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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS ONE AND ONLY – Episode 45

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🌺Bestfriends turned lovers🌺

THEME~♡He’s a cold psycho, She’s his chatty little kitten🤐~♡



By Fave Gold ✍🏻🧡

Chapter 45



“Swallow it, there’s no cheese in it”. Max scoffed and Avery began chewing slowly on the pizza before swallowing it, but then a big thud came on the door and Max stood up going to it, not till he heard.

“What are you guys doing standing there?”. The lead bodyguard asked the four men who gathered the door and Max’s eyebrows creased together in confusion wondering who they could be as he heard them speak from outside.

“This is the only room we haven’t searched yet, boss”. One of the men answered.

“We’re sure the chairman’s daughter is locked up in there”. Another stated and Max’s eyes widened while Avery smiled widely.

“True!! Bolivar!! I’m in here, come get me before I die!!!”. Avery called out loudly and Max faced her.

“That’s the young mistress’s voice”. One of the guards stated from outside.

“f-__-king keep shut!”. Max warned lowly but Avery didn’t listen as she yelled more.

“Bolivar!! Help me!!”. Avery yelled again.

“You two bring down the door!!”. The head bodyguard who happened to be Bolivar instructed.

“$h|t!!”. Max spat before running and jumping out of the window, though the window wasn’t too far from the ground outside so he landed safely.

The moment Max jumped out the door was busted open by the guards as they rushed in, searching around for Max, while one of them helped in untying Avery.

The moment Avery stood up freely she made to point out at the window to tell the guards he ran out through there but she kept quiet.

“Young Mistress…

“It’s Purple. Have you forgotten my code name?”. Avery interrupted regally walking out of the game room and the guards who made the mistake bowed slightly in apology.

“Purple. Do you have any idea where your kidnapper might be hiding?”. Bolivar asked but Avery ignored him making her way to Max’s room.

She opened the door confidently and the first thing that came to view was the last purple bag he didn’t burn. She smiled widely at its beautiful sight as it sat gorgeously on Max’s king sized bed.

Avery made to run to it, taking it with her but she cleared her throat and controlled herself.

“Young…I mean Purple, could he by any chance be hiding in here?”. Bolivar asked and Avery pointed at the bag once again ignoring their question.

“Get me that bag now”. Avery instructed and one of the guards brought it for her, she immediately snatched it from him hugging the bag tightly with a cute smile on her face.

‘Not even that devil could take you from me. You’re mine now”. Avery smiled as she hugged the bag while the guards stared at her in puzzlement.

“What do you need the bag for Purple?”. Bolivar asked and Avery threw him a glare before clearing her throat.

“This bag was found in the room of my kidnapper. What else would I need if for, if not for evidence and possession. But then would you like me to tell my dad how useless you all are? I mean you all let my kidnapper escape but you’re here asking me foolish questions!’. Avery snapped and all the men bowed slightly.

“We’re sorry….

“Don’t feel sorry for me and go out to find who almost left me with trauma!”. Avery yelled and all the guards scurried away out of the apartment while two stayed behind as her protective shields.

“We’re sure gonna sue you guys if you end up not finding….

The rest of the words got stuck in Prince’s mouth as he saw Max slowly running behind the policemen and guards in a little tip toe and he angrily rolled eyes at him.

“That motherf-__-ker”. Kyle spat lowly as he and Prince glared at Max who was now just four feet away from the gate.

Then Avery came out with her two guards and Kyle and Prince’s eyes widened on seeing her while Nancy ran towards her hugging her tightly.

“For…how long have you been in there?”. Kyle asked.

“Ask your dummy friend”. Avery replied in a whisper and then her eyes caught Max two, who was now by the gate, but he was still searching for the keys in his pocket when his phone rang loudly and everyone almost turned to face him.

“Ha!! My leg!! I think a snake bit me!!”. Avery shouted out as all the guards to her care while Max whose heart almost leaped out of his chest. Abandoned trying to search for his keys and just jumped over the fence quickly earning a secret scoff from Avery and Prince.

“I’m okay now. Leave me alone”. Avery said as she stood up, then the guards led her and Avery into a car and the rest of them occupied two other jeeps before leaving.

Nancy ran out of the car towards Prince, kissing him slightly on the cheek. She ran back to the car with flushed cheeks as she waved at him cutely through the window, while the cars together with the police car drove out of the apartment.

“What was that?”. Avery frowned at Nancy, in the car.

“I just like his cute face a lot! I can still feel it on my lips”. Nancy stated blushing and Avery just rolled eyes at her. Then Nancy hugged her tightly.

“I’m happy you’re alright! I thought I lost you!”. Nancy muttered and Avery scoffed, pushing her away.

“What was that for?”. Prince asked blankly rubbing the cheek Nancy kissed him on gently and Kyle just faced him, rage visible in his eyes.

“That girl is loosed. You’ll be ending our friendship if you happened to date her. I just h@ťě her lousiness”. Kyle warned and Prince scoffed at him.

“I’m the one who’s supposed to say that. I love my peace more”. Prince muttered.

And that was when Max rushed back in, quickly locking the gate behind him.

“A$$h*le!!”. Kyle yelled running into the house and coming back with two baseball bats handing one to Prince as they ran after Max who began running for his life.

“She f-__-king humiliated me!! I had to return back the favor!!”. Max yelled as they pursued him round the compound all through the night.


“We plan on splitting the property evenly between you and your brother. So there won’t be any unnecessary clash between you two in the future”. Mr Clayton stated but Kelvin just smirked.

“So you two have been having sleepless nights ever since I promised to send your favorite back to heaven if he ended up with the company and not me?”. Kelvin grinned evilly and his Mom gulped down nothing while his father glared at him.

“What else do you want?! Isn’t that enough for you?!”. Mr Clayton yelled and Kelvin laughed out.

“I’m the older twin. So till you two do the needful. Don’t call me into this study again”. Kelvin stated getting up from his seat and he left the study.

“You see where your pampering has got us to?! You should have just agreed with me to let him finish treatment in Liverpool but no! You missed him so much and he’s here now!”. Mr Clayton snapped at his wife before also leaving while his wife remained on her seat crying.

“Who could that be? It was obviously not Zayn. Then who!!”. Kelvin yelled when he got to his room as he kicked the edge of his bed.

“Once again he’s one step ahead of me! And that Bella!! I should have slapped her twice for wasting my time!! Such a useless two faced Ɓîtçh!”. Kelvin spat as he got his phone to dial her number. He knew she would have replaced her phone by now.

“Why f-__-k are you calling me!!”. Bella fired through the phone.

“f-__-k your d@mn self, you stupid b*tbh!”. Kelvin spat before hanging up and he broke into laughter.

“It feels good saying that again”. Kelvin muttered then his mind went to Emily and his gaze darkened.

“I’ll make you regret choosing Zayn over me”. He smirked devilishly.


👥 I think the results are out!

👥 Yea! Let’s go check our rankings in the test!

👥 I have a feeling Kelvin would be the top 1 this time around and not Zayn.

👥 Why did you say that?

👥 He’s been too focused on his new found love now. Don’t you get it?!

👥 I’m only going to see my Kyle’s ranking this time around. He came fifth in the last test.

👥 What about baddie Max he’s been eight Since God knows when.

The students gossiped but they all chuckled at the last girl’s statement as they walked to the school’s digital board right in the middle of the cafeteria where the results will be widely displayed for the whole of that month till exam begins. With the first and second highest students pictures largely displayed on both sides of the board.

That way even before staring at the results in the middle one could tell the two who passed the test as the top 2. With the first position’s pic at the right side of the board while the second at left. It was a very cool pic with interesting poses from both sides that depicted their gorgeousness.

On going to the bulletin and seeing the two images displayed on the huge screen, the students gasps out in shock.

👥 Wow!!

👥 It can’t be!!

👥 This is obviously Zayn’s handwork!

“Why’s everyone staring at you?”. Eva asked Emily who walked beside her and Talia who was busy on her phone.

“I’m lost also”. Emily muttered, looking around as the students feast their eyes on her.

She looked kind of down because of what happened last night. And even now in school when she had seen Zayn and called out to him he totally ignored her.

“I think the results are out already, I just got the update”. Talia said looking up from her phone.

“Great! Let’s go check it out in the cafeteria!”. Eva said as she pulled Emily and Talia along with her.


Zayn ignored the stares at him as he smiled staring at Emily’s result in the huge frame.

“She still couldn’t beat me. So close though, I should up my game a little”. Zayn scoffed before making to walk away, then Kelvin appeared with a glare.

“If it isn’t our Kingmaker”. Kelvin muttered, gritting his teeth and Zayn rolled eyes at him.

“If you’re so pained about the results why don’t go meet the teaching board”. Zayn muttered and Kelvin glared at him.

“Really should I? What should I tell them? That you cheated for your girlfriend? As far as I could recall she couldn’t answer a question on math on the board just early this week and now she’s beating me coming second after you?!”. Kelvin snapped loudly and everyone gasped loudly.

👥 It’s true I remember that day in class, she looked extremely dumb together with Camila.

👥 For the first time in my life I have to agree with Kelvin.

👥 He obviously paid off the teachers for her, to save her some face.

👥 Yea! It’ll be a big disgrace if the nation’s EmiGold comes out last, right?

The students gossiped and Zayn glared at each and every one of them, making them keep shut before landing his gaze on Kelvin.

“For the record Prince beat you in the test and not Emily. Try come third and not fourth next time then you can rant about how a new female student could beat you at your own game”. Zayn muttered sternly as he turned to walk away but Kelvin charged towards him kicking him hard from behind earning a loud gasp from everyone.

Zayn fell to the floor rolling and getting up instantly as he went for Kelvin punching him right in the face and then a big fight began between them. Emily and the girls walked in at that time and their eyes widened instantly.

“Tiger”. Emily muttered as she watched Zayn and Kelvin exchange blows but Zayn actually had the upper hand.

“Oh My God Em! You Came second!!”. Talia screamed as her gaze went to the huge screen displaying both Zayn and Emily’s images, with the title king and queen written boldly over their heads.

Emily wore a very charming smile while Zayn had his usual cold look on. She was putting on a golden short gown, with her hair neatly dressed. While Zayn had worn a huge red hockey baggy jacket and expensive sports gear. Then his hard to find earphones were hung around his neck as he tucked his hands in his pockets and his cool deep blue eyes doing wonders.

“f-__-k! Where did they find these pics I love them!!”. Talia gushed taking a picture of their phone till Eva nudged her elbow.

“Focus T! A huge fight’s going on!”. Eva snapped and Talia made to speak but when she saw the worried look on Emily’s face she kept quiet.

Then Kelvin did the worse when he picked up a knife from one of the tables of students that were eating and watching them.

He managed to stab Zayn with it right on the chest, not when Emily’s eyes widened as she picked up an iron tray from the nearest table and ran towards Kelvin hitting it right on his head.

“You devil!! Die!! Die in Jesus name!!”. Emily screamed violently as she continuously hit the tray on Kelvin’s head right on the same spot as he began bleeding, then he fell right on the floor, his eyes becoming drowsy as Emily continued hitting his head, till he passed out, but she didn’t stop.

“Is he dead?”. Emily asked, stopping for a second.

“No he isn’t! He just fainted and hit him more!!”. Talia replied to Emily as she continued Kelvin till Zayn pulled her from him.

“That’s enough baby. He’s unconscious”. Zayn muttered and Emily frowned facing him.

“You finally acknowledge my presence. I should just hit you also you bobo!!!”. Emily yelled and everyone broke into laughter.

“Bobo? What’s that?”. Talia mumbled.

“Yea. Never heard it before”. Eva added.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you”. Zayn muttered and Emily rolled eyes at him, turning to walk away but Zayn pulled her back by the arm and she hit his chest slightly, then like that he slammed his lips on hers in front of everyone.

“Do you forgive me now?”. Zayn muttered, breaking the kiss and Emily shook her head wrapping her hands around his neck.

“Kiss me again and then I’ll decide”. Emily muttered and without hesitation Zayn claimed her lips again this time even more hotter than the first.

“f-__-king Oppressors!!”. Renald and Kyle rolled eyes together as they walked in at the same time, then they exchanged mean glares at each other.

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