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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 43

Erica , Agatha and Gael we’re busy making lanterns while discussing and laughter whole hearted
“why did you make this red lantern” Erica ask staring at the beautiful red lantern which had few pink pattern design on it , Gael stared at the lantern for a while with a sober expression . they both noticed this and the couldn’t help but wonder why
“it’s for the memory of someone I care dearly for” he said and his voice hitch and tears circled his eyes , he stylishly wiped it and put on his bright smile
“don’t worry about that let’s just focus on the festival ” he said
“the festival will be held at the city hall which is located at the middle of the bamboo woods “Agatha said and Erica giggled
” can’t wait for night fall ” she squealed but just then the entrance door burst open and Matilda burst in breathing hard with sweat all over her face , they turn to her with arched brows
“Erica my brother needs you , he is in danger ” she rushed her words , adrenaline circled around Erica body and she sprang up like a spring into motion
“what do …”

“no time Erica come please ” Matilda chirped in and Erica bolt out even before Matilda would noticed her and she followed behind . Agatha rushed outside with Gael beside her and the watched the royal carriage zoomed off in a crazy speed , Gael brows knitted as he stared at the dust which the carriage had left behind
“what just happened Matilda seems scared , what do you think might have happened to the prince “Agatha asked no one in particular
” Agatha I will be back I need to pay someone a visit”Gael said and before Agatha could even react he vanished in to thin air
” agrahh like seriously” she scream out glaring at the spot he was standing before ..
the floor which lead to the prince room was heavily guarded and no one was allowed to come any close.the maids and others servants stared curious wondering what was going on ..

queen Emma was still kneeling beside Kyle who was groaning with his grip tight on the rod , she and the king are the only ones inside the room with the prince .the entrance door burst open and Erica ran in

“highness ” she scream and quickly ran to him ,Kyle body stiffen the moment her soft palm touched his face
his body slowly relax and he lifted his head up and his destress eyes fell on her worried eyes .
“y-you t-took..”
“shush it’s okay am here now ” she said crying and pulled him into a hug ignoring the blood and sweat on his face . his face rested on her shoulders and in no time he fell asleep with rod still deeply buried in his stomach,
“it’s gonna be okay highness I know it will” she whispered and slowly grab the rod which was now erected at his back , she exhaled and forcefully pull out the rod and tossed it away . she expected him to wince but he didn’t he just stayed calm , queen Emma watched them and she smile sadly .
Kyle was placed on his bed while he was still asleep and Erica pulled down his robe to clean his wound but to her greatest suprise the wound had already been healed up with no scare of scratched , she turn to the king and queen who had shock expression on their faces

“what happened to his wounds ” the king asked dumbly and Erica fight the urge to rolled her eyes
“he heals extremely fast ” the queen said and the king scoff and folded his arms behind his back ,they was silent for while then the king spoke up
” he isn’t supposed to be here ” he said and the queen scoff
“and where is he supposed to be huh” she asked sounding rude
” he almost ki||ed Matilda”the king snapped and Erica heart skipped when she heard this
” but he didn’t instead he hurt himself just to keep her safe ” the queen argued and the king chuckled dryly as he play with his royal ring of office

“what ever you say my dear better keep your son in check I have to attend to other pressing issues”he said and left . the queen exhaled and took a long glance at sleeping Kyle then to Erica
“stay with him and don’t dare leave his side ” she said
“don’t worry my queen am not leaving this place “she said lowly and the queen nodded before exiting the room leaving Erica behind
“don’t let anyone come in here is that clear ” the queen said to 2 guards as soon as she came out of kyle room and the guards nodded and stood in front of the door ..

hours passed by as Erica watched over the prince , she felt sleepy but refuse to sleep she wanted to make sure she sees him when he wakes up .
“ahhh ” Kyle groan and open his eyes and Erica beamed
“highness ” she called out with a hint of joy in her voice , his eyes locked on her and he stared expressionless for while then he frown and tried to seat
“easy highness , do you feel any pain ” she asked but he ignored her and sat up
” no I don’t and … “he trialed off and hissed when the memories of earlier came rushing back
” I almost ki||ed her” he grumbled
“but you didn’t you were able to fight your darkness ” she said smiling brightly , Kyle was tempted to smile back but too bad he didn’t really know how to smile since he haven’t tried it before .
” it doesn’t matter how much I fight to stay active Erica am just prolonging my doom and pains”he said sarcastically but she shook her head negative , she held his right hand up to her cheek as she smiled sadly
“don’t say that highness you have to keep fighting that’s the only way to stay alive “she said and kissed his metacarpal leaving the print of her red lipstick there . he stared at his metacarpal and then shook his head negative and shut his eyes for while

“my days are numbered I can feel it , for 25 years I have been living in the Shell of my own darkness which has blinded me from the real world but you came in and shined a little light for me to see and feel what it felt to be alive . Erica when I first saw you from the top of my window I felt strange I felt deferent and for days I have been trying to understand this feeling and now I think I have an answer to what I have been feeling all this while “he said calmly too calm and more fluently .

” I don’t know how long I have but I wanna spend this last moment with you Erica , even if its just a minute or seconds “he said to Erica who stared perplexed at him , her heart was too heavy for her to speak and her lips pressed together refusing to open .

“b-but w-why” she stuttered
“because I love you and I want to spend my last moment with you by my side”he said , this sounded like a crack of thunder clap to Erica whose brain had already shutdown . she stared at him with face drain of blood , she didn’t know if to be happy or sad all she could do was look at him like a lost being .
“but..” she couldn’t even finish what she was about to say when his lips pressed on hers and her eyes widen in shock , sweet sensation in form of sparks traveled around her body and she didn’t even noticed when she return the kiss with her arms wrapped around his neck pulling herself close to him…


in a deep jungle at an unknown place filled with tall trees and dangerous vines and spikes stood Gael who wasn’t bothered about the scary sound made around him .
” Hala fox get your @zz out here I can feel your presence”he yelled

” hahaha and look who decided to show up here ” a mockery laughter echoed with out anyone coming into sight , Gael hissed and his eyes ran left and right and final he sighted a lady standing not too far dressed in a green short gown and her Břě@šť exposed . her areola were circled with beautiful diamond stones , her hips were wide and she looks heavenly endow and her beauty was something to be hold .

“hello Hala fox ” Gael said and the beautiful lady whose name is Hala smirked and appeared in front of Gael
“you look good ga El ” she said

“am here to inquire about …”

“the future I know that ga El , am a fox spirit and am bound to this jungle because it’s mine , I know what you want the moment you walked in here and I shall show you what you want but in exchange you will give me something “she said grinning and Gael sigh already aware of what she will ask for . he slowly starting taking off his cloths
“and what are you doing ” she ask and Gael gave her an are you serious kind of look .
” segz is all you want right that has always been your pay ” he said and he giggled like a child .
” that’s why I so much love you Gael but no I do not want that any more I want something else and what I want I shall tell you but first let me show you the future “she said and place her hand on Gael head.

” ahhhhh”he shrieked out and his eyes turned white just like hers and they both stood still ,her ears grew longer like that of a fox and 9 long fluffy tails emerged out of her butt forming a lotus fan behind her back like that of a peaÇ0çƙ feathers …


the sky grew dark and the sound of drums ,laughter’s ,music’s of all kinds filled the air carriages from visitors from far and near rode into the city of Zalodan .
a large beautiful building built in an open scape with bamboo tress around it stood in the middle of the woods , people were gathered around the building .tents were built ,shows were in action and musicians sing and dancers dance to the song .the bamboo woods was brought to life with many activities,
. meanwhile inside the city hall were high Ranking men and women who holds high authority in the society, Kings , queens , Lord’s , barons , baroness and many more where here drinking and laughing .

“welcome king Xavier of Alvira am honored to have you here ” the king said smiling and the young man who might be in his early forties or so, dressed in an expensive king cloth and beside him was his wife queen of alvira popularly known as general Gwen that was her format title though .

“indeed it’s great to be here my king ” king Xavier said smiling and beside him was his lovely daughter who wasn’t dressed like a princess instead she wore a male like verse which was well designed too
“and you most be princess Silvia” queen Emma said to Silvia who smiled and bowed in respect
“yes my queen am happy to be here ” she said and with the side of her eyes she stole a glance at Matilda who seems impatient and doesn’t like it here
“you look so much like your mother but you have your father eyes “the queen Emma said and Silvia smiled with out giving any response …

“please enjoy the party the festival will memorable” the king said and king Xavier smiled and walk away with his wife and daughter ..

a lady walked in dressed in a white ball gown and he silver crown balanced on her head well ,her eyes held nothing but anguish terror .she catwalked to the king and queen who didn’t know who she is or what kingdom she rules ..Matilda stared equally confused and same time she admire this dangerous dead drop gorgeous lady

“and you are ” the king asked
” am queen xyra from a far away kingdom and am here to enjoy the festival ,I have heard alot about this great festival and I want to witness it too “she said with a big smile …


?2022 publish?

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