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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 45: MAKE HER LISTEN 2.


Avery ✓

All thanks to Stella for making my day.

Since I woke up from sleep this morning, she’s been trying every means to make me feel happy and forget everything.

Yeah, though it’s really not that easy but, I think I’m making an effort to forget every thing.

After breakfast this morning, we both went to the garden. She made me do things I should and will I say… Shouldn’t?

I had to do some few exercises which of course we’re very helpful to me… and the baby especially.

” Exercises is very essential to the body, ” she would say. ” It protects the body and the womb from any sad news so right now, this is what you need. ”

” Why didn’t you talk about this when the baby was little? Do you think I can do all this with my belly like this? ”

” Of course, you can. This is even the best time you need the exercise. Trust me, I know what I am doing. ”

I rolled my eyes. ” Wh@ťěver. As soon as I get tired, I’ll quit. ”

” No, you’re not quitting. No one is quitting, okay? ” She looked at the sky. ” We’ll be stopping by three this noon. ”

” Three? ” I grunted. ” Why three? It’s not even close to nine yet. ”

” Avery, since you got pregnant, you haven’t done anything for yourself and the baby. You don’t have to complain over a seven hours exercise. ”

” It’s sounds simple to you but not to me. Look, fine, let’s just start and get over with it already. ”

We started the exercise, although I did enjoy it, I’ll admit but such things aren’t part of me. And if I’m to say, the time I had spent resting was greater than the exercises I have practiced.

I managed to pull myself from the ground, when she said. ” Now, let’s move into the real business here. ”

I rose an eyebrow at her, is she crazy or what? It’s almost an hour and a half we’ve practiced and that wasn’t even the real business??

” You are joking, aren’t you?” I asked her.

” No, I am serious. I am always serious. Right now, I want you to run from this point to that point. ” She said, pointing at a distance.

” That distance?”

” Yes, Avery, it’s not like it’s up to 50 miles and you are still complaining? Tell me, what are you ever good at in your life? ”

” Oh, I am good at running. ”

” Seriously? ”

” Yeah, back then when I was little, we always had this running competition in our local schools. I always come first in the races. ”

” Well, the way you complain tells you can’t even cover a step in a second. But if you say so, let’s try your speed then. ”

” Don’t expect a perfect record with my bumps. I took first then was actually because I wasn’t pregnant. ”

” It doesn’t matter. A winner is always a winner no matter what. ”

I decided to prove to her that I really was a fast runner. She started counting, and on the third count I took off.

I wasn’t expecting myself to run so fast, but to be honest, I was running like I wasn’t pregnant.

I was d@mn so surprised, but not too surprised when Stella told me I had covered the miles for three minutes.

Weird, isn’t it??…

” What happened?” She asked me

I shrugged. ” I ran, that’s exactly what happened. ”

” That’s impossible. You just covered a hundred miles in just three minutes. I still can’t believe you got to the end point. ”

I waved my hand at her, ” I told ya, I was one of the best runners in my village. ” I sat on the ground. ” A winner is always a winner.” I repeated her words against her.

” You don’t look tired. ”

” Of course, I don’t. I feel like I just covered a step. But hold on, why do I feel like that? I felt tired doing the normal exercise but I don’t feel tired now. ”

She hesitated. ” That’s because his blood is still in you and you’re carrying his baby too. ”


Writer ✓

From his window, he watched them play. He saw how happy she looked. She is able to move on without the pains, but he couldn’t.

Every second felt like a year without her. Now that her heart is sour towards him, he knew there was nothing he could do to get her back.

She wouldn’t want to look at him, nor to talk to him, neither is she ready to listen to wh@ťěver explanation he’s got.

He left to doctor Donald’s office, and Donald could feel his presence even though the door didn’t open. His appearance comes with a calm wind.

” Master.” He bowed.

” She looks happy, ” he said, a bit of guilt sounded in his voice. ” But her heart despises me. ”

” I haven’t gotten the chance to speak with Stella because she has been with her through out the night. ”

” It’s close to two days now, I’m getting weaker without her. ” He paced the room.

” You need to feed, Master, you look a bit pale. ” He told him.

” I am not hungry. And I won’t feed until I have her. ” He sighs.

” Are you sure you can endure the starvation till she forgives you? We don’t know how long she will bear the hatred, you need to eat. ”

” Don’t worry about me, I will be fine. Talk to the girl, do wh@ťěver it takes to make her listen. Just incase she doesn’t, I’ll have no other choice but to do it myself. ”

” I’ll try my possible best, Sir, and I hope to give you a positive response. ” He said with his head down.

” I’ll be waiting. ” He dashed out of the office.

Donald sighed. ” I hope this doesn’t end up the wrong way. ” He shooks his head.

He went to Stella’s room where he met her. She was about to go to the bathroom, but his appearance had stopped her.

” Doctor Donald?” She called, surprised to see him. ” Is there a problem? ” she asked.

” I think there is. ”

” Is it too urgent? ”

” Not really but, I need you to do me this one last favour. ”

” What is it you want me to help you with?”

” It’s about Avery. I need you to convince her about the incident. If there’s anyone she would listen to, it’s you. You know how much she means to him, the long they stay away from each other, the weaker he becomes.

She is his Mate, the bond they share shouldn’t be seperated. Please, can you do it for me?”

She hesitated. ” I will try my best to convince her. But, what if she doesn’t listen to me?”

” She has to, you are her only friend.”


Avery ✓

Practice was over, we returned back to the mansion. I was sweating profusely and right now, all I need is a cold shower.

I spent twenty minutes of my time in the bathtub and twenty more minutes doing nothing. Then I had to spend another more ten minutes bathing.

With the little strength in me, I went to my room. The breeze was actually helping matters, sending shivers to my body.

I laid on my little bed, letting nature take me that instant.


When night came, and everywhere has been covered with total darkness. The Moon was in it’s half, it’s light could barely shine into my room, so I had to turn on the lamb instead.

Thankfully, Stella came. I was hoping she’d come with something edible, but I lost hope the moment I didn’t see her with anything.

” Guess what, I’ve got a surprise for you. I brought fruits, ” she said, showing me the full plate of fruits from where she had hidden it.

” Oh, thank God. You know what I need. ” I took the plate from here, grabbing the banana as I piled the back, before eating the banana. ” Thank you.”

” Nah, it’s nothing.” She sat on the bed. ” How do you feel now?”

” I feel good, the baby has been dancing since the exercise. Thanks a lot, Stella, you really did made my day. ”

” I appreciate. ”


Writer ✓

She left her eat, and they had a few discussions. She knew she has to try her best, to do wh@ťěver it takes to convince Avery to forgive him.

” Stella, are you alright?” She asked, noticing the silence.

” Uhm… Yeah, of course. Why?”

” You were kinda quiet for a while, I just wanted to be sure everything is alright. ”

” Yeah, everything is alright. ” After a brief silence again, she said. ” Avery, can we talk? ”


To Be Continued…

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