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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 36

the throne room was filled with elders who stood side by side in front of queen Emma who just stared down at them with an unreasonable expression , the king isn’t available for now so she’s the one running all state and local affairs.

“my queen we are here to day to talk about 2 things , first is the coming festival and the second is the future heir to the throne “the oldest elder said and queen Emma scowled
“the lantern festival is already on motion every streets of Zalodan is currently being decorated . the festival is in 2 days time so no need to worry about that “she said
” what about the heir to the throne , prince Kyle isn’t fit as you know due to his predicament so we have decided that princess Matilda should take his place as heir and we should start preparing her “another elder said , queen Emma gulped down and leaned back on her throne with out giving any response .
“princess Matilda have to take a husband who will rule by her side I will suggest we send out marriage proposals to noble families ranging from royalties to locate level “another elder added
” my daughter is gonna choice her husband by herself, I will make sure she picks a worthy man to be her life partner “she said
” that will be great my queen umm so what about the prince what is his condition now “the eldest elder ask staring at face to read her expression
” you all may leave “she said flatly , they are murmured against themselves as they leave the hall and she scoff
” Tony ” she called and just as she did a young guard ran in and bowed in front of her
“send massage to the glass mansion Erica has to return home to celebrate the festival with her family “she said and Tony nodded before exiting the throne room .


Erica was busy at the castle garden reshaping it to her test , the gushing hot sun sat above her glaring down like she offended it . she use a rake to gather all dried leaves into one large ball , she stood up and wipe her sweaty face with her palm then look around and a big smile formed on her face . she had succeeded in clearing the whole garden and also trimmed the flowers

the garden now doesn’t look over grown and unkept it looks neat and more attractive .

meanwhile prince Kyle stood at lower pavement staring at her as she work
his face blank and his eyes shiny gold . his held a black hand fan which he beat on his left palm from time to time while staring at her
“ahh just ki|| the pest ”
“ki|| her and let’s get on with it ”
” put and end to her tiny life” whispers whooshed in his ears like wind
it took great effort not to succumb to his darkness under will , veins appeared all over his neck as he struggle to stay in control .

Erica lifted her head up and she smile when she saw him

she knew he won’t come out since he h@ťě doing so during the day.
“highness ” she called waving at him likes she’s expecting him to respond instead he frown and slowly turn around and walk back into the darkness , she brought down her hand feeling a little bit disappointed.
“weird ” she grumbled

after she was done with the garden the return back In to the mansion and took a quick shower , she climbed on her bed and it didn’t take long before she fell asleep .

prince Kyle walked into her room holding a chop knife 10 times sharper than an ordinary knife , he smirked evilly and he scan her body thinking of the sortable to stab her. he lifted the knife up ready to push it down , he push down his hand to stab her just in a split of seconds Erica flung her eyes open . she quickly roll away and the knife missed and stabbed on the bed not with out giving her a slide cut on her back
“ahhh , highness ” she gasp shocked . her voice instantly brought prince Kyle back to reality
“y-you a-almost s-stabbed me ” she stuttered with a panicke look while prince kyle hissed and glare at the knife
“do you h@ťě me this much to try to ki|| me in my sleep “she ask
” yes I h@ťě everyone about you Erica . you most die ” he growled angrily and she flinched at how dangerous he sound
“sorry about that he ahhhh stop talking ” he yelled at no one in particular
” he wanted me to ki|| you ,am sorry for that ” he said calmly while glaring at no one in particular . it dawn to Erica that it was the curse,
the curse was making him to do things without his willingness .
“it’s okay highness umm I understand ” she said and he nodded
” from now on please make sure you lock your door when ever you’re inside it seems am starting to black out and if this continues then I might someday harm you “he said

” I will do that from now on”she said
he spun around and left her room , she quickly slam the door shut and bolt it with out wasting time
“seems someone is scared ” geal said smiling and she scoff when she saw him . he sat on her bed with legs cross while grinning from ear to ear like a lizard

“where were you when I got attack by some psycho who almost ki||ed me if the prince hadn’t interfere”she seethed glaring at him
” sorry baby I was busy sleeping “he said
” sleeping “she yelled angrily while glaring murderously

“why won’t he stop smiling I feeling like slapping his smile off his face “she thought

seeing how furious she looks Gael sigh and stood up from her bed “sorry for not being here but don’t worry am gonna get to the root of this “he said
” what ever”she mouthed with an eye roll
” c’mon give me a smile it’s me your one and only angel “he joked and tickled her and she giggled and slap his hands away
“stop okay fine I forgive you” she said and he beamed like a child and pull her into a hug
” ummm so warm and comfortable ” he Mõ@ɲ ,he sniff her neck which produced clue smoke like energy and he absorbed it .Erica groan feeling a little pain in her head
” get away from me “she shrieked and push him away , she tuck her loose hair behind her ears while glaring at him
“what was that for ” she ask breathing hard,Gael hissed and look away.

how was he gonna tell her she’s a power house if magic, living battery filled with untouched magic.

“someone is after my life I can feel it , first it was those 4 ladies then the crazy face thief who stole his highness face and tried to fool me “she said worriedly
” a shapeshifter “Gael said
“yeah something like that but he has magic , prince Kyle was able to over power him but… “she stop taking when she noticed how funny Gael was acting . he sniff the air like a dog whose trying to search for something
“what ” she ask with eyes wide open
he ignored her and continue sniffing the air , his expression crumbled
“Kan ” he whispered and just then a brown falcon flew and landed at the Erica’s window

the present of the falcon got their attention mostly Erica . she walked close to it and observe it’s legs and there she found a piece of well folded paper
“it’s a letter I bet it’s from the palace “she said and quickly caught the bird , she took the letter and carefully unwrap it .

she read the letter and her face brighten up
“what ” Gael ask
“the queen is sending a carriage here to pick me tomorrow , she wants me to return home for the festival . I need to inform the prince of my departure”she said smiling
” i need to tell… “Gael couldn’t even complete his words and she’s gone , he sigh and facepalm his face
” how funny she has grown attached to him. “he grumbled ..

” highness .. highness “she called excited as she ran downstairs towards the library. she pushed the door open and there he was reading

prince Kyle lifted his head up and arched his brows , his glare move from her to the bird which she’s holding .
“what’s the problem ” he ask putting down the book
“the queen wants me to return to Zalodan for the lantern festival” she said
prince Kyle was confused about the whole thing and the fact she’s leaving to her so call Kingdome made him to frown even more .
“you’re going back to your zoo Kingdome because of some lantern festival how pathetic”he spat , her happy expression went sore and she scowl
“stop calling Zalodan zoo , Zalodan is a wonderful place unlike like here which is boring “she half yelled , he rolled his eyes and look away from her

“this will be the best opportunity ”
“i will ki|| as many people as i want , 1000 souls in exchange for mine ” the whisper came again and prince Kyle hissed and tighten his fist while glaring at the table .
” if you’re going then am coming with you ” he said which got her suprise , she suspected the curse might be one speaking so she frown

“why will you want to…” she shut her mouth due to his glare
” if you’re going to your zoo Kingdome then am coming with you “he said , she glare at him for calling Zalodan a zoo Kingdome but who is she to talk back at him .
“am so happy you are coming with me highness am assuring you this will be the best experience of your life . I need to send message across to the queen of your visit “she said and quickly ran out and just as she did prince Kyle smirked

“foolish girl she doesn’t know my going there is to be awaken .. ahhhhh “kyle groan

the battle for dominance between prince Kyle and his darkness was getting out of hand ,Kyle knew going to Zalodan was a bad idea but he had to because of erica.her presence helps keep him in control of his body but how long is he gonna last before his darkness consume him into blackness .
” in your dreams I will make sure you won’t hurt anyone “i-i most not let him win this is my body and I won’t let anyone ruin it “prince Kyle muttered …


?2022 publish ?

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