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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 42: GIDEON IS BACK 2.


” I heard it was The Master who found out about my whereabout, ” I said, changing the topic. ” I can’t believe he actually survived staying all those while without drinking from my blood. ”

” There’s every possiblity he was drinking from the maids. Vampires can’t survive a night without bloods. ”

I notice his eyes couldn’t stop from staring at my stomach. ” You don’t know how happy I am, Avery. Finally, I can get to be a father. ”

I rested my head on his shoulder, ” I’m so happy too, Gideon. You finally came back and together we can start a new family. ”

” What about your friend? What’s her name again? ” He made a thoughtful face. ” Sta… ”

” Stacy? ” I reminded.

” Yeah, Stacy. How is she?”

” She hasn’t been good lately, Madam Dacia punished her because she didn’t tell her I was pregnant. And she says she’s been secretive towards her. ”

He scoffed. ” Madam Dacia. ” He said in a clenched teeth.

” What? ”

” Nothing. ”

” Don’t get too angry to strangle her neck or maybe you’re ready to answer The Master’s questions. ”

He chuckled. ” I wasn’t planning on strangling her. She’s of no good to me. ”

” Gideon, don’t talk like that. Madam Dacia has a lot of problem doesn’t mean she’s a problem. She’s probably being this way because she hasn’t settled down with her fiance. ”

” She’s just jealous of you, that’s all. ”

” Yeah, that’s part of not being settled with her fiance. ”

” What if he doesn’t like her? ”

” Who?” I asked. ” The Master? No way, he so much like her for many reasons. ”

He shrugged. ” I’m not too close to The Master like you are so, I won’t doubt the fact with you. ”

I kissed his cheek. ” I missed you so much. ”

” I missed you too. ”

And the rest of the day went do fantastic. I can’t really explain how it felt having him back beside me.

Stacy was right about Madam Dacia, she would do wh@ťěver it is to get the worst out of you.

I know she was only playing games with me, to see if I would spark or any thing. But unfortunately, I didn’t.

Those stares, those smiles, they all felt new and embracing to me.

I know I won’t get the chance to tell Stacy Gideon was back. I don’t know how serious her punishment with Dacia is.

I pity her, you know. She’s been into so much pains because of me.

I wish I can do some thing big for her. Maybe not now, maybe later… In the future.

But I hope until then, we will be alive to see each other.

” It’s night already, I need to meet The Master. ”

” For what? ” He asked.

” This is the hour he has his dinner. ” I said

” Dinner? In your state? ” He pointed at my belly. ” I thought you said he permitted you not to do anything. ”

” Not to do any thing, he never said I am free not to come to serve him meal. ”

He sighed. ” Don’t worry, I just need to meet him first. Maybe, who knows, he might change his mind. ”

His face wore no expression as he kept mute at my words. I know he wasn’t happy with the way I was going to The Master’s room.

” Gideon… ”

” It’s okay, I understand. ”

I nodded.

I Ieft to The Master’s room, on getting to the door, I started hearing their voices.

They were quarrelling, and honestly, since I came to the mansion, I have never heard them talk angrily to each other.

” We need to talk. ” Madam Dacia said.

” Okay, I’m listening. ” He said, reluctant.

” Why would you let her live under this roof with her pregnancy? We have never let such a thing happen, why then would you let her? ”

” Dacia, can’t we leave this discussion for next time? ”

” No, we need to have this conversation right now. ”

He sighed softly, ” Please have a seat. ”

” Really? You still think I should sit down with what is going on? Since you meet this girl, you don’t even care about me anymore. All you think about is her blood.

You hardly spend time with me, we don’t have those quiet time with each other unlike before. Why do I feel like you’ve chosen her over to me. ”

” Dacia, I already told you… ”

” I don’t care, okay? You keep dodging this question any time I try to ask you. Tell me, what is so special about her? ”

He made no comment.

” Oh, so it’s true. You do like her, don’t you? Not just her blood, but every thing about her entices you, right? ”

” Oh, please, Dacia, I am tired of listening to this. This doesn’t make any sense at all. I already told you this countless of times, she’s important to me because of her blood.

And just in case you want to know, yes, her blood has been the best I have ever tasted. ”

” Over to mine too? ”

I didn’t hear him say anything to her.

” All this while, I have been living under your lies? You told me mine was better, so…. So, it has been hers? I wish… I wished I never showed her to you.

It’s all my fault from the start. I knew I shouldn’t have showed her to you, I was so stupid to have think I was only doing you good. You know, I don’t care anymore. ”

I stiffened as the door opened. Seeing Madam Dacia got my heart skip. Immediately, my gaze fell to the ground.

She made a loud sigh as she walked pass me.

I knocked on his door, my breath increased. ” I want to be alone. ” A hint of anger sounded in his voice.

I returned back to doctor Donald’s office, surprised that he hasn’t come back yet.

Gideon was standing by the window, as soon as I walked in, he turned to me. ” What happened? ” He asked.

” He said he wanted to be alone. ”

” Did some thing happen? ”

” Yes, but it’s a long story. ” I said, not ready to explain it in details.

” I wasn’t ready to ask. ” He said. ” Avery, I have to go. ”

I frowned. ” Why? You just came, and you want to go? ”

” Donald might be back any moment from now, and I don’t want him to see me. He might end up reporting my appearance to The Master. ”

” We can talk to him, he keeps secrets. ”

” You trust him? ”

” From the few I know about him, I trust him a lot. ”

” Let’s take you out of here. ”

I chuckled. ” Why? ”

” I don’t like it here. We can go to your room instead. ”

” What if someone sees you? ”

” No one saw me when I came, no one will. ” He held my hand, ” Let’s get out of here. ”

We left to the second room they had given me. Though it was a small room, but it was much more better and comfortable than the previous one.

” It’s much comfortable here than the lab. Why do you prefer staying there? ”

I shrugged. ” The Master said so. ”

” Hmm. ” He hummed.

We were staring at each other, and it felt like forever in his eyes. He walked closer to me, his hands touching my face.

He leaned forward, grabbing my lips into his and for a while we were just like that. Then he broke the kiss, carrying me unto the bed.

I giggled, loving the way he tickled me. ” Stop. ” I playfully beat his hands. ” Stop it! I’m gonna scream if you don’t. ”

He stopped, dropping a kiss on my lips again. ” I love you, Avery. I love you so much. ”

” I love you too. ”

I rested my head on his chest that I didn’t know when I slept off. Maybe that’s because I was so happy to stay awake.


Writer ✓

Eventually he leaves the bed…

Avery wakes up at the middle of the night and touches the bed, she can’t find Gideon by her side.

Then she sees a shadow by the side of the room, standing beside as if he was staring at her.

She screamed, but then, she discovered it was The Master who was standing there.

She was shocked and scared at the same time. ” Ma… Master? What are you doing here? ” She asked. ” Where is Gideon, what have you done to him? ”

She was so scared that she thought he had left without saying goodbye. But she looks at the door, it was locked and the windows were locked too.

If the door is locked and so are the windows, that means…

” No…” She gasped. ” No. No… No, that’s not possible. You…”


To Be Continued…

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