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{Caught in
his Passion…}

Expect some Errors

Gbemi Writes

Chapter 15




Raphael angrily made his way to the stables where Sephy was being ploughing the horse faeces clad only in her under wear.

As soon as Raphael got there Sephy’s back side was the first thing he saw.

He could feel his groin responding to her feminine softness but he dismissed it and pulling off his jacket, he walk towards her and wrap it around her startling her.

“Raphael” she called as she held the coat over herself.

“What the hell are you doing here dressed in only your underwear?” He yelled at her in anger.

“I….am only doing the task you gave me” she replied a bit scared by the angry look on his face.

“Task? Who gave you such stupid task!” He yelled at her.

“Ginger and Miranda gave me…..”

“Bloody hell!” He curse out which shock her since she’s never heard him curse out loud before.

“Why are you getting worked up when am only doing what you ask me to do?” She asked.

“You keep saying that nonsense when i don’t even know about it!”

“Quit denying it, I know you told Ginger and Miranda to give me this tough task to punish me. Well am not a lazy bone and I will surely finish it, so I suggest you leave mr!” She yelled in return even as she pulled off her coat revealing her delectable body in only her under wear.

Picking up his coat, he drab it over her and in a swift mood, he lifted her over his shoulders heading to his quarters.

Her attempt to get free only got worse since he didn’t let go and it wasn’t until they were in the confine of his room that he drop her carelessly on the bed.

More Chapters
January 26, 2023
“Now you will go into the shower, scrub that dirty smell off of you and put on a decent clothe” He ordered.

“Don’t order me around! Am not one of your men!” She yelled pushing his coat off of her.

“Since you aren’t able to leave, you decided to go around half Ɲ@kēɗ trying to be a seductress!” He said more slowly and some how that hurt Sephy.

“I may be everything in your eyes but am not a seductress. I will never trade my body for anything and am not going around half Ɲ@kēɗ, normal people dress like this to the beach or….”

“You aren’t at the beach and most importantly, every one who works here aren’t normal people. So if you don’t want to look like a prostitute in front of them, I suggest you put on some clothes” He barked at her.

“I would have worn some thing decent if I had been given one!” She yelled in reply.

“So your saying Lady Jojo didn’t give you a dress to wear?”

“She didn’t! Ginger and Miranda came instead. They told me about the job you had on ground and made me wear a tight fitting shirt and trouser. I had to take it off while working at the stables due to how tight it was” She explained slowly.

“And you expect me to believe what you are saying?” He asked.

“It’s fine if you don’t believe me but you can ask them yourself and am sure that they won’t dare deny it in front of me!” She returned fiercely matching his anger.

“Fine then. Let’s get to the bottom of this” he told her briskly as he pulled out his phone.

After making a call where he ordered whoever was on the phone to get Ginger and Miranda, he ended it.

Moving towards his closet, he pulled out a box which had a floral dress in it.

“Put this on while we wait for Ginger and Miranda to arrive” He said tossing the gown at her.

“I feel more comfortable in my underwear” she replied tossing the dress back to him.

“You are testing my patience Sephy! If you don’t want me to strip off that paper you call underwear and make love to you right on that bed, I suggest you do as I say” he thr_@tened and that got her scuttling off to the bathroom.

As soon as she came out dressed in the floral dress, Ginger and Miranda were already in the room.

“Thank God you both are here, you need to tell him that you gave me that tight clothe ….”

“We never did such a thing!” Miranda said cutting her off abruptly.

“What are you saying? You both brought the tight clothe to me and took me to the stable to work saying it was Raphael order” Sephy said and Ginger who had been glaring at her in anger said

“We have been at the training ground since mid-day. You can ask the students there, they will confirm for you” Ginger said which got Raphael nodding in return.

“There’s no need for that. It’s already clear to me who’s lying amongst you three” Raphael replied turning his gaze on Sephy.

“Do you think I am lying? I certainly am not lying, they are the liar here” Sephy said trying to defend herself.

“Save it! Stop with the lies, it clearly isn’t working” Raphael yelled at her.

“So you choose to believe them right?” Sephy asked.

“Is there a reason why I have to believe you?” Raphael asked in return while Ginger and Miranda kept watching.

“There’s no reason since am no one to you but there will be a reason for you to believe her since she’s some one who warms your bed” Sephy said in anger and that got Ginger clenching her hand in anger.

“Can you both leave us alone” Raphael said and as soon as Ginger and Miranda left the room.

Raphael took hold of Sephy by the arm and push her against the wall while he towered over her starring down at her in anger.

“Don’t you ever say that again! Ginger is more than what you said about her!” He said looking very scary.

“Okay! Am sorry” Sephy said wanting him to let her go but he tightened his hold .

“You aren’t meant to apologise to me but to her” He added letting her go.

“Since you don’t have what it takes to please me and since I don’t sleep with a virgin, you are not useful to me and so you will be working with the maids” He informed her briskly.

“Madam Jojo will assign you to your room and she will also tell you what to do from now on” he added and when she said nothing he turned to her.

“Don’t you have a thing to say?” He asked and when she didn’t reply, he turn to leave.

“I will surely get the truth and make you eat your words!” Sephy said and that got him stopping mid way.

“What words are you going to make me eat?” He asked , a smirk curving his lips.

“Am the one saying the truth here and yes! I might have lied in the past, I might have got everyone doubting you just you did with me today”

“Am glad you know…..”

“But I will prove my innocence and you get to see that that Ginger of yours is the liar here!” She said hotly cutting him off abruptly.

“Try proving your innocence and then we shall see” He said before leaving the room.

“Jerk! Animal! Beast! Devil….I hope you rot in hell!” Sephy cursed Raphael as she sat on the bed waiting for Madam Jojo.

She heard a knock on the door and the door open to reveal a petite looking girl.

“Hello, I am Milly and have been told by Madam Jojo to take you to your room” the girl said wearing a friendly smile.

“Let’s go, I don’t have a thing to pack since that jerk kidnapped me” Sephy said.

“And would that jerk be Stone?” Milly asked referring to Raphael by his nick name.

“It is! ” She let out in anger.

“Have heard how you dig through the doer in house your under wear” Milly said laughing.

“Did everyone see me?” Sephy asked.

“Of course! You are the hot topic in the den” Milly replied while Sephy made a worried face.

“Don’t worry! Stone always take care of his women and since you are the current one, he won’t let any one speak ill of you” Milly said trying to assure her.

“Am not his woman and I won’t ever be one. Am glad he has his Ginny Ginny with him! They make a stupid couple” Sephy said out her thought without inhibitions and once again that got Milly laughing.

“I also think the same about her. She tends to act high and mighty and treat other worker like dirt and that’s because Stone has got her back”

“You see the both of them have been close since child hood and that’s probably why she joined him in this business of his ” Milly added.

“So they’ve come a long way? If Ginger had been in his life why did he set his eyes on my sister?” Sephy said out her thoughts.

“And by your sister ,you mean Violet right ?” Milly asked.

“Yes. Do you know her?”

“Not personally but it the boss wedding to her was big news at the den last year but then it got cancelled” Milly said slowly.

“That partly has to do with me” Sephy said just as a thought occured to her.

Win with Betking
Girl From Lagos: A Week Ago I Had $ 230, Today I Have $ 11,0…
Girl From Lagos: A Week Ago I Had $ 230, Today I Have $ 11,0…
“Milly I know we’ve just met but can you help me?” Sephy asked.

“With what?” Milly asked.

“Your phone, you must have a phone with you right?” Sephy asked and Milly nodded.

“I do but am not sure if it’s right to give you my phone” Milly said slowly.

“Don’t worry I won’t do some thing bad and you will be the one holding onto your phone, I just need you to help me do some thing. It’s some thing I need to do urgently” Sephy begged and Milly had no choice but to agree.

“What do you want me to help you with?”

“Well you see I…..”


A man smoking a cigar sat at his desk starring at a video of Sephy just as another man walk into the room dressed in black.

“Good to see you back Don” The man who walked in greeted the man smoking.

“Have only been gone for a while and you can’t do your job right?” Don replied throwing a file at him.

“Sir, we were caught off guard by Raphael’s men and….”

“Even when I gave you a tip that they plan on coming?” Don asked in anger.

“Am sorry sir!” The man replied.

“Sorry won’t bring back the girls we were going to traffick and neither would it bring back the money I lost due to not selling them!” Don said again.

“I should waste your life right this second” Don added just as the man knelt on the floor.

“Am sorry Don, I will make it right this time. Nothing will go wrong from hence fourth” He pleaded.

“Nothing will since have finally made my way into Raphael den as one of his workers” Don replied still starring at Sephy picture on his phone.

“So none of Raphael’s men recognize you?” The man asked.

“They’ve only heard of my name but have never seen me in person and that is working fine for me now cause I can spy on what they are doing to prevent them from messing with my company” Don replied.

“Since am now part of Raphael’s den, I will find a way to get back the girls they stole from us and our merchandise which they took will also be taken back and also…..this girl” Don added starring at Sephy picture again.

“What girl sir?” The man kneeling asked.

“She’s called Sephy, a latest acquisition of Raphael. I saw her today in her under wear and she’s Fůçƙing hot, I want her” Don said.

“But if she’s Raphael girl then won’t it be hard in getting her?” The man asked which got Don hitting the desk in anger.

“What I want, I get and not even Raphael can stop me. Put every thing else on hold and let’s find a way to steal her from Raphael, do I make myself clear?” Don asked and the man nodded quickly.

To be continued

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