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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? HIS
{Caught in
his Passion…}

Gbemi Writes ✍️

Chapter 33?34



Raphael and Rex was being driven out of the lion den for their meeting when Raphael told the guard to stop.

“What’s wrong?” Rex asked.

“I left some document in the office, I will go get it” He said getting out of the car.

He got to his office and when he found the document, he turned to leave only to see Milly waiting by the door way.

“What’s wrong?” Raphael asked.

“It’s Sephy” Milly said.

“What’s wrong with Sephy?”

“Earlier today, she kept talking about leaving here and all that. I found it weird but I never asked her and so just now….while heading to my room, I saw her and Violet getting into a van. Seems like they are leaving the den” Milly told him having a worried look on her face.

“When did they leave?” Raphael asked.

“A while ago, I would have told you sooner but I couldn’t find you” she replied.

“What’s taking you so long?” Rex asked as he walk into the office to see Raphael and Milly talking.

“What’s going on?” Rex asked on seeing the worried look on their face.

“Cancel the meeting, we’ve got to bring back Sephy and Violet” Raphael said as they quickly left the room.


“Raphael” Sephy kept calling as he was taken into the Den Clinic.

More Chapters

February 7, 2023
Sephy, Violet and Rex was told not to go into the ER and so they stood at the waiting room.

While the operation went on, Sephy kept starring at Raphael’s blood which was still in her hands and dress and that got her teary.

Violet who was consoling her sister kept starring at Rex who stood against the wall, lost in thought.

“What happen to Raphael?” Ginger ask as soon as she got in accompanied by the others.

“Was he really shot?” Miranda asked when the three people that witnessed the whole thing didn’t give a reply.

“This is all your fault!” Ginger yelled as she went towards Sephy and gave her a slap.

“Are you crazy?” Violet asked in defence of her sister but Sephy could fight back herself and so she stood up, taking hold of Ginger blonde hair, Sephy pushed her against the wall.

“Am not in the mood for your tantrums, I already have a lot to think about so don’t make me lose it ” Sephy warned Ginger who could say nothing in return.

“If you are going to fight then I suggest you get out!” Rex said which got them starring at him.

Letting go of Ginger, Sephy went back to her seat and half an hour later, the Operation ended.

“Luckily the bullet didn’t hit any vital organ and so the operation is a success” the doctor began.

“What’s the but In all this?” Rex asked.

“The Anesthesia we gave him should wear off in the next two hours but if he doesn’t wake up, then he is in a coma” the doctor replied which got Sephy crying again.

It didn’t leave out Ginger who was also crying like a baby.

“It’s okay if we move him back to his room right?” Rex asked.

“Yes but that will be tomorrow. Let him stay here for the night” The doctor replied before walking off.

“Can I see him?” Sephy and Ginger both asked Rex at the same time.

“No one is seeing Raphael and so it’s best that you all leave” Rex said having a angry look on his face.

“But Rex…”

“No buts Ginger, just go” he ordered and that got everyone leaving including the twins.

After putting the teary Sephy to sleep, Violet went back to Rex Quarters.

All through her walk, she kept thinking about Rex.

He looked very angry at the clinic, Is that due to her escape or is it due to Raphael being hurt?

She thought as she walk into the room she shared with Rex.

She was surprised to see the little clothe she had packed into a bag.

“Good thing you are here” Rex said as he walk out of the bathroom.

“Here are your things” he said starring at her with a cold gaze.

“Why have they been packed?” She asked slowly.

“From now onwards you are a maid and the maid quarter is some where else. The guard outside will show you the way, so take your bag and leave ” He said harshly.

“Are you doing this because of what happened?” She asked slowly.

“What exactly happen?” Rex asked feigning ignorance.

“We both know. You are angry at me for trying to run away and….”

“And why should I be angry about you running away. You were brought here forcefully and so it’s only right that you would want to leave” Rex said.

“If you aren’t angry about my escape and what happen on wards why are you telling me to leave?”

“It’s because I regret it!” He said which got her starring at him.

“I regret falling for a selfish woman like you” he added and that got her feeling hurt.

“For the first time in my life, I fell for some one and stupidly I even told her about it not knowing that she was planning on leaving ”

“I know I brought you here against your will and it’s only right that you would want to leave but still….after everything that happened between us, after telling you about my feelings, you still choose to leave and if Raphael and I hadn’t found you both on time, some thing else could have happen” he added starring at her with pained filled eyes.

It was at that moment that Violet realized how much she hurt him by choosing to leave.

“Rex I….”

“You don’t have to worry about me or my feelings. I will keep it check, I will get rid of it. Even if I have to be with some one else to achieve it, then I will” he vowed.

“So you can take your things and get out. Once Raphael wakes up, we will find a way to send you and your sister back to your home but until that time, live and work in the den and keep your distance from me” he added even as he called the guard who was at the door way.

“Take her to the maid quarters” he said to the guard who help Violet to carry her bag.

“Rex….am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you” she said when she got to the door way.

“You’ve already hurt me and so your apology is a waste of time and also it’s boss. Everyone who works for us refer to us as boss, keep that in mind” he said harshly and slowly Violet left the room feeling very hurt by the things he said.


Sephy was heading to maid quarters after finishing a chore when her mind drifted off to Raphael.

Today will make it a week that Raphael is still in his coma. She would have love to be by his side but he’s currently at Rex quarter and Rex wouldn’t let her see him.

Guards were placed by his door to stop every outsider apart from Rex himself.

She had gone to Rex to beg him to let her be with him but Rex had refuse and it’s partly because of what happened.

If only she had stayed, if only she had never accepted Louis help then Raphael will be by her side.

He would still be trying to get her forgiveness, well she will be the one asking for forgiveness when he wakes up.

She got to her room and found Violet standing by the window starring out at the fields.

It’s been a week since Violet had left Rex quarter and though she does her best in hiding it.

Sephy knew that Violet is sad and that’s because she miss Rex.

Sephy knew that her sister is in love with Rex but she chose to ignore it and force her to escape which got Rex sending her here to work as a maid.

She would feel relieved if Rex and Violet got back together. At least there will be some thing to celebrate and also to tell Raphael once he wakes up.

“Are you done with your chore?” Sephy asked Violet who nodded in return.

“Why don’t you go to him ” Sephy said suddenly.


“Just go to Rex and tell him how you feel. He’s only being this way with you because you haven’t told him how you feel” Sephy advised and that got Violet thinking.

“Are you sure?” Violet asked.

“I am sure. I know you are in this situation because of me and so it’s only right that I help you fix it. I wish Raphael is up already so I can talk to him but yours isn’t in a coma, so go to your man and get him back” Sephy said which got Violet smiling.

“Have been down for a week but hearing this from you have got back my determination, Thank you sis” she said before running out of the room.

Sephy watched her sister running off in a rush and she let out a slow smile.

She wish Raphael will wake up soon so she can talk to him and tell him how she feels about him.

She got to realise her feeling for Raphael during his coma period and not being able to tell him is eating her out.

She move to the door wanting to close it when she heard some girls talking.

?️ “Did you hear that Raphael woke up?”

?️ “No, when did he wake up?”

?️ “This morning”

On hearing that, Sephy walk out of her room and when she confirmed from both girls that Raphael is up, she took to her heels, heading for Rex quarter.

Luckily for her, the two guards stationed by his door wasn’t there and so for the first time in a week.

Sephy walk up to Raphael room, she had a smile on her face and was wondering how Raphael will accept her when she heard some one voice coming from the room and that got her feeling sad and unable to go in.

After getting to know where Rex is, Violet made way to the room she’s shared with Rex up until a week ago.

She stood by the door trying to calm her breathing before going in to speak to Rex when she heard the Mõ@ɲs coming from the room.

She thought it to be fake and that she was hearing some one else but when she open the door slightly, she saw Miranda Ɲ@kēɗ and she was riding Rex who was so lost in passion.

Closing the door so she won’t be seen, she ran back outside feeling very hurt and broken.

The same thing has happened again, the man she has given her heart to for the second time is cheating on her.

Crouching on the floor while crying her eyes out.

Justin was the last thing she saw before she lost conciousness…..

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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