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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 31

Milo jump down his horse which was standing in front of an old abandoned temple
he stared at the large temple tower and he couldn’t help but wonder why Matilda will want to see him in such a place . he had received a letter few hours ago from Matilda saying they should meet here ,

he walked into the temple minding his steps due to how dusty and rusty the temple was .
“hello Milo ” Elena voice rang and she appeared behind milo who frown he wasn’t expecting her
“what are you doing here ” he ask confused but she smile and step forward closing the space between them .
“Matilda sent me a..”

“oh it wasn’t her it was me I want us to talk “she cut him and he scoff and step back away from her . “what do you wanna talk about huh ” he ask obviously annoyed that she had tricked him to come here, Elena sock her lower lips and stared directly at him

“I love you Milo ” she said and he blink rapidly like a girl
he wasn’t expecting that at all , he stared at her dumbfounded but quickly recover from his shock state .
“are you high why will you love me , I love someone else Elena sorry to hurt your feelings but I can’t love you back “he said in his most calmest voice hoping not to offend her
” is it because of her huh what does she have that I don’t huh , am pretty just like her so tell me what else do you want “she half yelled but he shook his head vigorously
” you’re beautiful no doubt , you’re man dream woman but … ”

” but what Milo huh c’mon we can be together love is a gradual process am sure you will learn to love me back. princess Matilda doesn’t deserve you she’s gonna shatter when the time comes she’s gonna get married to a noble “she said and wrapped her arms around his neck
” c’mon Elena stop this am in love with Matilda and I can’t hurt her for no reason .. “he said
” stop calling her name Milo I love you that’s all that matters “she yelled and slam her lips on his . Milo pushed her and she fell roughly on the dirty floor , he pushed his hair backwards with a frustrating sigh
“enough of this Elena I can’t love you get that into your head “he yelled
she quickly rouse up
” stop saying that Milo you’re hurting me you love me I know you do .y-you just have to let it out “she said wanting hold him but he shove her aside but she fell down again
” am outta here Elena better delete what ever you have in that head of yours “he yelled and stumped out of the temple .Elena cried her eyes out

her eyes were now visibly red and more tears poured down her cheek
“ahhhh Milo belongs to me and i alone , Matilda most be taken out of the picture I don’t care if she’s a princess or not “she gritted her teeth and her fist tighten ,veins appeared on her forehead like roots and her ones beautiful face looks more like that of the vampire than human ..

Agatha stood in front of a fishmonger who was busy cutting a large fish
“here milady ” the old fishmonger said handing her a leather of fish ,she groan lowly

she was having a terrible headache but she tried all she could to come to the market to buy ingredients to cook ,her sight was starting to become blur but she managed to collect the leather from the man and paid him .

“gush my head ” she grumbled and staggered back and forth before proceeding ,she took few steps forward and her legs wobbled
she slump but before she could hit the ground someone caught her but she was too weak to open her eyes but his scent filled her nostrils ,no one needed to tell her it was her mysterious Mr White ..

after hours of sleeping Agatha woke up but wince as she felt a sharp pain in her head like her brain is pierced by a needle .
“how did I end up here ” she mumbled and scan the room and yes it was her room
she remember collapsing at the market but some saved her .
the room door open and Gael walked in holding a tray of food and hot tea

“what are you doing here papa ” she half yelled but wince ,Gael scoff and came in front of her .
“you shouldn’t shout young lady your brain is not fully healed “he said and placed the food on the bed right on her thigh which was buried inside the duvet.she stared at the plate of noodles and big meats and her mouth water and she swallowed lots of saliva.
“what happened to me why did i pass out ” she ask
“I don’t know but I think it’s out of stress ,it seems you have been stressing your brain too much “he said
” stressing my brain and when did you become a doctor”she ask with arms folded and he chuckled cutely
” you don’t have to know now you have to eat ” he said and took a fork and used it to wrap the noodles .
” what are you doing “she asked quizzically and Gael hissed and lifted the fork close to her mouth
“am feeding you silly ” he said and she gasped
“what ” she scream and he used that opportunity to push the fork into her mouth and retrieve it .she frown and chew then swallow
“am not a kid so let me feed myself” she said
“you are sick Agatha “he said
” my hands are still functioning so let me feed myself”she said but Gael refuse to give her the fork
“it’s either I feed you else am gonna turn you to a book “he thr_@tened
” hahaha you can’t do such a thing ” she said laughing but the glare she got from made her to think other wise
“can you turn me to a book ” she asked scared an he smirk and leaned close to her
” you don’t want to try me love ” he whispered into her ears and she swallowed hard .
” umm you can feed me I gat no problem with that ” she said smiling nervously and Gael nodded and start feeding her and she eat like a child .
“drink this it will help you heal fast ” he said and handed the tea to her and she collected the mug and gulped down the tea .
“now that’s my sweet heart ” he teased and pinch her cheek , he took the tray and left her room ,.she somehow enjoyed his company and she couldn’t but smile

“he isn’t that bad ” she mumbled grinning from ear to ear .
meanwhile gael was at the kitchen washing the used plates when he suddenly felt someone behind him .he grab knife and threw it at the person

“ahhhh ” Agatha scream
she narrowed escape the knife
“are you insane” she yelled and Gael grin and help her stand up
“don’t sneak on me like that again am very sensitive to intruders” he said and return to the washer
” only people with lots of enemies are that alert ” she said and wipe her butt before standing beside him
“hahaha I have a hand full of enemies Agatha but non can dare come after me except my siblings”he said and Agatha humm and pick and apple and she took a bite from it
” so your siblings are after you ” she ask but Gael chuckled and shook his head
“nope not all just 2 they both think am a black snake hiding in the dark waiting for the best time to strike”he said she shrug
” it’s weird for siblings to fight each other it’s childish “she said absent minded

Gael pause and took a quick glance at her before returning back to the plates “it’s not childish for sibling to fight it’s normal.”he said and rinse his hand then turn to her
” why are staring at me like that ” she ask shifting back uncomfortable but Gael chuckled
“you look beautiful am just imagining how our wedding night will look like “he said and she blush but quickly look away
“you’re crazy no doubt ” she grumbled , he came in front of her so close that their body were almost touching each other
“you’re driving me crazy Agatha , seeing you right now make me think of our past life “he whispered and kiss her neck and she flinched
her mouth went dry
” w-what a-are y-you doing” she stuttered , she couldn’t find her strength to push him away . he kiss her neck down to her clavicle

his hands ran down her body down to her butt
“ummm ” she Mõ@ɲ as suddenly wave of pleasure gushed on her and for the first time she felt something like liquid running down her underwear.she gulped down and he kiss in-between her expose Břě@šť

Gael suddenly stop and his eyes flashed gold , he vanished out of sight leaving her hanging
“what the hell ahhhh ,come back here ” she yelled in frustration
she couldn’t explain what she felt right now but it felt nice and she would give anything to feel it again …


Erica groan and twisted her body on her bed like she’s having a nightmare,4 ladies dressed in a black gown and large sunhat which covered their face leaving just their lips visible .they strangle her and she try to scream but she couldn’t find her voice it was like she had gone mute ,tear ran down her face

“hahahaha die little pest ” they growled at the same time ..a strong light wave blast the ladies away and the crashed at different direction

“et vui de zuil ” Gael roared an unknown word and the ladies scream out in pain
“master Gael ” they all called
” you made a wrong mistake trying to hurt her ” he yelled and stamp his feet on the floor .

the floor shattered and a large hole came into sight, hot lava was flowing inside the hole ,

“no no pit of internal torment” they scream and Gael scoff and push the ladies into the fire pit and it zapped close and the floor fix itself like nothing had happened.

“Erica ” he called and quickly hug her
“w-who are they, t-they tried t-to s-strangle me ” she stuttered
” don’t worry it’s okay no one can hurt you when am here “he whispered…


? 2022 publish ?

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