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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 41

the maid whom was sent to Kyle room told the king and queen that the prince refuse to join them for diner , the queen decided to take his food to his room but Matilda pleaded with her to let her take his food to him and she agreed but not with our much pressure .

Matilda pushed Kyle door open with out knocking and he growled like a wild cat
“what do you want ” he yelled glaring at her with arms folded , she gulped down and put on a smile
“since you don’t wanna go down for diner I have decided to bring it up here for you “she said ignoring his glare , she place the tray of food on a wooden stool. she smile and stared directly at him like she’s trying to read his expression

Kyle huff and carefully folded his arms behind his back
“am not hungry , I will eat when Erica is back ” he said and Matilda frown

” b-but she’s coming back tomorrow you can’t possibly sleep with an empty stomach”she said worriedly
” you are in no place to question my decision young girl so leave while now that am still nice “he said pointing to the door , she click her tongue and shook her head negative with a stubborn look
“am not letting you sleep with out having something in your stomach so if you don’t want me to frustrate you then eat “she said . Kyle bite his lower lips so hard that it bleed

he is trying hard not to loose his cool “I said leave don’t let me hurt you ” he spat
“and I said and not leaving here until you eat “she lashed back , Kyle fingers started shaking behind his back. he quickly clinched them into a fist to stop them from shaking , he shut his eyes and grit his teeth

“you are getting on my nerves young girl , don’t let me hurt you just go”he said almost in a whisper but she heard him loud and clear , Matilda hissed and folded her arms behind her back
“what’s up with you , why are you acting like …”

“I said leave ! “he yelled and she flinched , his eyes switched from gold to flame yellow

hot wind gushed on her skin and she couldn’t help but wince
“umm ” she Mõ@ɲ and took a step backwards
she gave him a confuse look while trying to process what just happened . his red eyes return back to gold and he puff out hot steam from his nostrils like an angry bull , his neck and face was already d@mn read .
“w-what t-the h-hell” she stuttered

“please leave I don’t wanna hurt you “he said and gradually the hot temperature inside his room died off .
“I don’t know much about you brother but am not leaving here until you eat so it’s either you eat or you hurt me to make me leave “she spat bracing herself for the worst , Kyle knitted his brows confused wondering if she isn’t scared after what just happened .
“I love your red eyes but gold suits you more , I don’t know why you are this way but am gonna accept you which ever way you are because you are my elder brother “she said and smiled calmly , Kyle stood akimbo .

he swallowed in slowly and bow his head like yes trying to think , he loves her courage her willingness to still stand strong even when facing her own doom

“she’s just like Erica ” prince Kyle thought ,he sluggishly sat down in front of the food tray and he pick up his spoon , he exhaled and took on more look at Matilda then uncover the food and he stared eating . she watch him with a big smile plastered on her face ..


inside an abandoned building rooted deep in the woods , Lin could he seen seated on a large block while Ruby the lady from earlier stood in front of him .

“what is taking Freya so long ” Ruby ask with a worried expression , she adjusted her cap and hissed .
“am back ” a loud voice echoed and a young girl walked in swaying her hips like a dancing cat ,Lin scoff with an eye roll while Ruby sigh and turn to Freya who was dressed in a male coat .she had a long tobacco pipe laid hanging beside her pale blue lips .
“what took you so long Freya ” Ruby snapped and Freya smirked and took the tobacco pipe from her lips and she puff out smoke out of her nostrils
” sorry for that I ran into some locals so I had to handle them , here I gat the black oil “she said and brought out a small container from her coat , Ruby beamed and took the container from her
“just what we need , Lin what do you know about our host “Ruby ask while still staring at the little container
while Freya return her pipe back into her mouth and she drew from it and puff smoke from her mouth which formed lots of smoke balls .
“Elena is her name she’s friends with Trixie , she’s gonna make the job easy all we gat to do is… ”
” we already know that Lincoln but Ruby what about Gael huh am still sure he can sense the Nixi ” Freya said .

Nixi is a coven of 4 witches created by Katherine years back and this coven include Lincoln, Freya and Rubyrose . they are all ancient witches who use dark magic to preserve their body to keep them young and flashy but the truth is that they are older than they all look , Katherine is the most powerful one and next is Ruby before Lincoln and Freya .

” Gael won’t sense us I have already cloak our presence but we have to get Katherine back as soon as possible”Ruby said
” why don’t we just go ahead and ki|| this Elena girl and give her body to Katherine am bored I need more action “Freya said soaking her tobacco pipe . they all were quiet for a while then Ruby cleared her throat
“don’t do anything stupid Freya we have to stay low for now ” Ruby said and Freya hissed .
” I will be on my way now I gat to find men who will oil my rusted Virgina “Freya said walking away and Lin hissed
” she will never change will she ”


it was middle of the night and by now no one was wake ,the palace was quiet like a graveyard even the tiniest sound made could be heard .
”ahhhh dammit”Kyle groan sweating heavily while trying not to go insane , the battle inside him had gotten worst than ever

pain washed over him his stomach burn from inside like he had just drank a cup of lava but never the less he wasn’t willing to give up but yet his body is getting weaker and his soul is slowly falling into the darkness .
“let me out boy
let me out , I have been locked up here for years I want my liberty ” whispers echoed and Kyle twisted his body and rough his hair like a mad man , he was slowly loosing his sanity .

“n-no m-more ” Kyle whispered and his eyes switched from gold to red , he smiled ans sat up then rouse up from his bed . he walked close to the full length mirror beside his room
“I look so handsome tsk , just how I always wanted now time to play .

dëx la cëx” he chanted and he transformed into a black crow which flew out of of his room through the window I to the dark night ..


the sun finally came up and it was a new day the day for the festival and yes the streets of Zalodan Is already booming ,musics filled the air waking everyone up .

Agatha woke up and beamed happily she took a quick shower and dash out of her room to fix something to eat and to get ready for the day . she gasped when she got to the seating room only to the whole place decorated with flowers and she saw Gael folding a lantern paper trying to make one . she smiled and quickly hug him from behind

“happy lantern festival ” she whispered into his ears and he smiles
“good morning love how was your night ” he ask and she slowly came I from of him still smiling
“my night was good how about yours ” she ask
“well it was good now help me fold this and let me check the cakes on the oven I will be back “he said and ran off , she smiled and pick up an already made red lantern which had a heart shaped on it . she noticed a small lantern on the floor it was white in colour and it had a drawing of a young girl holding her father hand , she pick it up and observe the design
“wow never knew he is good in paintings” she whispered
” okay food is ready milady “gael announced coming forward with a tray of cup cakes
“awe so sweet you made them ” she giggled clapping her hands in a dramatic way , Gael wiggled his brows and placed the tray in front of her
” yap and it’s all for my one and only heartbeat” he teased and peak her lips and her face redden
” you are good in words Gael “she chuckled and took one of the cake , she took a bite and Mõ@ɲ as it’s sweet sugary test hit tongue
“umm d@mn this test nice and it smells nice too ” she Mõ@ɲ taking another huge bite , Gael smiled happy she loves his handwork . they both eat laughing and discussing like couples which they were , it was fun to be together

Agatha knew she has fallen I love with him but what she couldn’t tell was why does it feel familiar like see had already fallen for him even before their first encounter ..
Gael leaned close to her and before she could see it coming he claim her lips and the responded to his kiss soaking the bottom of his like
*umm “she Mõ@ɲ as his wet tongue slid into her mouth …

“Agatha happy lantern festival da…” a loud voice echoed as the wooden entrance door to Agatha cottage burst open startling both Gael and Agatha , Erica swallowed her words when she saw Gael . her mouth jaw-dropped while her eyes move from Gael to Agatha who were still learning close to each other.

“angel , Agatha . you guys better start explaining yourselves”Erica half yelled ..

” am doom “Gael mumbled ..


?2022 publish ?

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