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Friday, October 18, 2024
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~Written by: Charlotte M~

Chapter 7&8: Another low life looking for money! 2

**** Next day ****

**** Francisco’s Mansion ****

Francisco woke up super early to prepare breakfast for Emily who was still asleep.

“Good morning young master.” The chef in the kitchen greeted.

Francisco nodded indifferently.

“What should I help you with?” The chef said with a worried look as Francisco took out a frying pan.

“Shhh, bye bye. ” Francisco said pushing the chef out and locking the door. “Eggs sunny side up, toast , chips, buns, biscuits and some healthy soup.”

**** Europe ****

**** Airport ****

Austin dragged his bags into the private plane and sat on a comfortable chair as the pilot’s got ready to fly.

He sat there thinking about what he would say to Emily when he saw her today.

Should it be sorry I said that put of anger or sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that or just sorry or just a small I came to see you.

“Urgh!” He saud loudly as he sat straight.

He felt bad about what he said to that little girl that day after running the trek.

He shouldn’t have taken out his stress on her.

“What starting to slowly lose your mind that’s good too.” Justin said a small smirk at the corner of his lips.

“Justin!” Austin shouted glaring at the sort of expected but unexpected guest.

“What I wanna see that kid too.” Justin said with a shrug.

Austin said and threw a final glare at Justin before closing his eyes.

**** Campbell Mansion ****

Emilia sat on the couch her clear green eyes unbothered as she looked sideways at her dad who had a worried look in his face.

“Finally starting to care?” Emilia asked with a small smirk at the corner of her lips.

“Never!” Mr Campbell was very stubborn like Emily so he won’t admit to his emotions so easily.

“Then what’s that look on your face? You seem like a commander worried about the upcoming world war.” Emilia said with a laugh.

“I am just worried because the old Mrs Campbell is coming back in a week and Emily is still out.” Mr Campbell said looking else where.

“Wh@ťěver helps you sleep at night.” Emilia said with a shrug.

**** Francisco’s Mansion ****

Emily walked downstairs she was draped in a pink dress that hugged her thin waist and showed her curvy body along with a white jacket that went down below her knees.

A few metres below her dress.

Her necklace and bracelet were easily seen from afar.

“Francisco!” Emily raised her voice lightly as she searched for Francisco with her eyes.

“Dining table!” Francisco answered.

Emily walked towards the dining table holding Francisco’s suitcase.

“Let’s eat.” Francisco said frowning at her as he stood up to take off her jacket and put it along with the suitcase on a chair.

“Late.” Emily said her bright green cat like eyes looking at Francisco.

If they didn’t leave now they would be 10 minutes late.

“I am the boss.” Francisco said with a smirk.

Emily looked at him then lowered her gaze back to the table seating down.

Francisco could clearly see the small smile on her lips as she ate her food.

So this girl could smile.

“How does it taste?” Francisco asked.

“Sweet.” Emily said something she hasn’t said ever in her life before.

Francisco looked at her as he blushed looking at her.

**** Rochester main mansion ****

Mrs Rochester and Mr Rochester listened as the man gave a review on the things that have been happening in Francisco’s Mansion.

“The girl the boss brought back is Emily Campbell there is nothing on her name except for the word military commander and nothing else. I was unable to dig any farther as there is a strong force that’s protecting her. I don’t know who it is.

We can’t even find her birth date. Her Whatsapp and Facebook account are the same.

“Oh so that lowlife has some bug shot already.” Mrs Rochester said.

“And she is the young master’s secretary.” The man said.

“Keep on monitoring their movements.” Mrs Rochester said.

After the man left.

“What you are doing is wrong.” Mr Rochester said.

“How I am just looking out for my son to keep him safe from that lowlife looking for money! That b!tch I am sure there’s nothing else. Why else would a secretary mingle with their boss. ” Mrs Rochester said.

“So all you were looking at back then was money?” Mr Rochester gave her a glare.

Wasn’t this woman also his secretary back in the day and her background was worse than worse gate.

She lived in a farm. So shouldn’t she be more open minded or did all those years of spending money and being spoiled rush to her head!

“I didn’t mean it like that!” Mrs Rochester shouted.

**** Rochester company ****

**** First floor ****

“Good morning Boss!” The people at the first floor chorused with a bow.

Emily looked at them with cold eyes.

How do people do that? She knew very well she could never bow down to anyone unless it was her ancestors!

Francisco nodded as he looked at the girls confused face.

Maybe she had thought yesterday was because they were scared.

And today was also the same as yesterday but he’ll explain that later.

They got into the elevator a d Emily pressed for his office.

“Emily.” Francisco called.

Emily turned around to look at him and nodded.

“What happened downstairs.

Why they bow to me. It’s because I am their boss and they have some sort of respect for me because I bring bread to their table.” Francisco asked.

” I?” Emily asked with wide eyes.

“You could.” Francisco said with a playful smile he wanted to know if she would.

“I can’t.” She said.

“Why?” Francisco asked biting his lips.

“It’ll break my posture.” Emily said with a frown what she was taught before.

Bowing her head to someone else would break her posture and her back would be hunched which was bad!

Francisco looked at her cute expression brushing her hair behind her ears.

Her small white face was so soft that he couldn’t help brushing his finger’s on her face as though soothing a child to bed.

“You don’t need to.” Francisco said with a smile.

“Mm.” Emily said with a wide smile.

She looked so pretty when smiling but then she was quick to go back to serious.

Francisco chuckled looking at her.

The way she changed her facial expressions was as though if she smiled any longer her cheeks would fall out.

**** London ****

**** Lolita’s apartment ****

Lolita was a blonde girl with a pair of blue eyes.

She lived with her three year old daughter Silvia.

The father of her child was unknown actually only she knew who the father was.

“Lolita!” Her best friend Lauren shouted from the living room.

Silvia was still at school so she was asleep in her own room relaxing.

She rushed to the living room and found Lauren unpacking plastics by the table.

“Babes where have you been!” Lolita shouted jumping into her arms.

Lauren was a flight attendant.

“I had to fly on a plane from here to South Texas I sort of spent a month there before flying back.

See I even got a tan.” Lauren complained with a sigh. “Enough about me how about you?”

“I am doing pretty ok single mom and still unable to find a job. I am starting to think there’s no hope for me here! Maybe I should go back to the city of l!st at least there my parents can take care of us.” Lolita said.

“Isn’t he there?” Lauren asked with a concerned frown.

“It was three years ago I am sure he has already forgotten abd he did say he was there on a business trip.” Lolita said with a shrug.

“So you think he has already left. But let me give you my honest advice. Babes I think staying in London is the best solution for you right now. Settling in here is a lot I know. But I think Silv has already made a lit if friends here.

Plus she has never been to the city of l!st.” Lauren honestly adviced.

𝐓 𝐁 𝐂 ♡

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