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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS ONE AND ONLY – Episode 12

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🌺Bestfriends turned lovers🌺

THEME~♡He’s a cold psycho, She’s his chatty
little kitten🤐~♡



By Fave Gold ✍🏻🧡

Chapter 12


“Zayn stop!!”. Emily yelled as she tried pulling
Zayn away from Kelvin but out of anger he
pushed her to the ground and she hurt her

“Emily!”. Camila called as she ran towards the
scene to help Emily up.

“What’s going on here? Why is Zayn and Kelvin
fighting?”. Camila asked she helped Emily dust
her clothe.

“You know Kelvin too?”. Emily asked.

“Who doesn’t know him?”. Camila replied as
they watched how the duo were almost tearing
themselves off. Then Kelvin brought out a sharp
knife from his pocket and almost stabbed Zayn
with it on his neck secretly but Zayn was fast
enough to snatch it from him and stab Kelvin
right on the leg, making blood gush out and
everyone gasped.

“Now there’s no you won’t get punished”.
Kelvin smirked at Zayn who made to stab his
second leg.

“Tiger no!!”. Emily yelled as she rushed towards
them while Kelvin faked being in pains.

“What’s wrong with you? Do you wanna cripple
him?!”. Emily yelled at Zayn who grabbed her
hand pulling her away from Kelvin.

“You’re f-__-king with me now Em. I can’t let you
date this motherf-__-ker!”. Zayn shouted as he
tried pulling her out of the scene but Emily
snapped her hands away from his and slapped
Zayn twice right on the cheeks.

👥 f-__-k!!

👥 She didn’t just do that!!

👥 Zayn’s just wasting his efforts on a Ɓîtçh!!

“Is that all you’re going to say? After almost
crippling the guy I love?!”. Emily yelled and
everyone’s eyes widened more while Zayn

“You’re just being naive. You don’t know what
love is Emily!”. Zayn snapped.

“And you do? If you did then how come you
share no warm feelings towards poor people?!”.
Emily snapped.

“Do you have to bring that up each time we
quarrel? I promised you I’d change so just come
with me!”. Zayn said taking her by the hand

“Doll just go with him. I understand I can
manage”. Kelvin muttered pitifully and Zayn
glared at him why Emily ran to help him.

“Let’s go to the school clinic. You’ve lost a lot
of blood”. Emily said as she helped him up
while Zayn stood glaring at them.

While Emily helped to the clinic Zayn couldn’t
help but notice the cunning wink Kelvin directed
at him. Then he intentionally placed his hand
around Emily’s waist as a means of support
which only angered Zayn more.

“Baby!! I saw what happened. Are you okay?”.
Bella asked as she ran towards Zayn grabbing
is around but he pushed her away from him in
anger before storming into the school building.

“Don’t you think nows the right time to get rid of
that Ɓîtçh? We’ve already brought the skin
peeler”. Gwen asked from behind Bella and
Bella faced her.

“Do you wanna die? It’s risky enough we’re
going against Zayn by doing this but Kelvin will
ki|| us for sure. We’ll just lay low for now”. Bella
said and Gwen rolled eyes.

“At least it’s obvious Kelvin likes her a lot.
Which means you can keep Zayn to yourself
with no troubles now”. Winter said and Bella

“Let’s go in”. Blaire said and Winter and Bella
followed her.

“I don’t get what our guys see in that fake Ɓîtçh
that makes them becomes so attracted to her!!.
I’ll f-__-king deal with you myself Emily and i
won’t waste time on that at all!!”. Gwen
muttered in rage before storming away. And just
as if planned Prince, Renald, Max, Tristan and
Kyle pulled up in the parking lot.

“He just returned today and has already
caused alot of troubles!”. Prince snapped as
they made their way towards the school’s Clinic
they all actually saw what happened earlier on
the school’s blog.

“Isn’t that what you guys wanted?”. Tristan
glared at them.

“You’re only worried because you might not be
able to save Camila now that he’s back”. Prince
muttered and Tristan stopped on his track
staring at him.

“Wondering how I knew? C’mon dude you and
your girlfriend are not so good at hiding. You’ll
only end up chasing her out of this school
yourself!”. Prince glared and Tristan made to
attack him but Renald held him back.

“Let’s go prince. We have no time to spare”.
Kyle said pullimg Prince away.

“You got eyes though. Cam’s the real deal”.
Max smirked at Tristan before walking away
and Tristan said Renald glared after him.

“What’s this I’m hearing? You’re dating Camila?
You know how your parents f-__-king h@ťě
lowlives unless you want your crazy mum to
hunt her down!”. Renald snapped and Tristan
faced him.

“It’s for me to decide not you”. Tristan said and
that was when Camila walked up to him.

“We need to talk”. Camila mumbled and Renald
glanced at Tristan one last time before walking

“Go on”. Tristan replied.

“I think Prince found out about us”. Camila
said worriedly.

“Kyle and Max also so?”. Tristan asked and
Camilas eyes widened.

“They too?”. She muttered.

“You have nothing to worry about. We’re
announcing it to the whole school now”. Renald
said taking Camila by the hand but she
immediately removed her hand from his.

“I don’t want that”. Camila muttered and Tristan
frowned at her.

“Why? At least this way you’ll never get bullied
again”. Tristan said getting pissed off.

“I can’t risk it Tristan. Let’s just beg Kyle and his
friends to keep itba secret for us”. Camila
muttered fearfully and Tristan scoffed.

“There’s no way that will ever happen. It’s either
you come with me right now or we break up
right here”. Tristan said and Camila’s eyes
widened as she fidgeted with her fingers.

“Are you coming with me or…”. Tristan was
interrupted when Camila hurriedly ran out of his
Presence and he scoffed in rage before
roughing his hair in frustration.


“The nurse said you’ll have to be using
crutches till you fully recover”. Emily said as she
adjusted the pillow on Kelvin’s head.

“Thanks love”. Kelvin said and Emily smiled.

“I apologize on Tiger’s behalf he’s actually not
always like this”. Emily muttered.

“That’s a lie. He’s always like that always
hurting people but i deserve this anyways after
all I tried stealing you from him”. Kelvin said.

“Steal? We’re just best of friends don’t get it
tangled”. Emily replied.

“But you just called him tiger?”. Kelvin said.

“Yea that’s the name I forgot call him. It
doesn’t mean we’re dating”. Emily scoffed and
Kelvin chuckled

‘If so then why did he overreact? Could it be
that…no way he’s too much of an ice to
develop feelings’. Kelvin thought within himself
and that was when Kyle and his friends walked

“Chatter box? What are you doing here?”. Max
called out in shock when he saw Emily sitting
right next to Kelvin on the bed. Kyle and Prince

“Hi Maxxy!!”. Emily smiled at Max.

“You know my name?!”. Max gasped before
walking towards her to sit right next to her on
the bed but Kelvin kicked him off the bed and he
fell to the ground.

“She’s my girlfriend so keep off playboy!!”.
Kelvin spat and the guys eyes widened.

“What?! Wait is she the girl you told me
about?!”. Kyle said and Kelvin nodded making
him scoff.

“Do you know she’s a scholarship student”.
Prince asked and Emily glared at him.

“So what b*tt face? Are you the one sponsoring
my scholarship? Proud @zz! It’s no wonder
you’re so ugly and single!!!”. Emily snapped and
Prince made to make her pay but Kyle held him

“You should have understood her tongue by
now. She’s intentionally provoking you”. Kyle
said and Prince only stood glaring at Emily who
scoffed at him.

“Acting like the sane one here. You almost
destroyed my womb the last time you big
head!”. Emily snapped at Kyle who Faced kelvin

“Are you really sure you wanna date this loud
mouth? She’ll darn be the cause of all your
troubles in this school. Just leave her for her so
called bestie, he’s the only one who knows how
well to handle and tolerate her”. Kyle said and
Emily walked up to Kyle stomping on his feet
and he glared at her while Max laughed.

“You have no right to advice my boo on that!
Accept it or not we’re in laws now!”. Emily
snapped and when Kyle made to push her
Kelvin interrupted.

“Let her be Kyle. You guys should leave i need
to speak to her alone”. Kelvin said and Kyle and
Prince glared at Emily who also glared back at
them before they left the room.

“Are you deaf?”. Kelvin glared at Max who
scoffed at him.

“See ya later cutie!”. Max winked at Emily who
smiled at him before he finally left.

“You never told me you were on scholarship”.
Kelvin said.

“Does it really matters?”. Emily asked and
Kelvin sighed.

“We could just break up here then. I have an
ego to feed and not a guy to impress”. Emily
said dramatically and Kelvin scoffed at her.

“You really do have an ego”. Kelvin said and
Emily smiled.

“Come sit here with me”. Kelvin smiled and
Emily went to sit right next to him on the bed
and he helped her to tuck a few strands of her
loosed hair behind her ear.

“You’re pretty”. Kelvin smiled and Emily

“I’m not pretty I’m gorgeous!”. Emily boosted
and Kelvin chuckled before pecking her on the
lips, then he pecked her again and again till it
turned into a deep long kiss.


“You’ll write an apology letter of 800 words to
Kelvin and hand it over to him first thing
tomorrow morning or face suspension for
almost disabling him”. The principal said and
Zayn wasted no time before storming out in

“Hey!…Zayn…Emily said you had something to
tell me”. Dale stuttered slowly when he ran into
Zayn in the hallway and Zayn’s eyes shown red

“You’re well. You don’t look injured anymore.
You even just called me by my name?”. Zayn
muttered devilishly and Dale nodded slowly.

“Actually it’s all thanks to Emily I’m okay now.
She told me to come meet you that you’re ready
to apologize”. Dale said and Zayn couldn’t help
but laugh out crazily.

“Apologize? Me? f-__-k you and Emily! You’re
both stupid for thinking I’d ever do that!”. Zayn
snapped and Dale frowned at him.

“I should have known you’re still the same
crazy psychopath you are. You’ll never ever
change!!!”. Dale shouted before turning to walk
away from Zayn.

“How dare a poor Ďïčk like you speak to me in
such tone!!”. Zayn yelled before running towards
Dale then Zayn flied and kicked Dale hard on his
head at the same spot twice and just like down
Dale fell down to ground dead. His head banged
the floor hard and blood egan ozzing out like
water from almost everywhere of his head.

“Zayn!!”. Bella shouted as she ran towards
Zayn who just stood glaring at Dale’s lifeless

“What have you done! He’s f-__-king King dead!”.
Bella yelled in horror.

“Just f-__-king burn his body like you did to the
others”. Zayn muttered before walking away
and Bella stared at him with widened eyes
before bringing out her phone to dial someone’s

“Hello? Zayn’s done it again. Come pick up the
body before the school authorities finds out. I’ll
go deal with the cameras”. Bella said through
the phone.

“$h|t! This is the fourth time this week and it’s
just Wednesday!!”. The person said from the
other end before Bella cut the call and made her
way to the school’s control room.


Kelvin and Emily were still making out before
Kelvin’s phone pinged of a message and Emily
broke the kiss.

“I’ll be late for class. Have some rest I’ll come
see you later. Let me go see what that bestie of
mine is up to!”. Emily smiled getting up from
were she sat beside him and Kelvin made to
peck her before letting her go, then he checked
his phone.

💬 You wanted to know who takes care of
Zayn’s mess. Well now you know it’s his
girlfriend Bella.

The text stated and Kelvin smirked when he
saw the video of how Zayn kicked Dale to death
right under the text. Then he glanced at Emily
who was about going oyt the door.

“I think I know what he’s up to. Come see for
yourself doll”. Kelvin said trying to hide his
smirk and Emily smiled widely.

“Really? Tiger’s on Camera? Wow!”. Emily
smiled widely before rushing back to meet
Kelvin who played the video and gave her his
phone and Emily’s eyes widened the moment
she saw it.

“What’s…this?”. Emily stuttered in fear.

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