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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 39

the sun gradually sank down and the sky became twilight giving it a shade of purple and red cloud , Zalodan road was still busy with activities popping here and there .

3 carriages came into sight and the carriages were accompanied by few palace guards , all eyes turn to the carriages most especially the one in the middle .
prince Kyle stared out through the window frowning in dismay and by his side was Erica who couldn’t contain her joy
“isn’t it beautiful” her voice sounded and Kyle hissed and took his gaze away from the window
” Its awful and noisy ” he spat not impressed at all . Erica scoff with an eye roll
” yeah I was expecting you to say something like that ” she mumbled
” huh”prince Kyle mumbled staring at her , she bite her lower lips and look away.


“why the hell are we here ” Gael ask staring at the big shop and Agatha scoff
“the festival is tomorrow so we have to get lantern materials to make one “she said and he hissed and glare at the leather material in form of papers which are used in the making of flying lantern.a young lady who might be in her late 20s or so walked towards them smiling brightly
“hello sir ma’am welcome to …”

“there’s no need for the long boring introduction and blablabla bla .we are here to get materials for the the festival”Gael said cutting the attendant and she smile weirdly
” I like your voice it sounds mesmerizing” she said with a flirty kind of smile and Gael smirked
” really awe am blushing ” he said faking a girl voice
“hahaha you’re funny I like guys like you , my name is cherish and my sister owns this shop “cherish said grinning with head up high
” nice meeting you cherish am.. ”

” okay that’s enough ” Agatha cut in and cherish and Gael turn to her , it seems they didn’t even acknowledge her present likes she’s invincible. cherish frown but quickly smile
“and you’re ..”

“am Agatha and this idiot here is my husband “she spat glaring at Gael who wiggled his brows trying to suppress his laughter , cherish gasped and took a glance at Gael to know if agatha is blabbing
“calm down dear wife it’s not bad to flirt with beautiful single ladies or is it “Gael said and Agatha scoff and step on his toes deliberately
“ouch ouch that hurts love ” he wince
“umm s-sorry f-for the way I acted early miss but aren’t you too young for marriage” cheris “cherish shuttered and Agatha hissed through her teeth
“is that supposed to be a question , aren’t you too old to be single “she fired back and cherish frown and folded her hands
“don’t insult me please am ..”
” you know what you have been of service to us for too long . let’s get outta here “Agatha chirped in and drag Gael out like a child

” hey calm down hey wait ” Gael yelled and as soon as they got out she pinch his nose so hard that he shrieked and jump back
“what was that for ” he pouted and Agatha folded her hands under her Břě@šť and tap her feet fast on the floor while glaring at him
“you were flirting with her huh are you okay at all , how can you flirt with another lady when am standing right beside you . arhhh I feel like ripping off her head with my bare hands “Agatha boiled , Gael arched both brows and ran his tongue around his lips
“seems someone is jealous” he sang and she pause and like an exploded volcano agatha sneered
“why won’t I be jealous when .. wait why am I even jealous you know what am going home. stupid! “she spat and stump off , Gael eyes widen and he chase after her
“wait love am sorry you don’t have to be annoyed , you’re far more beautiful than her I was just… hey listen to me “he gushed but she didn’t stop or reply ..

a lady who has been watching them all this while suddenly stepped out of her hiding place , she wore a brown Italian gown and pamula sun hat which covered half of her face leaving just the shade of her red lipstick visible.

“Gael have already found her how interesting , they should better get ready for Katherine return . Trixie will have to die again and again till Gael learns to love Kathrine and learn to accept her as his one and only “she spat
” sister I found a girl and she will be a good host “the same guy whom Elena had bomb into earlier said coming from behind and the mysterious lady slowly turn around grinning evilly
“that’s go Lin, where is Freya ” she ask and Lin hissed and rub his palm together
” she went out to retrieve the black wood Ash for the spell . sister I smell the presence of someone power someone like .. ”

” the king of chaos, Kan Hamlin , he is here I can feel his presence but that isn’t our problem all we have to do it get Katherine back and we will achieve that soon “she said and Lin nodded ..

maids stood outside waiting for the prince just like the queen had instructed them ,Matilda stood outside among the maids dressed in an expensive white gown which was designed with stones , her tiara had a red germ in shape of a heart on it . she smile anxiously while fuddling her fingers as she won’t stop staring at the gate just like her all the maids were anxious too

they won’t stop whispering among themselves while staring at the gate

“why is it taking too long” Matilda thought and just then the royal carriages rode in along with few guards , all eyes light up including Matilda who smiled

the horses came to a halt and the carriage stopped . 2 guards ran to the middle carriage and they open it for the prince to step out but instead Erica did and everyone frown
“ahhh finally ” she squealed

“where is the prince ”
” she’s a maid isn’t she”
” why did she step out when the prince is supposed to ”
” am not sure is the prince is in there “the maids murmured amongst themselves , Matilda ignored them and approach Erica with a smile

“wow you look beautiful princess ” Erica said
“so says the queen of beautiful” Matilda joked and they both hugged
” I heard my brother is coming him with you where is ..” Matilda words choked as soon as prince Kyle stepped out of the carriage in full glory ,his aura spread around like smoke and not just her but everyone around felt his superiority and they all couldn’t help but bow their heads .

“gush he is handsome ”
“he is the prince ”
” hell he looks like a god to me ” murmuring broke ones again among the maids and others around .

Kyle eyes scan the line of maids and the guards who were shivering for no reason and he scoff, he turn to Matilda who was just staring at him like a lost puppy .

“you look so much like your mother ” that was the first word that came out is his mouth and Matilda blushed and look down
“thanks for the compliments brother ” she said and the mentioned of brother Kyle expression darken and he rolled his eyes
“am not your brother we aren’t related in any aways ” he seethed and she gulped down
” but am your flesh and blood,you are my elder brother “she said now staring directly at his face , Kyle went mute for a while as he glare at her . Erica who stood at the corner knew if she doesn’t interfere Kyle will say something awful

“umm okay highness please meet your loving sister Matilda she’s my friend and I will like it if you get along with her “she said glaring at him , he shot her a more dangerous glare which is capable of chasing away a lion but Erica didn’t flinch but Matilda did .

“okay how am I related to this guy again ” Matilda ask herself baffled
” your highness your presence is needed at the throne room ” the royal announcer said bowing
” so pathetic” Kyle grumbled and the announcer lead the way toward the throne room and they all followed behind him .

the elders were present to welcome their prince , they all stood side by side waiting anxiously including the queen who won’t stop smiling . the king try hard to hide his nervousness and anxiousness which was eating him up , he didn’t know how to face a child he hasn’t seen for the past 25 years

a child he fears and condemn . how was he gonna face Kyle and funny enough he doesn’t even remember his own son name .

“the prince is here ” the announcer cried and pushed the large door open and Erica , Matilda and Kyle walked in . the king heart drop as he stared down at the splitting image of himself though a younger version.

“father ”
“good day my queen and queen ” Erica greeted with a bow and so did Matilda but Kyle stood still staring at his father eye balls to eye balls , his jaw tighten and veins popped around his neck .

“such an hypocrite” Kyle spat out loud enough for everyone to hear and loud gasp followed
” what do you mean by that boy ” the king spat glaring at him , Kyle scoff and carefully scan the throne room

“what a waste of time , when am I to return home “he ask glaring at the king and queen
” you are home Kyle welcome home ” the queen said and rouse up from her throne putting on a motherly smile and with the side of her eyes she glare at her husband …


finally Kyle is at Zalodan let’s get this story started.?

?2022 publish ?

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