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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 55

Kyle stood outside of agatha cottages staring at the fast rising sun well for the past 2 days now he an Erica have been staying here .,

he enjoys the sun beautiful red ray which was gradually filtering to gold yellow ,
wind gushed on his skin and his hair responded by flying backwards . he smile when he felt the present of someone behind him
“isn’t it beautiful” he said and Erica who was behind shrug
“I have seen it rise and fall every day so it’s not new to me ” she answered and Kyle chuckled an turn facing her fully , his eyes scan her from head to toe

Erica felt uncomfortable with the kinda look he had .
” to you it’s normal but to me it’s splendid just like you Erica” he said and Erica face heated up , she smile and look on on her feet . she flinched when he popped right in front of her and his warm palm cup her face and lift her head up . now they are both staring at each other

” tell me Erica will you accompany home and not just accompany I want you to be by my side , you shared my dark moment and now am free and I still want you to be close to me not like a maid but as a wife “he said

Erica heart beat fast lost in her own world but then she knew she had to give him an answer
“my prince …”

“my name is Kyle not prince “he cut in with a frown and Erica nodded
” my pri… I mean Kyle we aren’t in the same class you are royalty and… ”

” hey stop walking it seems you don’t know what to say , class or not royalty or commoner I don’t care I want you and that’s all that matters or don’t you don’t you feel the same way I do . don’t you love me … ”

” I do right from the unset I always did ” she cut in and Kyle smiled
“then we will go together to the palace and there we will live together as one “he said but she shook her head
” there’s alot of thing to do Kyle. Kan is still out there who knows he might come for her and what about my aunt xyra she also might… ”

” shush forget about them and let’s focus on our own story “he said , he leaned close and kisses her lips …

meanwhile Agatha has been in coma for the past 2 hours and now she’s finally awake
“wallcome back love ” Gael sang the moment she open her eyes , her move left and right then it finally settled on him
“Gael ” she called and made to seat up but he restricted her
“hey hey hey you need to rest for now ” he said
” h-how long have I been out “she ask
” 2 days love ”
” what 2 days “she gasp and Gael nodded and exhaled heavily
” what about Katherine and her cohorts” she ask
Gael rolled his eyes clear didn’t want to talk about them”they are all gone so don’t worry about them ,well am happy you’re awake let me go get something for you to eat “he said and rush out ,she heard the slam of room wooden door which means he’s out .she grumbled and sat up but she felt dizzy at first but then she finally felt okay,she observe her body and that was when she discovered her wounds were all healed up with no scare left

“magic ” she mumbled and step down from her bed and made her way out of her room ..

she heard laughter coming far ahead she couldn’t help but wonder who else is in her cottage
“hey lovie ” Erica squealed ye moment she saw Agatha who look daze to see her
“Erica ” she called slowly and Erica giggled and came to her
“am sure you’re feeling okay ”

“hey you’re cheating ”
” no am not so stop trying to justify your incompetence “she heard Milo voice along with another unfamiliar voice , Agatha gasped when she saw Kyle and Milo seated at the other side of the room playing cards

Kyle look furious while milo had a big smile on his face
“now I understand why your parents names you pillow ” Kyle spat glaring down at the cards
” it’s Milo ”
” yes I know that pillow ” Kyle responded and Milo flared up
” I rather prefer when you were grumpy than this other side of you ” Milo spat and Kyle shrug
” deal with it pillow am here to stay so get use to it dear pillow “he said grinning and Milo felt like snapping his neck .
” isn’t that the prince ” Agatha mouthed and Erica nodded
” wow he looks different and more …I don’t know what to say”Agatha whispered and Erica chuckled
” he’s better than ever ” erica said and Agatha nodded still staring at Kyle and Milo who looks like they might throw punches any time from now .

“it seems I missed alot in just 2 days ”

“okay people I made my lucky pancakes “Gael yelled coming in with a tray of hot cakes
” c’mon “Erica squealed and pull Agatha towards the round large table where they all took their seats
“wow it smells nice I hope it will test nice ” Milo beam and made to pick one of the cake but Gael spank his hands
“what ” he wince
“ladies first be a gentleman man ones in your life “Gael said and smile at Erica and agatha
” yeah what ever so ladies open the gate “Milo said Agatha and Erica pick 1 cake and they all dig in

” what about Matilda haven’t she come around ” Agatha ask and Milo pause ,Erica and others also stop eating and turn to Agatha it seems she had said something wrong .Agatha frown and put down her piece of cake
“wait why is everyone staring at me like that “she ask with an innocent look
” I haven’t heard from her but it’s okay anyways ” he sounded hurt but try hard to put his emotions behind him

“umm sorry for that . am sure the queen is be happy now that prince Kyle back “Agatha said smiling at Kyle who hummed and lean back on his chair
“I haven’t gone home so my mother don’t know where I am but am planning on visiting today to introduce my bride to be to her “Kyle said taking Erica hand she smile shyly

” woa you 2 are wow it seems I slept too much ” Agatha beam and clap her hands in excitement
‘”my bestie is gonna become queen of Zalodan this is great “she scream
” hey keep your voice down Agatha ” Milo said
” Gael when are we getting married I don’t want to remain single for ever “Agatha ask Gael who chock on his cake and he quickly gulp down large quantity of water
“huh calm down agatha you just woke up from coma and …”

“I don’t care about that let’s start preparing for our marriage union “she said smiling and Gael nodded with a sigh … they eat discuss and laugh joyously like never before , it felt like a get together party but as we all know nothing good last for ever just like nothing bad last for ever . good and bad moments are part of life and both exist in the same equilibrium space .

they all started feeling dizzy aside from Gael who just sat there staring at them with an unreadable expression
“what happening ” Milo said and made to stand but his legs wobbled and he fell down
” angel what did you do to us ” Erica ask trying hard to stay active but her body soon paralyze and she collapsed on the ground along with Agatha. Kyle is the only person who seems not to be affected by what ever Gael had done to the others .

“I don’t know what you did Gael but why ” Kyle ask starring at Gael who exhaled and stood up , he knelt down close to Agatha who is breathing hard but couldn’t move her body due to the paralysis

“why ” she grumbled , he smile and ran his fingers on her face
“sometimes sacrifices most be made for the greater good , Kan is dead xyra now has alot of powers , she’s gonna come for you all . I need to do this to stop her “he said and kiss her lips the he rouse and made his way towards Erica but Kyle block his way
” I don’t know why you’re doing his but if you hurt Erica I will hunt down like a man Hunter”Kyle thr_@ten
” don’t worry all I need is to extract her Pamela powers from her that’s all “Gael said , Kyle exhaled and shifted back and Gael knelt beside Erica

“sorry Erica this will hurt but don’t worry your powers won’t be tempered with but I need to take our your mother powers ”

” why “Erica ask trying to move but it was useless all her muscle weren’t responding to any attempt.
“because I promise your mother to keep you safe and if it means playing a right card at the wrong time then I will do so “he said and place his palm on her stomach

” ahhhhh ” Erica scream out and her eyes glowed bright gold and so did her body , a round gold orb merged out of her body , Erica gasp for breath she felt like something heavy has been lifted out of her . she felt extremely light like a feather

Gael grab the orb and teleported out of sight …

meanwhile xyra was busy planning on how to attack Gael and Erica to obtain their powers . she sat on her glorious throne
her eyes were glowing multicolor ,her gold brown hair fell down her shoulder and her red gown gave out the impression of danger ..

the entrance door burst open and one of her wizard guard dash in
“my queen master Gael is here to see you ” the guard said as he said this Gael walk in smiling brightly , she rouse up from her throne with a crazy smile plastered on her face . her aura circled around her

Gael felt her superiority and he try hard to be intimidated by her aura
“get out ” she said to the guard and he ran off then she turn to Gael
“long time no see little brother ” she said with a smirk

“seems power hunger has finally made you insane dear sister ” he said and she laugh and shook her head
” no it made me more powerful ,since you’re here then it means you’re here to die “she said and summon the gold dagger which appeared in her hand ,she smirk while staring at Gael .Gael breath hitch and for the first time in a long while he felt scared ,sweat ran down his face as he gulp down trying to stay calm .seeing him like this gave her more pleasure

“c’mon little brother are you scare ,we haven’t started yet “she growled and directed a lightning bolt at him ,the bolt blast Gael and he collided on the wall causing it to crack then he landed back other ground.
“ahhhhh ” he threw up large among of blood then he slowly staggered up
“am not here to fight you xyra you’re way more powerful than I am so that’s why I have finally come to a conclusion … “he said and stretched his lefr hand and Pamela powers appeared in the form of a gold orb which rested on his palm . seeing this xyra gasp happy to see the orb and sometime confuse on why Gael will bring it to her .

“is this one of your tricks ” she ask and Gael shook his head negative
“you have Kan, Kai and half of Pamela powers in you am sure you can read my mind . am not planning nothing or playing any trick ,I just want this war to stop I have already lost my family I don’t wanna loose my new family so here is Pamela powers and mine “he said and another white orb appeared in his right hand ,the white orb is his powers .xyra stood rooted to the round trying to figure out what he is up to but on the other hand she felt happy .

“what makes you think I will spare you after taking your powers “she ask and Gael smile sadly
” because I know you don’t care about what happens to me afterwards you only care about the powers so you can have them “he said …


?2022 publish ?

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