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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS ONE AND ONLY – Episode 19

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🌺Bestfriends turned lovers🌺

THEME~♡He’s a cold psycho, She’s his chatty
little kitten🤐~♡



By Fave Gold ✍🏻🧡

Chapter 19


“You brought us home?”. Emily asked as she
alighted the car with Zayn.

“It’s only one class remaining before school
closes and since you’ve literally missed the
whole class of today what’s the essence of
staying”. Zayn said as they walked in.

“Finally someone gets me!”. Emily heaved a
sign of relief and Zayn scoffed.

“Lazy @zz”. Zayn muttered.

“I accept it!”. Emily scoffed before walking
deep into the living room where they met Zayn’s

Mrs Russell was happily massaging her
husband’s feet as he read from his business
magazine with eye glasses on.
They were both giggling at each others joke
when Emily and Zayn walked in but they didn’t
notice their presence.

“I don’t see you doing that for your husband in
the next ten years to come”. Zayn threw lowly
and Emily faced him with a frown.

“He’ll be rich enough to afford the most exotic
massage chair so why stress my pedicured
fingers!”. Emily snapped and Zayn faced her

“You really think that way?”. Zayn asked.

“Yes of course! When he’s not a god even if he
his it only means more money and clothes for
me. But either ways i might just prick his feets
I’m bad at everything not fashion”. Emily said
and Zayn nodded instantly.

“I agree with that. You’re completely useless”.
Zayn added and when Emily made to fire at him
their parents noticed their presence and faced
them with a smile.

“What are you two doing standing and
whispering about?”. Mrs Russell asked and
Emily smiled running to hug her. Then Mr
Russell checked the time on his watch.

“I missed you so much!”. Emily smiled widely
and Mrs Russell hugged her back.

“Your school closes early lately”. Mr Russell
said and Emily broke the hug with Mrs Russell
and faced him.

“The principal’s been sick lately so he sent us
home”. Emily lied and Zayn’s eyes widened.

“What does his sickness has to do with the
students studies?”. Mr Russell aaked facing
Zayn this time around and Zayn faced Emily.

“Go on explain to him why the students studies
has to be halted cause the principal’s sick”.
Zayn said to Emily with a raised eyebrow and
Emily became speechless.

“What do you mean by that? Aren’t you the one
who brought her home? Or was she the one who
drove into this mansion?!”. Mr Russell snapped
at Zayn.

“Don’t shout at tiger! He brought me home
cause I’m going through a lot right now. My
stupid boyfriend just broke up with me for no
reason at all and Tiger thought I’d be feel much
better if he brought me home”. Emily defended
and Mr Russell cooled down a little and Mrs
Russell walked closer to Emily patting her hair.

“But you feel better now right? I brought a lot
of stuffs for you on my way back from work do
you wanna try them?”. Mrs Russell said and
Emily nodded slowly faking to be sad as she
hugged Zayn’s mom again while Zayn shook
head at her.

“That’s what happens when you don’t focus on
your studies. You’ll get distracted by flimsy
things like boyfriends and stuffs. Thank
goodness you all are completely single now,
cause I’m not ready to welcome bad grades into
this house”. Mr Russell said and Emily faced
Zayn who signaled at her to keep quiet but then
she smirked at him and went to sit right next to
Mr Russell.

“What makes you think we’re all single in this
mansion?”. Emily asked cunningly and Zayn
immediately went to sit beside her poking her by
the arm to keep shut but Emily shook his hamd

“What do you mean?”. Mr Russell asked ashe
dropped his magazine seeming interested in
what Emily was going to say.

“You see you’re not single cause you’ve got my
beautiful momma as your wife. Avery’s not
single cause she’s married to purple, I’m not
single cause I’m obviously married to fashion
but Zaynnnnn!!!!……ouch!!”. That scream came
out when Zayn stepped on her foot and she
threw him a glare.

“Why’d you do that?!”. Emily snapped at him
and he glared at her making Emily more

“Zayn learn to apologize if you’re in the wrong,
you almost ruined her foot”. Zayn’s mom

“I got that”. Zayn replied still glaring at Emily
who glared back.

“Mr Russell your son’s not single!! He’s got a

“Ten thousand dollars”. Zayn interrupted in a
whisper and Emily smiled foxily.

“Make it twenty”. She whispered back.

“Fine! Just keep quiet”. Zayn sneered and
Emily nodded.

“He has a girl…what?”. Mr Russell asked out of
curiosity as he glared at Zayn.

“He has a girlfriend and it’s me!”. Emily
announced and everyone including Zayn’s eyes

“What the f-__-k are you saying?”. Zayn
murmured to her.

“You…two are dating?”. Mrs Russell asked

“What?! No way! Don’t get me wrong, i meant
to say we’re best of friends and since I’m a girl it
means I’m his girl friend right?”. Emily asked
and Zayn’s parents laughed funnily.

“Why do I feel sad that it’s not true?”. Mrs
Russell mumbled.

“You weren’t supposed to be home today. No
work?”. Zayn asked his dad trying to change the

“Of course there is and I went to work but
something came up again and i decided to
come home and wait for you to return”. Mr
Russell asked.

“Why’s that?”. Zayn asked and Mr Russell’s
expression darken as he stood up folding his

“Meet me in my study right now”. Mr Russell
said as he stood up leaving the living room.

“It isn’t something I said right?”. Emily
whispered to Zayn who had already stood up.

“No it isn’t”. Zayn replied before going upstairs
and Emily took in her lower lip staring at them.

“Don’t worry your tiger will be back okay. Let’s
go check the stuffs i brought for you”. Zayn’s
mom said as she pulled Emily upto her room.


“It’s Friday today”. Mr Russell said sitting on
his huge arm chair while Zayn shut the door
behind him as he walked in.

“I know that”. Zayn replied.

“The hospital didn’t send me a message about
any scholarship students getting admitted
yesterday”. Mr Russell said staring at Zayn who
said nothing.

“Even today and tomorrow’s Saturday. On a
norms you and i know you send eight to ten
kids every school days in a week to the hospital
so how come that it’s just four this week? Or are
you trying to lay low cause of Emily’s now
schoolinginthe same school with you and you
don’t want her to find out”. Mr Russell said.

“She already knows”. Zayn replied and Mr
Russell sighed.

“Sit down”. Mr Russell said and Zayn sat down
on the chair opposite his father.

“Was she mad at you?”. Mr Russell asked.

“Yea for a little while she was”. Zayn said.

“And when did she find out?”. Mr Russell asked

“On Wednesday”. Zayn answered.

“The time she didn’t spend the night here?”. Mr
Russell said and Zayn nodded.

“And ever since you haven’t sent anyone else to
the hospital or no one has gotten on your nerves
lately?”. Mr Russell said.

“Both”. Zayn said.

“Continue like this then. I was going to fly you
out of the country for rehab but it’s good Emily’s
presence in that school has calmed you a little I
don’t have to worry about you anymore”. Mr
Russell said and Zayn kept quiet.

“Just keep her close to you at all times, I think
that’s the only remedy to your problem. And I
noticed she isn’t always constant in school. Do
you know of any guy that’s smart enough to
tutor her every day at home after school?”. Mr
Russell asked and Zayn frowned.

“Guy?”. He asked.

“Yes. Or do you want her fellow girl to tutor her
so she could turn her lesson time to a makeup
tutorial session with her tutor?”. Mr Russell

“Well? I don’t know of anyone. But I can fill in”.
Zayn said and his father gazed at him with a
questionable look.

“You can? Won’t it affect your study time?”. Mr
Russell asked.

“No it won’t”. Zayn replied.

“Okay then and dating’s canceled for her she
should know that. She has a lot of distractions
already so it’s great her boyfriend broke up with
her. You may leave now and I’m happy for your
improvement”. Mr Russell said and Zayn stood
up and left without saying anything.


Emily was putting on the Bracelets Mrs Russell
got for her as she sat on the bed trying it on
when Zayn walked in.

“You’re back! What did he say? He’s mad cause
of what i said right? But I said nothing wrong I
only said that…”. Emily was interrupted when
Zayn lay on the bed putting his head on her lap.

Emily smiled as he began smoothing his hair.

“From the looks of things everything’s fine
right?”. Emily asked.

“Can you extend your touch to my face
please?”. Zayn asked Emily and the moment
Emily’s hand touched his face he grabbed her
hand and kissed the back of her palm and Emily

“What was that for?”. Emily asked with a smile
and Zayn sat up to face her caressing her cheek

“Thank you”. He muttered hugging her tightly
and Emily had a puzzled look on her face before
hugging him back.

“For what really?”. Emily asked slowly and
Zayn broke the hug.

“You want to go somewhere with me
tomorrow? It’s Saturday so no school”. Zayn
said and Emily happily nodded.

But then Zayn’s phone pinged of a message in
his pocket and he instantly brought it out to
check it.

💌 I’ve reserved a dinner for two at Glass n
Class restaurant. Be sure to meet me there very
early tomorrow morning I got other plans for

Bella texted and Zayn didn’t think twice before
deleting it and going offline.

“Let me warn you in advance. I’ll be spending
nothing less than a million in the least but in
highest twenty upwards so know what you’re
doing and get your credit card ready”. Emily said
and Zayn who had been staring at her lips all
through pulled her closer for a kiss and Emily
kissed him back senselessly as she rested her
palms on his chest while Zayn kissed her


“Young miss it’s getting late let’s go otherwise
I might loose my job for bringing you home
late”. Avery’s personal driver said as Avery stood
beside the road scouting for Max’s car.

“Just go in search of a mechanic okay! What if
he drives by and sees you?!”. Avery yelled as
she continued searching for Max’s car.

“But there’s nothing wrong with the car for mw
to get a mechanic. I just got it repaired this
morning remember, please young Miss just get
in the car and let me drive you home it’s getting
really late”. Berry said and Avery sighed sadly as
she checked the time on her phone.

“It’s six thirty and my brother’s school closes by
four. What’s he still doing in school by this
time? Or did he branch somewhere? But either
ways this is the same route he would have
taken right?”. Avery mumbled as she sighed
sadly then she looked up and checked the road
again and luckily Max’s car was fast

Then she arranged her hair and mushed her
lips together cause she had earlier applied a
pink lip gloss to compliment her pink lips. Then
it dawned on her that Berry was still standing
behind her.

“Go! Go away! Hide in the bush or something!!
Just disappear he’s coming!!”. Avery said as she
pushed Berry to no where in particular till Berry
finally agreed to hide in the car instead.

‘Who cares if he hides in the car. My prince
charming will be driving me home instead’.
Avery thought then she smiled as she ran back
to wait for Max to drive towards her but
unfortunately Max saw but ignored her and
drove away and she broke down on the floor

“I waited three hours of my life just for the
Ďïčkhead to drive pass me?! Just because I’m
my brother’s sister? I’m I my brother whom he
h@ťěs? Or will he say he never saw me? That
fool!”. Avery cursed at once sharply on the floor
she sat.

Max on the other hand had chosen to ignore
Avery but he wouldn’t stop checking on her at
the side window of his car as he kept on driving

“I knew it was all a joke? She can swim on the
floor for all i care. Drama doll!”. Max scoffed as
he drived away but his mind won’t stop bugging
him so he turned his car and went back to her.

The moment Avery saw him coming she
hurriedly stood up adjusting her hair again and
dusting the dirt off her skirt.

“Get in”. Max said simply as he opened the car
door for her to enter but Berry stopped her with
his hand when she made to go in and she threw
him a glare.

“What?”. Avery asked rudely.

“I can’t just let you go away with some random
guy m it’ll spell doom for me”. Berry said.

“Chill bro. If I’m a random guy do you think
she’ll waste her time waiting for me in the first
place? And yes i can’t do anything to her okay,
she’s a kid and i respect that”. Max said from
within his car and Avery frowned at him.

“Kid?! I’m seventeen! Oh my gawd! I really
wasted my time waiting for you? Who told you i
was waiting for you! You’re so f-__-king full of
yourself! It’s no wonder I never liked you from
the start! You think cause you’re handsome
every girl would fall at your feet?!”. Avery said
and Max scoffed at her.

“Are you getting in or not?”. Max asked
seriously already ready to close the door he
opened for her.

“Of course she’s not didn’t you just here her…

“Shut up! Did you Hear me say that?”. Avery
snapped at Berry before going into Max’s car
and immediately they zoomed away.

“She’s really unbelievable! I must tell boss to
increase my pay”. Berry muttered as he watched
them leave.

“I’m Avery by the way”. Avery said trying to
start up a conversation between she and Max.

“Good for you”. Max replied looking
uninterested as he drove.

“What’s your name?”. Avery asked.

“Why do you want to know?”. Max replied and
Avery frowned.

“Stop the car I wanna get down”. Avery said and
Max finally turned to face her.

“Why?”. Max asked.

“You don’t know my name or where I live so
who do you think you are to drop me off at my
house?! Are you planning on kidnapping me?!”.
Avery snapped andMax just shook head at her.

“You ses why I called you a kid? You f-__-king
don’t think straight and even end up confusing
yourself in the process”. Max said and Avery

“I’m not thinking straight cause you keep on
ignoring me! I’m I a ghost to you?!”. Avery said
and Max faced her.

“Why do you need my attention in the first
place?”. Max asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? Do i have to put it in words
that I like you! I know you might say I’m a kid
but i don’t care! Not like you’re up to my type of
guy but I’m don’t mind”. Avery blurted out and
Max stopped the car instantly facing her.

“Are you crazy? Or you’re probably drunk.
Wait…did you just say you’re gonna manage
me? Girls beg for me to manage them if it’s just
a second but you’re telling me to my face?!”.
Max gasped with widened eyes and Avery
scoffed at him.

“See why I said you’re so full of yourself?!”.
Avery said.

“And you see why I don’t like you! But you and
your f-__-king brother got an annoying attitude
and I’m not ready to f-__-king put up with that
cause i might just end up loosing my mind”.
Max replied sharply and immediately Avery
spoiled her face and began crying loudly that
she attracted the attention of the road safety
cops and they approached them instantly.

“What’s going on here?”. One of the cops asked
through the window.

“Nothing officer she’s my friend’s little sister
and i was driving her home…

“That’s a lie! He literally kidnapped me If you
check his records very well he’s a chronic
f-__-kboy and plans to rape me!!”. Avery cried out
and Max’s eyes widened.

“d@mn i should have just left her by the road
instead”. Max sighed deeply.


“What do you mean the real Camila is back?! I
thought i paid that Ɓîtçh to disappear!”. Kelvin

“Do something quick before she exposes me
and if she does it’ll automatically be over for
you as well!”. Camila said and Kelvin roufhed
his hair in frustration.

I need to watch my step. I can’t act as rashly as
before, you know i already got two last warning
from the police cause of my parents influence.
If i fumble the third time I’ll spend my entire life
behind bars which is ineveitable”. Kelvin said.

“What do you mean by inevitable?”. Camila
asked in confusion.

“I’ll show you how to deal with the real Camila
first thing tomorrow morning. I plan on using
my last strike on Emily she not only cheated
and broke me but she also insulted the hell out
of me, she’ll pay with her life or nothing else”.
Kelvin muttered with a deadly grin and Camila
nodded slowly.


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