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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 5: BROKEN RULE (I)

Writer ✓

She was chewing on her strawberries, when she chewed something hard and strong. She brought it out from her mouth, her eyes furrowed as she stared at the object in her hand.

” Stella!!” She shouted.

Immediately Stella showed up, that call will only signify one thing. Someone has broken a rule. Who will that be?? She asked herself.

” Who served this berry? ” She angrily asked.

” Eve, ma’am. ” She answered.

” And who is this Eve? ”

” She’s one of the newly intake maid, she works in the kitchen. ” Stella replied, making sure she wasn’t in anyway mistaken in her words.

” Call in that Eve of a girl. ” She thundered. ” I need her in my room now!! ”

” Yes, mistress. ” Stella immediately left the room to the kitchen to call on Eve. She too wasn’t familiar with this Eve so she wasn’t able to identify her. She asked instead, ” Who is Eve? ”

” I am. ” A young lady of age eighteen stood up from where she sat.

” The Mistress wants to see you. Please follow me. ”

Everywhere became quiet, so was the young lady as she quietly followed Stella behind.

Stella opened the door, they walked in. One hand rested on the table and the other on her lap. The Mistress’s face still wore the anger, that a part of her face turned red.

” She’s here ma’am. ” Stella informed.

Miss Dacia slowly moved her eyes to their direction, her eyes fixed on the girl beside Stella. ” You are the Eve? ” She asked the girl.

” Y.. yes, mistress. I am. ” She shuttered.

” So, Eve, what is this you see on the table? ” She asked, referring to the berries.

” I see berries, ma’am. ” she replied shakily.

” Good. What do you know about this berries? ” She asked again.

” It’s the Mistress favourite fruit in the state. ”

” Good. So why do I see a stone in my berry? ” Her voice wearing anger and annoyance.

” I… I… ” She stammered.

” Don’t worry, I forgive you. ” She said reluctantly.

” Thank you ma’am. I… ”

” You’re fired! ” She cut her short with the heavy words. Eve’s heart skipped a beat, that was the least word anyone will ever want to hear in the Rutherford’s mansion. ” Guards!!! ” she called.

” No, no, please. Please ma’am, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t put a stone in your berry, I swear. ” She pleaded but they all went to deaf ears. ” Please, I swear, I didn’t put it there. ”

The door opened and two guards walked in. ” Seize her. ” They held Eve’s both hands, ” Take her to the meeting hall. ” They dragged her away from the room, to the meeting hall.

” Stella? ” She called.

” Yes, mistress. ”

” Send all the maids to the hall at once, I need them immediately. No one breaks the rules. ”

” I will do that now. ” She ran out of the room, ringing the emergency bell.

Every maids from the different duty section assembled at the hall, waiting for the Mistress to show up. Eve on the other hand, was still held tightly by the guards. She was pleading for her innocence but that would all end up in deaf ears.

They just haven’t learnt yet, the Mistress was a description of merciless. She never listens to plea, and she wasn’t at all moved by tears.

She finally entered, the frown and angry look on her face seem not to have wear off. She sat on the high chair, crossing her legs.

” Rule number one, no breaking of the rules. ” She announced. ” In here, you are expected to work according to the rules. You follow orders, and there are consequences for disobedience of any kind. ”

” This lady over here, ” pointing at Eve, ” had the udacity to put a stone into my berry. No one dares to tamper with my meal. I might render mercy for any reason, but not for this. So they say, seeing is believing. I called you all here to witness my judgement. ”

” From next time, I might not be as gentle as today. But first, I want you all to believe that when I say do, you all are expected to do and when I say don’t, you dare not do anything contradictory to my words. ”
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” Eve will be taken to the dungeon to serve her minor punishment, tommorow, she will be executed by sunrise right before everyone. ” Turning her gaze to the guards. ” Take her to the dungeon. ”

” Please! Please I didn’t do it! I didn’t put the stone into your berry, I swear. Please believe me. ”

Turning her gaze back to them, ” This is just a warning. Dismissed. ”

” Yes, mistress. ” They all left to their various duty.


” What are they going to do to her? ” Someone asked.

” You heard the Mistress right, they’re gonna torture her in that dungeon and execute her tomorrow. Poor Eve, she’s gonna go so soon. ”

” What do you mean by that. ” Victoria asked.

” She’s gonna be a dead corpse by this time tommorow. ” She replied.

” Why would she have her executed so soon? ” Avery asked.

” If I am to say, The Mistress had only given her grace. ” She explained. “Unlike her, she executes as soon as she passes her judgement. But right now, Eve spending the rest of her day and night in that dungeon isn’t just a minor punishment as The Mistress had said. ”

” Sorry, but I don’t think I am getting this straight. ” The first speaker said again.

” That dungeon isn’t just an ordinary dungeon, it contains something only the chief maids and the Rutherford’s are aware of. ”

” How do you know there’s something in the dungeon, have you been there before? ” Victoria asked.

” No. ” She answered. ” I was dragged here two months ago, and the number of people I have witness their death are not less than twenty of them. Each time they are being brought out from the dungeon, they look almost like death itself. ”

” Most deceased maids and servants, ” she further continued. ” are from the kitchen section. I hear they intentionally wicked themselves. The stronger ones tends to deceive the weaker ones by doing things which can attract The Mistress’s judgement. ”

” Why would they be so wicked and envious among themselves? ” Another asked.

She shrugged. ” No one knows. ”

” If truly this is some kinda plan they set up among themselves, then it means Eve is innocent. ” Avery guessed.

” That’s right. But, some are naturally guilty for their crimes. ”

” I don’t think she is the one who had put the stone into madam Dacia’s berry, I think someone did it to implicate her. ” Avery finalized.

” Someone who desperately wants her dead.” Victoria added. ” The execution is tomorrow, luckily we might find out who actually did it. ”

” You can’t. ” Said the girl. ” No one finds out the culprit. All you just have to do is to keep your head safe. Not just in the kitchen but everywhere within this mansion, not everyone are good people. ”


This judgement off me o. Just because she found a stone in her berry, she wants to execute someone… Just like that?? ??

And to what the girl said, in all gathering,not everyone is a saint ??

To Be Continued…

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