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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS ONE AND ONLY – Episode 52

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🌺Bestfriends turned lovers🌺

THEME~♡He’s a cold psycho, She’s his chatty little kitten🤐~♡



By Fave Gold ✍🏻🧡

Chapter 52

Warned us about the comments but we still did what we wanted, ignore likes, ignore comments and shares and i promise we’ll meet next week Monday cause i gats prepare for my tests on that same Monday, so that Monday post is not even sure, so lets keep acting like the celebrities we are, and ignore someone’s hardwork n stress, then we’ll see if I’ll not start posting twice a week.


“I came here as soon as I got your message. What do you mean by she’s dumb now Emily”. Mr Russell asked Emily the moment he walked into the room.

“She knows purple, Max and nothing but zero”. Emily replied pointing at Avery who was still looking blankly at everyone as the doctors and their nurses ran series of tests on her, and Mr Russell who still looked confused by Emily’s statement walked towards Avery.

“For correction. She’s not dumb it’s obviously a temporary memory loss…

Zayn was interrupted by Emily’s scoff.

“At least an accident made her dumb. What of you? Weren’t you dumb before?”. Zayn questioned and Emily frowned facing him.


“You’re not Maxxy. Where’s Maxxy?”. Avery inquired calmly interrupting Mr Russell who immediately turned red in anger.

“See what i mean by dumb now?”. Emily whispered to Russell and Zayn pulled her back.

“Can you be serious just this once?”. Zayn questioned.

“Is Avery being serious right now also? How can she forget her memory after causing so much troubles? I don’t care if she’s not well or not but serious spanking on her ugly purple b*TT!!”. Emily spat frowning at Avery who frowned back at her, and Zayn just shook head at his annoying girlfriend.

“The memory is just temporary. As long as she builds nothing but happy memories from now on, she’ll be able to regain them all in no time”. One of the doctors informed and Mrs Russell who had been quiet spoke.

“How many days exactly will it take her to recover from this crappy memory loss?”. Mrs Russell asked in confusion.

“We can’t say anything concerning that for now. But I assure you it might even be sooner than you alk expect so calm my Lady”. The doctor said before walking out of the room and Zayn and his dad glared after him.

“Who’s the fool’s lady?”. The father and son muttered at the same time, and avoided each other’s eye contact after realizing what they did.

“We’re going home now right?”. Emily asked beside Zayn who nodded.

“Then let’s leave. I don’t like staring at your sister’s face”. Emily urged holding Zayn’s arm and he faced her.

“But you rushed here without thinking when you heard about her accident”. Zayn said.

“Who told you that?! I didn’t rush here i just came to console momma!”. Emily lied and Zayn rolled eyes at her.

“Let’s take Avery home first Yolanda. I think she’ll recover quickly from there”. Mr Russell said trying to help Avery get down from the bed, but she refused.

“Avery what’s wrong? Let’s go home now”. Mr Russell said but Avery still refused and Emily just couldn’t contain her anger.

‘What if all this ends up as her little prank that she didn’t loose any memory. Oh my gawd! I know it has nothing to do with me but I’ll surely make her pay for ruining Prince’s expensive car and also implicating Max!’. Emily thought as she fumed more fanning herself with her flawless palms.

“You look like a boiling kettle? Don’t get too mad are you forgetting you’re too short to contain that kind of anger?”. Zayn asked lowly and Emily threw him a glare.

“Again with the height shaming?! If I was too short why date me then? You exaggerate a lot, I’m almost as tall as Eva if you don’t know!”. Emily snapped and Zayn’s parents faced them.

“You two never get tired of fighting all the time?”. Mr Russell asked giving Zayn a stern look.

“He called me short first!…But it’s between us so don’t get involved”. Emily muttered and Avery laughed while Mrs Russell faced Emily with a smile.

“Say something funny about my husband again. My Ave finds it funny! Remember the doctors said she needs only happy memories and you’ve made her laugh first”. Mrs Russell requested pleadingly and Emily’s eyes widened while Zayn smirked.

‘She wants me to act as a comedian for annoying Avery?!’. Emily fumed glaring at Avery.

“What do you mean by Emily should say something funny about me again? Do you really see me as a joke Yolanda?”. Mr Russell questioned and Emily nodded supporting him.

“Our daughter’s happiness comes first! So keep your foolish ego aside and let Emily use you as her inspiration to make my baby laugh!”. Mrs Russell half yelled.


“Me what Bruce?! Go on call me a vile woman like you always do! To think you’re everyone’s role model, but can’t even make your family your top priority!”. Mrs Russell cut him off and Mr Russell took in a deep breath facing Zayn.

“I know I disowned you. But NEVER marry a chatterbox like your mom if you don’t want to die untimely. She was also kind of short back in the day, enough red flags but i still made the mistake of…just don’t follow my footsteps!”. Mr Russell said to Zayn who faced Emily who immediately looked away.

“But…short people don’t give red flags. We…I mean they only pity you desperate tall guys who feel who feel you can’t keave without them!”. Emily said loudly and Zayn faced her with widened eyes.

“What?! Did I ever tell you I can’t leave without you?!”. Zayn questioned and Emily faced him too.

“Did i mention your name?! And why are you focusing on me? Are you trying to say i have the same attributes as the lady your dad just warned you about?! Wow! You’re agreeing you made a mistake dating me right? Cause I’m short like your mum was?!”. Emily asked loudly and Avery broke into another round of laughter.

“Zip it Avery! I’m being serious right now!”. Emily snapped at Avery before facing Zayn again, but Avery soon laughed again and Emily threw her a glare.

“I said Zip it!”. Emily said.

“Haha!”. Avery laughed and Emily bawled her fist walking to Avery’s bed.

“Zip it!”. Emily shunned again.

“Haha”. Avery laughed out annoyingly again.

“Ziiip the f-__-k up!!”. Emily sneered in rage.

“Hahahaha hahaha!!”. Avery laughed loudly and Emily almost grabbed her hair roughly but Zayn was fast to carry her away from Avery as she threw her feet in the air.

“Tiger! f-__-king let me go! I need to teach this anoying brat a lesson!!”. Emily yelled throwing her feet to the air as Zayn still held her back.

“Hahaha!!”. Avery laughed out again and Emily’s eyes widened more in anger, as she struggled in Zayn’s grip.

“I know what you’re doing you pretender!! Making pretty me look like a fool in front of everyone!! Avery!!”. Emily yelled.

“Hahahahhahahahhahaha!!”. Avery laughed more.

“Shut up you annoying thing!!”. Emily yelled out almost in tears this time around and Mr and Mrs Russell including Zayn broke into laughter.

“Why are you all laughing?!! I’m two years older but she isn’t taking me seriously or did she forget the word ‘Shut up’ together with her purple clouded memories!!”. Emily muttered finally calming down as she continued crying like a kid and Avery laughed again more annoyingly this time.

“Let’s just go outside. She won’t stop pulling your legs”. Zayn offered and Emily glared at Avery before leaving the room, and Zayn chuckled silently before following her.

“Don’t be annoyed by her action baby!!”. Mrs Russell yelled after Emily who was already gone while Mr Russell only stood thinking of what next to do.

‘I certainly won’t release that rascal anytime soon. He’s the reason why my daughter can’t remember anything! I’ll transfer him to the police instead’. Mr Russell thought.


Tristan was laying on his bed, busy on his phone before going to bed that night when Prince suddenly walked into his room, and when he realized he didn’t knock.

He went back out knocking and came back in.

“Since when do you care so much about knocking?”. Tristan frowned.

“Any news from Zayn yet?”. Prince asked the calmest he could. Even though he was always calm but he needed to be a little nice right now.

“No leave my room”. Tristan said abandoning his phone as he turned his back on Prince going to sleep, but Prince walked to him yanking off his duvet and throwing it to the ground.

“I’ll help you pick it back up. Only if you just tell me if Avery’s alright or not”. Prince said coldly and Tristan scoffed getting up to pick the duvet himself, but Prince kicked far from his grip and he instantly grabbed Prince’s colar.

“What part of stay away from me don’t you understand?!…

“If you really h@ťě seeing my face then you should have answered me minutes before now!!”. Prince snapped back removing Tristan’s grip from his collar.

Then suddenly then both heard a loud noise from downstairs like a glass tray or something fell down on the floor and shattered to pieces without thinking twice they rushed out of the room, going down the stairs they went straight to the kitchen where they heard the noise.

“You’re just new but you’ve broke a lot of breakables already!! The first time was during the family meeting now this? Do you know how hard it is to get this antique mexican tray in this country?!”. The head Maid Lea who was just two years older than Eva snapped loudly.

“I…wasn’t the one who broke the teapot during the family. Sir Clearn did….

Eva was interrupted by a rough slap that landed on her face, sending her straight to the floor.

“How dare you hit her!!!”. Tristan yelled pushing Eva away as he rushed to Eva helping her up.

“Madam wouldn’t like it once she hears. That this new maid has broken something expensive in this mansion!”. Leanora said and all the maids around supported her.

It was obvious they were all jealous how pretty she was compared to them and the fact that she was going to the same school as their young master angered them more.

“I won’t take it lightly with any of you if you touch her again”. Tristan warned angrily glaring at the maids, as Eva stood right next to him, but then from no where Mrs Clearn appeared grabbimg Eva by the hair she threw her to the floor, making her hurt her elbow in the process.

“I heard she broke another stuff in this house! And you’re here supporting her? Leanora hit her hard accross the face again and let me see what he’s ttuly capable of!!”. Mrs Clearn ordered and Lea smirked moving closer to Eva on the floor to slap her again when Prince pushed her back sharply and she fell to the floor on her b*tt.

“And what do you think you’re doing defying me?!”. Mrs Clearn yelled at Prince.

“What are you gonna do? Tell Dad?”. Prince uttered before walking away and Mrs Clearn glared after him.

“Coke back here! You unfilial human being!! To think you have the nerves to defy me after all what I’ve done for you to survive in this cruel mansion, were we’re treated as outcast!!”. Mrs Clearn yelled going after Prince, who ignored her as he continued walking up the stairs to his room.

“As from now on. You’re dismissed from the inner mansion duties! I don’t careif you’re the head maid you’ll be working outside with the gurads and gardeners as from now on!”. Tristan muttered coldly as he carried Eva away, while Leanora broke down in shock. All the maids who had once supported her left her and ran away.


Max was idly pacing round the comfy yet cold room. His phone was seized also so he was as bored as $h|t hating and cursing the day he had first met Avery.

“It’s been from one hell to another. I’d definitely make sure I never set eyes on her ever again”. Max muttered and that was when the iron door broke open and two hefty men walked in.

“Take him to Sampson police division. He’ll surely serve his sentence there per court order”. One of the men said as they dragged Max out.

“The f-__-k! I’ve been charged to court?! Why?!! Explain to me what hell did I do?!”. Max yelled they took him out.


“They’re asking for my fashion brand name over here. Should i pick Celine or my future Emi Gold’s fashion Dorm, DIVA!”. Emily Said excitedly as she filled out the form to her new school.

She layed on the couch, her legs on Zayn who sat a little far from her. He had refused helping her and so she decided to do it herself.

“Wow!! What’s your Instagram name?! Do they want to help me increase my followers!!”. Emily squealed and Zayn gritted his teeth changing the TV channel he was watching for the umpteenth time.

“Oh my gawd!! Do you have a celebrity Boyfriend?! No! Tiger’s too coded he h@ťěs celebrity life, so I’ll fill in I’m single!”. Emily said as she wrote it down and that was when Zayn threw the remote to the floor in anger, and Emily jolted up from what she was doing to face him.

“What’s the problem? How will I watch my favorite telenovela now that you’ve broken the remote?”. Emily asked as she stood up to pick the scattered remote but Zayn stood up also pulling her to face him, and she did.

Then he picked up her form showing it to her.

“Are these what a normal school should be asking for? Can’t you see how abnormal it is? I mean f-__-k! You’re just going to waste your time over there!”. Zayn said and Emily pulled away from him, snatching her form from him.

“You won’t understand”. Emily replied.

“Just come to Harvard!…

“Why can’t you come to Princeton with me instead? I mean i came to Geelong irrespective of the heavy fees just cause of you, so why not attend Princeton with me. If you’re confused about the course to study, then I recommend you study colour analysis with me”. Emily said.

“I recommend both you and the people who brought up that shitty course in the first place, to a psychiatrist. The f-__-k is Paint analyst?!”. Zayn let out in frustration.

“It’s not paint! It’s color analysis…

“And what do you guys do over there? Educate people that the female Virginia is tomatoe red or flamingo pink….

“Tiger!!!”. Emily yelled out.


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