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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.



” Stella?” I cried as I pulled myself to my feet, walking to hug her to myself. ” Oh, Stella, I have so much missed you.”

She kissed my forehead, ” I have missed you too, Avery. Come on, I brought you some thing to eat. ”

” I’m not hungry, Stella, I can’t eat anything. ” I refused to eat.

” Why? ”

” Stella, Gideon is dead and I don’t know… I can’t just eat any thing. ”

” Hey, if Gideon were to be here, I’m pretty sure he won’t like to hear those words from you. The Master has fed on you, you need to eat some thing to regain your lost energy.

He will ask for you tonight, and you don’t wanna end up being dead, especially now we aren’t too sure if Gideon is dead or not.”

I returned back to my sitting position, trying so much to sit on the floor. Through out the whole day, my legs has been dancing.

I don’t know why mine has to look so different, or is it actually the way it always ends up being?

Even to the point my movement was becoming some thing funny even to me.

Stella stood at the door laughing as she watched me walk to sit down.

I stared at her with my both brows up. ” What’s up with your legs, why the new movement?” She asked, still laughing.

” Stella, this isn’t funny, Okay.”

” I know, but you need to see the way you walk. You know, you have this movement that tells you did some thing really big and… Bad. Tell me, did you and Gideon… you know, did the thing? ”

I nodded.

” Oh, my gosh! ” She gasped. ” Avery, tell me you are not lying to me. I mean, you two had… S*X? Wow, that is pretty cool, you know that. ”

” Stella, it’s so easy to exclaim, but I’m feeling hell in between my legs. I swear, this isn’t funny at all. ”

” Was he too rough on you?”

” Nope, he wasn’t. You know, this is my first time and it’s really hasn’t been my thing. ”

” I pity you as much as I care. But don’t worry, very soon, you’ll get over with the pain. ”

” Seems like you’ve had one before.”

” Who hasn’t. Sweetheart, not every one is a virgin.”

” Gideon and I had already planned on creating a new home if we luckily get the chance to escape this place, who knew this will all turn out this way. ”

” I understand how you feel, but you don’t have to let his thoughts pull you down. ” She encouraged.

” I always say that to myself every second but, it’s really not that easy for me to. This is my first time of ever falling in love and unfortunately, my first love has been taken away from me. ”

” Avery, this is not the time to Mõ@ɲ or regret. Even if he is dead, there is still a way to find your love. Someone like him or even, better than he is.”

I hugged her. ” Thank you.”

” Oh come on, you’re gonna make me cry.” We chuckled.

I wiped the year stains off my face, backing it up with a laugh. ” So, why don’t we talk about you?”

” Okay. ”

” What about Christiana and her friends? Did their plan work out well? ” I asked.

” Almost, but unfortunately or would I rather say, fortunately, it didn’t work out. And good news, one of the girls was caught having S*X in the toilet.

Someone reported her and she was thrown into the dungeon. Poor thing she couldn’t survive the animal. The next day, she was confirmed dead. Right now as we speak, Christiana still mourns her death. ”

” It’s really a sad story though, but I think that can calm her down for a while. I have noticed she’s been a lot busy with setting people into her crazy traps, but now, it’s her turn. ”

” Everyone were so happy when the news was heard. Who doesn’t know Christiana? She’s become one of the most popular maids around. ”

” Wow, that’s pretty fantastic. What about The Master? I thought vampire can’t last too long without eating, why is he still alive?”

” Though you’ve been hiding, he has been feeding on the maids. Every day, bodies keeps missing and it’s only I and Madam Dacia who knows what is actually happening.

It’s also create suspicion, some people thinks we kidnap bodies for the Jaguar. Even your friends approached me this morning, they were asking if I knew who is behind the missing bodies.”

” What did you tell them?”

” I told them I don’t know. That most things that happens in the mansion, I am not aware of them. ”

” Do you think they will believe you?” I asked.

” Well, I don’t care. They won’t ki|| me after all and they won’t even call the police either. ”

” You know, even till now I keep wondering why Christiana will want The Master to herself. What’s so special about him that attracts her? Because as far as I am concerned, he is so wicked and heartless and rude and… and he is just an annoying monster. ”

” Calm down, Avery, every thing about The Master attracts her. Remember I once told you that I have seen The Master? That was the night he returned from the USA?”

” Yes, I remember. ”

” Then, Master Rutherford was still a human, I couldn’t believe my eyes to see what he looks like. You know then, I always thought he was this ugly, disfigured being because he never leaves his room.

But until that day I saw him, I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t even spare him a full glance because I know if I do, Madam Dacia is gonna have me dead or in that dungeon.”

” But Christiana hasn’t seen him yet. ”

” She believes the reason why he hides is to avoid every one trooping after him. And as you can see, it’s mainly girls in the mansion.”

” Well, wh@ťěver, I still h@ťě him so much.”

” You’re his addiction and you know that. From the look of things, the way he hungers for your blood and most times, he refuses to drink any other blood if it isn’t yours.

I think Master Rutherford prefers you to his fiancee. I’m just saying from the way I observed it all. And again, if he really h@ťěs you so much, you would have been dead a long time ago.”

” Hold on, let me get this straight. So you are saying that The Master wants me to himself? ”

” I’m saying, you’re his addiction already. And you know what that means, don’t you?”

I shook my head continuously. ” No way, that’s impossible. He can never want me, with all this he’s been doing to me, how do you think I will believe this?!

Well, if he is really into me like you said, I do think he is wasting the hell of his time because, I rather die than to be with a god forsaking monster!”

” Okay, fine, no one says you are going to him now. Calm down. I have to go now, but I will try as much as possible to see if I can see Gideon somewhere, anywhere, okay?”

” Oh, thank you so much. ”

” Oh, it’s nothing serious. But until then, let’s believe he’s dead. Avery, I need to tell you this.”

I nodded, ” Okay, I’m listening.”

” I know that with this few days you’ve been away, and now that you are back, The Master will do wh@ťěver it takes to drink your blood and cover up those days you were in hiding

But you just have to know one thing, you’ve got to be strong. Don’t be afraid, because he feeds your fears too. But when he sees you strong, he gets too weak to harm you.

No matter what it is, please stay alive, for my sake. ”

” He feeds on fear?” That part really did shock me.

” Yes, and that’s why he never stop leaving you. Your fears together with your blood, it makes him stronger, wanting more of you every seconds and minutes.

The more he keeps wanting you, the more he gets fund of you. And the more he looses interest in The Mistress. Until then… Only Time Can Tell. ”


To Be Continued…

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