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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.


(One Hour Later…)

” So, have you taken the stains off as I commanded? ” Madam Dacia asked.

Avery’s body was shivering like she was brought out from an ice cube. ” Yes, ma’am but… ”

” But what?! ” Yelled madam Dacia.

Avery flinched at the sound of her voice. ” But… I tried but it can’t go. ”

” You tried? I doubt that. Because if you truly tried as you’ve claimed, then it should have been washed off by now. ”

” Ma’am, that isn’t an ordinary paint. Ma’am, I think someone else did this to your dress because I swear, I wouldn’t do such a thing to your dress. ”

” You think someone poured the stain on my dress? ” She asked.

Avery nodded her head. ” If you think someone did it, then tell me who it is that stained my dress. ”

That was the part Avery can’t tell. Whosoever did the stain on Madam Dacia’s dress was something she doesn’t know. And thinking something like this will ever happen was something Avery still can’t comprehend.

Her head was filled with thoughts and she still didn’t realize that she haven’t answered Madam Dacia’s question yet.

” How long will I have to wait for an answer? ” Hearing madam Dacia’s voice brought her back to reality.

” I don’t know who it was but all I do know is that your cloth wasn’t retuned in this nature. I can swear to you a million times. ”

” Well, sweetheart, you aren’t the only one who have said these words. Every one do say it, even the poor pathetic girl who died before you. And do you know what, it always turns out that they are guilty.

So, your own case won’t be so different. How am I sure you aren’t lying to me? ” She asked.

” Because I ain’t lying. ”

” Well, we will see about that in the dungeon. ” Hearing the word alone made Avery’s heart skip a beat. ” Guards! Take her to the dungeon, and let her bones roth till sun set. I won’t have to remind anyone what next takes place. ” She moved her first finger across her neck, demonstrating the word “DEATH”

” Pleas, no, I beg you. I didn’t do it! I wasn’t the one who did it! Please! ” She begged but they all went to deaf ears.

The guilty court was quiet, no one said or did anything. Becca almost ran to hold Avery but one of the guards held her back. ” Avery, no don’t take her away! ” She cried.

” Becca, I swear, I didn’t do it! ” She cried as they dragged her out of the hall.

” Avery! Avery! Please let her go! ”

Becca fell to the ground, and one by one the rest of the maids left the hall. Becca still knelt down there, even as the hall was now empty. She didn’t stand up, she didn’t want to stand up.

” Avery…” She gasped the word out. ” Why you? Why would they want to take you away from me? Why? Avery, Please come back for me. ”

Victoria returned back to the hall to find Becca still knelling down. She held her stand to her feet, drying her tears with the thumb.

” Avery said we shouldn’t mourn her death, she said she was ready to accept it. ” Victoria said.

” No, she isn’t. She’s just too scared to admit how scared she is. Avery can never do such a thing, I know her since our childhood. Someone framed her up, some one who has been keeping an eye on her.

Seeing Madam Dacia instructing her to rewash the gown was the only way this person could attack. But I promise that one day, just one day, every single evil act will come to an end. But before then, Madam Dacia will have to pay in one way or the other. That’s a goddamn promise. ” With anger, she left the hall.


Avery shivered from the cold which blew into the dungeon. It was as if the dungeon was built right at the middle of the atlantic ocean.

She was wondering if this was the same dungeon they had kept Eve that made her looked like an half eaten zombie.

She haven’t seen anything horrific about the cage, although she could feel her legs dancing. Or was the creature still asleep?

She paused herself as she heard the groan of something alive. The voice wasn’t sounding from the cage next to hers, no, it was sounding like it was in the same cage… With her.

It roared. Running to the door, she began to cry in a loud voice. ” Somebody help! Somebody help! Get me out of here! ”

And she could hear it’s footsteps approaching closer. And every close step it made, she felt a bit close to death. Due to the darkness, she wasn’t able to see what kind of animal it was.

Was it a dog? Oh, it’s a little enduring. A lion, or a bear, or a wolf or what exactly?!

It roared again, and she felt like passing out but instead, her life was only loading the more. Giving her heart the strength to keep pumping stronger and larger amount of blood.

” What the f_ck are you, huh? ” She asked as if doing that will solve the problem at hand. ” What are you? ”

” Shut the f_ck up woman, you’re gonna pull the entire building down. ” A guard yelled angrily.

” Hey, did you hear that?” She asked, pointing to the direction of the noise. ” There’s a wolf in here. I… I mean something big. ” She stammered.

” Yeah, sweetheart, that’s a Jaguar. So can you shut the f_ck up now? ”

” What? W…. w… wait, what is a Jaguar please? ” It roar again and she screamed, leaving the guard to laugh.

” That’s a relative to tiger and the rest of them. Have a lovely evening, sweetheart. ” He winked at her, waving his fingers.

” No. No, please, don’t leave me here. Please, get me out of here. ”

” I’m sorry sweetie, the only time we can get you out of here is tomorrow morning, then you’ll be a goner. ” He finally left, filling the atmosphere with his laughter.

” No, no! Don’t leave me her alone. Please, get me out of here! ”


” Do you feel hungry? ” She asked him.

” Do you have something for me to eat? ” He asked back.

” Well, I don’t have anything but, I do have someone for you to eat. ” She smiled.

” Then what are we waiting for? Get her, I can’t hold it any more. ”

” Hold in a little while, sweetheart, she’s in the cage, and you wouldn’t wanna disturb the animal’s meal yet. ”

” I don’t want a dead corpse, babe. Get me the girl, and I will feed on her. Then you can have her body fed to the animal. ”

Dacia smiled. ” Well, I have a different plan for you. ” She whispered it in his ear. ” Wait for me there, and in ni time, your dinner will be ready. ”

He smirked evilly at the awesome idea.


To Be Continued…

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