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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The Next Day…

Writer ✓


Avery woke up to see herself still sitting by the door. She rubbed her eyes, trying to get a clear view. She yawned tiredly.

She sniffed, remembering last night incident. She touched her stomach, those hot tears she has been holding finally left her eyes.

Right now, she can’t comprehend what Stanley’s expression. She h@ťěd to see the other side of him beside happiness.

She wasn’t ready to see the pains in his eyes. She didn’t want to think about it. She remembered her mother’s saying… “ Not all endings are a happy ending. Sometimes, most of them are the tragic ones. You just have to be prepared for any of them. ”

” I’m prepared for it. ” She encouraged herself. ” I have to move on. ” She said in a shaky voice.

She locked herself in the room through out the whole day. All those memories the room held really helped calming her.

Those times when he was Gideon. The confessions, the romance and love they both shared, they all made her smile.

Even as he came to check on her, she declined his assistant. And she refused to eat. She wanted to be alone… for the rest of the day.


( A Week Later…)

She opened her eyes, feeling a bit excited. Stanley was out of the bed so early today and she wasn’t expecting to see him awake when she wakes up.

She sniffed her nose as she searched for where the smell of hot dogs filled her nostrils.

She had thought the smell was coming from the door, but when she opened it, there was no one standing by the door.

But, how come?

She followed the smell of the hot dog until she got to the kitchen. She knows she shouldn’t go in there to avoid getting herself exposed.

She suggested on telling Stella to have it done instead. She got to Stella’s door, the scent had changed to that of blood.

She opened the door without knocking, stella quickly hid her hand at her back.

” Stella?” She called.

” What is it, Avery? ”

She went close to her, taking hold of the hand she had hidden behind her. ” What did you do to yourself?” Avery asked, seeing the blood rolling out if her hand.

” How did you know? ” Stella asked, surprised.

” I just knew. You know, whenever you try to be so secretive, you only end up being the suspect. ”

” Fine, I was cutting the oranges when I mistakenly cut myself. ”
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” Then you have to be careful next time. Well, I came to ask you for your help. ”

” With what? ”

” The kitchen. ”

” What about it? ”

” I need you to get me two hot dogs, I couldn’t resist the smell as soon as I woke up this morning. Please, I beg of you. ”

” Fine. ” She dropped the plate of fruits rubbing her hands in her dress. ” You said two, right?”

” Yeah, two. ”

Stella left to the kitchen to get the hot dogs as Avery had requested. Avery on the other hand, was busy with the fruits.

She’s been noticing some changes in her lately. Things she knew she couldn’t do, she was beginning to see herself doing that.

Her sense of smiling was becoming so sensitive that she was able to perceive the aroma of the spicy dog from her room.

And not just that, she had perceived Stella’s blood from the door even before walking in. This aren’t the first things she had suspected in herself.

A lot more has been happening since the past week. She could hear Stella’s footsteps approaching closer.

She stood up to open the door even before Stella knocked. ” Hey thanks for this. ” She smashed the plate from Stella’s hand.

” Hey, I should take at least one cause I made it three. ” Stella growled at her.

” Thanks for the extra, I never asked for it remember? ” Avery said grinding on the meat.

” No, you didn’t. I brought it for myself. ” She sat beside her, dragging the plate with her.

” Fine. Fine, I’ll give you the extra. Geez, you’re such a… ”

” Wh@ťěver, just give it to me already.”

” Here, take it.” She scoffed. ” I’m f-__-king hungry. ”

” Me too. I can’t imagine myself watching you eat them all. You’re such a wicked soul. ”

” Not my fault. I thought you were only being generous, who knew you were badly hungry as I am. You can ask for another one, right? ”

” Are you this hungry that you want to eat the whole pot? ”

She dropped the meat back in the plate. ” You won’t understand, Stella. I’ve been feeling different for almost a week now. I get hungry easily and I feel like eating wh@ťěver I see. ”

” Including me? ” Stella asked to me sure.

” No, why would I eat you? I meant, I feel strange ever since I lost my baby. Though it hasn’t been easy for me to get over with the whole thing, I feel like I’m moving on. ”

” What about The Master? ” Asked Stella.

” He still regrets what happened. He blames himself for everything, for letting Dacia under his possession. And he’s been down since the incident happened. ”

” I really pity him, you know. I’ve never since The Master this emotional before. How does it feels losing a child? ”

” I know how hurtful it was when I lost my parents, I never had the chance to say goodbye. In a twinkle of an eye, it just happened. At least I did see what they looked like, unlike my child.

I don’t know what she looks like, all I know is she is a girl. Anytime I was alone, I imagine her face. But now she is no more, it’s as if a part of me has been taken out. ”

After a brief silence, she asked. ” What about Madam Dacia? ”

” Oh, like I didn’t tell you. Well, Madam Dacia is dead. ” Stella said without hesitation.

” What?! ”

” Yeah, she’s dead… for good. ”

” What ki||ed her? Did she commit suicide? ”

” Not really, the Jaguar ki||ed her. ”

” Wait, you mean she went to the dungeon for the Jaguar to ki|| her? ” She asked, trying to clear her conscience.

” Not really either. The Master thought you were dead so he threw her into the dungeon for the animal to eat her, and fortunately, it did eat her. You need to she her ugly skeleton on the floor if the prison, I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it. ”

” The Master ki||ed her because of me? ” Avery said, surprised.

” He did what has to be done. That woman is an @$$h0le who deserves hell than anyone else. I don’t pity her, because she never pities anyone. ”

” Even if she was wicked, she didn’t deserve it. ”

” Really, you still wish for her living? Oh please, cut the crap, Avery. Well, you said you’re feeling strange about yourself. ” She said, changing the topic.

Avery nodded.

” Knowing I was at the door and about my cut, are they part of the feeling weird? ”

Avery nodded again.

” I just thought about it now, and there’s only one description for it. You’re a vampire. ”


Avery ✓

Stella and I have been discussing since morning that we didn’t notice the cloud was already dark. ” I have to see Stanley. ”

My head have been spinning over Stella’s words. ‘ I’m a vampire?’

No, that’s impossible.

I can’t be a vampire, I don’t thirst for blood and I’m definitely not as white as any of them either. I get tired and weak unlike them.

No. No, that can never be happening to me.

I shut the door behind me, seeing as he laid still on the bed. ” Have you eaten anything yet?” I asked but he shook his head.

” I’m not hungry. ”

” You keep saying that for three days now, and it’s bothering me. ”

” I don’t think I can eat until I heal from the pains. ” I went to the bed, sitting beside him.

” I understand, but we have to forget about it. I should be the one feeling this guilty for not being strong for our child, you did all you could do to protect her. No one is blaming you for her death, we have to move on.” She consoled him.

” Can I?”

” Yes, you can. ” I hugged him to myself, rubbing his hair softly. ” I wanna tell you something. ”

” Okay, I’m listening.”

” It’s about myself.” I said.

” What about you?”

” I’m feeling things I haven’t felt before. I mean, I can perceive things from afar, and I can hear things too. It’s almost like a week now I’ve noticed this but… ”

” You look beautiful, Avery.”

” Excuse me, were you even listening to me?”

” Yeah, I was but your beauty seem to have attracted me. ”

He gently pushed me to the bed, ” What do you think you’re doing? ” I asked.

He smirked evilly, ” You just gave me reasons why I have to do what I am about to do. ”

” What reasons?”

” Moving on. ”


To Be Continued…

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