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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS WEAKNESS – Episode 35 & 36

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{ All I Want Is Revenge… }

THEME: Taming Him 🔥

CHAPTER 35❥︎36

By, Lisa.





✵༄( THE REAL HIM )༄✵

Natalia opened her eyes, immediately.

“Wait! Did you just smile??” She exclaimed, and He immediately come back to his sense.

“Who smile?” He groaned and Natalia scoffed.

“I clearly saw your face just now, there’s no need to deny it” She said.

He frowned and left her side, walking back to his seat. He grabbed his cigarettes and lighted it before facing her.

“Leave!!!” He said coldly.

“You mean I should go?” She asked, but didn’t get a reply from him. She walked pass him and left the room.

Almost immediately, the door flunged opened and Apple came in,her whole body fuming in anger. She went to him.

“What’s the problem again?” He dropped the cigarette and asked.

“Are you seriously asking me that? What’s the problem? Can you hear yourself at all? Tell me what that Ɓîtçh f-__-king do here? f-__-king explain why she left her and the f-__-k she’s doing her in the first place?!!” She ranted angrily.

“What did you think?” Vincent asked in return.

“What!!! Is that all you’re going to say? Don’t tell me you f-__-ked her?” She yelled.

“It’s wh@ťěver you choosed to call it, I don’t owe you any explanation!! Take your leave now I want to be alone!!”

Apple suddenly grabbed his shirt and made to kiss him,but he pushed her off.

“Are you insane?” He yelled and she flinched away from him.

“But I love you Vincent. I’m in love with you, I’ve love you for a very long time…I really do love you,I don’t mind giving you my body” she said as she slowly move her hand to her zipper ready to pull off her clothes.

“Stop this nonsense and leave now Apple!!”He said and picked his gun,aiming at her.

“You can’t do this Vin,can you?” She asked seductively biting her lips.

“F*king leave my room,I won’t repeat it” he said and $h00t at a vase next to her.

Apple eyes widened as she move back in fear.

“I’ll leave but trust me I won’t stop untill I make you mine!!”she said and walked out.

“Damnit!!” He cursed and light another cigarette.

Why don’t he feel anything with her? The arousal he’s trying to calm just now.

He thoughts.

But what does she meant she’s like him for a long time.

“I’m a virgin_” Natalia’s words ringed in his head and take a long drag from his cigarette before dropping it.

“Virgin or not!! You won’t escape from me next time!!” He muttered,under his breath.


Rusty entered Vincento’s suite and met him smoking as always. Immediately Vincent’s eyes caught him, he quickly dropped it.

“What am I hearing Vince? Tell me it’s not true!!” Rusty suddenly began laughing, shocking Vincent.

“What?” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“The new girl, you’re trying to f-__-k her?” Rusty laughed and fell on the bed. Laughing hard.


“Thought you’re a virgin, How come?”

“I don’t know what happened too,just whenever I’m with her I just felt this arousal I’ve never felt in 2 years!”

“2 years? Does that mean you were never a virgin?” Rusty gasped.

“Sort of”

“And you didn’t tell me?” Rusty asked, seriously.

“Sorry! I just don’t know if you could be trusted when we meet, I’m sorry!!” Vincent said.

“Since you said the word sorry, I forgive you! So tell me,how do you feel with her?”

“I don’t even understand…

“Since you finally felt it with her, what is stopping you from doing it” Rusty cut in.

“She’s a virgin and I doubt if I’m as good as before! It’s been 2 years!!”

“f-__-k, can never be me….I’ll be long dead by now” Rusty chuckled and Vincent rolled his eyes.

“What if I become your coach, will you really do it with her?” Rusty smirked.




“Yes…right there”


“Yes daddy,give it to me”

“You are hitting the right spot”

“Oh my gawd!”

Apple Mõ@ɲed loudly as Pipe screwed her. He squeeze her Ɲīpplë and she smiled. He th-ru_st in and out of her for more minutes before he pulled out from her p@zzy.

“Gosh you’re so great,but not like Cat!!” She said,putting on her p*nt back.

“Go f-__-k him then!!” He said.

“That fool choose that 15 years old girl over me, can you imagine how much I h@ťě him” She hissed.

“Why telling me this?”

“Can you be his replacement?”Apple asked.

“I don’t mind” Pipe smirked.

“Cool, see ya next time!” Apple said and left.

Immediately she got out,she bumped into Tomcat and she looked up. His eyes went to her legs then back to her face.

“Hi…cat!” She waved.

“Don’t even try to be innocent, tell me what the poor young girl did to you for you to h@ťě her so much?” He asked.

“She took you from me!” Apple yelled.

“I was never yours! We were just f-__-k mates, nothing more!”

“Even so, I refuse to loose that little demon” Apple hissed and made to leave but he pulled her back.

He pushed her to the nearest wall roughly.

“I’m serious Apple, if you tried anything funny I’m going to end your miserable life! Try any sh!t with that girl and deal with me first!” He said and release her.

He walked away.

“That’s still won’t make me change my mind!” Apple smirk before walking away.


Grinder walked out of her room, wanting to go to the training arena,since she’s bored.

Getting there,she met Luca $h00ting at the range. she took a stepped back, attempting to leave but he turned and she frozed as thier eyes met.

“Hi!!” She muttered, awkwardly and he only nodded, turning away from her immediately.

She went to pick her arrow and now,and began $h00ting. She was expecting him to talk but he never said a word,she keep biting her lips hurtfully.

It’s took her a lot of confidence,to swallow her ego.

“How’s your arms faring?” She asked and Luca turned.

“Cool” He replied simply and dropped the pistol. He started walking out.

“Luca!!” She called without thinking.

“Yes” He faced her.

“Can…you…..” She stopped talking, unable to complete it.

“Nevermind” She said,and Luca nodded and left.

“f-__-k” she muttered,before resumed $h00ting her arrows,but she can’t seem to focus. She kept missing.

She dropped the arrow and bow and left the place.


Grinder come thier directly after leaving the training arena. She has a lot on her mind lately,so she decided to cool off there.

Suddenly she felt a figure standing next to her. She turned at once.

“Did I scare you?” Natalia smiled.

“What are you doing here?” Grinder asked.

“Was wondering around,then I saw you at that edge thoughts you were going to jump or something!!” Natalia said, breathlessly

“Whao, you really ran all the way here cos of that, I never knew you love me that much!!”

“Now you know” Natalia said and they both laughed.

“What are you doing here this late?” She added and Grinder sighed.

“Missing someone close to me!” She muttered.

“Your family?” Natalia asked.

“I have no family except Claire…” Grinder answered.

“She’s died?”

“One and only, Apple!!”

“Her real name is Claire?” Natalia gasped.

“Yea, she’s Claire and I’m Blaire” Grinder smiled.

“I start to wonder where the name Grinder come from” Natalia chuckled.

“Everyone here names are weird, but believe me there’s a reason behind it. You only see everyone here evil, ki||ing people as if they are not human being too, whereas what human being has caused them are more painful” Grinder sighed.

Natalia just kept silent.

“Sometimes I can help but miss my sister, The real Claire not Apple” Grinder chuckled.

“She was not like that before?”

“Dad made her like that…when we’re kids,she was the soft type while I’m the tough one, Just like how every family should be, we’ve a happy home,me,her and our parents. But everything changed when Dad started cheating on mom, he stopped coming home,he stopped providing for our needs, he would come home whenever he likes,being weeks or months sometimes years….And whenever he comes back,he would hit mom nonstop and Claire and I will cry so much in our room since we can’t do anything to save our mom from that beast”

She stopped talking for a while to look at Natalia. She appeared to be more interested than she thought.

“Then one faithful nights, dad came home, drunkenly as usual. He hits mom countless before announcing to us that he has found our replacement, he reveals he has a family aside us and he packed out that night. We begged him so much but he refused to listen. Less than a week after he left, mom become very I’ll and we were forced to stop schooling, we were just in grade 12 back then, we found out she has cancer and she needed a surgery. Claire and I did our best to save her but the money was just not enough, we lost mom and everything. I really had a hard time consoling her cos she was more close to mom and she love her more than her own life. She even got sick too, that I thought I was going to loose her. That’s how I lost Claire to Apple, she would swore everyday she’ll ki|| dad with her very own hand if ever she had the chance and she did it” Grinder explained.

Natalia blinked countlessly. Not knowing what to say next.

“That…must… have been painful…for you both!” She sturttered.

“If you think our own story is painful, wait untill you heard Vincent’s story” Grinder chuckled.

“Oh….A devil also has own side of story too?” Natalia mouthed.

“We all have our own side of story, we become a gangster not because it’s fun or we derive pleasure from it but became we’ve our own mission. Vincent is the first…wanna hear his story?”

“Not really!!” Natalia replied.

“I’m sure you badly wanna know how he become a devil”

She slowly nodded.

“I really don’t know much about his actual details but we’ve known him since Highschool…

“High what?”

“Funny right? Back then…He was famous for the title “The school prince” of course he’s handsome…kind, soft hearted, intelligent and most of all charming! He was quite famous in the school most especially among the girls, you know bad boys vibes and all. He didn’t know I and Apple, we only know him. Apple has a big crush on him then,she was so obsessed with him that she’ll do anything for him to notice her. She even went far as wanting to enrol in the same college as him..too bad we dropped out cos of mom’s death”

“And about how he became what he his today…His parents most trusted friends made him like that from what I heard from Rusty, Valerie’s dad and Magnus,which is Franco’s dad…

“Franco?” Natalia exclaimed.

“Why? You know him?” Grinder asked.

“No!” She replied rather quickly, Grinder only looked at her and smiled.

“They are all friends and business partners,but Vincent’s dad was more intelligent and the richest among them,that’s where the hatred started. Magnus and Valerie’s dad plot to ki|| his entire family and share his whole property among them. They sent assasin to thier home and his parents bodies were slaughtered into tiny pieces and they also set thier house on fire, leaving Lotus in to burn with them. Vincent’s was out, and when he come back he discovered thier house was burning,even when the cops tried to stop him from going in,he refused to listen. He found his way in and rescue 12 years old Lotus. I heard he has alot of mark from the burnt”

“Could you believe they didn’t stop after than. After they discover Vincent and Lotus survived,they started thr_@tening their lives…saying they should hand over the left property of their parents. They tried to ki|| Vincent countless time but he narrowly escaped death. That’s was how he become who he his,he ki||ed Valerie’s parents and brought her here. He planned to make her suffer for what her parents caused him but she and Rusty fall in love,and he was forced to let’s everything go…I guess that’s why he’s possessed towards Lotus”Grinder continued.

Natalia suddenly felt pitied for him,after hearing all this. All this on just him, If all she said is true why did he ki||ed her parents then.

Could there be reason to that??


𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝➪✌︎

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