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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 42

the elders were all gathered at the throne room in front of the king who sat relaxed on his throne and his tedious gaze were locked on them
“my king last night the han vio tribe turn against themselves”an elder said and the king arched his brows
” what do you mean by that ” he asked .
“the tribe was found ruined with carnage beyound anything i have seen before .children , parents and animals all slaughtered with no survival”elder Dean said , being the elder mostly in charge of Zalodan security services he got all guard under his control and he’s the first to hear any news which relates to his zone .

“what exactly happened ” an elder ask and they all turn their attention to elder Dean who exhaled and cleared his throat
” I myself saw the destroyed tribe and I can testify that it was terrible. but don’t worry I have someone who witnessed what had happened she refused to give me details saying she was only going to talk if she has an audience with the king “elder Dean said staring at the king who frown and pushed his body forward
“who is this witness ” he ask
“a young girl ” elder Dean said
“then let her come and explain what she saw ” elder Habi snapped
” let her in “the king said and elder Dean nodded and signal one of the guard and not too long the entrance door was pushed open and a young dark skin girl walked in , she bowed as soon as she got in front of the throne
“long live the king” she hailed
“I heard you had witnessed hat happened to han vio “the king ask ignoring her greetings

” yes my lord”she answered with head till bow and her gaze fixed on the floor
“tell us what you saw ” elder Boris chirped in , she exhaled and lifted her head up
“what I saw was nothing but pure unnatural circumstances “she said making them all curious
” speak child “the king urge her
” in my very own eyes I saw children turn against parents and parents against themselves , I saw domestic animals become wild beast . I saw lovers tearing each other apart like enemies .
a goat feeding on flesh , a cow feeding on flesh of their masters , hen and Ç0çƙs feeding on human flesh like wild beast . my king what I saw is beyound explanation “she said , the hall was thrown into silence for a while then elder Dean cleared his throat
“what do you mean by all this ” he asked and she frown with a little flash of annoyance
” don’t you get what I just said ,the villagers turned against each other including their domestic pet turn against them that’s why there’s no survival .they all went crazy “she half yelled
” this is unbelievable it sound like the work of…”

“witchcraft ” the king chirped in cutting elder Boris
” so how come you were the only survival ” another elder ask
“I was out in the fields when I heard the loud creaming so i return home only to find my father on the floor with a wooden stake buried In his chest my 8 years old brother had ki||ed our father and he tried to attack me too but I was able to escape , my people had turned against each other “she said heartbroken , the king sigh and leaned back on his throne he wasn’t expecting such news today of all days . he knew he has to look deep into this because for sure this has to do with sorcery
“today is the lantern festival so we shall put all this aside until after the festival , no one should hear about this we will have to keep this situation a secret till after the festival we don’t have to scare our visitors who will be coming from far and near . young lady elder Dean will take care of you and please make sure you keep your mouth close else am going to behead you if any ear should hear this . is that clear “he said and the girl nodded ..
” good “the king mumbled


Erica glared at gael and Agatha who were now seated in front of her like here were in court ready for trial
“so you guys are in a relationship”

“yes ” Gael and Agatha said immediately and they both shot each other a funny glance while Erica folded her hands under her Břě@šť with lips pressed together
“we aren’t in a …”
“c’mon love no need to lie , look Erica we are in love and soon to get married “Gael said and Erica gasped
” what !” Erica and Agatha shrieked and Gael shrugged
“why didn’t you tell me anything about all this Agatha and you angel you didn’t even bother to tell me you know my friend this is betrayal in the highest order “Erica pouted an Gael chuckled

” sorry love I just wanted to make it suprise but too bad it’s no longer one . “Gael said
” hey Agatha you aren’t saying anything or is this jerk messing with your head huh”she ask and Agatha pause and shot Gael a long funny glance before rolling her eyes and she look away
“nope he’s messing with my head ” she said calmly
“wow seems I and Elena are the only single ones in our league awe am hurt”she giggled
” don’t worry dear you will soon find your soul mate today after all that’s the reason for the festival “Gael said sarcastically with an eye roll , he took Agatha palm into his while massaging her metacarpal
“yeah I wish so” Erica mumbled while staring at the ceiling with a dreaming smile as the face of Kyle filled her head .


meanwhile prince kyle stood at the full length mirror staring at his reflection , he is dressed in a black robe and his hair was on a high ponytail . his gold eyes pierced into the mirror like a needle there was alot of thoughts running in his mind .

the entrance door got unlocked and a maid walked in distracting him from his thought
“how dare you walk in here with out knocking” he hollered
and she flinched scared to the bones
” my prince i-i k-knocked s-several t-times but you d-didnt respond”she stuttered

” get out “he snapped
” but..” she trailed
” I said get out “he growled she stepped back and swallowed a large ball of saliva , the room was intensively becoming hot. she didn’t make any attempt to leave and this ignited his anger even more
“i-i can’t leave my prince I..” she trialed off when Kyle speedily grab her by the neck and slam her on the wall holding her up and her feet wasn’t touching the floor

“ahhh ” she shrieked in pain while wiggling her legs which were on the air
“no one dares defile my orders since you don’t want to leave then you will die “he growled and his eyes were now glowing bright red , his grip on her neck tightened as he struggle her . she screamed out but it came in a muffle sound which weren’t loud enough to call for help , her eyes slowly rolled up into her skull as she was already loosing consciousness and her body now too weak to keep on struggling ..

Matilda walked in with a cheerful smile as she had alot running in her mind but she froze when she saw the prince holding a maid pinned to the wall strangling the living day light out of her .
“oh my God put her down right now ” Matilda scream and Kyle narrowed his gaze towards her direction and he scoff .

“and what if I don’t ” he said coldly with a daring voice , she frown and look by the side of the room beside her and there she found an iron rod used for decoration hanging on the wall ,she grab the rode pulled it from the wall .
“put her down now brother else am going to hit you ” she said clinching the rod tight , Kyle smirked and flung the maid away a piece of paper and she crashed hard on the floor where she laid unconscious .

he chuckled with no atom of emotion in his expression , his dark aura circle the room making it unpleasant for anyone to step in .
“I see you wish to die little girl am gonna grant you your wish “he said taking a step forward and Matilda fearfully stepped back still clinching on the rode tight as she try hard not to be scared of the nightmare in front of her .

“haha you think that can save you tsk you humans are petty and foolish “he growled and descended on her like an eagle . she swing the rod to hit him but he caught the rod before it could hit him and he snatch it from her

“ahhhhh” Matilda scream when Kyle slam the rod at the side of her stomach and few of her ribs were fractured by the brutal strike delivered by Kyle . she collapsed on the floor screaming in so much pain , her body tremble and she placed her hand at the affected area which the rod had hit .
” so fragile like an egg , any last words ” he said

she stared deep into his dark glowing red eyes, she couldn’t believe the same brother she had wished to see all this year’s is about to ki|| her .
“p-please ” she stuttered and Mõ@ɲ in pain and he grin and lifted the rod up to stab her , she shut her eyes waiting for her dead but instead she heard a low whimper and next she heard was a loud thud like something huge has just fell . Matilda open her eyes only to find Kyle kneeling in front of her with the rod stabbed deep in his stomach , she gasped in horror as she stared at him . blood gushed out soaking his robe , he lifted his head up and this time his eyes were bright gold

“get outta here he’s gonna ki|| you ” Kyle groan in pain

his eyes flashed red then gold as the battle for dominance started again . it down to Matilda that Kyle had stabbed himself to stop himself from ki||ing her but how the question she has to ask it what doesn’t he mean by ★he is gonna ki|| you *

“ahhhhh Dammit go now i-ahhhhh I can’t hold him much longer go “Kyle yelled and Matilda managed to gather her strength and she staggered up and hopped out of his room . Kyle slowly pull the rod out but before he could get the rod out his eyes return back to gold , he pushed rod back into his stomach trying to keep himself down .

queen Emma,the king and Matilda rushed in not too long and this time with few guards
“Kyle oh my God ” the queen cried and quickly knelt beside Kyle whose blood was already everywhere
“get Erica .. ummm get me Erica ” Kyle yelled
“what i-i..” the queen tried to say but he groan and forced the rod deeper In to his stomach until it burst behind his back and he cough out large amount of blood which splashed on the queen face , the king stood rooted to he ground confused and same time amazed while the queen and Matilda were already in tears .

“get Erica please .. i-i.. c-can’t hold him much longer “Kyle whispered . his strength is gradually failing and his head spinning as he loose much blood .
“you heard him go get me Erica Leonard fast bring her here as soon as possible , Matilda go with them “queen Emma yelled and Matilda nodded and took 2 guards with her
” all will alright my dear don’t worry she’s gonna be here as soon as possible”she said caressing his sweaty face with a toothed smile as more tears ran down her face ,Kyle lifted his head up and stared deep into her eyes and for the first time she saw his humanity she saw a side which she has never seen in him ,the side she only saw when he was just an innocent boy ….


?2022 publish ?

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