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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS ONE AND ONLY – Episode 25

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🌺Bestfriends turned lovers🌺

THEME~♡He’s a cold psycho, She’s his chatty
little kitten🤐~♡



By Fave Gold ✍🏻🧡

Chapter 25


“Tiger…please…stop–ouch!”. Emily gasped
out and Zayn only smirked as he continued.

Then suddenly a loud bang came on the door
and the duo’s eyes widened as they stopped for
a second with their shocked glance now on the

“Emily!! Emily, are you okay? Open the door
please baby!!”. Mrs Russell called out from
outside and the duos became more shocked.

‘Oh my gawd I think I Mõ@ɲed too loudly’. Emily
panicked in her mind as she turned to Zayn.

“Tiger, we’re doomed, they’ll surely catch us’ ‘.
Emily made to say but Zayn was nowhere to be
found as it seemed as if he had actually
disappeared and that was when Emily woke up
gulping down nothing in confusion as she
searched around for him with her eyes only to
find out that she was actually in her room and
her clothes which she thought Zayn had taken
off for her was still on her body, except from the
fact that she was sweating profusely nothing
had actually happened as all was just her
dream and nothing more.

“Do you derive joy in making my mum worry
about you?! Come out now you big head!”.
Avery yelled from outside and almost
immediately Emily could hear the hard smack
Mrs Russell smacked Avery on her head.

“It was all a dream. Oh my gawd how did i turn
so naughty? Having that crazy dream about
someone who already has a girlfriend!”. Emily
said, slowly roughing her hair in frustration.

“Em baby?”. Mrs Russell called again from
outside and that was when Emily spranged up
arranging her hair she went to answer the door.

“Hi momma”. Emily greeted faking a smile but
the smile soon faded when she saw that aside
from Mrs Russell and Avery, Mr Russell and
even all the maids in the mansion with few of
the guards were also present all still in their
pajamas and fighting equipments as they took
turns in going into her room to search for the
tiger she has been screaming about.

Emily bit her lower lip as she watched them
search around for what was not there. She
turned to look out of the door and sighed sadly.
Opposite her room door was Zayn’s room.

“To think his room is the closest but he still
refused to tag along with everyone? What if I
was actually in danger? Is this how he’d have
ignored me because of his stupid anger”. Emily
mumbled slowly but Avery who stood with
crossed arms right next to her rolled eyes at her

“My brother’s entire life doesn’t revolve around
only you okay? He knew everyone would be here
already so why bother to come check. To think
all was just one of your little noise making
charade”. Avery scoffed and Emily threw her a

“Last time I checked you got yourself a very
older boyfriend. I’m pretty sure you’d permit me
to add snitching it all out to my noise making
charade so your parents can find out”. Emily
said and Avery’s eyes widened but she
immediately calmed herself down and rolled
eyes at Emily.

“You were screaming tiger all through. Hope
it’s not what I’m thinking? Cause everyone
knows you call my brother tiger. My parents
might have probably forgotten but not me!”.
Avery muttered again before storming out of her
room while Emily glared after her.

Mr and Mrs Russell with the maids and guards
were soon done with searching the whole room
and the maids and guards had exited leaving
only the couples with Emily.

“Are you really okay…

“I’m sorry if I caused you guys a lot of hassle. It
was only a bad dream”. Emily quickly
interrupted Mr Russell who nodded in
understanding while Mrs Russell hugged her

“You can sleep with Avery in her room if you
are too scared of sleeping alone”. Mrs Russell
muttered, breaking the hug.

“I’m good. No need for that”. Emily smiled back.

“Okay then. We’ll be in our room if you need us”.
Mr Russell said leaving the room with his wife
and Emily nodded, making to shut the door
behind them, but the moment the couples had
walked out of sight Emily’s gaze caught a
glimpse of Zayn who was actually just coming
out of his room.

He was putting on the same clothes she saw
him wear in her dream and Emily roughed her
hair again in embarrassment when she
remembered what had happened in her dream.

Zayn just stood staring at her with an
emotionless look on his face before finally
walking away shutting his room door as he
made his way down the stairs but Emily scoffed
at him in annoyance.

“Idiot! Annoying motherf-__-ker!!”. Emily snapped
loudly and Zayn stopped on his track for a
moment, but he didn’t turn to face her as he
continued walking away.

“That Ďïčkhead! I don’t want him to tutor me
anymore!”. Emily yelled before going into her
room and banging the door loudly behind her.


Zayn took out a bottle of water from the fridge,
uncapping it he gulped down the whole content
in one goal. Then he heard some of the kitchen
maids gossip.

👥 Was it really a tiger?

👥 No it was just one of her horrific dreams.

👥 But what kind of dream would that possibly
be? Like i was f-__-king terrified me.

👥 Same here. I thought it was an ambush. I’m
so afraid of tigers.

👥 She needs to reduce the way she watches
movies like seriously. I was so scared but I
didn’t want to disappoint the bosses and that
was why I picked my huge kitchen knife and
tagged along with everyone else.

👥 But come to think of it, she calls the young
master tiger also. What if she actually dreamt
about him and not an actual tiger?

A maid asked and that was when Zayn turned
to face them. Upon seeing him, the maids
bowed fearfully before walking away through
different angles while Zayn stood still reasoning
about their last statement.

He wasn’t really asleep when Emily began
yelling out tiger! His room was the closest to
hers so even the things she whispered that
nobody heard, he heard it all. Right from the
start to the finish.

He had actually wanted to abandon his temper
and go ask if she was okay but his parents and
their entourage had beat him to it so he just
stayed back eavesdropping from his door.

“What a d@mn night”. Zayn cursed, tossing the
empty bottle into the trashcan before making
his way back up the stairs.


Max woke up and frowned when he didn’t see
Winter beside him. He looked around and her
stuff and clothes which were laying helplessly
on the floor were nowhere to be found also.

“I’ll get you in school tomorrow”. Max scoffed
before getting up from his bed and picking his
phone from the table only to find thirteen mixed
calls and two voice messages from Avery the
moment he put on his phone. The calls ranged
through the time he was f-__-king Winter.

He scoffed at it before clicking on one of the
voice messages.

🗣 Hi Maxxy! Are you asleep already? Well I just
wanted to ask if we could go out tomorrow
since it’s sunday.

🗣 Maxxy? Why are you not picking up? Do you
find me clingy already? Please pick i have
something to tell you

🗣 I’m sorry if I’m kinda disturbing your sleep
but i also can’t sleep knowing fully well that
you’re intentionally ignoring my calls.

Avery said through the phone with sadness
present in her voice and Max rolled eyes.

“I should call her before she does something
stupid”. Max said as he made to touch the call
button but that was when his room door burst
open and Kyle, Prince and Kelvin walked in.

They were all putting on a red baggy jersey with
‘Red Bull dogs’ encrypted largely at the front.
Then they also wore matching red face caps
which they wore the other way round, then
fancy crazy jeans for the leg tops topped with
huge red trainers for the foot wear. The trios
looked exceptionally handsome in their outfits.

They are huge fanboys of the hockey team the
Red Bull dogs and wouldn’t dare miss their
game for anything in the world.

“Woah! This room looks like you just finished
having a one night stand!”. Kelvin grinned loudly
and the remaining two glanced at Max
expecting his answers.

“Isn’t it obvious?”. Max scoffed and the guys
wowed at his statement.

“Who’s it this time around? Madison? Dianne?
Blaire?”. Kyle listened and Max chuckled at the
mention of the last name.

“Blaire? You mean that wide hole? You think I’d
take the risk again?!”. Max gasped and the guys
laughed loudly.

“He’s right. I’ve drilled her also or should I say
she drowned me instead? Like that girl is
actually more of a huge dry ocean like what the
f-__-k does she pleasure herself with? It must be
very huge!”. Kyle chuckled with the others.

“I’m pretty sure she uses a fire extinguisher
instead of a vibrator like other girls”. Prince
muttered and everyone broke into another round
of loud laughter.

“You’re very crazy dude!”. Kelvin laughed and
Prince just smiled dryly at his own remark.

“Go get ready. The Red bull dogs are having a
huge game today. I’m not ready to miss it for
anything in the world”. Kyle said to Max who’s
eyes widened.

“Today’s the big game? f-__-k! How come I
forgot that?!”. Max gasped before running into
the bathroom but then his phone began to ring
and he smirked when he saw the dialer was

“I’m guessing it’s one of your Ɓîtçhes”. Prince
rolled eyes.

“Nope! It’s my little clingy girlfriend”. Max
answered the call and the guy’s eyes widened.

“This motherf-__-ker has a girlfriend?”. Kelvin
muttered to Prince and Kyle who were surprised

“Shut up, let’s listen”. Kyle shunned as the trios
kept quiet to eavesdrop on Max’s call, but Max
soon helped them and put the call on speaker
making it more audible for them to hear.

“Hi bab…

“Hello Maxxy! You finally decided to pick my
calls! I’m so happy!!”. Avery gushed happily
through the call and the guys giggled lowly,
except Prince who didn’t find it funny.

“I’m sorry love. I was tired and slept early last
night that’s why”. Max said with a mocking
expression on his face.

“Either way, send me your address! Once I’m
done with my lessons at home I would like to
come see you”. Avery said and Max rolled eyes.

“Lessons? What lessons?”. Max asked.

“Today’s Sunday and my parents want my
brother to give me a three hour tutor this
morning before I can think of stepping out of
the house”. Avery said.

“Zayn’s gonna spare three hours of his time to
tutor you? You think that ice king would do
that?”. Max chuckled lightly and the guy’s eyes

“Zayn’s her brother?”. Kyle mumbled slowly.

“Wait…that bastard even has a younger
sister?”. Kelvin muttered.

“You’re dating Zayn’s little sis?”. Prince asked,
directing an unfathomable sharp glance at Max
who smirked at his question.

“Oh please! My brother isn’t that cold! Besides
his bestie would be joining me also so you see
the reason why he would tutor me even if he
doesn’t want to”. Avery said and the guys
exchanged a confused look including Max.
Kelvin’s gaze became dangerously dark as he
calmed himself hoping the bestie Avery was
referring to was Tristan and Renald and not his

“Bestie? You mean chatter box?”. Max inquired
and Avery scoffed.

“Yes it’s his shorty chatterbox wh@ťěver you call
her. She lives with us so if he’s to tutor me he’ll
take her also, to think my parents were the one
who came up with that crazy rule”. Avery replied,
obviously rolling her eyes from where she was
and Kelvin scoffed out in anger after hearing

Walking away from the others he kicked one of
the couches closest to him in a fit of rage. Kyle
on the other hand sighed deeply before going to
hold his brother before he spoils something

“I’ll send you my address via messages okay. I
need to freshen up”. Max said.

“Okay bye! Love you!! Can’t wait to see..

“Yeah bye”. Max cut off immediately hanging
up only to face his disorganized friends.

Prince sat on his bed pressing his phone
ignorantly as usual. Kyle was still holding on to
Kelvin, till Kelvin broke free from his grip and
stormed out of the room while Kyle had to go
after him.

“It’s really not cool using his little sis to get to
him”. Prince muttered, his gaze still fixed on his

“Mind your business. I’m the one who decides
if it’s cool or not”. Max spat before going into
the shower and Prince raised up his
expressionless eyes to give Max a quick stare
before returning his gaze to his phone screen.


“Are you this dumb or you’re doing this
intentionally? Check out Avery’s workings if you
can’t work out the math yourself”. Zayn uttered
harshly sitting on his reading desk with his cold
face staring directly at the rubbish Emily was

Emily suddenly dropped her pen glaring at him.

“You’re the one who’s intentionally disgracing
me! Avery’s in a junior class and I’m in the
senior aspect but you still decided to teach us
the same work!!”. Emily snapped and Zayn

“You can’t get junior work so what makes you
think you can solve math from the senior school
curriculum? Face it Emily the only thing in that
head of yours are your extravagant spendings,
Celine wears and your skincare wh@ťěver…

“Shut up you ugly toad!! Who told you that’s
the only thing in my head?! I’m super smart
okay? I just wanted to waste your time! Give me
our class work I’ll solve it in a space of three
seconds!!”. Emily bragged and Zayn nodded,
standing up and walking towards her.

He was so close that she had to shift back a
little. He picked up the book and pen she was
solving in then after writing a few questions on
it he handed the book over to Emily who glared
at the strange questions before her.

“The simplest of our workings in this term so
far. You requested for three seconds but I’ll just
give you ten minutes, even though it’s what you
can solve within seconds”. Zayn said mockingly
and Emily bit her lower lip before glaring at him.

Then Avery walked in.

“I’m here for my second lesson. Please be fast i
have somewhere to be…I mean browse at”.
Avery ski||fully changed and Zayn faced her
passing her writing equipments to her and she
collected them from him.

“Your lesson for today is over. You got your
math correctly”. Zayn said and Avery smiled

“I always do!”. Avery smiled out and Emily
rolled eyes at her then Avery glanced at her.

“Did she score way more higher than I?”. Avery
askee trying to peep into Emily’s book but Zayn
prevented her from seeing it and she scoffed.

“Of course I did. After all I’m a senior why
should i fail such cheap questions from a day
care class”. Emily scoffed boostfully and Zayn
gave her a raised eyebrow which she ignored.

“Look right here. I’m about to solve this hard
three questions at once! You can stay and
watch me solve it if you want to…

“Do you really want her to stay and watch you
work out your nonsense?”. Zayn muttered into
Emily’s ear cutting her off and Emily quickly
cleared her throat facing Avery.

“Just leave. I can’t stand your presence, i might
end up making the mistake I never make while
solving. After all even renowned historical gurus
like Albert Einstein all came to me for classes”.
Emily bragged and Zayn just shook his head at
her lie.

“I would have stayed to hear you lie more but i
have somewhere to…browse about online that’s
why I’ll be taking my leave now”. Avery said
before running out of the room and Emily
closed the door behind her, only to turn and see
Zayn standing very close to her as he stared
down at her.

“Did you really dream about me?”. Zayn asked
suddenly and Emily who was terrified at first,
soon began hearing her heart beat loudly.

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