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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HOLY SHIT – Episode 20

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“Thank you.” Everly smiled at the waitress as she took the tray containing her snacks and began walking to her seat with Rissa when she bumped into Butter and all the contents on the tray poured on her.

“Ah!” Butter screamed angrily staring at her stained dress and the moment she saw who did it her anger multiplied.

“I’m so-” A resounding slap from Butter cut her off and that let a painful gasp out of her mouth.

Everly touched her hurting cheeks with tears glistening in her eyes.

“How dare you hit her??” Rissa shouted at her, Daphne wasn’t with them.

Twilight scoffed, pushing Rissa aside and she fell on her butt.

“You clumsy fool! Do you know how much this dress costs?? I’m sure it worths more than your entire generation pig! And- you just ruined it!” Butter yelled at her and that only increased Everly’s tears.

“I said I’m sorry.” She muttered.

“Shut that f-__-king hole you call a mouth!” Twilight yelled at her.

“Not only are you clumsy, you’re also dumb and useless! What sort of lowlife are you??!” She added and Everly kept crying.

They already had audience watching the scene, some were even videoing.

“I’m sorry, please don’t insult my family.” She begged and they laughed.

“I’m sorry, please don’t insult my family.” The two mimicked and laughed.

“People like you should be on the floor while we stand.” Butter said and pushed Everly harshly.

Everly was about falling when she felt a strong masculine hand caught her by her waist, preventing her from falling.

Immediately she inhaled that his familiar cologne, she quickly recognized who it was… Marcus.

“Are you alright?” He whispered making her shiver, his hot breath fanning her neck giving her that tinkling sensation.

She slowly nodded and he made her stand properly on her feet before taking his gaze to Butter and the rest of the students who were staring at them with mouth agape.

“Ma- Marcus?” She called in a shaky voice.

“How dare you push her??” He queried glaring h@ťěfully at her and Butter gulped down nervously.

“Can’t you see what she did to me?? She just ruined my dress. Does she know how much it worths?!” She ranted.

“And you pushed her because of it! You don’t have beauty at least have the heart.” He scolded and her eyes widened.

Did he just referred to her as ugly??

“Seriously Marcus?? You’re calling me ugly coz of this thing! This classless human, this – Ahh!” She screamed as a chilling slap landed on her cheek and her face fell with her hair sprawling on her face.

“Call her another name and I’ll make sure you regret it for the rest if your life.” He said sternly.

He held her hand and began taking her out of the cafeteria. Everly kept staring at his face as he took her away.

“Ahhh!” Butter yelled as she watched the both leave cafeteria.


“Here.” Marcus offered her a package which contains snacks and she slowly took it from him.

“Thanks.” She said, wiping the line of tears on her face and Marcus nodded seating beside her on the chair.

They were currently in the school’s garden.

“Yunno you shouldn’t always let them trample upon you like that. You got to stand for yourself. You’re a law student, not just any student. You shouldn’t be timid.” He said and she pressed her lips tightly, trying to hold in the tears.

“Do you think I’ve not tried?? I’ve tried so hard to be outspoken, but I’m just too shy. I thought being a law student will help but still nothing- Is it my fault? Where did I go wrong?!” She yelled in tears.

“Hey, hey stop crying… I didn’t mean it that way.” He said, trying to pacify her.

Was she really crying??

“I tried- really- I…” She broke down in tears and Marcus pulled her to a tight embrace, her face buried in his chest.

“C’mon, quit the tears already.” He said but she kept on crying his chest.

“Shhh.” He said as he patted her back, soothingly.


Everly walked into the house with a wide smile on her face.

“Hey dad.” She called with all smiles the moment she saw her dad seated on the couch.

“Wh- what’s wrong dad? You don’t look good.” She asked noticing the gloomy look on his face, traces of tears could be spotted on his face.

Darrell sighed out tiredly. “Ever?” He called.

“Dad.” Ever replied, sitting beside him, her gaze on him all through.

“Do I look like a failure to you?-”

“What?- Why will you ask such? You’re not a failure, not at all! Who said so?” Ever asked, already flaring up.

Who could have said such or made him feel such?? She was so gonna show them the other side of Everly Wilson.

She tolerates everything but not anyone spewing gibberish against her dad.

“No one said so Ever, I just feel so… Like, the signs… Why does bad things keep happening to me??” He asked.


“First, I got a job from ML’s corporation. I was elated, it was my dream job and I was happy I got it after years of joblessness… It was going all fine but I got framed and was sacked. I didn’t lose hope, I got another job from another top firm, yet same result. I got kicked out. Why?? Why do I have such a bad fate? I some times feels I have a bad luck?? That’s why your mom left me.” He cried.

“Dad! Who could have said all this to you?? You’re not a failure neither do you have a bad luck. And mom died because of her asthma not your fault… So stop sulking already!” She yelled at him.

“Don’t try to calm me Ever, we can’t change the-”

“Dad stop it! You’re making me pissed by this talks.” She shouted tears thr_@tening to fall from her eyes.

She held his hand and said. “If you were a failure, you wouldn’t have been able to enroll me in Three D… You know Three D College is a very expensive one yet you enrolled me there coz you want the best from me. You’re the best dad one could ever wish for dad…”

“That’s where we’re getting it all wrong. I can’t afford the college anymore. I lost all my savings to some fraudster. I thought it was a legit app to invest in, but it was a scam… I have debt I already budgeted to pay once that money yields but now-” He broke down with Everly staring at him with wide eyes.

“Dad, are you saying that all your life savings… Gone?” She asked, trying not to believe what she heard.

“Yes.” He muttered.

“I’m sorry Everly. I really am a useless dad. I’m sorry you won’t be able to achieve your dream of becoming a lawyer… I’m sorry.” He said and stood up, then he left the living room.

“No right??” She muttered, staring at her dad’s retreating figure.



A silhouette of a man sitting on a chair, typing on a laptop could be seen. The room was d@mn quiet, only the continuous clicking sounds of the keyboard could be heard.

He had a cup of hot coffee beside him and his eyes glued to the laptop. The aura around him was a cold and unfriendly one.

A phone suddenly began ringing beside him but he didn’t spare it a glance till he was done typing.

He picked the phone which had already stopped ringing and unlocked it, then the call came in again, the caller ID displaying private number. He swiped green, before placing the phone on his ear.

“Hello?” Came his aloof voice.

“What? You found him?” He questioned before nodding.

“Okay.” He said and dropped down his phone.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he turned his swivel chair and his face came into view.

He was looking wickedly handsome. His black hair neatly brushed, his eyes which held seriousness in it was looking cute at the same time. Then to his pointed nose and thin pink lips.

He was prolly every girl’s dream man, his handsomeness could testify.

He smirked swinging his phone im his hand, staring at nothing in particular.

“Hmm… ” He muttered after a short silence, with a victorious smile playing on his lips.

“Let the game begin.”



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