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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 3:

Everyone were going to their various duty post, while my eyes searched for Becca. She was assigned for the duty of serving the dishes, and that’s exactly the duty I h@ťěd the most.

Thankfully I’m working in the laundry, that might seem much more stressful but,, I still prefer it.

” Becca? ” I called as I finally saw her.

” Hey, Avery. I’ve been searching all over for you. Thank goodness you’re here, now I’m d@mn so happy I’ve got a partner. ”

I rose an eyebrow at her. ” A partner? ”

” Yes. You know it’s a lot much comfortable when you’ve got someone with you on the same boat when you’re heading for your nightmares, than when you go alone. ” She smiled at me. ” Just kidding. ”

” Yeah, I’m happy I’ve got you too. Just that I miss Gran. ”

” I’m sure she miss you too. ” She tapped my shoulder. ” Well, poor thing we aren’t on the same duty post, it’s gonna be a lot difficult to see you. But I hope we do. ”

” I wish I can see someone to talk to, I don’t think I can find any. ”

” Hey, you see all this girls, they are cool. I’m very sure, you’re gonna find someone good around. But just in case you don’t, you still have me. ”

I gave a relief smile. ” I’ll keep that in mind. ”

” See you around then. ” She placed a kiss on my cheek, leaving to join the others.

I sighed.

I followed the other maids who were in the same post with me. As soon as we got there, there was a lady standing in front. She was having the same uniform with us but I doubt she is one of the new comers.

” Hello, everyone. This is the laundry room, and in here works are being divided into three sections. Some groups will be in charge of the washing, some will take the clothes under the sun while the others will do the fetching. ”

” Here is the list of your names. ” She pointed to one end of the room. ” You take a look at it, then you’ll know where your name falls on. As soon as you’re done doing that, you begin your duty. ”

We all went one after the other, checking on our names. Mine fell on those who will take the clothes under the sun.

” Names are being changed by every ending of the month. So, don’t feel too relax and likewise don’t feel too bothered on where your name fell on. I hope I’m cleared, or is there any question? ” She asked.

” No, Miss. ” We all chorused.

” By the way, I’m Stephanie Grant. It’s nice meeting you all. ” She smiled widely. And with this, she left the room for us.

I sat on one of the bench as they weren’t any washed clothes yet. The room was quiet, no one was talking to the other and that was kinda better tho. All my eyes could do was to stare at anyone who stood up and patrol around the room.

” Okay, this is getting weird and uncomfortable. I’ll start if that’s difficult for most of us, my name is Veronica. It’s nice meeting you all. ” She introduced.

And the rest of the girls did the same, and so did I. ” I really miss my parents, it’s so sad to be taken away from them. ” A girl said, shooking.

” Me too, ” Another said. ” I was returning from school and the next thing I knew, I found myself in one of the rooms. I didn’t get the chance to meet my mom and my little brother, Van. ”

” When I came here, the first voice I heard was that of a lady.” Another started. ” At first, I thought I was in heaven. Until one of the maids told me that, she wasn’t that angel I think. ” A girl called Georgie said.

” What do you mean? ” I asked.

” Just as they call him The Master, they also call her The Mistress. According to what I heard, she’s his fiancee. On the other hand, she’s rude, sometimes crazy and easily fires out the workers. ”

” That will be great if she did so to me. At least, I’ll get the heck out of here. ” Said the girl who was sitting beside her.

” It’s not as easy as you think. Even though she ends up firing you, you’ll have to first taste the hell in the dungeon and you don’t wanna taste what it is, right? ” The girl shook her head.

” Everytime The Master was out for a business trip, she takes over the house. She would do wh@ťěver she wants, give out annoying rules and no one dare question her. ”

” And what does this Master do whenever he finds out that most of his workers were… fired? ” Vero asked.

” Nothing. She’s his fiancee so he won’t do anything to her. ” She replied.

” I h@ťě the Rutherford’s. ” She cursed.

Georgie said more about the Rutherford’s which I found interesting and… more annoying. Hearing about this Mistress made me wonder what it felt like serving someone who was as wicked as the devil himself.

I can’t imagine what she looks like. And besides, I just found out that…

” Hey, girl. ” Someone tapped me by the hand. I shivered, moving my head and eyes at her. ” You look lost. Still thinking of your Gran? ” She asked.

I said nothing to her, taking my eyes off her. ” It’s okay, I understand. ”

And the answer is… No, she don’t.


During the evening, the moon light has already surfaced. The wind here is colder than that of Doylestown, and the stars seems to be shining more directly to this place.

There was one thing I love about this place, the environment especially it’s garden yard. After the first set of clothes were washed, I walked to the garden yard alone. It made me forget that I was in a place called… Home of Mystery.

I sat beside the window which positioned directly to the moon. The other maids were asleep, I wasn’t feeling sleepy so I decided to sit beside the window and try not to make any noise.

” Not feeling sleepy? ” A voice asked almost like a whisper.

I looked at the direction of the figure as it approached my side. ” No. ” I said. ” I can see you aren’t either. ”

” Still getting used to this place. As long as I ain’t at home, I can’t force myself to sleep no matter how much I try to. ” She sat beside me. ” I always love staring at the moonlight, it’s comfortable. ”

I forced myself to smile, ” We aren’t different after all. ”

” Really? ”

” Yeah. So… ” I wanted to continue, but I heard whispering voices. ” Did you hear that? ” I asked her and she shook her head.

” What did you hear? ” She asked and I shushed her.

I stared out and down to the ground. ” Come have a look, there’s someone down there.” She stood up, looking down too.

” I see two people. A girl and a boy, I guess. ” She guessed.

” Who are they, and what are they doing down there? ”

She looked at me. ” What does it look like they are doing? ”

” I don’t know, ” I shrug. ” that’s why I’m asking. ”

” It’s probably two things they are up to. ” She said, I looked at her.

” What two things? ” I asked, inquisitively.

” One, it’s either they are up to something or, just hanging out. ”

” Well, it doesn’t look like they are up to something or… just hanging out. I think they’re probably discussing about something… very important. ”

” Like…? ”

” Hold on, is that an envelope or something he’s giving to her? ” I pointed.

” Like I guessed, I think this two are up to something. But the question is… What are they really up to? ”


Guess who those two people are?? ??
And what is it they are actually up to??

To Be Continued…

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