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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS WEAKNESS – Episode 69 & 70

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{ All I Want Is Revenge… }

THEME: Taming Him 🔥

CHAPTER 69❥︎70

By, Lisa.






Natalia and Vincent stood in front of two graves with flowers in thier hands.

Vincent squatted and dropped his own flower.

“Mom… Dad…. I finally fulfilled your last wish,I finally got rid of Magnus…” He said touching both the graves.

“Even though it’s took long, I’m glad I still did…I hope you’re finally at peace now! I miss you both so much” Vincent muttered and Natalia squatted next to him and touched his shoulder.

“I’m sorry…” She uttered.

“It’s fine… Not like it’s your fault” He replied and she nodded and dropped her flower too.

“And I’m sorry too” he added.

Natalia looked at him.

“For ki||ing your parents,I’m really sorry Lia!!”

“It’s okay,it’s all in the past now… Let’s forget about it and move on with our lives. Let’s get married and build our families like Franco’s last wish… We should fulfill it for him” She hugged him.

“You’re still willing to marry me after everything I’ve done?”

“Sssh! you didn’t do anything, I’ve forgiven you. Stop talking about it” Natalia muttered.

“Thank you, I love you so much!” He kissed her forehead and hugged her back.

“I love you too Vin!” She said.

They stayed like that for five minutes before standing up thier feet.

“Mom.. dad, we’ll be getting married soon. I really hope you can give us your blessings cos she’s the girl of my dream, she’s the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. The mother of my unborn child…” He continued and Natalia blushed.

“The only one for me! I love her so much…”

“Oh please! Is this a proposal or what?” Natalia chuckled.

“Kinda! Too bad I haven’t gotten our engagement ring,I’ll do it formally when you turned next month!” Vincent said

“Geez! It’s was supposed to be a surprise! You are really clueless about this things!” She sighed softly.

“Was I not supposed to tell you about it? It’s done secretly?” He asked surprisedly.

“Just forget it! We’re late. The twins will be waiting for us already!” Natalia announced.

“Oh right Lotus is getting discharged today?”

Natalia nodded.

He interlocked thier hands,and they both smiled before leaving the cemetery.


The whole clan was quite and peaceful which was unusual. That’s because all the gangster left already

It’s has been a long weeks for all, Vincent quit being a mafia boss and the rest of the mobsters also insist they are quiting cos what will become of them without Vincent.

Scarlet and Piper left together,same as Brittany. (For those who are confused,it’s thier real names)

Brittany left for her real home which was California after she had Mõ@ɲ Venus death’s for weeks. Jerry’s family are in California too so they left together.

Tomcat had been staying in the hospital with Lotus,since Lucky was always there.

Rusty and Valerie continued thier relationship since the love is still thier. They are both still together and very much happy.

Apple, Paramour are still in hidding,no one knows where they both went.

Grinder on the other hand, shut everyone from her life. Vincent, Rusty, even Natalia and Valerie.

They are as good as dead to her. The last time she had fainted,she was rushed to the hospital.

She left the hospital even before she got discharged,she run away from everyone.

She has become more cold than ever,,it’s been really hard living all alone without Luca but maybe she will get over it later,not soon.

She’s not ready to stop thinking about him.

A car suddenly drove into the clan and a figure comes out from it.

It’s turns out to be no one else but Grinder. She was wearing a shot white strapless gown which only stopped above her kneel,with only a black shade covering her eyes.

She made her way into Luca’s room directly,getting there she was surprised to meet Valerie.

“Grinder!” Valerie called surprisedly.

“It’s Blaire!” Grinder corrected,walking to the closet.

She opened it and started packing all Luca’s stuffs in a bag she found.

“We haven’t been able to chat and catch up cos of what happened, It’s been long since we see each other! How have you been? I’ve missed you” Valerie said.

Grinder said nothing,she only concentrated in what she’s packing, Valerie move closer and started helping her with it.

Valerie suddenly picked a paper from his bed and was about opening it when Grinder saw her. She rushed to snatched it from her.

“Why would you touch this?!!” Grinder broke into tears.

Valerie stared at her in total confusion.

“I was… only trying to… help you with it” she stammered.

“It’s the only memory he left for me, I never want to open it. I should have burnt this before now!” Grinder sat on the bed, sniffing.

“Why?” Valerie sat next to her.

“If I opened this,it’s only means I’ve accept he’s truly dead. I know he’s still alive,he can’t be died! He won’t leave me! I’m holding on to his promise!”

“But Grin… Blaire….”

“Don’t say anything! Just believe me when I said he’s not died,we all taught you’re died right? But you came back after a year.If you can come back,then he can too. He’ll surely come back for me. I believe Luca will be back too, even if it’s took ten years I’ll be waiting for him with our baby!” She assured touching her tummy.

“You’re pregnant?” Valerie eyes widened.

Grinder nodded cleaning her tears.

“That’s great news! I’m so happy for you Blaire!!” Valerie pulled her into a warm hug.

“Me too!” Grinder smiled.

They broke the hug.

“Whoa you finally smile at me! Only God knows how much I miss this face especially your smile!” Valerie said and Grinder chuckled.

“Me too! I missed you alot,I admit it. I really miss you!!” Grinder hugged her this time.

Valerie smiled patting her back slowly.

They suddenly heard a knock from the door which made them broke the hug.

“Are you expecting someone?” Valerie asked.

Grinder shooked her head.

Apple entered and they all exchange glances.

“What are you doing here?” Grinder asked coldly.

Apple turned to Valerie.

“Can you excuse us for five minutes? I want to have a word with my sister!” She said, shocking the both of them.

Valerie stood reluctantly.

“Will you be fine alone?” She asked, eyeing Apple.

Grinder nodded.

Valerie left them.

Apple said next to Grinder.

“You didn’t even bother reaching out for me while I’m gone! Is this how much you h@ťě me? You’ll really be fine alone if I’m gone for good?” Apple started.

“We aren’t that close for you to tell me why you left and where you went, we don’t even have each other’s number remember?” Grinder rolled her eyes.

“I went back to Mexico to visit mom’s grave,I made up my mind to stay away from everyone and start a new life. Including you! But I couldn’t do it! After hearing about what happened with Luca! I realise we only have each other to depend on now….”

“Luca isn’t dead!” Grinder snapped.

“That’s what I wanted to believe when mom died too, now you know how hurt I felt after her death. I was more closer to her,she was like my only friend,the only one who understand me in this world the most!! We shared the same birth date and even face but we aren’t as close as mom! I wanna end my life after she left, I wanted to leave the world with her. I wanted to make everyone involve in her death felt the same way she felt when she was still struggling with Cancer! The same way you felt with Luca! But I went too far by turning my back on everyone around me….. I’m still missing mom so much… Blaire!!”

They were both in tears before she could finish.

“I miss her so much too! Even though I love dad more she’s still my mother!” Grinder said in tears.

“I’m sorry for everything I did! I’m really sorry for everyone I’ve wronged! I really hope you can forgive me! I want us to be sisters again,I miss sharing my problems with you,I want to go back to when we aren’t fighting and acting cold like enemies!” Apple continued.

“Me too,let’s stop fighting… Claire” Grinder said and they both hug.

“Thanks Blaire! Thanks for forgiving me!”

“Of course! I wouldn’t want Luna to met her mom and twin sister fighting! She wouldn’t be happy!” Grinder chuckled.

“Who’s Luna?” Apple broke the hug.

“My unborn baby name!” Grinder answered.

“You’re… pregnant?”

Grinder nodded with a smile.

“Whoa! I’m now a godmother! Really can’t wait for see her! I bet she’ll be as pretty as me!” Apple gushed.

“Sure!!!” Grinder chuckled and they hugged once more.


Three years old Luna could be seen sitting alone in the dinning room eating her cereal quitely. She was putting on her school uniform which add more to her pretty,she looks so cute and adorable.

She was pouting as she as she eat.

She suddenly raised her head and spotted Blaire (Grinder) walking down the stairs.

She is already dressed for work.

If you think she’s pretty three years ago,then you’re mistaken.

If pretty was a person,she’ll gladly be given the award. Starting from her long natural dark hair,to her perfect and spotless body,her light skin glowing gorgeously.

Since she has always had interest in designing,she has her own company now. She is a proud CEO of her brand.

“Momma!!!” Luna stood and rushed to hug her.

“Sweetie!” Blaire carried her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Did my baby miss me?” She asked.

Luna shooked her head.

“What was the hug for then?” Blaire asked as they both sat down at the table.

“Someone ask me to deliver the hug to you” Luna answered.

“Huh! Can you tell momma who’s it?”

“Of course! There’s this guy in our school he always visit me everyday” Luna smiled.

Blaire raised her eyebrows.

“A guy? What did momma tell you about talking to a stranger? And who’s this guy?” She said.

“Momma! He’s not a stranger,he said he’s a good friend of yours!” Luna explained.

“You know mom doesn’t keep a male friend! Have you ever seen us together?”

“I was surprised when he said that too,you only talk to uncle Vincent and uncle Rusty…but he said he’s not a bad person!” Luna continue.

“Co’mon Luna! A bad person wouldn’t write it on his forehead! Just stay away from him or do you want me to tell your teacher?” Blaire said seriously.

“Calm down mom! I assure you he’s not a bad person, he looks like an angel sent from heaven,i think i have a crush on him!” Luna giggles.

Blaire eyes widened.

“What? When did you learn all this from?”

“I’m not a kid anymore! I’m three now!!” Luna gushed.

“That reminds me! Anna and Elsa’s birthdays are coming! It’s this saturday right?” Blaire said eating her meal.

Luna nodded.

“Can we go tommorow? Since it’s friday! I wanna wish them first!” She pleaded cutely.


Luna smiled.

“Lotus and Lucky’s birthdays is the same with theirs! There will surely be a grand celebration!” Blaire chuckled.

“Yay! Can I invite my friend?” Luna pouted.

“I’ve to meet him first, to know if he has bad intention or not!”

“Okay! He wouldn’t come today, you’ll meet him tommorow” Luna smiled.

“That’s better! My day off is tommorow,now stop talking and eat your meal so I can drop you off” Blaire said.

Luna nodded and resume eating.


“Are you sure they are gonna show up? What if it’s a prank like last time? I really don’t have time to spare! If I loose my job it’s on you Jerry!” Brittany said impatiently.

“Scarlet wouldn’t lie! Even though Piper is a great liar!” Jerry replied.

“Did I just hear you call me a great liar?” Piper voice said behind them.

Brittany and Jerry turned to see Scarlet and Piper.

“Whao! You really came!” Brittany stood to hug Scarlet.

“Of course! We should have been here sooner but Piper is always busy with works! f_ck!” Scarlet said.

They all sat.

“It’s been more than three years we last saw each other… I miss everyone, especially Cat!” Piper faked tears.

“Quit the act! It’s not funny!” Scarlet rolled eyes.

“Yes boss!” Piper said and they all laughed.

“Boss twins birthdays is in three days,should we pay then a surprise visit? Let’s go to Italy, anyone in?” Brittany asked.

“I’m sure in! Can’t wait to see Cat!” Piper smiled

“All you care about is Cat!” Scarlet shrugged.

“I’m in too!” Jerry winked.

“Wait… The double L 18th birthday is the same day with Anna and Elsa, if I’m correct!” Piper exclaimed.

Brittany nodded.

“Whoa!!!!” Jerry and Scarlet said at once.

“I’m happy for Cat! After three years of waiting! He’ll finally be free!” Piper chuckled.

“He wouldn’t dare,or else he’s ready to loose his balls!” Jerry laughed.

“No wonder you and Cat clicked well,all you know is f_cking around! I wonder why Scar isn’t pregnant yet!” Brittany said funnily.

“I don’t want to be a father yet,it’s creepy!” Piper answered.

Scarlet rolled her eyes.

“How I miss Venus!!” Brittany sighed.

“Everyone does,I miss her trouble the most but not like I miss Apple!” Piper said.

Scarlet frowned.

“Did I say I miss her? I was only kidding! Believe me babe!” He quickly corrected.

Scarlet smiled.

“Let’s name our first child Venus!” Jerry said to Brittany.

“In your dreams!!” She replied.

They all laugh.


Grinder pulled her car into a halt in front of a coffee shop and come down.

She was feeling thirsty and decided to grab a drink.

She entered the coffee shop and come out shortly, she checked her watch and gasped.

It’s almost 10pm, Luna will surely panick if she don’t see met her by her side when she woke up.

She was rushing out hastily only to bumped into a guy and the coffee poured on him.

“f_ck! Are you okay?” She panicked and immediately started helping him clean his shirt with her handkerchief.

“It’s okay miss! I’m really fine!” The voice said and her eyes widened.

Even in her dreams she’ll surely recognize that voice.

“Lu….ca??!!” She gasped and raised her head,she wasn’t looking at his face before.

It’s really him. She can’t be mistaken.

“Luca?!!” She exclaimed and hugged him in tears.

The guy he referred to as Luca stared at her speechlessly and slowly broke the hug.

He gave her a confused look.

“Please don’t tell me you don’t recall my face? Don’t tell me it’s not you! I’m really not going to let you go untill you admits you’re my Luca” She said noticing his face.

“Why will I forget my lady’s face?” Luca finally said and her eyes widened.

She was really expecting him to say no.

“You do? It’s really you? You’re really back? Is this really you?!” She broke into tears.

Luca nodded.

Grinder pulled him into a tight hug,almost suffocating him.

“You’re really back now right? You aren’t going to leave me anymore? If you’re going to leave again please lemme come with you! I missed you so much!!!!” She cried.

“I’m sorry it’s took long,my lady!” Luca said,hugging her back.

Grinder broke the hug.

“Are you sure this is really you?” She asked touching his face.

Luca nodded.

Grinder hugged him again.

They hug for a complete ten minutes,she only broke it when she’s satisfied.

“Let’s go to my place… I wanna show you someone!” She said.

“Sure!” He made an advance to go to his car but she pulled him back.

“I’ll be a fool if I let you out of my sight again,let’s take mine! I’ll have someone pick that up”

Luca nodded. They bother got into her car and drove out of the place.


“Why aren’t you asking why I didn’t come back all this while?” Luca said breaking the long silence between them.

Since they got to her place,all they do is stare at each other for what seems like forever.

“I know you’ve your reasons! I don’t even wanna know how you managed to survived the fire… I’m just happy you’re back!” She said.

“But I want to tell you”

“There is still tommorow! I just want to enjoy seeing your face for now, who knows you might disappear after telling me I don’t want that” She sniffed.

Luca chuckled.

“Do you miss me that much?” He touched her face, wipping her tears traces with his thumb m

“Do you have to ask? I never lost hope of seeing you again all this years! Three years felt like ten years to me! I miss you so much!” She hugged him again.

“Who are you? And why we you hugging my momma?” Luna suddenly said from behind and they broke the hug at once.

She was rolling her eyes,while holding a big stick.

“Sweetie!” Grinder rushed to her.

She was about finishing a good excuse to give her when Luna suddenly rushed to Luca with a smile.

“It’s uncle Angel! The guy I told you about mom!” She gushed hugging him.

“Wait what?!” Grinder eyes widened.

“I’m sorry,I’ve been following you for a month now and I couldn’t help but notice a child with you, that’s how we become friends… Is she the one?” Luca asked emotionally.

Grinder nodded.

“She’s our child?” Luca asked again.

“Yes… Luna!”

Luca carried her and hugged the little girl.

“My baby!” He gushed kissing her forehead.

Luna only gave him a confused look,Luca dropped her.

“Momma, is he my dad? Does that mean I have a dad now? Uncle Angel is my dad? Is he? ” She threw her questions.

Grinder nodded with a smile.

“Yay! Does that mean I have two parents like Anna and Elsa now?” Luna asked again.

“Of course! Sweetheart!” Grinder carried her.

“Yay! I can’t wait to tell everyone at school I have an angel as a Dad! Yay! but why are you just showing up now?” Luna suddenly ask.

“I’ll explain when you’re a lot older!” Luca respond.

“If you both are just seeing each other for the first time after a long time, don’t you think you’ve to share a kiss?” Luna said

Grinder and Luca eyes widened.

“When did you learn that from?” She ask

“My school mates once told me that her father was a traveller and when he got back after two years he and her mom kissed all night” Luna explained.

“Gosh!” Grinder held her head.

Luca couldn’t hold his laughter.

“What are you waiting for? Kiss momma already? You don’t have to worry I’ll close my eyes to make it more romantic!” Luna closed her eyes and placed her head on Grinder’s shoulder.

Luca pulled his Grinder closer and slammed his lips on hers.


𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝➪✌︎

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