely.

“I’m cool.” She said and Marcus ruffled her hair.

“I can see that.” He said and she smiled. Her eyes darted to his palm which had a cut.

“Marcus? Where did you get this?” She asked, hold his palm and Marcus recalled hurting himself that Friday, when he remembered seeing her her with Wanted.

“It’s nothing. Just a minor wound.” He lied, withdrawing his hand.

“This isn’t some minor wound… It looks deep. Wait, let me check if I have…” She paused, before opening her bag and began rummaging it.

Marcus watched her keenly, as she brought out a cream and began applying it on his palm.

He could hear his heart thumping loudly as he watched her do so.

“All done.” She smiled but Marcus didn’t seem to be listening and so she had to flick her fingers on his face, jolting him from his reverie.


“I’m done.” She said and he nodded.

“Oh, thanks.” He said with a smile and Everly just smiled back.

She remembered what he said that day. About loving her.

“Marcus?” She called and he turned to her.

“Do you really love me?” She asked and Marcus face went void of expression.

“Why do you ask? Do you think I was lying?” He asked and Everly pressed her lips tightly before releasing it.

“Actually I-”

“I wasn’t lying Eve, I really love you.” He said calmly and Everly swallowed hard, speechlessly.

She can’t reject his feelings and also can’t accept his feelings.

“Good morning!”

“Good morning segzy Prof!” The students screamed excitedly as Wanted walked into the class.

He winked at them and the screams filled the air.

He got to his table and dropped his briefcase on the table.

He smiled immediately his eyes fell on her and he winked at her with a naughty smile on his face.

Everly’s eyes widened, and she could feel her cheeks turning red.

She quickly looked away blushing hard. Marcus saw this and gnashed his teeth in anger, clenching his fist.


Everly was walking through the hallway with some books in her hand. She was going to submit the assignment, a lecturer gave them since she was the course rep.

She was still walking when Marcus blocked her path.

“Marcus?” She called in a questioning tone. His facial expression wasn’t friendly at all and that made her wonder what was wrong and his sudden outburst made her surprise.

“Do you love him?” Marcus asked, his voice cold and dangerous and that sent chills down her spines.

This was definitely not the Marcus she knew.


“Do you love him? Yes or no!” He yelled walking closer to her and she moved back till her back the wall.

“Wh-what are you talking about Marcus?” She asked, trying not to stutter.

“The psychology lecturer… You love him, don’t you?” He said in a husky voice.

“Wanted you’re-”

“Answer me!” He yelled and she flinched, the books falling from her in the process.

Marcus sighed, touching his head, regretting his actions.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized and Everly just stared at him dumbfounded.

Just then, Wanted walked there.

“What’s going on here?” He asked, professionally.

Everly exhaled before bending to pick up the books.

“I’ll leave now.” She said and hurriedly scurried off, brushing Wanted’s shoulder.

Wanted turned to meet Marcus glaring at him. He chuckled, walking to his.

“Hi two-faced.” He smiled at him and Marcus gritted his teeth.

“I see you aren’t scared.” He said, glaring.

“Me?? Scared??” He laughed.

“So long I’m still Wanted. I can never be scared of any man. And when you speak of danger. I’m the word itself. And you should be scared instead coz I’m your doom Marcus. Your days as an anonymous ki||er are numbered. Just watch me bring you down.” He said seriously and Marcus laughed.

“You suck at acting. Geez…” He said laughing and slowly his face changed to a very serious one.

“This will be the last time I’ll be warning you… STAY AWAY FROM HER!” Came his cold voice, counting the words. If it were to be someone else, they would have been fidgeting but it was different in Wanted’s case… Instead, it sounded amusing to him.

He walked closer to him, staring directly into his eyes.

“I won’t and let’s see what you can do.” He said to his face and the two engaged in a serious glaring competition.


“Does he have a daughter?” Viper asked, releasing thick smokes. He was sitting on an armchair, with his legs crossed.

A guard stood beside him.

“Yes boss. And we’ve got the details you want.” Max walking to him.

“Her photo?” He requested and Max nodded before walking to the projector on the table.

Viper watched him inserted the drive in it and in no time, it projected Everly’s picture on the screen in front of them.

“Everly Wilson. Only daughter of Wilson. Attends 3DC, works as a part-timer in Lisa’s restaurant.” Max explained and Viper nodded interestingly.

“She looks familiar. I think I saw her at my daughter’s birthday party.” He said and Max nodded.

“She’s your daughter’s friend.” He said and Viper nodded.

“Interesting.” He muttered, smoking heavily.

“I want her here. Once Wilson finds out she’s missing, he’ll crawl out of his hiding hole.” He said, smiling mischievously.

“Sure boss. But there’s a problem. She’s always with this guy call Wanted. And he happens to be the same guy who took Wilson. He must probably be on watch for us, getting her would be difficult, we could just- bang!” Viper flared up in anger, $h00ting at his arm.

Max groaned in pain, holding his arm.

“You don’t counter me! Get me the girl, and you have until the end of tomorrow you pay with your life.” He said coldly before walking away.



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