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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS SWEET ADDICTION – Episode 23 & 24

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{ Lovesick for you….}


THEME ; Romance Of A Lifetime.

Gbemi Writes



“That wasn’t acting Thalia. I meant everything I did back then” he said leaving earning a questioning look from her.

Thalia and Romeo stood starring at each other in silence and it wasn’t until the ball slip out of her hand that they both pulled apart.

Thalia cleared her throat wondering why her heart was racing foolishly.

“Tch! You won’t be able to trick me this time. I know you are lying and am not going to believe you” she said.

“Thalia I…”

“If I don’t hurry now, I will be late for work. See you later, Romeo” she cut him off and quickly left the basket ball court making Romeo feel more frustrated.


“It’s finally the first semester break!” Dennis yelled out in excitement as they all walked out of the lecture hall.

“What will you guys do during the break?” Dennis asked.

“Have got my part-time job” Thalia said

“Same here” Michelle echoed.

“Can’t you both ask sometime off?” Daniella asked.

“Yeah, I actually did that at my place of work ” Dennis told them.

“That might work for you but not for us” Michelle said holding onto Thalia.

“So we won’t be spending time together during the break?” Daniella asked.

“You both should have fun by yourselves while we work out butts off speaking of work, am running late see you guys later” Thalia said before running off.

Thalia had just finishing serving a customer when she saw Jerry and Peter waiting for her at the counter.

“You need to come with us” Peter said taking hold of her hand.

“But why? What happen?” A confused Thalia asked.

“Something bad has happen and you need to come with us before it’s too late” Jerry spoke this time making Thalia more scared.

She willingly left with them and after an hour of driving, they finally stopped.

Thalia got out only to see that they were at the airport.

“Why are we here?” Thalia asked but instead of giving her a reply, Peter and Jerry pulled her in.

They got to a lounge which had VIP marked on it’s wall and it was then she realised that it was all a trick.

“Welcome Thalia” Dennis greeted as he munch on the hors d’oeuvre.

“So glad you could make it” Michelle said waving towards her.

“What is going on?” Thalia asked and Daniella got out of her seat to explain.

“It’s just that everyone agreed to go on a trip and we knew that you wouldn’t want to come which is why Jerry and Donald went to get you” Daniella explained.

“By lying to me! Tell me, who exactly told you to lie to me?” Thalia asked.

“I did” Romeo replied as he walk into the lounge.

“You jerk! I should have known that it was you” Thalia yelled at him.

“If we hadn’t lie to you then you wouldn’t have agreed to come” Romeo defended.

“You are right! I wouldn’t have agree to come which is why am going back to work” she said as she made to walk past him but Romeo swiftly scoop her into his arms just as their flight was announced.

“Put me down, Romeo. Am not going anywhere!” Thalia yelled at him but the smile he sent her way told her that he was far from listening.

They were all led into his private plane and it wasn’t until he had seated and buckled up in the plane that he finally let her go.

“This is kidnapping!” She yelled at him.

“Stop exaggerating, Thalia. Romeo is taking us to his family island to enjoy the sun for a week after all it’s been a hectic time for us all” Daniella said as she sat next to Thalia.

Michelle and Dennis took the seat facing them.

“What about my job? I left without saying a thing?”

“Romeo must have handled that. So don’t worry” Dennis said as he called the attention of a waitress.

“Romeo wouldn’t put your job in jeopardy, so just trust him” Michelle added lightly.

Thalia couldn’t help but to look at Romeo who talking to his friends oblivious to her watching him.

An hour has gone by since the take off and while everyone slept, Thalia couldn’t since her stomach kept bothering her.

Is this what people refer to as being jet lag? She thought as she felt nauseous too.

Removing the seat belt, she quickly went to the toilet to puke out everything she ate.

She was breathing heavily when she felt someone lightly hitting her back, she turned to see Romeo watching her.

“Just like people get seasick, you get plane sick” he teased earning a frown from him.

“Am not in the mood for your joke, if you hadn’t force me here, I wouldn’t be going through this” she said and instead of replying, he cut off some tissue to wipe her lips startling her by this little gesture.

“Come on” he said as he pulled her out of the toilet and instead of taking her back to her seat, he made her seat on an empty chair before settling beside her.

“But my…” She stopped short when he pulled her head on his shoulder.

“Don’t think about anything and try to get some rest, I will be by your side watching over you” he said and she couldn’t help but to feel touched by his words.

Slowly, her eyes sag until everything blank out completely.


“Wow, it’s beautiful” Daniella exclaim while Michelle brought out her phone to take pictures.

“If you are feeling jet lag, I suggest you go and relax” Romeo said to Thalia who gave him a sceptical look in return.

“That is the least of my worry for now, what’s more important is that I don’t have a change of clothes! Now tell me Mr trip planner, what do you expect me to wear?” Thalia asked which got him laughing.

“I don’t mind giving you my shirt to wear” he suggested lightly.

“You jerk! Am going to ki|| you” she said as she ran after Romeo who was already off.

“And there they go ” Dennis muttered “am going to my room” he added before walking off.

“Don’t forget that we gather around in an hour for dinner” Peter yelled after Dennis who gave a nod.

“We also will go to our room” Michelle said her gaze drifting to Donald and Daniella couldn’t help but to send a glance at Jerry who was busy with his phone.

“Okay then. See you guys in an hour also” Peter waved at them.

On the other hand, Thalia kept pursuing Romeo till they got to the sea side.

“Let’s be realistic here, Romeo. I have nothing to wear” she said breathing heavily from all the running.

“And I don’t mind giving you my clothe to wear” Romeo replied which got her pouncing on him.

They both staggered and Romeo ended up falling on the wet sand while Thalia was on top of him.

They both stared at each other in silence and slowly, Romeo hand cup her cheek starring at her flush face.

“Have got everything covered, you don’t have to worry” he whispered starring into the dark pool of her eyes.

The ringing of his phone got them pulling away from each other.

After seeing the caller, he passed her the phone.

“It’s your mom” he said and immediately she took the phone from him.

After getting changed, Daniella went in search of Jerry.

Fortunately for her, Jerry was the only one in the room.

“Why are you here?” He asked as soon as she walk in.

“To ask you to go on a stroll with me” she suggested lightly.

“Cherry isn’t here and so there’s no need to put on a show”

“So you prefer to stay cooped up in here? Don’t you want to explore….”

“Look, am very tired right now and the only thing I want is to get some rest and so I suggest you find someone else to take a stroll with you” he let out angrily and when he saw the sad look on her face, he h@ťěd himself.

“Daniella I…”

“I get it. I really do, you don’t have to explain” she said before leaving the room.

Jerry stood up to go after her and through the open window, he saw Dennis approach her.

He watched as Dennis manage to get her to laugh and how the two of them went running towards the sea.

Angrily he went back to his bed but he couldn’t concentrate since he kept thinking about Daniella and Dennis together.

Michelle had just finish dressing up when she got a message.

★ LETS GO ON A STROLL ★ she read and immediately sent a reply.





★ THAT’S NOT FUNNY ★ She texted before putting her phone aside.

She was about settling on the bed to sleep when she heard the door bell.

Opening the door, she saw Donald standing there.

“I told you that I don’t have a fiancee” he said lightly.

Michelle was about to reply when it finally dawned on her.

“You are Felix aren’t you?” She asked which earned her a smile from him.



“Turns out that my mom and boss already knew about me going on a trip whereas, I just found out about today” Thalia said as they made their way back to the beach house.

“I had to ask get permission from them before kidnapping you” Romeo replied as he tuck his hand into the jeans pocket.

Thalia couldn’t help but to notice how handsome and well endowed he is.

She swallowed hard and was cautioning herself for her dirty thoughts when she stepped on a stone losing her balance.

Immediately, Romeo caught her and pulled her into his arms making her more aware of him.

She looked up to see him watching her and when she tried to pull away, his hand tightened on her waist.

“Did you think about what I said the other day?” Romeo asked.

“You said a lot of things that day” she lied while recalling the last thing he said to her at the basketball court.

“Thalia I…”

“Am here, Romeo” someone called out cheerfully and they both turned to see Cherry….


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