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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?☪️his royal darkness☪️?
(leaving in his darkness)

♻️written by provy♻️
***do not copy or repost*******
chapter one

****kingdome of Zalodan****

the kingdom was on standby as everyone pray for the queen to put to birth safely , it’s been 18 hours and she hasn’t been able to bring her child to the world and this bothers everyone mostly the king .
king Mordecai pace to and fro with his hands wrapped behind his back
and his 7 elders were also there staring at him with sympathy in their eyes .

meanwhile inside a large room laid the queen who was in labour , she was already too weak to even move a muscle and 17 midwives surrounded her trying hard to help out .

“my queen ,mother of our nation please try you have to bring your child to the world ” one of the midwives said wiping sweat from the queen forehead .
“I… I… I. can’t .. am.. am . weak ” she stammered barely able to keep her eyes open
” you have to .. you have to my queen you have to do this for your husband ” another midwife said

the King was restless and his heart slam heart heavily in his chest and just then he sighted one of the midwife coming toward him

“tell me she has finally put to birth” he ask but she sigh and shook her head negative
“am sorry my king but she’s still in the same condition but don’t worry we are doing all we can to help ” she said and hurriedly walk away
” if there’s any living force out there please protect my wife “he cried out loud while staring at the ceiling ..


“okay by the count of 3 push , push with everything in you” one of the midwife said and held the queen hand and the nodded and swallowed hard
“okay by my count . 1.. 2… 3.. go ”

“ahhhh umahhhhhhhh “the queen scream out extremely loud and push with all might

“oh my he’s out I can see his head ” one of them ladies squealed with joy …

“ahhhhhhh ” the queen scream out even more and the room shook violently .

the King and his elders gasped as the whole palace shook violently like an earthquaking roar
“by the heavens whats happening ” one of the elders by name Lucius scream out all the elder and king fell to the ground along with objects and other things . the entire kingdom of Zalodan shook to it’s foundation as the sky darken and violet wind circled around with thunder clap and lightning flashes

people were frightened by this and they ran to their houses to seek shelter, a volcano which stood at the outskirts of the city exploded sending out flying earth and lava around ..


the midwife who took the child out of her queen let out a loud scream as her body went ablaze
“ahhhhhh ” all the midwives scream out in horror as they watch her born to ashes to ashes and the baby drop on the bed roughly and he started crying .

the baby had a fire symbol on his forehead and the symbol glow bright gold . the child body radiated hot wave making the whole room hot , the midwives quickly ran out of her room in fear .

only one midwife was left ,she didn’t leave like the others instead she walked close to the little child which she confirmed to be a boy .

“symbol of chaos and destruction ” she muttered as she stared at the flame symbol on the little prince forehead , she pick him up and clean him then wrapped him with a white cloth .


it took 58 minutes close to an hour before the earthquake stop .the King was still shocked even after the earthquake had stop and he was confused when he saw the midwives running out

“hey what’s happening why are all running like you have seen a ghost ” an elder ask one of the ladies

“the .. the.. the baby is curse , Mrs Sonia was burnt to ashes the moment she touched child “she rush her words and ran out the king ran towards the room his wife was and when he pushed the door open he found her there with her baby wrapped in her arms

“my love ” she beamed but the king swallowed hard as he saw the ashes of Mrs Sonia beside the bed ,
he slowly walked close to his wife

“our son is handsome he will be a great man ” she said but
king Mordecai gasped in horror when he saw the baby forehead

” he.. he.. he has a flame mark on his forehead ” he stammered
” and so “the queen ask with an eye roll
” the mark of chaos my king you child is bound to bring doom to us all ” a loud roar was heard and the king and his wife turn only to find the kingdom priest coming in with the midwife whom had helped the queen clean her baby . the lady by name Morgan she’s the daughter of the priest and also the next in line to take the spiritual circle of her father

“what do you mean ” the queen ask but the priest hissed and came close to the baby as soon as he saw the gold flame mark he shook his head .
“you son posses the mark of chaos , the mark that will brings doom to us all . when the earth shakes and the mountains cracks then it means the chaos Mark has resurface and it needs to be destroy before it becomes a problem for us all “the priest said but the queen shook her head and tighten her grip on her son
“no.. no my love you can’t ki|| our child I.. I know it’s been a tradition for all those born with the mark to be put to death but.. but “she cried

” my love please we have to do this, one life in exchange of millions of life think of those we will safe is we ki|| this child “the king said

” no never I rather die than allow you ki|| my son . I have been married to you for the past 8 years and I haven’t been able to bring forth any child and now God has blessed me with this son and you want to take him away from me .hell no “she yelled at the top of her voice . Morgan who was watching this shook her head in pity for she knows no mother will want to watch her own child be taken from her .

“my queen please do this and safe the life of future generations “the priest said
” stop .. stop no please Mordecai please don’t ki|| my son am begging “she cried and the king sigh unable to say a word as he was lost in his own world of darkness .

how will he tell his elders about his first son being cursed with chaos Mark .
how will he face his people , for years his ancestors have hunt down children born with chaos Mark because it is believe that any child born with it is bound to cause disaster to the kingdom for the kingdom has already has history of disasters caused by chaos Mark bearer .

” my love we have to do this , we have to ….”

“I said stop .. stop… stop talking Mordecai. okay .. okay why don’t you let me take my child away from here I . . I will take him far away, away from your kingdom and your people “the queen begged in tears while staring at her husband

“never !, I can’t loose you Emma I rather loose that curse child than…”

“don’t you dare call my son curse “she thundered and the king shut his mouth and sigh then he took a glance at the priest and his daughter to help him convince his wife .

“father for the sake of the queen why don’t we take the child away from Zalodan since his presence here will bring doom to us all . “Morgan said
” take the child were Morgan huh ‘” the priest yelled at his daughter
” I will take him to my glass island , my father inlaw gave the Island to me as a gift on my wedding day . the Island is empty with no inhabitant “the queen said with high hopes ..

after much convincing the king agreed that the child should be taken to this island and to make sure he stays there till the end of time just to please his wife .

“what should I tell my elders ” he muttered to the priest
” tell them the truth don’t hide anything from them because they will rebel against you if they find out you lied to them and hide your curse son “Morgan said and the king nodded slowly

he turn to the priest who was still glaring at the sleeping prince .
“come with me ” the king said to the priest and they both walked out of the room leaving the queen and Morgan behind .

as soon as they left queen Emma turn to Morgan with a gratitude kind of look
“thank you Morgan am really grateful” she said soberly and Morgan smile sadly
“no mother should loose her child curse or not . please my queen your child most leave here as soon as possible his curse Mark will bring violently
unbalanced to Zalodan if he stays here for more than 4 days “Morgan said
” don’t worry I built a mansion on my glass island , it will be his home and I want you Morgan to go with him because my husband won’t let me leave there with him . I know this is too much to ask but… ”

” don’t worry my queen I shall be there with the prince , I will take care of him but you have to contribute “Morgan said calmly and the queen nodded as tears rolled down her cheek while she stared at her little prince .

“your name will be Kyle ” she whispered and just as she named him the flame mark glowed even more brighter and she could feel the heat waving out of his body but she doesn’t care because this is her own flesh and blood ..


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