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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 31&32: THE h@ťě YOU GIVE.


Writer ✓

” Why do you desperately want to know my name?” She asked him without hesitation.

” Because I feel like I need to. You know my name, I should know yours too. ”

” There’s some thing about me I wish not to say, and telling you my name will only end up getting them all exposed. ”

” I’m not telling anyone, I swear. But if you don’t trust me, then you can go ahead not telling me any other thing apart from your name. ”

” Why does it matter so much to you? Tell me, why can’t you stay a day without asking for my name? ”

” Because… ” His gaze met her neck, the veins were again growing. ” What’s happening to your neck?”

She touched her neck, ” What’s happening to my neck?” She asked back.

” Your veins, it’s growing. The herbs is supposed to be working. ”

” Why isn’t it working then? Ahh…! ” She Mõ@ɲed as she started feeling the pains roaming at every side of the scar. ” What’s happening to me?! ” She said, almost like a yell.

” Hey, calm down, okay? You don’t want any one to see us here. ”

” It… It hurts. ” She whispered painfully.

” I know. But right now, let’s get you out of here as soon as possible. ” He helped her stand to her feet, two steps away from where they sat, she collapsed on his body.


She groaned painfully as she forced herself to sit up. She touched her neck, Mõ@ɲing softly. Staring around her new environment, she looked confused.

She tried to stand up, but ended up falling to the ground. ” Don’t force yourself. ” Gideon said as he approached her with a glass of water.

” I brought you medicine, it will calm the pains down. Take it. ” He dropped the drug in one hand and the glass in the other hand.

” Where are we? ” She asked.

” In my room. ” He answered.

” What happened to me? ”

” You don’t remember? ”

She moved her head at both sides, ” No. ”

” The mark was growing then you passed out. So, I had it treated again. ”

” Is it because the herb wasn’t the right one? ”

” No. Your wound has been infected before we applied the herbs. ”

” Thank you. ” She said.

” It’s nothing. Just get better… ” He paused as if he didn’t want to complete his statement. ” Get better soon. ”

Avery drank the drug he had given her, returning the glass cup to him. ” Thank you. I have to return to my room before Madam Dacia finds out I’m away. ”

” What will she do to you if she does find out? ”

” I’ll have to serve a lot of punishment if she finds out I always leave my room. ”

” She suspects you? ”

” Yes, and she doesn’t like the way I am alive. ” She said bitterly. ” Well, I also want to be dead just like Eve, I want to be out of here. I wished she never brought me out of that dungeon, I rather die than be a dish to him. ”

” Dish? ” He asked. ” To who? ”

” No one, nevermind. I have to leave. ” She forced herself to stand up.

” Do you have to keep every thing away from me? You don’t want me to know your name, and now you’re hiding who this he is. ”

” You know what’s best for you, just stay away from my life!! You made me say what I shouldn’t say, you keep acting like you care but you don’t!! You always want to get into my life but you won’t.

You’re so annoying, and I h@ťě it when I look at you because you give me a thousand reason to be angry at you! But you know what, thanks for your help, I gotta go. ”

” I care about every thing. ”

” No, you don’t. Tell me, what do you think you are? My savior or what? Look, even if I have to tell you every thing, you can’t change what’s happening to me. No one can. So, it’s better if you don’t know $h|t about me. ”
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” Does it have to do with the mark on your neck? ” Avery stopped halfway to the door. ” I saw it while I was treating your wound. It looks like some one has bitten you a lot of times, right? ”

” I got bitten by a snake while I was sleeping last night, don’t worry about me. ” With that, she left his room.

Gideon heaved, he doesn’t know why she h@ťěd him this much. No matter how much he tries to be good to her, she doesn’t see that part of him. Maybe, he just have to forget about knowing her name, one day he believes she will tell him.

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