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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS WEAKNESS – Episode 17 & 18

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{ All I Want Is Revenge… }

THEME: Taming Him 🔥

CHAPTER 17❥︎18

By, Lisa.






“Can.. I… Kiss you?” Natalia shouted, and her eyes widened at once.

She knew it’s the end for her. What did she just uttered?? Was she even thinking at all??

She was expecting her head to be blewed off that minutes, but nothing came so she opened her eyes slowly.

She found him smirking, with a dangerous look.

“The only reason why I haven’t ki||ed both you and your friend is because you still have my money with you. And now, I get you’re really looking for death by all means…You dressed like a b**tch that you’re here, So you can gain my attention or what? Are you crazy? You kidding me? You wanna kiss me? Do you have a death wish?” Vincent groaned widely,his veins showing showing how angry he was.


“Don’t you dare say that f-__-king word in front of me” He yelled, cutting her off.

Natalia swallowed hard, her mind hastening of what to do, to calm him down or she’s dead.

After thinking for some minutes, the only solution that popped in her head is one thing.


“It’s won’t happen again I swear” She took off the heels she’s wearing and stormed out of the room, running off madly.

She didn’t look back or stop till she get to her room, she rushed in and shut the door quickly.

Lucky was already fast asleep, so she fell on the bed next to her, catching her breath.

‘You almost died Natalia, Should I just give up?’ She muttered, rolling from side to side.

“d@mn you Franco, f-__-k you, You almost got me ki||ed…Why is he so scaring? Geez” She stood up and went to the mirror.

She turned around, checking herself out, if she missed something.

“Why is he not moved by all this at all? Is he blind or…Is he impotent?” She gasped, and suddenly burst into laughter.

“If truly he his impotent…I hope his future lover never gets a baby for him, I h@ťě him so much!!!!” She screamed, and slapped the mirror picturing it as Vincent.

“I really suck at this seducing of a thing, I don’t even have my phone anymore so I could search how to go about it…What should I do now?” She sighed, rubbing her make up off.

She took of her clothes too, and fell on the bed once again.

“Mom!!, Dad!! Megan!! Just be a little patient for me okay? I’ll surely avenge your death…I’ll make him pay for every pain and suffering he caused me”

She palmed her face, crying silently.



Vincent was still smoking as he watched the stars.

The suddenly reminisce what just happened.

She’s the only person that has ever disrespect him so much, and yet she’s still Alive.

Why didn’t he ki||ed her earlier??

Why doesn’t he feel anything to her at all upon all the openess??

Has he really became a changed person.

Back when thier parents were still alive and he hasn’t became a deadly mafia yet.

He his known for the title •INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY•

He f-__-ked and f-__-ked till he can’t go deeper anymore, He his a woman ki||er, He partied alot and had many slut, he only had one night stand with.

He his a college students and He can do anything for p@zzy, it’s like his second home.

Everything changed the day his parents died. He became gentle, quite and dangerously Evil.

That very night, He wasn’t at home cos he was busy f-__-king around. He came back late and met thier house on fire.

After all the Incident, He stopped f-__-king, He h@ťěd parties cos that’s part of thier death, If he had been home that night.

Would they still be alive??

Would they have gone through that hellish and brutal death??

No right?

He made a promise to Lotus to avenge thier parents death, even if it will cause him his own life.

He only told Rusty he was a Virgin cos he wouldn’t stop asking him why he doesn’t f-__-k since they meet.

He snapped out of the thoughts off and went for his hoodie, he wore it but an item suddenly dropped from the pocket.

He bent down and picked it, Turned out to be a Phone.

He remembered he took it from her the previous night, and he totally forget.

He made to on it but the battery already died, He sat back on his couch and Trigger rushed in.

He quickly went on his kneels.

“Forgive me Boss!! I really didn’t know when she entered. She drvgged us…”

“Enough!! Just get her information for me, Everything about her” Vincent ordered, and Trigger bowed, attempting to leave.

“Take this, It might be helpful” He said and Trigger took the phone from him, waking out.

Vincent brought out another pack of cigarettes, he lighted it and began smoking aggressively.



Grinder groaned out loudly when she missed the target for the umpteenth time.

She stared at the $h00ting range and sighed.

“Maybe this is really not meant for me” She murmured, dropping the bow and arrow.

“Why am I so frustrated this morning? Not like it’s his first time?”


Grinder walked towards Rusty suite, holding her arrow and bow as usual, wearing her cold face.

She got in front of the building and made to knock on his door but the usual noise coming from his room, stopped her.

“Yeah…Yeah…f_ck me harder” Came the loud Mõ@ɲs from the girl, Rusty was f_cking nonstop, with his balls hitting her a*s widely.


“Ah…yes, yes”

“Yes come on…..f-__-k”

“Right there, harder Rus..ty!”. She heard her Mõ@ɲs outside, loud and clear.

She folded her fist, and turned, walking away.


She actually wanted to thank him for bringing her to her room the previous night, but she didn’t get to because of the sh!t he met him in.

She tried $h00ting again, but she couldn’t focus.

She sighed, and dropped the arrow and grabbed a gun.

“Should I give it a try? You can do this” Grinder muttered and pointed her gun to the range.

But, she lost again.

“You need to stand properly, and Focus on the angles on the range ” Luca’s voice came from the back and she immediately turned.

She only dropped the gun, shocking him.

“I was only trying to teach you” Luca muttered, but she started walking out.

“Grinder!!” He ran after her.

“Don’t you get tired?” Grinder suddenly stopped, and faced him.

“Tired of what??”

“Following me around, it’s kinda annoying and I h@ťě it” She said, seriously.

“Oh…I’m ….sorry” Luca mouthed.

“You said that sh!t all the time, Just do me a favor and stopped being a f-__-king dog cos I don’t need one” She glared at him, and left.

“She’s right, Aren’t you also tired of following her around? Why will you work yourself out on a girl who doesn’t deserve it? Move on dude” Tomcat appeared, and hung his hand around his shoulder as usual.

“Get the f-__-k away from me!!” Luca threw his hands off.

“Com’on I’m going out to f-__-k, Why don’t you join me, Trust me you’re gonna forget about her” Cat said.

“I’m not interested” Luca rolled his eyes, and walked away.

“Your choice, I’ll go alone…” He smiled, but suddenly sight Apple coming.

He rushed to her immediately.

“Right timing, Baby…I was about going to look for you, I’m so h*rny right now” Apple winked, and immediately jumped on him.

“Me too” Tomcat smirked, and grabbed her @zz quick, squeezing it possessively.

They kissed and his hand went under her pants steadily, not breaking the kiss.

Since she’s wearing nothing beneath, he dipped a finger inside her p@zzy and she started Mõ@ɲing Ɓîtçhily.

He started fínģƐŕing her right there, not minding other gangsters watching.




“Hit!!! Harder!!!!”

“Com’on!!! Keep going!!!?”

Grim Mõ@ɲed widely as Noir th-ru_st in and out of her roughly.

It’s not a gentle s*x at all, and she’s not enjoying it a bit, yet she still want him to stop.



Noir ignore her talks, not listening to her at all. Instead he increased his pace.

“You wanted to cheat on Franco right? I’m gladly helping you…You said he’s not good enough!!! Is that okay or you want more??” Noir smirked, as he pulled out of her.

“It’s enough, I’m not ready to die yet…” Grim said, covering herself up.

Noir let out a smirk, and grabbed his trousers. His phone suddenly ranged from it and his eyes widened when he checked the Caller ID.

“Who is it?” Grim asked, noticing his eyes.

“Snake Ice” Noir answered and swiped green immediately.

“What’s up? Why are you just calling since last month? What the f-__-k is going on over there? Why is there no lead from you?” Noir questioned her.

“I’m sorry…I was avoiding being caught, just call to inform you we’re having a mission tonight, I’ll send you the location right away” The voice said.

“Send it now!!!!” Noir said, and hanged up.

He swiped to his message box, and truly she already sent it.

“That was quick of her, But how do we inform the boss?” Grim asked, staring at the address.

“Right, How do we tell Franco about this?” Noir said.



Venus threw on her t-shirt and dropped her phone, sensing someone approaching.

As suspected, The door opened and Butthead came in.

“Ven..Why are you here? Boss is already waiting with everyone in the power room?” Butthead asked.

Venus ignored her totally, and walked out of the room.

“Ven..Venus!! Are you still mad at me?” Butthead rushed after her, she caught up with her and grabbed her hand.

“Leave me alone!! You love Grinder more right? Well, I don’t want to be friends with you either!! Stay the hell away from me!!” Venus glared, and walked away.

Butthead went after her, but she didn’t wait until they got to the power room.

But no one is presence.

Venus started leaving again, and Butthead was about to follow her but ran into a guards.

“Where is everyone? I left them here?” She asked, the guard.

“They are outside, waiting for you both!!!” The guard replied, and went back to his post.

Butthead turned to Venus, but she already left.

“f-__-k Venus, wait for me!!!” She got outside and met everyone waiting in front of thier cars already.

Everyone was present, except for Vincento.

He doesn’t go with for a mission except it’s important.

“Where is Venus?” She asked Scarface.

“She already got in that car” Scar replied, pointing at the particular car.

“You delayed us enough, and now you’re chit chatting” Rusty yelled, and she bit her lips.

“I’m… sorry” She blinked, and Rusty rolled his eyes at her, getting inside his own car.

Butthead sighed, and entered a car with Scarface. Jerry, Gaspipe, Cat and Luca entered with them.

Venus, Grinder, Apple, Paramour entered the same car Rusty.

Trigger and Tomcat, drove them out of the compound.



“Are you sure this isn’t one of Franco’s trick again? What if he’s trying to play us?” Grinder uttered, impatiently.

“B**tch, we just go here” Apple rolled her eyes.

“I’m not talking to you!!!” Grinder hissed.

“Well I…”

“Stop!!! Do you both have to always be on each other’s throats? Can’t you stay together for minutes without fighting?” Rusty shouted at them.

“But she….” Grinder tried to defended herself.

“Do you have to respond to all she said?” Rusty cut her off.

Grinder and Apple began glaring at each other as usual.

“When are going to move? Aren’t we going in?” Gaspipe asked.

“Be patient…I know what’s I’m doing, Franco is more smarter than you all think, it’s might be a trap” Rusty replied, inserting bullets in his other gun.

Thirty minutes passed, and they are still waiting outside.

“I’m tired…I think we should really go in” Apple shouted, clasping her heels.

None of them say a word, ignoring her as if planned.

“If you’re not going to move, I will, None of you care about me anyways” Apple grabbed her gun, walking into the abandoned building.

“Apple!!!” Paramour ran after her.

“I think we should go after her” Grinder suddenly said, and they all faced her.

“Don’t tell me you cared about that Ɓîtçh?” Tomcat chuckled.

“She’s the only family I have left” Grinder grabbed her arrows, walking into the building too.

“Grinder!!! Wait!!!” Luca and Rusty said at a time, and they both exchange glares.

Luca beat him to it, since he his a fast runner.

“Listen!! None of you should come in untill I ordered it okay?” Rusty grabbed his gun, and followed them.

The rest of the gangsters, stayed outside for minutes, They didn’t hear anything from inside and they aren’t coming out either.

“I’m going to them…” Venus stood up, wanting to leave.

“You can’t!! I won’t allow you to put your life at risk” Butthead muttered, holding Venus hand.

“It’s none of your business if I die” Venus threw her hand off, and rushed in.

Butthead went after her, stubbornly.

“Shouldn’t we follow them?” Scar turned to the guys.

“Don’t you dare!!! It’s thier choice to leave!!” Pipe replied.


Butthead already lost Venus by now, but she’s not ready to leave her here alone, it’s too dangerous.

Not when, she’s not with any weapon. She forget to bring her gun with her, when she rushed after her.

‘Where is she?’ She muttered, slowly. The place we’re getting darker and she hasn’t seen a being since she started roaming around.

Looks like Venus disappeared into the thin air.

Her eyes caught a room not far from where she stood. She rushed to the without thinking.

“Venus!!!” She didn’t see her so she made to get out of the room but a guy came in and closed the door,before Butthead could blink,he threw an heavy kick on her face and she fell on the floor roughly.

Butthead stood up immediately.

“Just when I thought all of them left already…” The guy smirked

“So what? You’re still going to end up dying in my hands” Butthead smirked back.

“Should we see to that?” He asked and approached Butthead with the sword while she kept ducking every slide and th-ru_st he attempted.

Fortunately, she had a knife in her pocket. She brought out the knife and ,he tried another th-ru_st.

She bent down and shoved the knife right inside his tummy. He stopped and looked at Butthead who smirked at him.

More pressure was added immediately.

Minutes later,they are both wounded through different stabs but the Butthead was getting the upper hand even though she was looking weak she didn’t back down.

Unexpectedly the guy kicked her hardly in the tummy and her back hit the wall before falling,the knife in her hand dropped and she coughed out blood

The guy walked closer to her and grabbed her hair

“You wanna prove strong right, I love girls like you ? Sadly, you’re dying tonight” he said and started bringing his sword close to Butthead tummy.

He shoved it right into her belly and the sword came out from her back.

She started gushing out blood, immediately.


𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝➪✌︎

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