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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

Chapter 2: TAKEN.

I yawned, stretching as I got out of the bed. I had my morning prayer, did a rush amendments in my room, before heading to the kitchen.

Granny was sitting on her favorite chair, she was staring out of the window to nowhere. ” Hey, Granny, good morning. ” I greeted with a kiss on her cheek.

She looked at me, ” Good morning, sweetheart. How as your night? ” She asked.

” It was fine, thank you. What about yours? ” I asked back.

” Mine was good too. I hope you didn’t think too much last night. ”

” I didn’t Granny, I’d say, I slept like a baby. ” We both chuckled.

” Well, I’m done with most of the chores, I got tired trying to arrange the kitchen. You can help me with the cleaning. ”

” Come on, Granny, you don’t have to bother yourself with the house chores, you should have left it for me till I wake up. ”

” You don’t want me to have me sit my @zz all day while I watch you do everything? Hey, I have the white hair doesn’t mean I am that old. I’m fifty two and not seventy. ” I laughed.

” But you know what, you look like you’re in your forties. ” I teased.

” Yeah, everyone keeps saying that. ”

” Because that’s the truth. ” I pinched her nose.

” Ouch… ” I ran to the kitchen, laughing out loud.

” Have you eaten yet? ” I asked from the kitchen.

” Yeah, yours is in the pot. ”

” Okay. ”

I did everything hurriedly but neatly, rushing for breakfast. Granny was still sitting on her favorite chair, she still haven’t taken her eyes off the window, like staring out at it kept her comfortable.

” Are you okay, Granny? ”

” Yeah, why? ”

I shrugged. ” You’ve been looking out of the window for almost like minutes. ”

She laughed. ” Staring out of the window keeps me company. ”

” Mm-hmm. I wish that can work for me. ”

Not quite long, someone began to shout from the outside. ” They’re coming! They’re coming! ”

” Did you hear that? ” I asked Granny, who had already stood up from her seat. Guess she heard it loud and clear.

” This isn’t happening. No, not now. ” She said, working close to the window.

” Who is coming? ” I asked from where I sat.

” The Rutherford’s. ” She said coldly.

” The Ruther… ” I gasped, shocked. ” Oh my God, no. ”

” Avery, drop the food and go to your room. Shut the door after you and try not to make any noise. ” She instructed.

I did as she instructed, shutting the door after me. I sat calmly on my bed, but my heart is beating fast against my chest. I was becoming scared than I was yesterday, and I feel like the Rutherford’s are here for me.

From my room I heard the sound of a heavy bang of the door. Even as I tried to calm down and listen, my heart was beating super fast to let me hear a single $h|t.

” Hello ma’am. ” I managed to hear the first voice.

” Hello, gentlemen. ” Granny greeted back. ” How may I help you two? Was I accused for criminal act? ”


Writer ✓

” No ma’am, we are here for your daughter. We heard you have one here with you. ”

” I’m sorry gentlemen, I lost my daughter two years ago. ” She told them.

” Well, someone said you have one. ” He looked at the door. ” Come in. ” A young man walked in. ” Tell her what you told me. ”

” I said she lives with her granddaughter, her daughter is dead. ” He explained.

” Okay. So, where is your granddaughter? ” Asked one of the gentlemen.

” She’s not here. ”

” Where is she? ”

” She’s staying with her cousin at abroad. ”

” Liar! ” The other man cursed. ” I saw her with you yesterday. She’s lying. ” He pointed.

” Do you have a proof? ” Granny asked, throwing him an angry gaze.

” Yes. Last night, at about 7pm I guess, she came out to buy some food stuffs. ”

” Are you trying to give out my daughter because you lost yours a month ago? ” She hung her hands on her hip. ” Well, I’m sorry to break the news to you, she left last night. ” Turning her gaze to the other two men, she said. ” Now, can I have my privacy back… please? ”

” Forgive us for bumping in, we’ll just be on our way. ” They left, shutting the door.

” Are you sure of what you told us? ” The gentleman asked.

” I’m certain sir. ”

” Bel, ” referring to his colleague. ” You stay back, and keep an eye on them. If you see anything strange, don’t hesitate to take action. I’ll go find the others. ”

” Yes, Sir. ”

Avery came out of her room, her footsteps were quite as if she was tiptoeing. ” Granny…”

Granny quickly shushed her. ” They might still be out there. ” She made mouth movement only Avery could hear.


Avery ✓

After three hours the Rutherford men came, everyone started with their normal life. I went to check on Becca if she was as safe as I am.

I went to her home, her mother told me that she has gone to harvest some potatoes. I sighed in relief, guess we are the lucky ones again.

Their farm was only few miles away from home, I silently prayed for Granny’s wisdom. Her wiseness had only saved me from the terror of being taken away.

” Becca? ” I called as I came close to their farmland. ” Becca?! ” I called again.

” Yes, Avery, I’m here. ” She answered.

” They didn’t take you? ” She asked, dropping the harvested potatoes on the ground.

” Granny played smart to them. ”

Her eyes widened. ” And they believed her? ”

I nodded. ” They believed. ” We laughed. ” Those people are fools, they just believed her. You need to see how Granny sounded. She was so mean and serious and I bet anyone will fall for her lies. ”

” I love that woman. She’s full of surprises. ”

” Let me help you with them. ” I was about to help her carry the basket when someone from nowhere held me from behind, covering my nose with a white cloth.

The last thing I remember was Becca struggling to let go, then everything went black…

★ ★ ★ ★

I woke up, groaning at the pains on my neck. I slowly opened my eyes as the light rays passed through the curtains piercing into my eyes.

” You’re awake. ” Said a voice not too far from me.

” Where am I? ” I asked, pulling myself to sit. ” What happened to me? ”

” First, you’re in the Rutherford mansion and second, you blacked out. ”

” I blacked out because someone poisoned me with drugs. ” I looked around the white furnished room. ” Becca, where is my best friend? ”

” She’s fine, and she’s with the others. ”

” Others? ” I asked, stepping out of the bed. ” Why am I here? ”

” You’re here for the same reason we are here. Come on, we don’t have much time, we need to attend the training class. ”

” What training class? ”

It’s okay if she has to get tired of my questions but, I think I surely need a d@mn answer to all of them. ” It’s a class held for every new intakes. Come on, you need a shower and a new dress too. ”

I just realized few minutes ago that everything about this place is done according to time. Five minutes for bathing? Where the heck is that done??

We all assembled in a room which looks almost like a hall. With the side of my eyes I stared at the other girls which stood with me.

Then the door opened, a young lady walked in, putting on almost the same uniform we were putting on. ” Good morning, girls. ” She first greeted.

” Good morning. ”

” My name is Stella Martins and I’m the chief maid of the house. You’re free to call me by my name, I believe most of us are of the same age. So, I have no problem with that. ” She smiled. ” I’ll be sharing us into different sections and positions. When I say position, I meant your duty for the rest of your service here. ”

” I’ll be calling by names. ” She called our names and mine appeared in those meant for the laundry room. That was kinda a relief to me though, at least I won’t have to stress myself with serving and rendering much attention to The Master and whosoever.

” Before we go to our training, is there any question? ” She inquired.

” I, ma’am. ” Someone said, with her hand up.

” What’s your name, please? ” She asked.

” My name is Victoria Grey. ”

” Okay, Victoria, you may go ahead. ” She permitted.

” Can I have a different position, I’m not that good at laundry. ” She complained.

” How then do you wash your clothes at home? ” She asked.

” My mom never let us wash with our hands, we always make use of washing machine. ”

Stella smiled. ” Well, practice they say makes perfect. As soon as you get used to those who are good at laundry, I bet you’ll get use with the hands. ” Turning to us, she asked. ” Any other question please? ”

I rose my hand up, “I have. ”

” What’s your name, please? ”

” Avery, Avery Dennison. ”

” Okay, Avery, go ahead. ”

” Can I go see my grandmother? I never had the chance to tell her goodbye. ”

” I’m so sorry, Avery, but most of us never had the chance to tell our loved ones goodbye. Yours won’t be exceptional. In abscent for further question, let us begin with the training.

I felt like giving up, but it seems like life has only embraced me the more. I know with me here, life has just become more of a… Mystery.


Day one in the Rutherford’s mansion. Life has only begun.

To Be Continued…

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