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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 59

Gael gasp and flung his eyes open and the first thing he saw was Hala panicked face ,she exhaled heavily in relief the moment he woke up.gael sat up and scan his surrounding and yes they are still in the witches realm which has been totally destroyed, part of the castle walls has collapse leaving just few potion standing .just like Arturo had said Gael didn’t remember anything about their conversation at all

“did we…”
“yes xyra is gone look over there ” Hala said smiling as she point at something , ahead of them stood a statue of xyra made with pure black metal . her eyes were wide open and her facial expressions shows nothing both fear , anxiousness , pain and many more . Gael rouse up confuse wondering how the statue got here

” your blood actually did this , when you stabbed her with the dagger mix with your blood it helped in trapping Phostus powers in her but funny enough it turned her into a statue which is now holding her soul captive ”

” so she’s dead “Gael ask but she shook her head negative
” she’s neither dead or alive her soul is trapped somewhere in-between this 2 space “Hala said to Gael who nodded slowly
” so Phostus powers are trapped inside her steel body , won’t it be dangerous can’t you just extract it “Gael ask but Hala sigh
” I can’t Gael ,xyra wasn’t willing to let go of the powers and if she can’t let go then I can’t take it out . her willingness is what will help in the extraction but since she’s not then I have to do what I gat to do “she said
they were both silent for a while while staring at the statue .
” am sorry about your magic “she added and Gael scoff
” I don’t need it all I want now is go back home to the woman I love ” Gael said smiling as a mental image of Agatha display in his head
“I will keep the statue with me.this realm will be destroy any moment from now. shall we “Hala said and he nodded ,she snap her fingers and they both disappeared along with the statue and just as they did the witch’s realm blew up and everything and everyone still inside lost their lives .


Zalodan was half way destroyed after the lightning falls , shrapnel littered here and there with smoke puffing out of bunt buildings and trees .dear bodies everywhere ,
queen Emma was busy instructing her guards on what to do but then her eyes landed on 2 people whom had just walked into the palace . Kyle and Erica smile and made their way through the large fallen gate of the palace and few of the palace building has been destroyed .

“my son ” she call shock to see them , Kyle left Erica side and came close to her and he pulled her into a hug which came unexpected

” I always wanted to do this mother ” he whispered , she broke from their hug and weep joyously while caressing his face
“what happen to you my boy , am so happy to see you ” she cried
” the curse has been broken all thanks to Erica ” Kyle said and queen chuckled and turn to Erica
“I knew you will do Erica I always knew you will ” she said “it’s your efforts and pure heart my queen I just help in my own ways “Erica said

” mother I wanna use this opportunity to inform you of my intentions to marry her , Erica is the woman I wanna spend the rest of my life with. she’s my beta half “Kyle said and Erica blush and took her gaze down to her feet
“seem someone is romantic hahaha , you have all my blessings son but first let’s work on the kingdom and also announce your return and also coronation ”


Agatha return back to her cottage which is now nothing both pieces or burnt woods , she stared around sadly . she look around then her gaze landed on Gael who is standing not too far away from her and unlike before he wore a dark brown robe and white boots .
“Gael ” she called and ran to him , she jumped on him like a dog whom had just seen her master after a long lost journey . Gael spun her around then place her back on the ground and he planted a kiss on her lips .they place their foreheads together while enjoying the moment

“I thought you won’t come back ” she whispered and Gael chuckled
” for you I will always come back Agatha , you are the reason why am still alive and why am willing to live “he said ..

it took 3 month to rebuild the city of Zalodan after the fall and during this period Kyle was put to a Royal test in order to ascend the throne as king not to forget the fact that Erica is now solidly beside him as future queen . Gael and Agatha rebuilt their home , he told her about his Immortality and magic lost but that didn’t matter to her at all as long as Gael is with her then that’s all that matters …

Milo bar is now back on track booming with activities customer chatting and laughing seems they have forgotten about the fall . Milo was seated behind he canter while going through his sales record , a familiar smell hit his nostrils a smell he won’t forget in a hurry . he darted his eyes and there stood Matilda who is smiling widely

“Matilda ” he called and rouse up immediately , she came walked to him nervously while fuddling her fingers .
“am sorry Milo I…” he didn’t let her complete her sentence, he pulled her close to himself and claim her lips . she wrap her arms around his neck and return the kiss
they didn’t mind the customers and workers who were now staring at them. after a while they broke their from their kiss and hug
” I understand Matilda and am happy you’re here with me “he whispered into her ears ..
” my brother will be crown king in 2 days time and I want use to announce our wedding too “she said and Milo nodded
” don’t worry about that am gonna handle it all ” he said giving her an assuring smile ..
” pillow “Milo heard someone call and no one needed to tell him who it was , Kyle stood at the entrance of the bar with 5 guards behind him the customers and other workers were now on their knees with hear bow in acknowledgement but he ignored them while grinning at Milo who looks like he’s about to explode .
“my name is Milo not pillow ” Milo yelled
“yes I know pillow. hi lil-sis” Kyle called winkling at Matilda who giggled
“so that’s your name ha it sounds funny pillow “she added and he gasp
” c’mon Matilda not you too ” Milo grumbled and she giggled …


somewhere deep inside an underground opening like room laid Katherine , Lincoln and Freya who all look weak . they were all chain to a rocky cold walls of the underground . the sound of boot was heard and they all turn to the entrance opening and just then Gael walk in smiling creepily even though this place is dark they could still see his creepy smile .

“hello fellas ” he greeted and Freya scoff
“umm long time no see Gael “Lin said smirking
” why are you still keeping us here huh ” Freya snap
“don’t worry dear am here to make you all suffer , so dear wife how are you fairing”he ask Katherine who scoff with a frown .
” just ki|| me so that I can jump to another body Gael , am gonna ki|| that little wh-_-re ones am outta here “she gnash her teeth and Gael laugh mockingly
” fool who told you am gonna let you escape this place , well am here with my newest product”Gael said and pull out a container which had a red Scorpion inside , the same Scorpion Erica had created
“hahaha you expect us to be scared of that ” Lin laugh and Gael smirk
” don’t worry thin boy ..”
“it’s Lin ” Lincoln growled
“and I said it’s thin so shut up , this here is a very poisonous enchanted scorpion which is meant to torture evil people like you guys . I call it the red hell scorpion ,every sting from it will force it’s victime into a slumber where they will come face to face with this worst moment and nightmares and what ever injuries you encounter inside your dream will affect your physical body and do you know the best part this hell scorpion venom keeps the body of it’s victim intact , they will never age the venom is an anti-aging agent so it means you guys will live forever “Gael said
” wow nice speech Gael how long did it take you to memorize it ” Freya said sarcastically and Gael scoff
” I h@ťě arrogant idiots ,am gonna start with you ” Gael said and open the container and the scorpion hurried out and it jump down and made its way toward Freya who did move or flinch . it leaped on her shoulders and then sank it’s sting into her neck and she gasp with eyes wide open , Freya collapsed on the floor and she started screaming with eyes close

“ahhhhh no no no help , get me outta here ” she scream while rolling on the floor ..
“what’s happening to her what did you do “Katherine panicked
” don’t worry dear it’s gonna be your turn too ” gael winkles ,
” ahhhhh “Lin scream as the scorpion sting him also and he join Freya screaming and rolling on the floor . seeing the in this condition Katherine swallowed hard , she sighted the Scorpion coming towards her and with out wasting time and stepped on it with her boot until it laid on the cold floor dead .
“hahaha is that all ” she laugh
“well sorry to say this Katherine but the scorpion can’t be ki||., when ever you ki|| one it will duplicate itself”he said . the dead Scorpion started regenerating itself and soon it stood up and like Gael had said the scorpion split into 2 ,the scorpions charged forwards . one sting point pierced her neck and the second sting her wrist , the pains was indeed terrible Katherine felt her whole muscle tense and she scream and like being forced into a deep sleep she collapsed on the floor …

Katherine gasp and woke up at an unknown place , she sat up she’s in a wood a very dark one which is filled with fogs .
“where am I what did Gael so ” she ask but then she started hearing whispering creepy ones to be precise , her eyes move left and right

“mother ” she heard Gianna voice and she flinch and like a shaky leaf she turn around slowly , far between the trees stood a Gianna whose face looks pale with black cracks all over her skin with her chest oozing out blood (where her heart had been ripped out ) her eyes were place white and few part of her exposed skin looks rotten and decayed . this horrible version of her daughter made chill to run down her spin .

“G-Gianna no you aren’t my daughter ” she stuttered and swallowed hard and Gianna smirk wickedly
“I want my heart , since you have taken mine I want yours ” she growled and charged towards Katherine who took off running as fast as she could .
“run as much as you want mother your heart it minds ” Gianna sang Katherine ran for what seems like for ever
” ahhhh “she cried out when she tripped and injured her knees and her ankle fractured making it impossible for her to move , she tried to stand but couldn’t due to her fractured ankle
“ahhhh ” she cried out , Katherine shakily hide behind a tree while sweating heavily, tears stream down her cheek no doubt she’s afraid .she peep to see if she could get any sign of Gianna but she saw something

“am right here ” Gianna shrieked and Katherine scream as she appeared right I front of her , Katherine tried to use her magic but it didn’t work and Gianna smile and grip Katherine neck tight while pinning her to the tree funny enough she’s way more stronger than Katherine who tried all she could to break from her grip . “smile mother this won’t hurt hahaha ” she laugh wickedly
“no no Gianna am sorry I …. ahhhhh ” Katherine gasp as Gianna pushed her hand into her chest and she grab Katherine heart , her eyes widen in horror as she stared into Gianna emotionless eyes .
“I found a new heart ” Gianna sang and rip out Kathrine heart ..

” ahhhhhhh “Katherine scream and woke up from her sleep , she felt pains in her chest and she could see blood oozing out of knee and her ankle visibly red and swollen .
“how was your first trip ” Gael ask an she flinched in fear

” no no please Gael help i-i saw Gianna s-she looks like a demon . “she cried
” don’t worry love you will have plenty of more nightmare”
.”no please Gael d-don’t send me i-in there again i-i… “she gasp when one of the scorpion climb on her hand and it sank it’s sting on her shoulders , tears ran down her eyes as she fell on her knees and laid there on the floor and no too long she started screaming. unknown injuries appeared on her body , Lin woke up breathing hard and so did Freya but the scorpion knock them back into the torment world . Gael chuckled and shook his head

” you guys gat long way to go ” he said and with that walk away into the darkness but one could still hear the loud screams coming from inside ..

that was the last time Katherine and her cohorts were ever seen or heard from again no one knows where Gael kept them but just as we were told Katherine and her cohorts were tortured for eternity by the scorpions .

The End

?2022 publish ?

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