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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOLY MARY – Episode 11

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“Heard you wounded a moll cos she couldn’t get you hard” Romanio said as he walked out of the vault with Rosario.

“I don’t wanna talk about it” Rosario replied.

“It’s a pity, my poor twin won’t be able to f_ck a Pů$$¥ till death” Romanio laughed mockingly.

“Stop the annoying laughter” Rosario replied, and Romanio suddenly stopped.

“What’s up?” Rosario faced him.

Instead of talking, Romanio hugged him.

“Hey, is this a movie set?, Get off me” Rosario pushed him away.

“Do you remember the best line of dad?” Romanio smiled.

“There’s no reason to pay wickedness with kindness, pay wickedness with wickedness” Rosario replied.

Romanio became serious.

“Then why the f_ck did you spare Mary!, I heard she’s alive!”

“She’s not mum, they just share the same name Roma” Rosario replied, and Romanio held his shoulders.

“Get back to your senses dude!, Mary means betrayal!”

“Can we not talk about this?” Rosario sighed.

“I swear to God, I’mma ki|| her!” Romanio smirked.

“Stop spewing rubbish!”

“Then look me in the eye and tell me you’re not into her!” Romanio shouted.

Rosario looked at him, but he didn’t say a word before walking out.


Nightingale walked in, her face and arm covered with blood.

“Baby!” She pouted like a kid.

“Why the f_cking blood?” He asked.

“Aaron, Aaron did this” she replied breathlessly.

“More reason why I shouldn’t have thought about f_cking your p@zzy, are you armless?, You started training before him!” He yelled angrily.

Nightingale bit her lip slightly. “He caught me unawares, trust me”

“Two guards!” He called, and two guards appeared.

“Bring me Aaron” he ordered, and Nightingale smiled secretly.

They entered one of the cells, and he ordered for a container to be brought.

Immediately it was brought, the guards brought Aaron in, he was made to kneel.

“Fool” Nightingale said, slapping him.

Aaron kept his face down, deciding to take it all.

He has been expecting this anyways.

She slapped him again, and Romanio stood.

“Get rid of your shirt” he ordered.

He took off his shirt and Romanio opened the container immediately.

He poured the content on him…. Black ants!

The army of ants descended on his body, and they started stinging venomously.

“Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!” Aaron cried out.




After a cold shower, Mary padded herself up, thanks to the set of P@ŋtîēṣ and pads that was sent last night.

Since she has no other thing to wear, she put on the smelly hoodie again.

It’s still so early in the morning so breakfast isn’t coming yet.

She limped to the door and opened it, then she peeped out.

“Should I just take a walk? ” She said, and her mind went to when she was kidnapped and taken to the snakes kingdom.

She quickly shut the door and snuck back in.

“But…that was in the night, this is early morning” she said and opened the door again, she limped out of the apartment.

The first thing that got her attention is the apple tree.

“Huh!, There are apples on it!, I suddenly crave for apples” she smiled, rushing to it.

“I’ll have to climb” she licked her lips and placed a leg on it.

Clyde just watched with interest from the top.

“I’ve always found her weird” he muttered.

“But it’s so high” Mary whispered.

She tangled her arms on the before placing the second leg on it.

“I’m climbing!, I’m doing it!, I’m climbing!” She gushed happily, but she suddenly fell.

Clyde almost laughed, but he held it in.

“Jesus help!” She prayed and stood, then she climbed again, but she fell again.

“f_ck” Clyde smiled.

She did the sign of the cross before trying again.

This time, she was able to climb, but when she got to up, her leg slipped on the branch she was placing it on.

“Oh!, Oh!, No!, Oh!” She screamed, grabbing the nearest thing she saw, Clyde’s leg.

“What the f_ck!” He cursed as his butt slipped off the branch he was sitting on.

They both went down, falling heavily with her on top, he was holding her waist.

Mary opened one eye first.

Clyde opened his eyes, and her second eye flicked open.

“Are we dead?” She asked.

“Get the hell off me” he glared, pushing her away.

She rolled off him and he stood.

She quickly stood and sniffed the air.

She’s sure she has inhaled his scent somewhere before, but she’s not sure where.

“Have we….met before?” She asked.

He glared harder before walking away.

“He looks mean” she muttered.

“Mary!!!!” Lush called loudly, and she faced the north to see her running over with Pierce.

‘What?, Who are they?’ She thought.

Immediately they got to her, Lush hugged her tightly, shocking her.

“Seriously I fell in love with you immediately you were brought in” she gushed childishly.

“I like you too” Pierce waved as Lush broke the hug.

“My name’s Lush”

“And I’m Pierce, we control the computer lab” Pierce added.

“Oh..I see” Mary smiled sheepishly.

“So… friends?” Lush said.

“Of course..I like you both” Mary smiled prettily.

“Aww!, You’re so pretty!” Lush said.

“We have to go back” Pierce said.

“That’s true, the computer lab is that way, come find us anytime” Lush pointed at it.

“Alright,bye!” Mary waved like a kid as they both rushed away.

She smiled happily.

“I made friends…but my apple….

She faced the apple tree again and someone suddenly spanked her @zz from behind.

She turned back swiftly to see three guys.

“Why would you…touch me that way….” She shifted back.

“Why don’t we have some fun, Holy Mary” the second one said, and the third one laughed as they started coming closer.

Mary stepped back till she was backing the tree, and they all attacked her at once.

One grabbed her right B-__-b, the second grabbed the left one, and the third grabbed her @zz, they started pressing her hard.

“No!, Don’t touch me!, please get away from me!, Someone help!, It hurts!, Stop!!!” She cried and struggled, but they only pressed her harder.

When she was struggling too much, one of them punched her stomach.

“Ouch!, My stomach!, Let me go!!”

They held her face in place and started taking turns to kiss her, making shouting impossible.

The one handling her @zz dipped his hand under her hood, crawling it into her pant.

She touched her p@zzy and laughed, feeling wetness.

He brought out the finger to lick, but she saw blood instead, her menstrual blood.

“f_ck!” He spat, then he slapped her.

“AHHH!!” Mary cried again.

Her hoodie was yanked away from her body immediately, and they started taking turns to suck her B-__-bs.

“Christ!!!” She screamed out.

A gunshot made them let go, and they were shocked to see Rosario behind them.

He has a murderous livid, angry look on his face.

“Boss!” They trembled, bowing their heads.

Mary covered herself with her arms, bending beside the tree, she was still crying, shaking with cold.

Rosario came close and looked at crying Mary first.

He could see how red her B-__-bs are as a result of the presses.

Then her red face as a result of the slap, then her tears.

He took off his jacket and covered her with it first, then he faced the trembling guys.

“Strip” he commanded.

Without waiting, the guys stripped quickly, their Ďïčks ringing church bells as they stood nakedly.

Rosario got a knife from his pocket and walked to the first one.

“How dare you lay your f_cking hands on her” he muttered, grabbing his fingers.

He cut off the ten fingers at once.

“Argghhhhh!!!!” He screamed, his blood flooding down.

The remaining two guys were already crying.

Mary’s eyes widened at the scene.

Rosario proceeded to his Ďïčk and cut it off too.

“f_ck!!!!!” He cried.

“Don’t mess with what’s mine” Rosario muttered.


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