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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS HEART KNOWS – Episode 58

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His Heart? Knows

{?That he still wants her?}

Writer: Temiloluwa ?


?Don’t copy or repost my book ?

Loves?If you see anyone copying or reposting my book, don’t hesitate to inform me?? Thanks in advance ?


Aamir walked around the huge and charismatic looking office with a huge frown on his face. He has been staying at home for these few days. Staying with Samir at the mansion he had secretly built which is located at the outskirts of Mumbai.

The door opened and a lady walked in. She was holding a tray which had a cup of orange juice on it. She smiled as she placed the tray on the table and turned to him.

“Sir, why don’t you take a seat? She will be here in a jiffy. You shouldn’t get so worked up about seeing her,” The lady told Aamir in a soft tone.

He nodded and forced a smile but how can he calm down when the number one most distinguished divorce lawyer in the city wants to see him? He’s totally disregarding the fact that they were once friends until she travelled back to her homeland.

But that doesn’t matter right now. Divorce!!!? He could feel his head already spinning without knowing what to think. The lady smiled again and told him quietly,”Sir, just take a deep breath and drink your juice. Don’t be so nervous. She doesn’t bite. She isn’t that scary.”

Aamir nodded. He knows she isn’t scary at all but the fact that she’s a divorce lawyer is really scary. But he still followed the kind lady advice and took in a deep breath. Then he sat down on one of the comfy chairs.

He had barely taken a sip of the refreshing orange when the door suddenly opened again. A gorgeous brown skinned lady stepped into the office. She had this beautiful and confident smile on her face as she held unto the briefcase she was holding.

She was dressed in a blue shirt and black high waist skirt. She walked in slowly, her heels making low clicking sounds on the floor. Once she saw him, her face brightened up with a smile.

“Aamir!,” She called out excitedly. He sighed and stood up, dropping the glass of juice on the tray. “It’s so nice to see you again. At first, I wasn’t sure if it was really the Aamir I know. Look how handsome you’ve grown,” She cooed at him like he was a baby.

“Tammy, I see you haven’t changed at all,” He told her with a smile on his face. He is glad to see that little girl had grown into this beautiful lady standing in front of him.

She frowned and told him,”It’s Temi not Tammy. After all these years, you still can’t pronounce my name correctly.”

(?Oh my God!!! I’m appearing in my story???)

“What’s the difference? It still sounds the same,” Aamir replied.

“Well the difference is how the ‘a’ sounds. It doesn’t correspond like the ‘e’ sound. It’s Temi not Tammy, you dummy,” She teased him and the secretary immediately excused herself.

“How was Nigeria? I thought you were never going to come back,” He told Temi. She just smiled and walked to her seat. She drained the juice Aamir was hesitating to drink earlier.

He just gaped at her in suprise. She really never changed.

“Now let’s talk Aamir. What’s going on?,” Temi asked him.

“What do you mean what’s going on?,” Aamir asked her with a puzzled look.

“I know I missed your wedding but now… A divorce!? That’s just absurd,” Temi said with a look of disbelief as she opened her drawer and brought out a file.

She dropped it on the table and pushed it towards Aamir. Aamir gaped in shock when he saw the names written on in bold letters, ‘ZOYA SHARMA & AAMIR SHARMA’.

He was so stunned that he couldn’t talk for some minutes. When he finally found his voice, he asked in a choked tone,”When did she come for this?” Cause he doesn’t remember applying for a divorce.

“Well, your wife didn’t come here. Heck, I’ve never even seen her. She contacted me via email,” Temi replied.

“Why don’t you just go for counselling instead of resolving it to this? I won’t sit back and let my ex-bestie married life be ruined,” She continued.

Aamir sighed and rubbed his face in frustration. He couldn’t believe that Zoya had really applied for a divorce. Didn’t she think about Samir? What about him…? Didn’t Zoya think about her Aamir?

Does she really h@ťě him this much now that she’s willing to go as far as divorcing him? He was still list in thoughts when Temi snapped her fingers in delight.

Aamir looked up at her and she squealed excitedly. “I have a plan… Well, I have only tried this on a client before and it totally worked. I hope it’ll work for you too inshallah,” She told him.

Aamir laughed softly and asked her,”Huh! You’ve really improved Tammy… You even learnt few islamic prayers when you couldn’t even greet in Islam when you first came here.”

Temi looked pissed off. She glared at him and told him,”I can see that you are still as annoying as ever. It’s Temi not Tammy, you blockhead. Focus on your married life not Islam. Now where were we?”

“You have a plan.”

“Aah, yes… Here’s the plan…,” She then whispered the remaining words into his ears. Aamir’s face transformed to a happy one when she finished. She winked at him and said mischievously,”We can’t risk the fans listening so I had to whisper it to you.”

She then stood up and walked to a cupboard. She soon returned with a file. “You just have to sign here and here,” She told him, pointing to few places on the file.

Aamir nodded and picked up a pen, then he signed in the required places swiftly. Omg!!! Did he just sign the divorce papers!!!? I’m so curious ?

Temi smiled and then handed the file to him. “Now you just have to make sure she signs it without reading it. Can you do it?,” Temi asked him.

“Yes of course. How dare she try to divorce her hubby? I’ll teach her a lesson,” Aamir said with a determined look on his face.

Temi laughed and shooed him out of her office. “I can see that you are still as arrogant as ever. You don’t have much time and I have another meeting soon so kindly leave my office. You are not welcome back here and extend my regards to your wifey,” She told him.

Aamir leaned in and kissed her cheeks as a sign of goodbye greeting. “Don’t work to hard in case boify gets mad at you,” Aamir told her cheekily as he walked out.

“Dummy, I’m single and not searching!! I just need my skin to remain fresh and then I make more money,” She shouted after him. Aamir laughed again as he walked out.

?Don’t copy or repost my book. You won’t know what will ki|| you ?

Zoya frowned in her sleep and turned around, hoping the annoying noise would go away. But it just kept on getting louder until it registered in her brain that it was the doorbell.

Without opening her eyes, she made a move to stand up but couldn’t. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw that Kashan’s hands were tightly wrapped around her.

Jeez! When did she fall asleep beside Kashan on the sofa? She gently moved his hands and stood up groggily. This gentle movement woke Kashan up.

He sat up with a huge frown and watched as she opened the door. Zoya adjusted the scarf on her head properly and looked up. She wasn’t expecting to see Aamir’s angry face.

She felt a little bit relieved that at least he finally came. That was until she saw the file in his hand. She could see the bold letters on the file visibly. It spelt out D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

“I already signed the papers. It’s your turn,” He told her coldly as he glared at Kashan who smirked at him. “Sorry to disturb your little lovey-dovey time,” He added.

Zoya’s fingers clenched tightly against her abaya.


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