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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Lovesick for you….}


THEME ; Romance Of A Lifetime.

Gbemi Writes


✰ Accept Your Fate ✰

“What favour?”

“Turns out Romeo is in love with you and he wants me to help him win your heart which I agreed to ” Stephanie replied.

“All this while, I thought you and Romeo were an item and when you came home feeling heartbroken, I went as far as to– Oh God! What have I done?” Tahlia muttered when she recall the love spell.

Turns out she had cast a love spell on an innocent person.

“I know it must be something of a shock to you but from the moment Romeo told me about his feeling for you, I felt that he is sincere about it ” Stephanie said as she came to seat beside her on the sofa.

Of course, he’s meant to be sincere since it’s the love spell working.

She had been the first girl he had seen which makes her the one he will fall for, if only she had known this earlier, she would never have gotten the spell done and he wouldn’t be in love with her.

“I know you love Louis but I don’t think he is right for you. I just don’t know why but I can’t bring myself to like him ” Stephanie continue to speak.

“But you like Romeo for me?” Tahlia let out slowly.

“Have known Romeo for a while now and I can honestly tell you that he’s a good guy and you both will be a great–”

“Stop it Steph! Romeo doesn’t love me, he might say he does but that’s only due to the spell–” she stopped herself from saying more when she saw the look her sister gave her.


“It’s nothing. You won’t understand” Tahlia said before heading to her room.

All she had wanted to do was to help her sister but everything she did ended up back firing on her.

What will she do now?

<< NEXT DAY >>

Tahlia was standing on a chair outside trying to fix their broken bulb when the chair gave way making her lose balance.

Her eyes closed, she was prepared for the impact of her fall when someone grab her by the waist saving her from the fall.

Slowly, she open her eyes to see Romeo starring down at her.

“Are you okay?” He asked looking very worried.

Clearing her throat, she got out of his arms while maintaining a distance between them.

“Why are you here?” She asked steely.

“To see you and besides, you shouldn’t be changing the light. That is a man job” he said as he got onto the chair to fix the bulb.

“All done” he muttered as he got off the chair to stand in front of her.

“If you are feeling grateful, you might as well invite me in for coffee ” he told her blandly.

“I didn’t ask for your help and I don’t intend to invite you in. What I want to know is why you are here” she stated.

“I already told you that I came here to see you. Stephanie must have made everything clear to you last night”

“She did” Tahlia replied more slowly.


“And I don’t think anything will change by what I found out. I have a boyfriend which am very much in love with and Its only right that you respect that and let go of the feelings you have for me” Tahlia said while knowing it will be hard for Romeo to do so since the spell can’t be broken.

“I don’t think I can–”

“Tahlia” Louis call got both of them turning to him and immediately, she ran down the stairs to give him a hug.

Hoping that she will be able to use his presence as some sort of protection for herself.

“I only came to apologise for last night. I didn’t mean to leave you at the party by yourself and–”

“It doesn’t matter Louis. Am glad you are here” Tahlia said as she gave him a kiss while hoping that Romeo will see this and leave them alone but Romeo did the opposite.

“Taking a lady to a party and leaving her in the midst of people she doesn’t know isn’t what I call good manner and to top it all, the lady you left turns out to be your girlfriend” Romeo said as he walk towards them.

“Who is he, Tahlia?” Louis asked starring at Romeo while Romeo glared at him in return.

“I am Romeo Rocchi. At your service” Romeo said introducing himself and on hearing the name, Louis quickly pulled away from Tahlia to shake Romeo’s hand.

“It’s an honour to finally get to meet you Mr Rocchi”

“Do you know me?” Romeo asked.

“Who wouldn’t know you. You are one of the youngest CEO in the society and besides, you recently acquire Standford advertising agency and I happen to be the lawyer who made that possible. Am Louis Marshall at your service” Louis greeted in excitement while Tahlia watch both men in silence.

A while later a fuming Tahlia stood at the kitchen preparing coffee for both men while they chatted away in her little sitting room.

All she had want was for Romeo to leave but the conniving man had found a way to get her inviting him into her home.

What if he tell Louis about his feeling and end up causing a rift between them.

It’s what she deserve for sticking her nose into something that didn’t concern her but it will cause her so much heartache if she lose Louis…she thought as she stood starring at the dark coffee.

“If you keep starring at it, it will end up getting cold” Romeo statement startled her and she ended up pouring the hot liquid on her hand.

“Are you okay?” Romeo was quickly at her side, taking hold of the hand which the coffee poured on.

“Am fine” Tahlia lied wanting him to let go but he only led her towards the hand wash, letting the cold water cool her hot flesh.

“You should have been more careful” Romeo said as he stood behind her while the water kept cascading down her hand.

Feeling uncomfortable by his closeness, she switch off the running tap and turn to him.

“Am fine and I wouldn’t have got burn if you hadn’t scare me. Where’s Louis?” She ask as she move away from him.

“Long gone. He got a call and he left not caring if you were aware about it or not” Romeo told her.

“Louis is a very busy man and you must know that since he’s working for people like you”

“That doesn’t change the fact that he’s too busy to be by your side. If I were him, I certainly wouldn’t want you out of my sight ” Romeo stated looking very serious.

“But you aren’t him and you will never be him. I think it’s time you get going” she said as she made to walk past him but he pulled her back and cornered her against the wall.

“I know you don’t feel the same way I do but that doesn’t mean that I will let you discard my feelings. I love you Tahlia or better yet, am crazy about you” he murmured starring at her pale but fragile face.

“You don’t love me Romeo. You might think you do but what you feel isn’t love, it all started because of me, if I hadn’t cast the–” Tahlia was saved from saying more when he suddenly kiss her on the lips.

It was a lingering kiss and when Tahlia made no move to pull away, Romeo deepen the kiss, exploring her lush and full lips.

“What are you doing?” A startled Tahlia yelled as she push him away from her.

“Having a taste of your lips” he replied coolly which got her blushing.

“Have had enough of you. I want you to leave” she ordered.

“I will when am ready to. Pushing me away won’t end what I feel for you, so it’s best you start opening your heart to me because you will end up becoming mine” he stated.

“How can I open up my heart to a man who I know nothing of!” She half yell in return.

“Name is Romeo Rocchi, am twenty four years of age and though I might be an heir to a vast empire, am just a normal guy whose heart has been stolen and also both of my parents are alive, I have no other siblings and –”

“What are you doing?” Tahlia asked cutting him off.

“Letting you know more about me. You said you know nothing about me and I want you to know more about me cause am very serious about you being mine” Romeo replied.

“You are mad! You really are mad. I want you to get out! Get out before I call the cops on you” she thr_@tened but he only gave her a cool smile before walking towards her.

“If I decide to abduct you right now, the cops won’t be able to do anything and that’s because am the law itself. So think of something better to thr_@ten me with next time” he said as he push a strand of hair away from her cheek.

“I will be coming to see you frequently and it’s best you get use to it and also, I want you to end your relationship with Louis. I don’t like to share what is mine” he tossed at her before leaving the room.

The sheer nerve of the man, how can he tell her to end her relationship with Louis?

She has got to do something and it has to be now… She thought as she went in to get dressed.


“Am sorry but Shaman Lola isn’t around” the house keeper inform her.

“When will she be around so I can–”

“I suggest you don’t wait for her. Shaman Lola has gone to her private island and whenever she is there, she takes up three to four month and sometime a year at the most” The house keeper told her.

“And there’s no way I can get her contact to call her?” Tahlia asked while the housekeeper shook her head in return.

“If you are here to revoke a spell then I suggest you give up since all spells can’t be revoke the house keeper said to her.

“Shaman Lola told me that but isn’t there some kind of way to–”

“There’s nothing you can do to end it. All you have to do is to go with the flow, what sort of spell did you ask for?”

“The love spell” A worried Tahlia replied.

“The love spell is the best in all of shaman Lola spells. It makes whoever the spell has been casted on to fall helplessly. They are willing to go far and will stop at nothing just to have the person they love by their side. So wh@ťěver you are planning to do, I suggest you stop and accept your fate as it is” The house keeper said before shutting the door on her face.

Tahlia let out a sigh before making her way back home totally lost at what else to do.


“I heard about the move. Are you sure that moving out of your sister house to live in the school dorm is the best thing?” Michelle asked Tahlia as they made their way to the school cafeteria.

“After my visit to shaman Lola’s home. I realised that there’s nothing I can do to get out of the mess I created for myself and the only option I can think of is to stay as far as I can from him” Tahlia replied.

“Which is why you’ve chosen to live in the school dorm just so you can avoid him” Michelle concluded.

“As long as I am in here, he won’t be able to come after me” Tahlia said just as a girl and a boy approach them.

“Where have you two been? We’ve been looking for you” Dennis said as he put his arm around Tahlia.

“I know that you two have been up to something which you are keeping a secret from us but we all decided to familiarize ourself with the school surrounding or did you forget?” Daniella said giving Tahlia and Michelle a frown.

“We do remember. It’s just that Tahlia got hungry and we were heading to the cafeteria” Michelle lied quickly.

🗣️ I can’t believe he’s here

🗣️ He’s still as handsome as ever

🗣️ Common, we’ve got to take a look at him.

🗣️ Didn’t he leave school to run his father company? If he’s here now then that only means– Am so excited!

Some girls squeal as they walk past the four friends clamouring around someone who just arrived.

“Who are they talking about?” Michelle muttered.

“We better go and take a look” An excited Daniella said before dashing off with Dennis and Michelle.

Tahlia was about to follow when someone collided into her making her fall.

“Watch where you are going” the rude student said before going off to join the crowd.

Tahlia was about to get up when someone approach her.

Slowly she lifted her face only to see Romeo starring down at her.

She was so startled by his presence that she just sat on the floor gazing up at him.

He crouch on the floor, pushing back a lost strand of hair away from her face.

“Why are you here?” Tahlia let out.

“To get the girl I love ” he replied slowly.

“This is my school and so I suggest you leave before you are thrown out”

“But why would a school throw out one of it’s student” he returned smoothly which got her eyes widening in shock.

“That’s right. Just so I can be close to you, I enrolled myself here. This way we wouldn’t be apart from each other and also you won’t be able to run away from me again” He said grinning at her while the students who gathered around kept watching them.


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