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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 23

“stop staring at me pervert how dare pop into my house like you own it or are you my husband”she yelled frowning while Gael smirk and squatted down at the edge of the pool
“wow I like the thought of being your husband don’t you think we should just get married “he said wiggling his brows ,Agatha felt like strangling him but how will she do that if she’s naked .

” I don’t care now close you eyes and let me get something to wear ” she said glaring at him
” why should I do that “he said smiling
” ahhh you’re so annoying ,I can’t stay all day in here I need to get ready for work “she yelled frustrated . Gael smile enjoying her frustration

” i don’t mind joining you in the pool if you don’t mind ” he said and she gasped and pointed her index finger at him, she hissed not knowing what to say .

“ahh God please help me , okay …okay be a gentleman and please get me a towel to cover my body “she said calmly

gael narrowed his gaze over to the blue towel hanging on the wall , he return his gaze back to Agatha and he smirked and shrugged
“go get it yourself ”

“what ! am naked for crying out loud “she yelled while pulling her hair angrily like a insane person , Gael bite his lips and chuckle as he look down at the water with out saying a word .

he reluctantly stood up and grab the towel and he return back to the pool edge

“here ” he said stretching it out for her to take , she frown and snatch it from him .
“bastard ” she grumbled

“what did you say ” he ask
“nothing ” she quickly said and he nodded pretending not to have heard her , she climbed out of the pool with the towel around her body

“you look beautiful by the way ” he said but she shot him a glare before walking out of the bathroom .
“it’s rude not to accept compliment” he said behind her but she ignored him and walked close to her dressing table which is filled with different kind of body creams and sprays mostly oil spray .

“what have i done to you for you to be bone in my butt ” she said while creaming her body ,Gael exhaled and jump on her bed

” nothing love I just need something to talk to “he said
” yeah and that someone is me ,you are annoying am sure you know that ”
“my elder sister always remind me of that “he said

Agatha spun around as soon as she heard him said elder sister “so you have a family ” she ask an Gael chuckled and sat up . his ones cheerful expression turned pale and unreadable

“yeah I once had a family but that was about centuries ago ” he mumbled and she gasp

” centuries ago , how old are you “she ask with a baffle look ,her round eyes were pinned on him like glue .

Gael bite his upper lips and look away with out giving her any response
“797 but don’t worry am close to 798 ” he said

Agatha mouth fell wide open she couldn’t believe what she had just heard or maybe her ears had mistakenly pick a wrong information .

“hahahaha you are one funny clown how can you be 797 years old hahaha Zalodan as a kingdom is just 300 years old “she said laughing and Gael sigh with an eye roll , it is clear she doesn’t believe him . Agatha stop laughing when she saw how serious he looks

“are you kidding me how can you be a papa and yet look this handsome and young “she yelled and Gael beamed

” ahhh so am handsome wola that’s a progress ” he squealed
“I take back my words you look old and ugly “she seethed
” you know am handsome so no need to lie”he said wiggling her brows . she rolled her eyes

” what happen to your family papa ” she said and Gael frown after hearing her call him papa
” don’t call me that little thief” he said and she grin widely

he seems not to like the name but what he doesn’t know is Agatha has officially given him a new name .

“you always call me little thief so I guess papa suits you “she said smiling , Gael expression was indeed funny as he couldn’t help but glare at her

“can’t you at least think of a nice name like honey pie , love , sugar plum or anything nice why papa “he yelled

” hahahah don’t you like sugar papa am sure you like that “she said laughing while Gael rough his hair with his hand while glaring at her , he h@ťěd the fact that she felt happy calling him such an hilarious name .

“so papa aren’t you going to introduce me to you children , grandchild , great grandchild , great great grandchildren and …. ”

” you talk alot . see you next time Agatha “he said and vanished into thin air

” ahahah one up for me papa “she yelled still laughing , she felt extremely happy to have succeeded in chasing him way .


“oh my dear how are you ” mr Lee cried as he hug Erica
” ouch papa “she groan in pain and he quickly move away from her , her bandaged stomach made him furious as soon as he saw it . his gaze move to the queen who had a sorry expression on her face

“my queen can I have a word with you for a minute “he said in a serious tone not minding the queen guards , queen Emma sigh and nodded

“take my daughter to her room a physician will be sent to her shortly ” Mr Lee said to one of his servant who bow and took Erica way . queen Emma and Mr Lee was now left alone after she sent her guards out

“she’s my world ..” Mr Lee started calmly not staring at the queen .
“let me…”
“no let me finish ” he said cutting the queen off , she slowly took her lips into her mouth as she stared at Mr Lee who didn’t look please in the condition his daughter is .

“Erica is everyone I have ever since Pamela died and I promise to keep her safe . you are a mother my queen how will you feel to see your own flesh and blood in that condition my daughter is . am sorry to say his but I won’t let my daughter return to that island “he said

queen Emma isn’t new to the feel of seeing those she love suffer , she’s at the verge of loosing her only son and there’s nothing she can do about it .
she breath slowly and swallowed into nothing as she stared at Mr Lee who was waiting for her response

“I know how you feel Mr Leonard but Erica has to return to the island ”

” no way I.. I can’t let that happen “Mr Lee half yelled

queen Emma intentions were to ring Erica back and never allow her to return to the island again but when she thought of how Kyle reacted when she had gone over to the island to take Erica she couldn’t help but feel something . she felt hope , hope that her son might have a soft spot for someone

maybe Erica might be able to help him increase his humanity or maybe help find a cure to his predicament .

“am sorry Mr Leonard but Erica has to return to the island expect you want me to force you to agree to my terms “she said using her queen authority and aura , Mr Lee swallowed hard and secretly cliched his fist while staring down at the table diving him from the queen .

“I should be on my way now ” she said
“o-okay your majesty “he forced himself to answer and queen Emma turn around and left his house .

“agrahh ” Mr Lee scream out in frustration as he push down all the books on the table and they scattered on the floor . he sat down and bury his face in his palm , he inhaled and lifted his head up only to find gael in front of him

“Gael ” Mr Lee muttered with a tired sigh not surprise to him at all , Gael on the other hand wasn’t smiling as usual

“can’t believe she called me papa am I that old huh , gush am gonna turn her to an old fat cow no.. no maybe a big fat ugly old goat ahhh that will be too easy why don’t I turn her to a fat old monkey. wola that’s better “Gael grumbled and Mr Lee watch him in amazement

” gael who do you wanna turn to a monkey ” he ask and Gael sigh and turn to him
” my new friend called me old because I told her am 7 century old “he said
” well I don’t care about your so call friend . why are you here because the last time I saw you was 19 years ago so what are you doing here “Mr Lee ask and Gael scoff

” I thought you will be reasonable to give me an advise ” Gael said and Mr Lee hissed and folded his hand on his chest

” and what do you need my advice for If I may ask ”

“can you believe that little bee called me papa huh how dare her call me that . tell me leo am I that old are there wrinkles on my face ” Gael ask pointing at his face in a tantrum manner . Mr Lee shook his head frowning
it wasn’t new to him that Gael is the king of drama and also the one guy that can annoy the hell out of anyone if he wishes to . seeing him like this means he might have met his match someone who is up to his standard and there’s only one person upto Gael standard.

“I guess Trixie has be reborn ” Mr Lee ask and Gael pause

” yeah she’s has been reborn , she’s not as sweet as she use to be back then now she’s annoying and … and she dare call me papa, can you believe that “Gael yelled

” if Trixie has been born then Katherine is at the corner Gael am sure you know what that means . “Mr Lee said and Gael eyes widen as realization hit him hard

there’s no way he is gonna let history keep on repeating itself not this time .

“Katherine will hunt trixie down like she did years back ” Mr Lee said and gael gulp down as memories of his past came rushing back into his head .

not only his family was screw his love life is always screwed ,he exhaled not wanting to think about Katherine the psychopath that fell head over hills for him years back .


?am sure everyone is curious ,don’t worry all will be clear as we proceed .

?2022 publish ?

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