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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Caught in
his Passion…}

Gbemi Writes

Chapter 25





“Yes, Dyslexia! She’s suffered from it since she was little and it’s mainly the reason why she didn’t finish school and chose to tour around the world ”

“Judging from what you told me about the map, Sephy isn’t the culprit, If it’s hard for her to read, how on earth will she be able to study a freaking map!” Violet yelled at Rex.

“Calm down Violet, let’s….”

“How can I be calm when that jerk shot my sister? Where is she? If anything happens to her then I will ki|| him, I will ki|| him” Violet screamed at Rex who was taken aback by her anger.

“It’s true that Raphael shot her but she’s okay cause there was no bullet in the gun” Rex said trying to calm her down and it did calm her for a while.

“Take me to see her, please Rex. I really want to see my sister” Violet pleaded even as tears glisten her eyes.

“Fine then, let’s go” he said taking hold of her hand.


“How is she?” Raphael asked starring at the unconscious Sephy who is lying on the bed.

“She’s fine and the medication I gave her will put her to sleep until tomorrow” The doctor replied.

“Thanks ” Raphael said thanking the doctor who left the room.

Letting out a sigh, he sat on the bed starring at Sephy’s fragile face.

To him, the only way to know if some one is lying is if he or she is being thr_@tened by a gun.

All evidence pointed to her and though he wanted to believe her Innocence, he just couldn’t take the risk since she’s some one who have lied in the past.

More Chapters

But one thing he realized while $h00ting the gun is that she’s innocent.

The look in her eyes when he shot at her didn’t waver, neither did it change to one of guilt.

Ruffling his hair in frustration, he took hold of her fragile hand starring down at her when the door open.

“Seraphina!” Violet called as she ran towards them.

Raphael got out of the way while Violet knelt by the bed side taking hold of Sephy hand.

“She wanted to see her sister, I had no choice but to bring her here” Rex muttered to Raphael who nodded in reply.

“There’s some thing I must tell you about Sephy, Violet told me about it which means that she….”

“You beast! You monster!” Violet called out even as she turn towards them.

“Now take it easy Violet, we should talk this out when….”

“You expect me to take it easy after what he did to Sephy? I can’t, I won’t !” Violet yelled at Rex in return.

“Leave us alone, Rex” Raphael said which got Rex starring at him.

“She has some things to say and so it’s best that I listen” Raphael added when Rex tried to say some thing.

“Take it easy you two” Rex warned before leaving the room.

“How could you have shot her? I know you are angry at her and want to exact revenge but her crime doesn’t warrant you doing this!”

“Infact she has no crime to pay for since am the one at fault” Violet screamed out in anger.

“I begged her even when she refused, I even resort to coercion just so she would help in stopping our marriage and having no choice, she chose to help me and though she thought of a bad plan, she did help me which is all that matters” Violet let out in anger.

“Have always wanted to ask you why, why did you choose to end the wedding?” Raphael asked.

“It’s because you are scary, you are a scary man Raphael and today you just prove to me that I made the right choice by not getting married to you” Violet replied hotly.

“I get it now, if you have nothing more to say it’s best that you ….”

“I still have a whole lot of things to say to you” she said cutting into his sentence.

“If you have a conscience you are going to let Sephy and I go ”

“Our mistake was making up that lie which made you a laughing stock in front of everyone. Am sorry, I apologise since it started because of me but we’ve been punished enough and it’s time you set us free” Violet added.

“It’s getting late, you should go to Rex ” Raphael said not giving her the answer she wanted to hear.

“So you insist in keeping us here? Well if that is what you want, we can’t fight you on that but please…don’t hurt Sephy again. She doesn’t deserve it” Violet pleaded as she turn to leave but remembering some thing, she turn to him.

“Between us both, Sephy is the kindest and that’s why she stood up for me at church. If you still want to blame some one then blame me” she said walking out of the room.

“Is everything okay?” Rex asked Violet holding onto her arm but she pushed it off.

“Don’t touch me! You are no different from him” she said.

“What did I do?” Rex asked after her but she was already walking off to hear him.

“Follow her and make sure she goes back to my Quarter ” he said to the guards who accompanied them before going to his brother.

“What did you say to Violet?” Rex asked.

“I didn’t say a thing ” Raphael replied, his gaze on Sephy.

“But she got angry when she saw me. That’s why I told you take it easy” Rex said.

“If only you know about her illness then you wouldn’t have fired the gun” Rex muttered under his breath and that got Raphael gaze on him.

“What illness?”

“Didn’t Violet tell you about it?” Rex asked while Raphael shook his head in reply.

“It turns out that Sephy is suffering from Dyslexia, a disease which doesn’t….”

“I know what it means” Raphael cut in as he went to seat beside Sephy again.

“So it’s clear to you now that Sephy is innocent which means that guard is lying. We need to get to the bottom of this” Rex said.

“Do what you can to find out the truth” Raphael replied.

“What about you? Aren’t you coming?” Rex asked.

“Am staying by her side” he said firmly and knowing that his brother meant what he said, Rex left to interrogate the guard.

“Thank God I found you Louis ” Ginger said as she tried to steady her breathing.

“What’s wrong?”.

“Rex and his men are going to talk to the guard. Once he talks then you will be in danger and …..”

“Don’t worry have got it handled ” Louis assured.

“What did you do?” Ginger asked.

“Just like I said, I don’t know how Don found out the truth and got his men to attack us but my only crime here is that I payed that man to lie on Sephy which has worked far until now. The only thing left to do so I won’t be caught is to get rid of him ” Louis told her.

“Get rid of….do you intend to ki|| him?” Ginger gasp out in shock.

“He should be dead by now” Louis returned giving her a smile.

“But that’s cruel”

“Nothing is cruel when it comes to saving one’s neck. So don’t worry about a thing, I will handle it all” Louis said assuring Ginger.


Raphael was in his office when Rex came to him.

“Still don’t know the cause of his death?” Raphael asked.

“The autopsy result is out and it says that he was poisoned ” Rex replied giving him the file.

“Some one didn’t want him to talk and that’s why he was ki||ed. Do you think Don spy is still amongst us?” Rex asked while Raphael nodded.

“Then how on earth do we find him?” Rex asked.

” He wouldn’t want to show for now but we should be alert cause he’s surely going to do some thing that will expose him” Raphael stated.

“How’s Justin now?”

“Coping. He’s out of danger, so you don’t have to worry” Rex replied just as they heard a knock on the door.

“Hello sir, you told us to tell you when miss Sephy wakes up, she….”

“Is she up?” Raphael asked getting out of his seat.

“She is up but….”

“But what?” Raphael growled at the maid.

“She….she moved into the maid quarters and is out working” The maid answered.

“Is she…..lead me to her ” Raphael said and immediately the maid walked out with Raphael trailing behind her.


Violet left the doctor office after getting a check up and after getting info about her sister.

Hearing from the doctor lips that’s Sephy is doing fine has got her feeling relieved.

She walk past a corridor when she heard a loud thump coming from a room.

She was about going into the room when the guards that were accompanying her stopped her.

“Some one might be in danger in there so get out of my way” she said pushing past them.

She got in only to see a man on the floor , he seems to be a patient and must have fallen off from the bed.

” Let me help you” Violet said moving towards Justin who had his gaze trained on her.

“Are you okay?” Violet asked as she help him into the bed.

“I don’t think I am ” Justin replied his gaze trained on Violet face.

“Should I get you a doctor then or should I….”

“You don’t have to. Being here with me is the only cure I need” Justin said grinning like a fool.

A fool who is obviously in love.

To be continued


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