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Friday, October 18, 2024
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☪️his royal darkness☪️
(living in his darkness )

? written by provy?

****do not copy or repost****

chapter 3

Mr Lee was busy reading a poem when Erica hugged him from behind he sigh and put down the poem book
“hey papa am back ” she squealed
“yeah I noticed that now why is my little princess home so early “he ask and for a short while Erica smile vanished as she remembered what Elena did but it didn’t last long for her to resume her cheerful smile again
“kinda had a fight with Elena but not to worry am cool ” she said , Mr Lee hissed and turn around facing her fully
” you look so much like your mama ” he said smiling sadly
“c’mon papa no need to be sad at least she didn’t leave with out dropping a beautiful gift for you “she said referring to herself as the gift
” hahaha indeed she really dropped a gift for me , something more than gold .” he said and tickled her and she laugh
“papa stop ” she said laughing but he didn’t instead he tickled her even more , when she couldn’t take it anymore she ran out of his study room . he smile as he exhaled heavily while staring at the photo of his wife which was on his table

“I miss Pamela , but not to worry our little sun flower is alive and safe ” he mumbled

†*** 1 hours later****

“four hundred and ninety nine five…wait where is one of my sheep” Erica gasped

she was standing at the field where her father sheep’s were grazing , she discovered one of her sheep isn’t among the colony . she gathered the available ones and took them back home so as to report to her father

“papa.. papa ” she called out while searching for Mr Lee who was at the backyard feeding the horses

“am at the stables ” he yelled and not too long she came in

dressed in a brown trouser and white T-shirt and a long boot , her cowboy hat fitted her head giving her an old West cowgirl crazy look . Mr Lee admired her for a moment then he chuckled and return his gaze to the work he was already on .

“papa one of our sheep is missing ” she said and Mr Lee sigh when he heard this
” do you think someone stole it or it might have wandered into the jungle “he ask since there’s a jungle not too far from their grazing field

“I think it want into the jungle ” she said
“then let it be there’s nothing you can do to get it out “he said with a finality tone but Erica wasn’t willing to just let go .
” no papa am going to search for it”
“don’t you dare go into the jungle Erica it’s dangerous”he yelled at her ” but papa I can handle myself I … ”

“Erica you can’t handle yourself , you are scared of a insects and mosquitoa are your greatest enemies so please stay away from the jungle . am begging you “he said in a pleading tone , she stared at him for a while then she nodded and walk away but little did he know she has her own plan in mind .

she walked into her father room and took his hunting gun , she rush out making sure Mr Lee doesn’t notice her but as soon as she left Mr Lee rushed into the house and streight into his room only to find his gun missing . no one needed to tell him it’s Erica’s hand work

“oh my God this child won’t ki|| me ,Erica ..Erica ” he yelled and rushed out but couldn’t find her .he sat on he ground and wept helplessly what will he do if anything should happen to her .he once had hundreds of slaves working for him but when he noticed they had eyes on his daughter he sent them all away thinking it was the best but now he think he had made a terrible decision sending them away .

meanwhile Erica walked into the jungle with the gun clinched to her chest, she held on it’s handle frame like he life depends on it .

she swallowed hard on every step she took into her own doom , she wanna prove a point to her father that she is now a big girl who can handle herself and also handle her father farm but in most cases we make foolish decision just to prove an unnecessary point ..

“you can do this Erica you’re the man I mean the girl “she corrected herself


Mr Lee was still dejected when a carriage came in front of his house and 3 guards came down along open the door for princes Matilda who smile

“greetings father ” she muttered with a bow and Mr Lee smile sadly
“greetings to you my dear , how are you my princess ” he said and princess Matilda nodded a fine with out giving any answer , she secretly ran her eye around hoping to find Erica ,Mr Lee noticed this and he smile sadly
“am sure you’re looking for Erica “.

“oh yes Mr Lee where is she “princess Matilda ask
” she stubbornly went into the jungle in search of my lost sheep ” he said sadly and the princess gasped out shocked
” what! and you haven’t done anything about this , the jungle is a dangerous place . quick Matias you and your men should accompany me to the jungle “she said and her guard by name Matias gasp
” it’s too dangerous to…” Matias wanted to protest but she shot him a glare and he shut up .
“am coming with you ” Mr Lee said and princess Matilda nodded and they both climbed into the carriage which rode off speedily ..

meanwhile Erica gasped when she saw her a large lion feeding on something, she gulped down as her heart beat accelerated . the growl of the lion was all she could hear she wanted to turn around to leave with out alerting the lion but she mistakenly stepped on a dry stick which broke .

the sound of the broken stick alerted the lion and it stop what ever it was doing . it snapped it neck and it’s large grey eyes fell on Erica whose legs wobbles and conniption grip her , cold chill ran down her spin as she stared at the lion who slowly turn around facing her with a murderous glare .

she could see her lost sheep carcass on the ground with blood all over it’s soft wool . with shaky hands Erica lifted her gun up , the lion sneered and took one bold step forward and she flinched and with out wasting time she pull the trigger and Bam was the sound heard and the ejection from the gun threw her down .

gun power and smoke puffing out if it , the bullet as expected missed and the lion charged forward with a great speed

“ahhhhhhh ” she scream
the lion tried to bite her but she place the gun in between it’s mouths preventing it from biting her but the lion claws tore into her skin as it struggle to eat her .. the lion bite the wooden gun continually until it started cracking
she knew her life was over …

“oh what have I done , someone help please ” she scream out in tears , the wooden gun divided into 2 and the lion sank it’s sharp canines on her right shoulder and flung her away . Erica crashed on a tree not too far and she landed hard on the ground

“ahhh ” she let out a heart piercing scream as she hit the rocky ground , her spinal region hurts like hell .

blood ran down her wounded shoulder as well as her forehead . with a spinning sight she sighted the lion running towards her
she groan in tears as she wait for her death .

before the lion could get to Erica an unknown force hit it away and it crashed on the ground . the lion growled and staggered up quickly to fight his attacker

a guy dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and white trouser stood in front Erica , his forehead has a butterfly symbol which was glowing bright blue. his shirt wasn’t button so half section of his well molded chest was visible and his well curly white hair gave him an inhumane handsome look .the lion roared and charged toward him

“stupid beast burn to ashes ” he commanded and the lion shrieked and it’s body went ablaze , the agonizing roar of the lion filled the air as it slowly burn to ashes leaving just it’s bones on the ground …

Erica lifted her head up with a blur sight and she could see him but couldn’t figure his face due to the fact her sight is blurry .

the white hair guy smile calmly as he approached her
“don’t worry sun flower you’re safe ” he said while patting her head with a tender smile
” angel “she muttered before falling into darkness ..

****2 hours later *****

Erica groan and flick her eyes open and the first person she saw is princess Matilda who beamed
“finally you’re awake ” princess Matilda said smiling and Erica sigh as she could feel pains all over her body ,she tried to seat up
“ you don’t have to do that your wounds aren’t healed yet ” princess Matilda said stopping her and she laid back flat
“where is papa ” she ask worriedly and just as she said that Mr Lee walked in with a physician
“papa am…”

“yeah I know now shut up and rest ” he grunted ,she knew he’s angry but she wouldn’t want him to yell at her so she just stayed mute while biting her lips fighting the urge to speak .
“it’s gonna be alright Erica ” Matilda said giving her friend an assuring smile
” I know my princess but papa is mad at me ” Erica said sadly while stealing a glance at her father .

after working on her wounds the physician gave Mr Lee some pain ki||er and other medicine to help Erica heal fast then he left .

“papa I saw my guardian angel again ,he saved from from the vicious lion “she said and Matilda arched her brows confused while Mr Lee Scoff “we found you lying on the ground but we did not find any lion of angel but we heard a loud roar on our way into the jungle “Matilda said ,Mr Lee placed the containers of medicines given to him by the physician and he turn to the princess

“my daughter believes she has a guardian angle but don’t mind her it’s not true,she’s just living in her childhood fantasy ” mr Lee said with a chuckle

” yes it is papa ,he is so handsome ,he looks like an ice prince “Erica said and princess Matilda chuckled as she stared at Erica whose face was already hot red
“seems you really like this angel guardian”

” he’s handsome but I don’t like him “she defended
“what ever Erica but you’re blushing hard “she said and Erica quickly buried her face under the duvet
“no am not blushing…”

“fantasizing on your mysterious angel guy “Mr Lee said with a deep frown and Erica pull down the duvet from her face
“papa stop saying that ,I haven’t had an opportunity to talk to him . when ever he comes I always black out .but not to worry am gonna talk to him when next we meet “Erica said

” you’re in love with an unknown person whom you don’t even know if he is real or a fragments of her imaginations “Matilda said laughing at Erica who quickly hide under the duvet ,she could still hear Matilda laugher …


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