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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.



I couldn’t make it up to half of the first drum, my belly was beginning to hurt me so badly.

It got to a level I couldn’t breath anymore. I haven’t done such duty since I was a kid, and doing this for the first time with my pregnancy, is just like carrying the entire building.

I sat on one staircase, trying to catch my lost breath. I touched my stomach, I don’t know how but my stomach has just increased in size.

I was so shocked, and the only thing that came into my mind is miscarriage. I don’t know if I’ve been over thinking lately but right now, I’m a bit scared than I should.

I managed to drop the buckets in the storage room, then I went to see the doctor.

Just as shocked as I was, he was also dumbfounded to see me with a five days old womb which looks like a three months bumb.

” Miss Dennison, what happened to your stomach? ” He asked.

” I don’t know, doctor, it just happened. I was fetching water to fill the drums in the… ”

He didn’t let me finish my statement, he yelled. ” Why will you be fetching water in this your condition?!”

” It was The Mistress’s idea, she told me to do it. ”

” What about Stella, isn’t she available to do it in your place? ”

” Stella volunteered but Madam Dacia refused. And besides, I think she’s serving punishment too. ”

” I will have to talk to her. ”

” Doctor, please no, don’t. It might only anger her the more. ”

” Then you wish to lose the baby? Miss Dennison, your child at this stage is fragile and you can lose it if so much stress is given to her. For the meantime, you have to rest as well as the baby.

Until you deliver, you mustn’t do anything. Do not worry about what she will say, if she refuses to listen, I’ll have no other option but to talk to The Master myself. ”

” Do you think he will listen to you? ”

” Though The Master is really a tough one but yes, he will listen to me. ” He walked to the door, ” You stay here, and don’t think about leaving. ”

I nodded my head. ” I won’t. ”

” Hold on, we haven’t talked about what happened to your stomach. What did you say happened? ”

” I don’t know, it just grew over minute. I don’t understand, does it have to do with the foreign bodies in my blood? ”

” I’m wondering. Guess I have to run a test on you now. ” He came to take a sample of my blood, checking on it.

” What did you see? ” I asked, inquisitively.

” The blood is working, but it isn’t affecting the child.” I sigh in relief. ” Not just that, your child seems to be growing. Your immune is becoming so fast at reproducing. I have never seen such thing before. ”

” I… I don’t understand. How is it possible that I will have a fast reproductive system? I mean, I ain’t a monster. ”

” No, you aren’t. Or maybe, The Master’s blood has some thing to do with this. ”

” Does it… mean the child will become his? ”

” Possibly. Because when his blood merges in the child, it causes the womb to keep growing. There’s every chance for the child to resemble him more compared to the real father of the child.

Let me not create more confusion to you, I’ll just go talk to Madam Dacia. ”

No… No this is never happening. He can never be the father of Gideon’s child. No, not that Monster. No…!!


Writer ✓

Luckily, both The Master and his fiancee were both in his room. It won’t be so difficult for him to explain Avery’s case to them.

” What is it, Donald? ” Dacia asked.

” Forgive my intrusion, it’s about the girl, Miss Dennison. ” He answered.

” And what about her? ” She queried.

” We all know she is pregnant, and right now she needs to restore than ever. The baby is growing every minute, doing difficult task is likely to cause more damage to both her and the child.
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Please, if you will reconsider, let her take a break for the mean time until she gets a safe delivery. ”

” I understand how passionate you are towards the girl, and I won’t have to blame you for being so sympathetic because it is your duty to.

But, I cannot reconsider her to take a break. Right now, my husband needs to feed and she is the only available meal for him. ”

” I understand, but for the sake of the child, permit her. ”

” No, I don’t think you do understand. ”

” Give her the break she deserves. ” Mr Rutherford concluded.

” My Love. ”

” I won’t have to be the cause of the death of her child and so do you. ” Looking at Donald he said, ” Take care of her and her child. Until then, she does nothing. ”

” How will you feed then? ” She asked.

” The maids can serve. ”

” Every one suspects we harbor an animal in the mansion, the more the maids keep missing, the more suspicion we create. ”

” Haven’t you been wanting this? To feed from the maids and not the girl, when then a sudden change of mind? ” He questioned.

” Nothing. ”

” Look, I understand how much you care about me, but I do not want to be the reason for the loss of a child. And I won’t love you to either. ”

But that wasn’t what Madam Dacia was thinking at the moment, she would do anything to eliminate the girl and if it were to be possible, the child too.


” What did she say? ” Avery asked as soon as he entered.

” She refused, but The Master accepts to reconsider you until whenever you deliver. ”

” So, he really do have a heart. ” Referring to The Master.

” He always have a heart, until he became a vampire. Aside that, every one prefers him over to Madam Dacia. ”

” Thank you so much, for every thing. ”

” It’s nothing, I’m doing it for the sake of the unborn child. We’ll see about tomorrow, if the bumb will increase again. ”

” If it increases? ”

” Then you have to get ready for an early delivery. ”

She touched her stomach, ” What’s happening to me? ” She muttered.

” That’s some thing we’ll have to find out tomorrow. ”



Avery ✓

I woke up, yawning tiredly. The first thing I did was to look at my stomach, it has increased again, now looking more like a five months old pregnancy.

” Doctor?! ” I called. ” Doctor, I don’t understand what’s happening to my stomach! ” But he wasn’t around to give me an attention.

Now I was feeling the heaviness of the womb, and over night my movement has already changed.

One of the maids who served in the kitchen came to serve me water, she said it was Doctor Donald who had sent her to give it to me.

I willingly took it from her, gulping it down. ” Thank you.”

” And, The Master wishes to see you in his room. ” She informed.

” When? ”

” Now. ”

” Okay, I’ll be there in a second. ” Few minutes after she had left, I headed to his room.

I was getting weak to walk, and my inside was becoming more heavy for me to carry.

I haven’t carried a bumb before, so it’s actually not my fault.

I offered a knock before walking in. ” Master, you sent for me. ”

” Yes, I did. ”

Now that I have seen his face, he left the lights on. He furrowed his brows at me, seems so surprised to see some thing bigger than last night.

At least, this will have to make him stop drinking from me for the meantime and I’ll have to regain my lost bloods back.

” What happened last night? ” He asked.

It would be better if he was a bit specific. ” I don’t understand what Master is talking about. ”

” Before the doctor had come to complain, what happened? ” He repeated.

” I… Madam… ” I started hiccuping, on the third time, I vomited bloods on the floor. I quickly wiped the stains on my lips with the back of my hand.

” I… I am so sorry. I will…” I vomited another huge amount of blood. And from between my legs, rolls of blood ran down my thighs.

I rose my eyes at him, embarrassed. ” I… I….” I slowly fell to the ground, but he grabbed me. ” Help me.. ”


To Be Continued…

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