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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 20

the sun glare down at the glass mansion and soft hot wind whistled around , trees close by dance to it’s tones.
prince Kyle stood at his usual position close to his window while staring outside
his brows were frown and his face shows nothing but disapproval .

Erica had left the mansion very early with Mr Carter to the upper isel market with out informing the prince about her departure . not like he cares or anything but deep down he cared even if he doesn’t shows it

seconds turned minutes and minutes turns hours , more hours flew by and she wasn’t back yet

“stop staring outside ” the whisper came and the prince hissed in annoyance
” can you please shut up ” he spat
“hahaha today is the full moon our day , the day I shall take the life of that stupid insignificant human girl ”

” you should leave her out of this “the prince glared and his grip at the window frame tightened causing it to start cracking
“hahahaha you fool there’s nothing you can do , I own you and you’re nothing but a slave to me always remember that “the whisper came again . the thought of the dread moon was something he prince h@ťě to think of
he knows the darkness in him is going to be fueled by the moon to be strong enough to take over his body and there’s nothing he can do about that .
he stared up high at the plain sky for a while then he slowly turn and left the window side .

Mr Carter carriage rode in and it stopped in front of the mansion door and Erica stepped out with a big smile .
” don’t worry My lady I will get the items inside ” Mr Carter said with a bow
” no.. no don’t bow am just a commoner like you so there’s no need for that “she said and Mr Carter smile and nodded then she walk in caring 2 bags with her .

prince Kyle was inside the music room playing his piano with eyes close while humming a song to himself , the lyrics were already in his head so he just sang mentally with out using his lips .

as soon as he stop playing Erica walk in clapping
“bravo your highness ” she said smiling but as usual the prince kept his cold expression
“where have you been ” he said harshly and she sigh ad stop clapping
“I went out to get food items and other items we need “she said smoothing her gown with her nervous smile , he scoff and return his gaze back to the piano keys with out saying a word .

“I got you a gift your highness ” she spoke up and the word gift made his to lift his head up meeting her happy jolly eyes .”what gift ” he ask

she came forward with a white shiny box and place it on the piano , she opened it and inside were 2 beautiful wristlet chains . one of the wristlet had Together written boldly on it while the other had Forever written on it (together forever ).prince Kyle stared at the shiny silver wristlet

she expect him to at least show a Glee expression but instead he was angry , he was immersed for a while then he snorted glaring at the wristlets .

“ummm your highness don’t you like it” she ask
“I h@ťě it just like k h@ťě you. take it away “he spat coldly while glaring at it , her heart drop and her expression went sore
Erica felt like crying after hearing him said that .
“but what have I done to warrant your h@ťě ” she said heart broken while fuddling her fingers .

” forget what I said earlier they are nice ” he said calmly

” huh ”

” didn’t he just said he h@ťěs it “she wondered

“why the change of mind my prince I thought you h@ťě them and …”she tried to say

” and I have said you should forget what I said earlier didn’t I”he snapped and she quickly nodded

” after all I can’t reject a gift from a friend ” he said almost in a whisper . Erica gasped when she heard this
her mood instantly light up once again .

“y-you j-just s-said a-am your friend ” she stuttered staring directly at the prince who lifted his head up and casted her a quick glance before looking away .

” you once asked me to make friends didn’t you so I guess you are my only friend “he hollered but Erica cared not . she quickly took out one of the wristlet which had together written on it

“let me put it on you ” she said smiling
prince Kyle stared directly at her face for a while before stretching forth his left hand . she happily wore the wristlet on his wrist and fasten it

“it’s looks beautiful on you my prince ” she said clapping like a child but he prince didn’t show any happy expression at all he just retreated his hand , his eyes moved to the second wristlet which was still inside the box .

slowly he pick up the wristlet which got Erica confused as she stared at him

“does he also want to take that one too ” she thought with out saying a word . his cold gaze move up to her

“stretched her hand ” he said away his voice sounded dulcet to her hearing , she arched her brows

“your hi..”
“I said stretched your hand ” he yelled now glaring hard at her , she reluctantly did and he slowly held her wrist and pulled her closer .

Erica flinched under his touch just as usual his palm is extremely hot . prince Kyle fasten the wristlet on her wrist then he let go of her hand ,

she stared at her wrist and smile while playing with the wrist chain
“thank you ” she said and he nodded
and stood up then walk out of the music room with out saying a word to her . she smiled unconsciously as she stared at the close door

“he is weird in many ways ” she mumbled and quickly throw herself on a bench beside her . she stared at the ceiling still smiling
her mind drifted over to Gael and she couldn’t help but sigh as the thought of how he reacted last night .
“why did you flare up like that angel ,you look hurt and angry why “she ask herself while still staring at the ceiling ..


Elena return home only to find Mrs Isabella discussing with her mother at the dinning room and she frowned

“ahh you’re here , Isabella what do you think about her ” Mrs Nam said smiling and mrs Isabella smiled
” you look beautiful my dear “she said
“thank you ma’am” Elena forced herself to answer , with the corner of her eyes she sighted a fat round looking boy with puffy face and round neck seated at the end of the table eating like a hungry pig . Elena frown in disgust as she stared at Tom who was too engross in his food to even spare her any glance

“is this the idiot am to get married to ,awe never ” she through still holding her disgustful expression .

Mrs Isabella gasped and turn to Tom
“son don’t be rude why don’t you greet your future wife ” Mrs Isabella said and Tom lifted his head up with a frown and his frown deepen when he saw Elena .
“hi ” he said and return to his food , Mrs Nam squeeze her face at his attitude but quickly put on a pretentious smile

“hahaha Tom is like that he doesn’t play with his food so do forgive him for his attitude “Mr Isabella said secretly glaring at her son

“why don’t we excuse them to get to know each other ” Mrs Nam suggested and mrs Isabella agreed with a nodded . both mother’s left the room for the children to get to know each other

tom use his tongue to wipe his plate dry and if not told you will think the plate has been washed . she gulped down irritated by all this but she had to put up with this nonsense just for a little more time . tom exhaled and leaned back on his chair and due to his weight the wooden chair made a cracky sound .

“you are not my type young lady ” he said flatly and Elena gasped
she laugh out loud while Tom rolled his eyes. “of course am not your type duh , you look like a orange so you should find a girl that looks like a watermelon to fit the equation”she said still laughing and Tom gasped

” how dare you insult me , how dare you indirectly call me fat “he yelled banging his fist on the table and Elena chuckled with a sly smile .
“now listen here orang fool I can’t get married to an empty fat put belly big human boar like you . you should better find a pig like yourself “she said in a deadly voice which got Tom shivering

” mother!!! “he screamed out loud as Mrs Isabella came running in
“what it my…”

“I don’t wanna marry this rude goat she called me fat boar , she said I look like an orange can you believe that “he cried like a child and Elena hissed and folded her hand under her Břě@šť while Mrs Isabella shot her a glare
“with this attitude of yours you will never get a husband and how dare you insult my son “she yelled
” your son is fat you know that so stop acting all motherly “Elena spat ,
” such a rude girl no wonder you’re so useless ”

” the only useless person here is your fat son no woman will want to get married to human boar so it’s better he becomes a monk else he’s going to die single “Elena fired back
” ahhhhh mother get me outta here I can’t take this any more”Tom cried even more .
” I will make you pay for this ” Mrs Isabella yelled.

“Mrs Isabella I…” Mrs name wanted to say
” don’t you dare “Mrs Isabella yelled and hurried walk out with Tom .

Mrs Nam swallowed we words , she just stood steel and watch Mrs Isabella walk away with her crying son .she turn to Elena who look less concerned by her mother angry glare ….


?2022 publish ?

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