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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 49

a young lady stood in front of an old looking hut with her 5 years old daughter beside her , she’s dark in complexion and her Africa thick black hair were parked with a purple red scarf , her daughter also took after her skin colour but different in their eyes colour

her round cute eyes were bright blue like water surface under the ray of sunshine . she looks totally adorable with her full lips pushed forward as she clinched to her mother while staring at the old hut .
“c’mon Gianna let’s go in ” she said to her daughter who gulped down and nodded with out saying a word , they both entered the hut and was greeted by the smell of blackwood incense smoke .

“ahhh Katherina you’re here ” an old man beamed the moment Katherine walked in , his dark gaze locked in little Gianna and he smiled widely spreading out his brown teeth . Gianna instantly h@ťěd this old black skin bald head man who looks creepy

she tore her gaze away from him and look up at her mother
“mother I don’t like it here ” her tiny voice sounded
Katherine smile and knelt down to Gianna height
“don’t worry my dear we will soon leave here I just wanna settle something with him “she said smiling but her smile didn’t reach her eyes because she’s here to do something bad
“I miss father when will he return ” she ask and Katherine face went blank for a while then she force out a smile as she stared deep into her daughter eyes , tears ran down Katherine cheek
“why are you crying mother ” Gianna asked and her mother smile and wipe her tears then pull her into her arms
“am sorry Gianna am so sorry but always remember I love you “she whispered confusing Gianna who couldn’t tell why he mother is lamenting all this words to her .

“okay enough with the emotional $h|t and let’s go straight to business , she’s the daughter of Gael
ones she get to the age of 19 she’s gonna stop growing and will never age but at this tender stage she’s vulnerable . we are gonna shift her immortality to you and in exchange she’s gonna be use as a sacrifice” the old man said and Kathrine heart drop in hearing this
” but baba Tunde isn’t there a way aside from this h-how will I live with the guilt of ki||ing my own daughter , what will I tell my husband “she cried and the old man by name baba Tunde scoff and folded his hands behind his back with a smug
“it’s a choice Katherina you either choose to become and immortal like your husband or watch how you grow old and die and he and your daughter will remain young for infinity . he might even get married l another woman after your dead “baba Tunde said

the through of her husband getting married to another woman hit her hard and she gulp down and look down at her little Gianna who just stared into a space , Katherine mind were too clouded and she didn’t know when see agreed and baba Tunde exhaled
“okay let’s do it ” she said he smirked and pick up an incense bowl and brought it close to Gianna face , she groan after sniff large among of the incense smoke and she couldn’t help but cough
“what’s that for ” Katherine ask but baba Tunde ignored her and walk to the side of the hut and he place the incense on the ground
“the incense will make he fall asleep to make the process easy and painless ” he said

and just like he had stated Gianna yawn and leaned on her mother thigh with her eyes growing heavier every passing seconds .
“m-mother i-i feel sleepy ” she stuttered and collapsed on her mother hold .
“quick place her here ” he said pointing at a wooden table , Katherine carried her and placed her sleeping body on the table , she stared at Gianna sleeping face an sadness washes over her
she push down the feeling of ki||ing her daughter hoping not to feel any guilt . baba Tunde tap her shoulders lightly with a tight grin
“you will give birth to another child take this as an ultimate sacrifice for something greater “he assured her

she look away from and filtered his words into her head .
“let’s begin ” she said and baba Tunde nodded and took out a shiny blue dagger.

“w-ehat w-will I-i t-tell Gael “she stuttered
“tell him she got sick and died that will be easy and he will buy it ” he suggested and like a fool she agreed .

” et lucioto feu savuz
et lucioto feu savuz

I present to you a sacrifice in exchange of immense power and immortality “he chanted and lifted up the dagger ready to push it into Gianna heart ..

meanwhile Gael happily pushed the door to his house open with a bag of gift in his hands , he looks twice happier than ever.he looks different due to his mustache which gave him an elderly look .
“Gia gia am home ” he yelled
“Kathrine Katherine , Gianna “he yelled and placed the bag on the ground wondering why the house is empty
” where are there ” he asked , he ran around the house hoping to find them but to his disappointment he couldn’t.. the entrance door burst open and a chocolate brown skin girl just like Katherine ran in panting heavily like she had run 1000 miles down here .

“Trixie where is your sister and my baby girl ” he asked and trixie who happens to be the half sister to Katherine
“t-thats w-why a-am..”

“c’mon Trixie speak up ” he snapped impatiently at Trixie who is still trying to control her breath . unlike Katherine Trixie isn’t a witch she’s fully human with no atom of magic in her

“Katherine has gone mad she took Gianna to an old necromancer and I over heard them talking about shifting of immortality from Gianna to herself but the prize is … ”
.” Gianna life oh no what’s wrong with Katherine”Gael yelled and bolt out leaving trixie behind
” wait do you even know where they are ..” she yelled behind him
“at baba Tunde hut I already know that he’s the only necromancer close bye” Gael yelled ..

Gael and Trixie ran for over 30 minutes due to how restless and disoriented Gael is he wasn’t thinking streight, he totally forgot he could teleport himself to anywhere.

finally the got to the hut and with out wasting time Gael burst the old door down and they ran in , his heart dropped at the sight before him . he stood frozen when he saw Gianna lying on the table with blood all over her body and her chest was ripped open . baba Tunde who was at the corner stood frozen as soon as he set his eyes on Gael .

he held a heart , the heart of Gianna was in his hands

he had ripped out her heart for the sacrifice and seeing Gael just made him freeze . Katherine heart slam continually in her chest as she stared at Gael
“Gael ” she called shakily
“Gianna .. Gianna ” Gael scream and ran to his daughter body , he wept like a child whose candy has been stolen from him

his anger started building up fast and his sorrowful heart harden ,”ahhhh God nooo ” he scream hugging Gianna body ignoring the blood all over her .
“Gael am sorry i-i d-didnt mean to ” Katherine stuttered , the air inside the hut suddenly grew cold and thunder clap was heard outside the sky grew dark and more thunder clap echoed and wild wild blew around shoving off trees and uprooting them . they knew it’s all Gael doing

“Gael calm down please ” Trixie yelled out loud due to to loud whistling of winds which now circled around then . baba Tunde staggered back as conniption grip him as Gael murderous blue eyes lock on him

“you bastard ahhh you just sign you own dead wish . he moment you harvest my daughter heart is the moment you seal your fate ,from today hence forth I curse you with the flame of internal heat ,you will burn from inside and will never die .your blood will be lava and it will cause you pain beyond anything in this world. you will pass through hell on Earth and will never know what it feels to sleep in peace .you shall roam this Earth suffering till the end of time and nothing will break my curse because am sealing it with your own crime “Gael growled angrily and the earth vibrated

” ahhhhhh “baba Tunde scream and his skin turned red like fire ,he cough out smoke from his mouth like a dragon and from inside his body he felt burning sensation like he is burning from inside yet his skin was intact but the red fire glow visible on his body .his blood became lava and as it float through his veins it burnt it causing him more pain ,his heart hurt like hell as his lava blood circle around it roasting it and same time the heart try to pump the lava blood. an X tattoo appeared behind his neck because Gael has hexed him .

“ please am sorry I…” he scream out in pain
” water I need water I need to stop this it’s too hot “he cried and ran out in search of water ..

“Gael am sorry he tricked me “Katherine cried stepping close to Gael who sneered angrily and she flinched

“leave Katherine I don’t wanna see your face again , stay far away from me else am gonna ki|| you when next we meet . leave while you still can “Gael yelled and with out wasting time she ran out , Trixie was now left alone with Gael

she stared at Gael who looks like his world has crumbled right in front of him . Gael felt someone palm on his shoulders and he lifted his head and his eyes landed on Trixie
“it’s okay Gael you have to step through his block ” she said …

~~~present day ~~

Agatha and Erica stared mouth open at Gael shocked after hearing his story , Agatha swallowed into nothing as she try to digest all he just said
“so Katherine is that lady that came here but why does she look like Elena ” Agatha ask but Gael hissed and leaned back on the wall
“she doesn’t look like Elena she took over Elena body which means Elena is dead “Gael said

” what! I don’t understand how come does that mean Elena is dead but but .. “Agatha gasped
” Katherine has a spell that enable her to jump from one body to another after ki||ing the original owner of the body because 2 souls can’t exist in one body one most leave for the other to stay ” Gael explain and Agatha could understand little of what he had just said but Erica on the other hand was busy multitasking her brain trying to fix every detail in order to gain answers to her own undying questions .

“she call Agatha Trixie and in your story you said Trixie is the half sister of Katherine so why did she call Agatha Trixie “Erica asked
” yes she’s right ,Elena I mean Kathrine called me Trixie why ” she asked and Gael sigh and exhaled heavily ready to drop another bomb

“after loosing my Gianna and Kathrine I felt shattered and leave in my own shell of nothingness and during this period Trixie stood by me like a pillar holding me up , she gave me more reason to see into life and also how to break through my own dark cage . I spent 2 years with her and during this period I fell madly in love with her even more than I ever thought I loved Katherine , our relationship grew fast like a tree and during this period Katherine return but when she found out I have moved on with her sister she got angry and bittered and she blame Trixie for shattering her marriage and she vowed to separate us even if it was almost impossible … “Gael said and slowly brought down his gaze like he’s about to get to the horrific side of his story , he rubbed his palm against each other and ran his tongue around his lips .

“on our wedding night I left Trixie for a brief minute but when I return I found her lying on the floor with a knife stabbed in her chest I knew it was Kathrine doing , seeing her at the point of dead ones again shook my world and I didn’t know what to do or how to save her so I -i “get gulp down chocking in his words

” I trapped trixie soul in a time circle of reincarnation ”

“to always be born after dead “Erica said out loud now staring at Agatha who now get the massage and she flinched and rouse up from the bed she was seated on
“no no tell me it’s a lie tell me this doesn’t have anything to do with me , tell me this this.. “she stuttered

” am sorry Agatha you’re one of Trixie reincarnation season , you are my Trixie “Gael said ,she shook her head negative and ran out

” agatha wait I…” Gael wanted to go after her but erica stopped him
“let her be angel the revelation is heavy give her time to digest all this .she’s gonna come around so don’t worry “she said and Gael sigh and rough his hair with an agitated frown.

she touched Gael shoulder and as soon as she did her eyes flashed gold and return back to normal but Gael didn’t notice this ,a big smile appeared on Erica face

“just what I needed ” she thought ..


?2022 publish ?

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