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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 8: SYMPTOMS (II)

He sat on his favorite couch, his leg folded across the other as usual. He had a sleepless night, and the bad news Doctor Ivan had given to him at the hospital the previous day…

He exhaled heavily.

He just can’t stop thinking on what it could be. It wasn’t a virus, it wasn’t anything else. What then is it? He thought to himself.

On a second thought, he was ready to sue the hospital that has caused this to him. A week ago he was just fine and healthy, and now he’s as good as an upcoming death itself.

He wasn’t ready yet. He wasn’t ready to leave earth without having his dreams accomplished yet. He can’t just leave without seeing Dacia.

It’s almost a month and few weeks he left his home, and Dacia will probably be missing him a lot by now. He can’t just leave without putting a ring into her finger.

He rubbed his forehead frustratedly, sighing again. If.. just if this will turn out to be worster than he thinks, he has no other choice but to sue that very hospital to court.

His phone began to ring, staring at the caller, it was doctor Ivan. He didn’t want to hear what the result could be, so he hesitated to pick up.

” Hello, Doc. ” He said in a cold tune.

” Mr Rutherford, can you please come over to my office? I’ve got an answer to your case. ” Doctor Ivan said from the other side.

” Give me a sec, I’ll be there soon. ” He hang up, heading to his room to change to a new cloth.


He wasn’t himself while he drove to the hospital. He tuned on the music to the highest hoping that would be of help.

But the thoughts in his head was so disturbing that he couldn’t concentrate on the music. Somehow he didn’t recognize the music playing was his favorite song.

He made a right turn, packing his car into the hospital lot. He adjusted his suit, heading to doctor Ivan’s office.

Just at the first knock, doctor Ivan permitted him in. ” Please, come in. ”

He entered, sitting on one of the guest chairs across doctor Ivan’s table. ” You said you have an answer? ” He asked.

Doctor Ivan nodded his head, bringing out a white file from his drawer. ” Yes, I did. ” He answered.

” What is it? ”

Doctor Ivan didn’t go ahead telling him, rather he passed the file to him. ” I think it would be more better if you see it for yourself. ”

He looked at the doctor for a while, then at the file which was right behind him. ” No,” he passed it back to doctor Ivan. ” you should tell me yourself.”

” Not that I can’t but, it’s better if you see it yourself. I don’t want you to think I’m framing this up. So, I encourage you to see it for yourself. ” He said and passed it back to him.

He hesitated, not wanting to see what it is that is written in the file. How long does he have left to live on earth? Two months, three months? Or even a month?

He finally opened it, but his eyes didn’t make contact with the writings. ” I’m gonna die, isn’t it? ” He asked.

” Look at it first, ” doctor Ivan told him.

He stared at the writing, reading through what was written in it. He had thought for something crazy as a result, but instead he saw something else. Something worster… Something beyond hope.

He slammed the book hard, standing up from his seat. ” What’s the meaning of this? ” He asked angrily. ” What’s the meaning of this, huh? ”

” Mr Rutherford, you need to calm down. ”

” Of course I am calmed down already. But with this, no… ” He shook his head, ” I don’t think so. ”

” Please, calm down and have a seat. I’ll explain this to you. ”

” All the time I feel hungry, but I lose appetite to eat anything. So, it’s all because of this? The headaches, the fever and pains and the rest of them? Are all because of this? ” He asked.

Doctor Ivan nodded his head.

” How long do I have to live? ” He inquired.

” I don’t know yet. But with the few I know about this creatures, they are said to have a longer lifespan than humans. ” He explained. ” Luckily you aren’t bitten by one of them, somehow I think there’s a cure for this. ”

He scoffed. ” This doesn’t makes any sense at all. I’m a f_cking infected vampire and you think this is some kinda luck to me? ” He yanked. ” Do you know what it means being one of them, to be deprived from your freedom?” He shoved his hair to the back, ” Very soon, I can’t walk around all because I have to save my skin from getting burned! ”

” I’ll seek assistance from other real doctors to help me come up with a plan. I assure you, I’ll definitely find a way to end this once and for all. I promise. ” He assured.

” I don’t think I can wait for this long, doctor Ivan Smith, I need to see my fiancee. ”

” I know how much you dearly miss her, but Mr Rutherford, your health is all that matters right now. We need to come up with a solution first. ”

” So what are you saying? ”

” If you want answers, I can give it to you. But as far as your health is concerned, you need to spend more time in the state until we come up with a solution. ”

” Oh, so you trying to tell me what and what not to do? Huh,? ” He raked in anger.

” No, don’t get me wrong. I… ”

” I’m done listening to this $h|t! I’m out of here. ” He left the office, heading to his car.

Doctor stared pitifully at him from his window, I desperately want to help. He desperately do but, he wasn’t ready to.

” I wish I find a cure, Mr Rutherford, before it gets too late. ” He muttered to himself.

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