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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Caught in
his Passion…}

Genre: Billionaire/ Mafia Romance.

Tags: Obsession, Mafia, Kidnapped, h@ťě, Love, Lū$t, Suspense, Secrets, Bullying, Love Triangle, Rivalry, Betrayal, Unrequited Love, Desire, Jealousy, Death.

Gbemi Writes


“Stay away from me! Don’t you dare come close!” Sephy yelled, moving backwards until she fell on the bed.

“Why? aren’t you suppose to be used to this kind of thing? I only want to have a bit of fun, after all you did the same to me a year ago, so why are you scared?” The man who every one refered to as Stone asked.

“That’s….that’s because I….I really haven’t….I haven’t been touch by….” she stop when she saw the knowing look in his eyes.

“So you haven’t been Fůçƙed by a man” He concluded harshly which made her wince in return while she clutch onto the bed sheets hoping he would leave her alone.

But instead, he got into the bed and trapped her underneath him making it hard for her to move.

“I don’t mind you not being Fůçƙed since I will get the satisfaction of being the first, my sweet virgin. So get ready cause it’s gonna be a long night for you and me….”
It all began when Sephy Bradford returned home to attend her twin sister wedding.

But she found out that Violet didn’t want to get married to the man their father chose for her and Sephy could understand why her sister is hesitant to marry him since he gives off a scary and intimidating vibe.

So being the crazy one of the two, Sephy thought of a plan to get her sister out.

And right on the day of the wedding, Sephy claimed herself to be his lover causing chaos which got the marriage cancelled.

The twins were thrilled that Sephy plan work but what they didn’t expect is that the man who they had trick will come back for revenge.

He came back right on Sephy’s wedding and caused the same chaos and his chaos is by kidnapping her and taking her to his den where most of his illegal activities were carried out.

Living in the Lion den with a man she h@ťěs, Sephy tried to escape but all of her plan was futile because he wouldn’t let her go.

To him she must pay for having wreak his marriage to her twin sister a year ago and the only way to do that is by keeping her by his side as his S£x toy.

But all that will change when some one…..

Wanna find out more

Then don’t miss out on this thrilling novel cause it’s gonna be lit



{Caught in
his Passion…}

Gbemi Writes

Chapter 1




Sephy stood in her suite, in front of a mirror starring at herself, sheathe in her wedding dress.

She still can’t believe that today will be the day she gets married to Van Berlin.

She had met Van a few months ago during her tour around the world and they had fallen for each other which resulted in the marriage that will be taking place in a few hours time.

Soon she will be called Mrs Berlin and will be married to one of the most segziest bachelor in the city.

She was still checking out herself in the mirror when the door open revealing her twin sister.

“Woah…you look gorgeous” Violet said as she went to stand beside her sister.

They might be twins but they aren’t identical and they are both different in nature.

While Sephy is the outgoing and crazy type, Violet is the timid and soft hearted one.

“Thanks ” Sephy replied.

“Can’t believe my crazy sis is getting married today. I thought you were still going to enjoy your freedom more but some how Van caught you into his web” Violet teased.

“He did” Sephy replied thinking about Van.

“During this time a year ago, I was also gonna get married” Violet let out softly as she went to sit on the bed.

“But we put an end to it because you didn’t want the marriage” Sephy replied turning to stare at her sister.

“Yes and what a show you gave that day. Am still trying to figure out how you came up with that brilliant idea” Violet said.

“It wasn’t hard. All I could think of was a way to get you out of the unwanted marriage and so I just said all those things ” Sephy replied even as her thought drifted to a year ago when Violet was about to get married….


Sephy walk into the room where Violet was getting ready for her wedding only to see Violet still in her lingerie, her wedding dress crumpled on the floor.

“What’s going on? Why aren’t you ready yet. Father will soon be here to take you to church” Sephy informed her.

“I can’t do it Sephy, I can’t marry him” Violet cried out in anguish.

“What are you saying?”

“I can’t marry him, please help me Sephy. This was all decided by dad, I couldn’t say a thing since he said it’s important for his business but I realized what I was getting into when I saw the wedding dress. I can’t marry him and besides, I don’t love Ralph, he intimidates me and make me feel scared!” Violet choked out in fear.

Seeing the desperate look on her sister face, Sephy knew that she had to do some thing to help.

“What does Raphael think about this? Did you tell him?” Sephy asked referring to her sister husband to be.

“Ralph doesn’t know how I feel and am sure that he also doesn’t love me. He is gentle with me and does his best in being a charming suitor but I just don’t feel a thing, what I feel for him is fear. Just the other day I heard him cursing some one on the phone and it was vile and…and scary” Violet said with distaste.

“So Ralph doesn’t know about your decision and knowing dad, he would rather die than to let you call off the wedding. We have no choice but to go with it” Sephy said which got Violet starring at her with pain in her eyes.

“I can’t do it Sephy, I can’t get…..”

“You won’t be getting married, I promise you that I will do some thing before the priest pronounce you both man and wife, so trust me and go ahead with the wedding ” Sephy told her even as she move towards the crumpled gown.

“Now your gonna get ready and go out there pretending to be the most happiest bride to be while I think of a way to get you out of this mess” Sephy added and immediately Violet got dressed and a while later their father, Luther Bradford arrive to take her to church.

Sephy joined the crowd at church, going to seat beside her mom who was at the front row.

She stared at Raphael King, a business tycoon who owns the two most successful chemical company in California.

He’s often sought out by a lot of girls due to his good looks and that got Sephy wondering why he chose her shy, timid sister when he could easily have a pick from the numerous girls he often went out with in the past.

He had a smile on his face and that smile was directed at Violet as she walk in. Could he really feel some thing for her? Sephy thought starring at Raphael then at Violet.

Anyway she’s got to help Violet, she already promised to help, Sephy thought as she watch her father give Violet to Raphael.

The wedding began while Sephy patiently wait for the priest to say the part where she will have to take action.

“And so whoever is against this union should speak now or forever hold their peace” The priest said and breathing out slowly to control her thumping heart, she stretch up her hand gaining every one attention.

“Am against this union” She spoke out which got Raphael and Violet starring at her.

“What are you doing Seraphina?” Melody Bradford, Sephy mother called out using her full name.

“The thing is that…I…..I am….I am Ralph lover” she said not daring to look at Raphael whose face was $©®£wed up in confusion.

“What do you mean by you are Raphael lover?” Luther Bradford asked and this got her staring at Raphael who still had the confuse look on him.

“I….you see…have known Ralph way long before he met Violet. I fell for him madly and we’ve been lovers for a long time” Sephy continued with her lies.

“Have never been your lover! I don’t even know what you are talking about!” Raphael spoke up beside Violet, startling her.

“Mom, Dad, you’ve got to believe me. Ralph and I were lovers in the past and though we lost contact, I met him again when I came home for Violet wedding and….and although I know its some thing wrong, I….we kept on having an affair behind every one back” She said this feeling very guilty.

Knowing that it’s Sephy way of helping her, Violet took it from there.

“So you two have been cheating behind my back!” Violet screamed pulling off the veil.

“This are all lies. The first time I met your sister was when she returned a few days ago, have never been intimate with her” Raphael said trying to justify himself but Sephy took action.

“Stop denying it Ralph! You once told me that you will keep me as your lover while you get married to my sister for the business transaction going on between you and my father. You only want to eat your cake and have it but I won’t let you and that’s why I decided to tell every one. Am sorry if this has ruined your wedding Violet, but you have to know that Ralph isn’t the guy you think he is” Sephy said bursting into tears while her mom gave her a tight hug.

By now the church was in chaos since they couldn’t believe the scene happening before their eyes.

“Am sorry Raphael but this wedding will have to be put to an end” Luther Bradford said while Ralph glared at Sephy.

“I don’t know why you did this but you will certainly pay!” He vowed before walking out of the church with the people he came with.


“Back to earth girl! Where did you zoom off to?” Violet asked jolting Sephy back to the present.

“I was just thinking about your wedding a year ago” Sephy replied.

“Why are you thinking about it? It’s been a year since it happened and it’s been a year since we’ve seen Ralph. Although I feel bad for what we did, I don’t regret it” Violet said with a smile on her face while Sephy nodded in return.

Truth is she’s been feeling uneasy and that’s due to the last thing Ralph told her before storming out of the church a year ago.

She shook her head trying to get rid of the thought. Today she’s getting married to the best man in the world and so Ralph and the incident that took place a year ago should be put away.

“Should I go get dad?” Violet asked and Sephy nodded.

While Violet left the room, Sephy went back to checking herself in front of the mirror.

She was smoothing the sleeve of her wedding gown when she heard a knock on the door.

“Did Violet forget some thing?” She murmured as she went to open the door.

The smile that was on her face disappeared as soon as she layed eyes on the person standing in front of her door way.

“Raphael” she called out feeling nervous at his sudden appearance.

“Hello, Seraphina” he greeted with a evil smirk on his face.

“Why are you here?” She asked looking around while also hoping her sister and Father will arrive soon.

“To see you. Woah, you look extraordinary in that dress” Ralph said pointedly.

“From what I know you aren’t friends with my husband to be and my dad cut off ties with you a year ago, so no one invited you here ” she said boldly trying to hide her nervousness while praying that some one will show up soon.

“I know but I couldn’t just pass by with out saying hi to you after all we were once lovers” he said, grinning sheepishly.

“I….I don’t think it’s right that we….”

“We what? But you boldly told every one that we are lovers” he said cutting her off.

“I only did that to stop the wedding and don’t think you can do the same to my wedding cause no one will believe you” She told him firmly.

“I have no plans to do that, what I have in mind is some thing else and it’s gonna be fun!” He whispered the last part to her making her feel uneasy.

Quickly she move back in wanting to shut the door on his face but her move was prevented when Ralph push back the door.

“Leave before I call the security!” She thr_@tened even as she move towards the phone.

Raphael gave a sign to two of the men who had accompanied him up stairs and immediately one pulled the phone out of her grasp while the other held onto her.

“Let me go! Let go of me!” Sephy yelled trying to pull free.

And slowly Ralph went towards her, taking hold of her chin, he forced her to look at him.

“You my sweet will not be attending your wedding and that’s because you are coming with me” he said which got her eyes widening In shock.

“Bring her along” He ordered the two men who were holding onto Sephy and they did as he said ignoring Sephy’s attempt to get away……

To be continued


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